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Waluigi - Everyone Else Cheated! (Assist Trophy Confirmed)

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Smash Champion
Feb 18, 2002
This is basically the conversation as I see it, yeah. Three psychic-focused characters isn't strictly speaking a lot, but when you compare it to the magic-wielding characters it's kind of strange, since in video games you definitely would think you'd be seeing more wizardy sorts.

Even if the numbers were equal, it'd be surprising. And the numbers aren't equal because literally nobody would call Peach a sorceress unless they were trying to be an *** and fuel an otherwise non-argument. :p

The psychic characters clearly have that as their focus, while the only character who truly has magic as a focus is Zelda. Ganondorf's magic, in Smash, is definitely just whacking things with his limbs (while having a pretty purple graphic).

... if anything, Peachy would be another psychic character, as she uses the raw power of her emotions to enact change on the world. Basically, she's Carrie.


Smash Journeyman
May 15, 2013
Inside Your Head
Lucario's kind of psychic too: the ability to see and manipulate aura certainly sounds psychic to me at least. And since his central mechanic is his aura, unlike Peach and Ganondorf, that means you have four psychic power based fighters and one magic based fighter.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
Sometimes Waluigi thinks... He thinks about the important things in life...

LIKE BEAUTY. Can't stop supporting the Purple Pedophile :troll:

Brent Johnson

Smash Rookie
Jul 21, 2013
Whoever Said Waluigi Should not be in this game is wrong.. Waluigi is better then Bowser Jnr and Toad. Waluigi would have better moves and make a great story line with Wario in the Adventure Version of the Game. Waluigi Yes!!! Bowser Jnr should be the Second one and Toad just no.. Keep him with Peach

Brent Johnson

Smash Rookie
Jul 21, 2013

This guy has been in more games than can be counted on fingers and toes, dating all the way back to the first Mario Tennis game - that's right, he's older than Bowser Jr.!

His main competition for a Mario series representative is arguably Bowser Jr. and Toad - the former of which is a character who appears as Bowser's minion, and Toad who is already part of Peach's moveset and would be difficult to give one of his own. Paper Mario has as big a shot as Waluigi, but he represents his own series. Waluigi represents the entire spin-off lines of games and could have a very wacky and original moveset based around rackets, clubs and other sports apparatus. He was even an assist trophy in Brawl, unlike other competition, showcasing the appreciation Sakurai has for the characters and its fanbase. Sure, he has his haters, but you can't deny his presence in Smash would be a unique one.

Let the speculation begin!

I Could Not Agree more he his the better character of the three and would make a great duo with Wario in the Adventure Version


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
I'm not gonna go into detail about how I don't want Waluigi to be playable because I hate to be that douche we've all seen time and time again who comes into a perfectly reasonable support thread and rains on peoples parade for no reason whatsoever, but I will say this:

This guy has been in more games than can be counted on fingers and toes, dating all the way back to the first Mario Tennis game - that's right, he's older than Bowser Jr.!

His main competition for a Mario series representative is arguably Bowser Jr. and Toad - the former of which is a character who appears as Bowser's minion, and Toad who is already part of Peach's moveset and would be difficult to give one of his own. Paper Mario has as big a shot as Waluigi, but he represents his own series. Waluigi represents the entire spin-off lines of games and could have a very wacky and original moveset based around rackets, clubs and other sports apparatus. He was even an assist trophy in Brawl, unlike other competition, showcasing the appreciation Sakurai has for the characters and its fanbase. Sure, he has his haters, but you can't deny his presence in Smash would be a unique one.

Let the speculation begin!
Am I right to assume this is exaggeration on your part? Because Toad would not be difficult to give a moveset to - I don't think anybody needs reminding that Toad has been in damn near every title Waluigi's been in and then some. Pretty much any game Waluigi can use for moveset inspiration, Toad can too. That's to say nothing of his rumoured brute strength of course (as his Brawl trophy suggests), and his prominent roles in SMB2, Wario Woods, NSMBWii/U and so on.

Not that anybody didn't know all this, of course; it just rustles my jimmies ever so slightly when I see people doubting Toad's moveset capabilities. I guess it comes down to his timid personality type, but if that was a factor then Luigi would be similarly affected. Semi-rant over. :p


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2012
Upland California
Waluigi is simply too cool to pass up!
he may just be a filler character to compliment wario, but at least theres only ONE of him, as opposed to multiple styled toads. im sorry to offend the toad fanbase, but toads are beginning to become an eye sore. heck, I don't know which toad people are talking about, the blue one? the yellow one? why isn't the red one in the new super Mario bros? that's the one most people think about right? I don't think Nintendo knows which one to use anymore... :dizzy:


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
More Waluigi Miiverse drawings because, gosh darn it, he's so much fun to draw:

In response to a series of pictures where (for some odd reason) Mario jumps into a toxic lake and gets 999% damage. The final picture asked "Mario's at 999%, what do you do?":

In response to a kid asking what it would take to get Waluigi in SSB4:

Also, not Waluigi but I laughed like a moron while drawing this Wario one:


Deleted member

They say that the Food Channel is like porn for those who are on a diet.

...my guess is it's always porn for Wario.

I nearly laughed myself to death with that picture, fatman. :laugh:


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
Fatmanonice really knows how to bring out that creepiness in Waluigi, lol.

Deleted member

It's a shame that Nintendo doesn't play upon that.

....or maybe a good thing.
I don't think Brawl in the Family Waluigi, It Sucks to be Weegie Waluigi, or Fatman's Waluigi would be considered "good" for children. :laugh:
But dag gum it, Waluigi should be a creeper. It's already subtly implied he stalks Luigi.


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
It's a shame that Nintendo doesn't play upon that.

....or maybe a good thing.
I don't think Brawl in the Family Waluigi, It Sucks to be Weegie Waluigi, or Fatman's Waluigi would be considered "good" for children. :laugh:
But dag gum it, Waluigi should be a creeper. It's already subtly implied he stalks Luigi.

I wish they could find a way to incorporate some of the personalities from these portrayals into Waluigi if he made it into Smash.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
Am I right to assume this is exaggeration on your part? Because Toad would not be difficult to give a moveset to - I don't think anybody needs reminding that Toad has been in damn near every title Waluigi's been in and then some. Pretty much any game Waluigi can use for moveset inspiration, Toad can too. That's to say nothing of his rumoured brute strength of course (as his Brawl trophy suggests), and his prominent roles in SMB2, Wario Woods, NSMBWii/U and so on.

Not that anybody didn't know all this, of course; it just rustles my jimmies ever so slightly when I see people doubting Toad's moveset capabilities. I guess it comes down to his timid personality type, but if that was a factor then Luigi would be similarly affected. Semi-rant over. :p

You'd be correct if it wasn't for the fact that movesets are not made my appearances in games but by moves.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
You'd be correct if it wasn't for the fact that movesets are not made my appearances in games but by moves.
I was using the number of games they are in to make a point since a lot of Waluigi's potential moves could equally work on Toad. I'm not saying they should, of course, but dozens of the Waluigi movesets I see have him using sports equipment (rackets, golf clubs, whatever else) and some variety of explosives. Toad can use any piece of sports equipment that Waluigi can, and has a whole game effectively dedicated to throwing explosives around. I just find it humorous to see some Waluigi supporters (the select minority, granted) suggesting Toad does not have a good pool of potential moves despite the fact that Waluigi has only been in spin-offs, and in the spin-off/sports titles every character has nearly identical gear and abilities to move, spare their finishing/special moves in games like Mario Power Tennis.

To sum it up simply, Toad can use a variety of sports gear and explosives just like some people suggest Waluigi could, and that's before even touching on the platform games where Toad is playable (I imagine his recovery would be something like his super jump in SMB2, and I can see him getting his fair share of NSMBWii/U moves too). I'm not trying to put Waluigi supporters down of course, but Waluigi has only been in games where he plays some variety of sport or party game - if anything, Toad is the character out of the two with the greater moveset potential.

I don't doubt the teams ability to deliver a good moveset though, whether that be through Toad, Waluigi, or if Mario even gets a fifth rep at all.

Holder of the Heel

Fiat justitia, pereat mundus
Dec 3, 2011
Switch FC
I find that Waluigi isn't all that dependent on moves that Toad could also get, such as Bomb-omb moves, vine moves, the swimming move, and a few of the sports games he has moves with a spinning, whirling, wind motif; I don't think his standards would need them because his body type could yield for unique and interesting contortions and moves that are quirky like Wario's. The first selection involving the Bomb-omb is a bit more interesting than whatever Bomb inspired move would come out of the game with Toad.

I'm not exactly a Waluigi supporter (he really needs his own games or be incorporated into some with Wario), although I do think he's more interesting than Toad personality and move wise (standard or special), so I must disagree with your view that he apparently has more potential in the set department. The things that come to mind for him involving plucking, like Peach can do, and moves involving Golden and Poison Mushrooms from the Kart series, but I'm not entirely sure how they could work, let alone be interesting or at the very least more interesting than Waluigi's options. Although I do admit Sakurai could probably do something amazing, and indeed provide a set for him. My previous post's point was merely to nitpick.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
I find that Waluigi isn't all that dependent on moves that Toad could also get, such as Bomb-omb moves, vine moves, the swimming move, and a few of the sports games he has moves with a spinning, whirling, wind motif; I don't think his standards would need them because his body type could yield for unique and interesting contortions and moves that are quirky like Wario's. The first selection involving the Bomb-omb is a bit more interesting than whatever Bomb inspired move would come out of the game with Toad.

I'm not exactly a Waluigi supporter (he really needs his own games or be incorporated into some with Wario), although I do think he's more interesting than Toad personality and move wise (standard or special), so I must disagree with your view that he apparently has more potential in the set department. The things that come to mind for him involving plucking, like Peach can do, and moves involving Golden and Poison Mushrooms from the Kart series, but I'm not entirely sure how they could work, let alone be interesting or at the very least more interesting than Waluigi's options. Although I do admit Sakurai could probably do something amazing, and indeed provide a set for him. My previous post's point was merely to nitpick.
Well, I'm not going to take the time to make a moveset now at risk of derailing this thread (which for the record, I have no objections with), but some of Toad's moveset potential could include: the Power Squat Jump, some form of Judgement-esque luck-based moves (in reference to the Toad Houses), POW blocks or some other variety of Mario blocks (again, given his status in the Toad Houses, and how the blocks in Mario are supposedly Toads affected by Bowsers magic), something involving his space ship, the Starshroom; the propellor and penguin suits, something involving his spores (Peach's standard B, if it were to get changed), some form of turnip throwing (it risks infringing on Peach's moveset, but characters have had similar moves before - see Flame Breath), Bomb Throwing, using a hammer, he's done Yoshi-esque flutter jumps before, he can use his aforementioned spores to grow mushrooms out of the ground, and all number of other things.

Now I'm not saying Toad should use even half of the things listed above because that would be throwing in everything and the kitchen sink for no reason whatsoever. That being said, Toad has a rich pool of techniques at his disposal, and like Waluigi, he has a unique body type (he's small and light, but has DK-esque lifting and throwing abilities, is far stronger than anybody in his weight class, but makes up for it with poor aerial mobility). Again, I don't doubt Sakurai's ability to give an able and fitting moveset to either, and it was probably a bit quick of me to say Toad straight-up has more potential (that comes down to opinion, I guess) - I just found it ludicrous for the OP to suggest that Toad's moveset potential is a limiting factor, when it is no more limited than Waluigi, and more varied in terms of games to take reference from.

Deleted member

What really puts me off Toad is that there's barely anything unique to him. Every "ability" he (or other Toads) have in games are abilities other characters can use in the same game, or something someone else is associated with.

The only thing he has unique from my research is his spore power from Sports Mix.

I know he deserves it, but he's kind of meh.


Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2013
What really puts me off Toad is that there's barely anything unique to him. Every "ability" he (or other Toads) have in games are abilities other characters can use in the same game, or something someone else is associated with.

The only thing he has unique from my research is his spore power from Sports Mix.

I know he deserves it, but he's kind of meh.
See now, this is a legitimate factor against Toad; I can agree with that.

I do however, think it's worth noting that Luigi and Peach were in the exact same position when Melee came out, but it's a topic for another day I guess - I don't really want to derail the topic further with my mad fan ramblings about Toad. :p

Deleted member

That may be true, but with Luigi, it was rather excusable. At the time, he was essentially "Green Mario".
Peach actually had a bit to herself, though. Super Mario RPG existed back then.


Smash Legend
Jul 16, 2013
So far the only reason Waluigi is possible now this is only a option there's probably more reasons but the only reason he's possible so far is because of wario was in brawl and likly to be in 4 and for costumes Same thing wario ware Waluigi and Mario world Waluigi

Deleted member

Waluigi's got a gun? And not just a gun, but a gun shaped like his nose?


Smash Master
Jun 12, 2013
Appleton, WI
OK, that changes my moveset SO much now :)

EDIT: Thank you dearly, Fatmanonice, Waluigi and Villager haunted me for hours last night.
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