P1, great tournament. now if only GA/AL had done better...
anyways, my shoutouts... who to start with...
P1: great tournament, stop losing. (also, drop diddy)
HiChez: thank you for teaching me the lucario matchup at this tournament, it actually really helped. Now with a bit more practice I can actually learn how to partner with a lucario, at which point doubles will be easy
GSU people: I already forgot your names, but its good to see some other new people in the community. Hopefully you guys will stay
ESAM: THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE AND WINNING IT! i am so relieved that neither MK nor Olimar won the tournament.
Zeke: Great job setting up the venue for such a large tournament!
Spade: finally got to play against your marth, and I think i learned from it... idk, but it was fun playing against you (only time I have EVER enjoyed marth dittos)
AML: surprised I didn't end up against you in pools. Next time I end up playing you though...
Gadiel VaStar: SO CLOSE! even though i completely derped the matchup... if only brinstar was legal
I think that is all for me, can't wait until the next tournament!