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WA Power Rankings: August 2014 Update


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2006
Spokane, Wa
Also, Chip WTF!?!?! You and Deva are really talking this **** too far. Nowhere in the rules does it say you have to be nice on swf,
nah, but if you're a cool guy in person, there's no excuse to be a complete douche online. C!Z is tight, a little shy, but a cool guy. He's fun to hang with so I dont see why he's gotta be a hater online. To me, if you got a problem, just say it to my face so we can discuss it. It seems childish and cowardly to send it in messages.

but then for you to act like you dont know how C!Z got banned.

ME and and ****ing **** blackman was at that ninjas house yesterday and he showed us the user CP.

You gave him 6 points worth of infractions. how the **** is that an accident. ITs not like he had 4 and u gave him two.
Actually that's exactly what happened. Over the past few weeks Chip had given him various infractions for other instances. When Chip gave him the last infraction, he forgot he'd already given him points for other problems and therefore ended up banning him. Chip didnt realize it since unlike C!Z's user cp, Chip's doesnt have a list of all the people he's given points to lol. If it did Chip would have known sooner and wouldnt have infracted him the last time.

bottom line
I think you owe him at least an apology because you are definately abusing your power as a mod. You infract ppl so that the behavior stops. Dont encourage it, add fuel to the fire, and then ban him after the fact.
I'd disagree. A mod's job IS to infract persons misbehaving to get them to stop. C!Z was adding some constructive information later on, but for a lot of his earlier posts on the past few pages he was constantly flaming. Chip didn't encourage it, or add fuel to the fire. He infracted and warned him every time C!Z was out of line, but C!Z just kept going. He didnt realize how many points he'd already given C!Z at the time, and when he last infracted him for flaming Teddy, he was banned. Chip didnt mean to ban him, but honestly, if you've had that many warnings, there's no excuse for persisting, so he's got no one to blame but himself. If anything, C!Z owes Chip an apology for Chip giving him so many chances and C!Z still taking advantage of his leaniency.

The most ****ed up part is that you guys are sittin here like I dont know how he got banned, and Im going to do everyhing in my power to get him unbanned. WTF[W=why] did u do it in the first place. You just banned the only panel member who was contributing an opinion on WA's pr. So now, we got nothin.
First off, why is he the only one contributing an opinion? If you're a panel member, do your part and post your own lists. If there's only one list for people to work with, of course there's gonna be arguments over it since it's based off the opinion of one person. PR discussion works when there are lists from every user and each position is explained. Then all the lists can be compared and the most agreeable version is used as the final list.

Secondly, like I said, unlike C!Z's user cp, Chip's doesnt display all the infractions he's given out since there are so many that a mod gives out each day. He had no idea how many points he'd already given C!Z and the last infraction lead to him being banned. Also, Chip is doing everything he can to get him unbanned. Only admins (maybe Smods) can unban users. Chip said he'd bring it up to them, but I mean, honestly think about it, what can he say to get C!Z unbanned?

"Umm, sorry, I accidently banned this guy, can you unban him?"

They'll be like, "accidently?" *goes and checks C!Z's account, sees what he was infracted for* "It looks like all the reasons he was infracted for were legitimate, what's the problem?

"err, I didnt mean to give him that last infraction, I didnt realize how many points I'd already given him, any chance you can unban him?"

o.O "but he was flaming, it's against the rules, he desereves all the infractions that are there. Also after looking at other recent posts from this user, there are more posts that violate the terms of agreement for the rules of posting on this website aside from just the ones you infracted him for. Sorry, there's nothing I can do about it."

He's tried contatcting admins about it, but it's highly unlikely they will unban him since all the reasons for his infractions were letitimate. It was an accident, but there's not much that can be done now, and like I said, C!Z should have known better.

@deva-I really dont think that ppl are being nice in person, and mean behind their comps. Its just an opinion and there is a difference between having an issue with somebody and not really caring either way. You basically said that either you are hella nice to all the ppl you know or u are mean.
With me specifically, I usually am hella nice to everyone I know. For the most part I'm really easy to get along with. With C!Z though, he's hella nice in person, we get along great. Then he gets online and starts flaming me and being a complete ****. If anything, I'm confused what the issue is. If he's got so much beef with me, I'd just appreciate it if he'd say it to my face instead of sending messages to show how he really feels. Like I mentioned. I find it childish and cowardly. Also, I'm not flat out mean to anyone, or even mean at all for that matter. Look back at my responses to C!Z. I dont flame him. For the most part all I'm doing is asking him why he doesnt speak his mind in person if he's got a problem with me.

Not to mention that still I havent seen any lsts from anyone other than C!Z. If you disagree with something then disagree for a reason. As a member of the panel you should be able to contribute to the discussion and back up your words with something other than ambiguity. If you cant then maybe you shouldnt be on the panel since your only input is that you beat rohins "many moons ago" and should go somewhere around where he is.
I post my lists in The PR group on AIB any time I see the need to edit the list. That's the place the panel members should be posting their lists and discussing PR among themselves. Posting the list on the PR thread will only add to the flames since all the players can see what's going on and will just add arguments from everyone.

I always back every placing I put on my list with evidence and my own personal opinion. Go check it out sometime if you want, you'll see a lot of answers to questions you've had about me as far as placings, how I do against Vish, etc. As a panel member, you should be checking the group dedicated to discussion, not the thread where we post the results.

Here's some clarification though:

As far as beating Rohins, it was less about 2 months before he beat me, not "many moons ago." Even when I lost it was just as close as ever, taken to game 3. I also placed 3rd at that tournament, just below Shane. Not to mention the tournament DSF attended where Chip and I were in winners finals after Shane was put in losers by DSF and Chip was the one to beat DSF. Even more recently, I took Shane to game 3 as well, last stock high % against his Falco at the most recent GC I attended. I dont have a problem with the list, I just feel a lot of the information I posted was overlooked, and it seems moreso now since some panel members weren't even checking the group it was supposed to be discussed in. I posted some more information there if you need any clarification.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2008
Kawaii Hawaii
As far as beating Rohins, it was less about 2 months before he beat me, not "many moons ago." Even when I lost it was just as close as ever, taken to game 3. I also placed 3rd at that tournament, just below Shane. Not to mention the tournament DSF attended where Chip and I were in winners finals after Shane was put in losers by DSF and Chip was the one to beat DSF. Even more recently, I took Shane to game 3 as well, last stock high % against his Falco at the most recent GC I attended. I dont have a problem with the list, I just feel a lot of the information I posted was overlooked, and it seems moreso now since some panel members weren't even checking the group it was supposed to be discussed in. I posted some more information there if you need any clarification.
This makes me D:
I wish i could argue about how I got into winners finals against DSF and Shane and took them to last stock.
I need money.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
nah, but if you're a cool guy in person, there's no excuse to be a complete douche online. C!Z is tight, a little shy, but a cool guy. He's fun to hang with so I dont see why he's gotta be a hater online. To me, if you got a problem, just say it to my face so we can discuss it. It seems childish and cowardly to send it in messages.
Ummm he doesnt seem to have a problem with you personally, the problem started online obviously so its fair to resolve it online. Plus all he really said was u dont play enough and he thinks that there are other ppl that are more qualified then you to be in the top ten. Play more melee and this wont be an issue. AND you live like 3 hrs away, do u want him to drive up to ur house with flowers and a gift basket? Its not worth waiting like 2 months or something to solve something easily fixed thru discussion.
Actually that's exactly what happened. Over the past few weeks Chip had given him various infractions for other instances. When Chip gave him the last infraction, he forgot he'd already given him points for other problems and therefore ended up banning him. Chip didnt realize it since unlike C!Z's user cp, Chip's doesnt have a list of all the people he's given points to lol. If it did Chip would have known sooner and wouldnt have infracted him the last time.
Bull****. You can remember 2 days worth of ****. 3 of those were on the same day with no warnings and the last one was the next day. He knew what he was doin. You cant sit here and tell me that you dont know when the infractions happened cuz u dont have a list, and then try to tell me when the happened and validate the possibilty of him forgetting because they were over a few weeks. Bull****! You also suggested that he had previous points and chips was only the last one. Pick a story and stick to it!
I'd disagree. A mod's job IS to infract persons misbehaving to get them to stop. C!Z was adding some constructive information later on, but for a lot of his earlier posts on the past few pages he was constantly flaming. Chip didn't encourage it, or add fuel to the fire. He infracted and warned him every time C!Z was out of line, but C!Z just kept going. He didnt realize how many points he'd already given C!Z at the time, and when he last infracted him for flaming Teddy, he was banned. Chip didnt mean to ban him, but honestly, if you've had that many warnings, there's no excuse for persisting, so he's got no one to blame but himself. If anything, C!Z owes Chip an apology for Chip giving him so many chances and C!Z still taking advantage of his leaniency.
I said that infractions are to stop problems. But u dont talk ****, and then infract the response. He should have warned him or given him a single infraction, and made it clear that if the discussion was to continue that it would be done appropriately. Its not like this is some unknown random dude trying to troll a board where u just get rid of him asap with as many points as u can. Its ****ing C!Z and he may have been harsh but he was making a point.
First off, why is he the only one contributing an opinion? If you're a panel member, do your part and post your own lists. If there's only one list for people to work with, of course there's gonna be arguments over it since it's based off the opinion of one person. PR discussion works when there are lists from every user and each position is explained. Then all the lists can be compared and the most agreeable version is used as the final list.
I did my job as a panel member. I 100% agree with C!Z's list. so does Eggz. I guess that was pretty easy huh. You still havent posted a list. Panel members should be worried about the entire list. All you have done is mention that you should be on there. Contribute more than, uhh I should be ranked.

From tournament performances you probably do have a better record than stefan. But 100% for sure hes better. mm$ hella count. They just need to be matches that have a point ie money or tourney which is still money. Im pretty sure that WA's goal is to have our best players represented on a list. **** all the politics. Stefan is for sure better than vish [to vish's credit maybe by not that much :)] and Vish is better than you. so I guess u want number 11 then.
Secondly, like I said, unlike C!Z's user cp, Chip's doesnt display all the infractions he's given out since there are so many that a mod gives out each day. He had no idea how many points he'd already given C!Z and the last infraction lead to him being banned. Also, Chip is doing everything he can to get him unbanned. Only admins (maybe Smods) can unban users. Chip said he'd bring it up to them, but I mean, honestly think about it, what can he say to get C!Z unbanned?

"Umm, sorry, I accidently banned this guy, can you unban him?"

They'll be like, "accidently?" *goes and checks C!Z's account, sees what he was infracted for* "It looks like all the reasons he was infracted for were legitimate, what's the problem?

"err, I didnt mean to give him that last infraction, I didnt realize how many points I'd already given him, any chance you can unban him?"

o.O "but he was flaming, it's against the rules, he desereves all the infractions that are there. Also after looking at other recent posts from this user, there are more posts that violate the terms of agreement for the rules of posting on this website aside from just the ones you infracted him for. Sorry, there's nothing I can do about it."

He's tried contatcting admins about it, but it's highly unlikely they will unban him since all the reasons for his infractions were letitimate. It was an accident, but there's not much that can be done now, and like I said, C!Z should have known better.
He will be back b4 that happens. Chip gave him 6 points in two days with no warnings, and that only happens to ppl who are trolling or blatantly disobeying the rules. If chip thought he was flaming then he should have modded up and warned him instead of posting stop callin me a douche and I beat u in marth dittos.
With me specifically, I usually am hella nice to everyone I know. For the most part I'm really easy to get along with. With C!Z though, he's hella nice in person, we get along great. Then he gets online and starts flaming me and being a complete ****. If anything, I'm confused what the issue is. If he's got so much beef with me, I'd just appreciate it if he'd say it to my face instead of sending messages to show how he really feels. Like I mentioned. I find it childish and cowardly. Also, I'm not flat out mean to anyone, or even mean at all for that matter. Look back at my responses to C!Z. I dont flame him. For the most part all I'm doing is asking him why he doesnt speak his mind in person if he's got a problem with me.
Its not beef. He just thinks your not as good as u think u are. Thats all.
I post my lists in The PR group on AIB any time I see the need to edit the list. That's the place the panel members should be posting their lists and discussing PR among themselves. Posting the list on the PR thread will only add to the flames since all the players can see what's going on and will just add arguments from everyone.

I always back every placing I put on my list with evidence and my own personal opinion. Go check it out sometime if you want, you'll see a lot of answers to questions you've had about me as far as placings, how I do against Vish, etc. As a panel member, you should be checking the group dedicated to discussion, not the thread where we post the results.

Here's some clarification though:

As far as beating Rohins, it was less about 2 months before he beat me, not "many moons ago." Even when I lost it was just as close as ever, taken to game 3. I also placed 3rd at that tournament, just below Shane. Not to mention the tournament DSF attended where Chip and I were in winners finals after Shane was put in losers by DSF and Chip was the one to beat DSF. Even more recently, I took Shane to game 3 as well, last stock high % against his Falco at the most recent GC I attended. I dont have a problem with the list, I just feel a lot of the information I posted was overlooked, and it seems moreso now since some panel members weren't even checking the group it was supposed to be discussed in. I posted some more information there if you need any clarification.
So, dont ****ing pretend. Its not overlooked, cuz u just posted it. I posted my **** on aib awhile ago and it hasnt been responded to. Post in here where the discussion is happening. C!Z says something on smash boards and you respond to it on aib? WTF?

Its over. Still Deva didnt post a list, and complained about having only one list to work with. If you have something important to say that actually true not just a bunch of cop outs then feel free to continue posting. If you got nothin, then say nothin.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2006
Seattle, WA
Man you guys are dumb. Stop getting heated about pr, if you play enough tournaments its pretty clear whos better than who, the problem lies if you dont go to tourneys and then reference something that happened 3 months ago. People get alot better in 3 months lol.


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
Man you guys are dumb. Stop getting heated about pr, if you play enough tournaments its pretty clear whos better than who, the problem lies if you dont go to tourneys and then reference something that happened 3 months ago. People get alot better in 3 months lol.
Chip meant to ban me, end of story.

Deva never have we been friends or done anything friend like together, ever. Are you actually crazy? What is your deal, you want the first thing I say to you in person to be I think you're a nutjob? You see what Vish just said? Yes. Rohins has gotten very good in these last few months, play him and you'll see why I say such things.

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
Whoa ciz got banned WTF?

I didnt mean for him to be banned so it may have been another mod who did it? I think I know what might have happened.......

I will unban ciz as soon as possible =).

EDIT- just so everyone knows, I would never ban ciz for something I didnt think he should be banned for and I felt his last two statements werent ban worthy at all since they were trying to get everyone back to pr discussion instead of argueing.

I feel ******** if it was actually my last infraction that banned him, cuz I swear it wasn't intentional. I'm sorry everyone !! =(

Where's the unbanning C!Z ASAP gonna happen? If you didn't intend to ban him, then why won't you unban him? *Looks at your CP and says you were just on yesterday* Oh and why won't you post anything on here anymore?


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
Utah In Gojiras Shirt
Chip meant to ban me, end of story.

Deva never have we been friends or done anything friend like together, ever. Are you actually crazy? What is your deal, you want the first thing I say to you in person to be I think you're a nutjob? You see what Vish just said? Yes. Rohins has gotten very good in these last few months, play him and you'll see why I say such things.
how did X post this? :S it sounds like ciz what the ****


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2008
Kawaii Hawaii
dang playing on Vicodin sucks.
You can think fast enough, but I can't move fast enough.
I can still play peach though, lol.


Smash Master
Apr 27, 2008
Kawaii Hawaii
The couve for me and vulcan.
Eggz and his posse are north of seattle.
Kline and all the other UW guys are...well at UW.
Syler's at Tacoma-ish area
and East WA sucks, lol


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2006
Spokane, Wa
This is getting really pointless, here's just the main points so we can be done with it.

@Kaos: I posted my ideas for a list earlier, and C!Z started flaming me, that's what started our problem. All I said was it was strange for him to be cool in person and suddenly start flaming me online for no apparent reason. My point was, dont flame me online and be all lovy dovy (exagerated) irl, it's just weird.

Chip didnt mean to ban C!Z, he forgot how many points he gave him earlier, he even posted about it. If you dont believe it, your loss. Keep holding a grude against a simple mistake that wasnt even a big deal. And I wasnt lying, he did have points earlier. I didnt say they werent from Chip. If Chip gave him an infraction, it wasnt in response to a comment Chip started that was adding to the flames. Also, you have to be careful. Mods can give points for "disrespect towards moderators." bottom line, C!Z was out of line, Chip infracted his behavior. Give it a rest.

Also, I've posted like, 4 different lists and given my opinion on the ones posted by others. Seriously, go back and read my posts before saying I dont contribute. I said I agreed with C!Z's list aside from Teddy's and my placement really. I gave reasons before that on AIB anyways. And another thing, this is the pr thread, not the discussion group. You're supposed to post your lists and discuss pr with other panel members in the actual group, which is why I post all my discussions there. It's not my fault of you dont check it lol. What's the point of the group if you just post all the discussions on the thread? Oh yeah, then everyone who's not a panel member can see the discussions and start arguing over it, completely destroying the purpose of a panel in the first place -_-.

And really? I've never posted a list? There's 2 recent ones from AIB in the actual discussion group with a info to back them. One from April and one from May, not to mention the ones from before that. They contain information for all the players, not just about me arguing for my spot. You probably based that off the one post I made here since I wasnt on the list. Really, go check AIB. It's the "official PR discussion group" for a reason. Dont try to blame it on me if you've been to lazy to go check.

From tournament performances you probably do have a better record than stefan. But 100% for sure hes better.

You seem a bit inexperienced in how pr works. Just a quick breakdown:

Tournament performance is the #1 determining factor on PR. mms and your opinion come second to that. That's the system used all over the U.S. if you want Washington to be legit, you'd be wise to follow the standard. Until Stefan starts placing and beating good players in tournament, his mms and your opinion wont be enough to get him on there.

Anyways, if you got anything else to discuss with me, do it with me in the discussion group. This is just the thread to post the results after we come to a consensus in the group. Honestly, I dont care that much if I'm on PR or not. Big reason why I'm not flaming everyone that disagrees with me unlike some members we have >_>. I know who I can beat, and I'm cool just beating and outplacing all you guys at GC like I usually do. Unless you have combo status in your name, I guarantee you wont be beating me in tournament lol.

Brady sometimes, but that's cuz he's a G. =P

And Rick since you cured my cancer that one time with the shiny glow from your magical head, I owed ya one hehe.


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2006
Seattle, WA
I agree with..

"Tournament performance is the #1 determining factor on PR. mms and your opinion come second to that. That's the system used all over the U.S. if you want Washington to be legit, you'd be wise to follow the standard. Until Stefan starts placing and beating good players in tournament, his mms and your opinion wont be enough to get him on there."

Hes definitely where he should be, but he should play more tourneys.

You forget me in that list of people who would beat you Deva. ^__^


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I agree with

"Tournament performance is the #1 determining factor on PR. mms and your opinion come second to that. That's the system used all over the U.S. if you want Washington to be legit, you'd be wise to follow the standard. Until Stefan starts placing and beating good players in tournament, his mms and your opinion wont be enough to get him on there."

You forget me in that list of people who would beat you Deva. ^__^
Pfft, i'll beat both of you >_>

Vish i wanna play your falcon bastid!!!


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
I'd be all right with takin Stefan off until tourney performances kick up, but as far as replacing him my vote is definitely not for Deva. When is the last time you placed well with anyone from the PR in the tournament? I'm not sure if you entered that last EWA tourney but you weren't top 3 and the only good player I saw on that list was Brdy, and from what I hear it wasn't close at all(despite what someones nice words might have said). I'm not Combo Status either, is that a fat MM proposal at TP?

What you want with that overrated scrub Falcon? Vish gets ***** =D


Smash Lord
Sep 4, 2006
Seattle, WA
hahaha. C!Z Lets play this week. I tried texting you yesterday but you were doing the Rain Dance

My falcon gets the *****es wet.
Last edited:


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
We should move this to the Melee thread but I'm bouncin tomorrow morninfor a couple weeks, I'll be back for TP though.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2008
Tacoma, WA
I'd be all right with takin Stefan off until tourney performances kick up, but as far as replacing him my vote is definitely not for Deva. When is the last time you placed well with anyone from the PR in the tournament? I'm not sure if you entered that last EWA tourney but you weren't top 3 and the only good player I saw on that list was Brdy, and from what I hear it wasn't close at all(despite what someones nice words might have said). I'm not Combo Status either, is that a fat MM proposal at TP?

What you want with that overrated scrub Falcon? Vish gets ***** =D
That's exactly why i wanted to play him again ^^

I owe vista, and b-melo a mm, you down for one to vish!?

P.S. I love you vish like us black people like our white women ;) (cept in a non homo way)


Smash Journeyman
Mar 16, 2008
Oh hey Shane, I want to play your Fox and Falco do I need to pay for that -___-


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
Deva Im fine with taking stefan off the pr. As far as skill thats where he should be but if u vote take him down because of tourney thats ok with me.

Dont try to tell me I dont check aib cuz if u look at the dam page you will see that I hella post in the pr. Also dont try and play me and tell me that those old *** lists that you posted were for our current discussion. Im saying its not that I have a problem with you or Chip I just want everything upfront. That list you posted in aib is hella new like right b4 you posted in here talking about how you were overlooked. Our last discussion/list was taken down by Chip the mod so we started a new one. You were hella fine with an old list but didnt comment much on the new one except that you should be on around Rohins.

Whatever about the infractions if he says he didnt mean to thats fine whatever, but he did give C!Z 6 points in 2 days. Its a little suspicious but I dont have much reason to not give him benefit of the doubt.

Also did u just try and threaten me with an infraction through Chip?
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