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WA Power Rankings: August 2014 Update


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
If Chip "didn't mean to ban" C!Z, the only reason he could have for giving out warnings would be to establish some kind of fear/superiority/justice of some sort. It clearly wasn't a justified ban. And CIZ wasnt even flaming Teddy. He disagreed with them then challenged him to a MM.


Smash Lord
Oct 2, 2006
Spokane, Wa
Eggz said:
He disagreed with them then challenged him to a MM.
you forgot all the flaming in between -_-

Calling him a "douche", "*****", and a "****" constitutes as flaming.

Fact is Chip was just doing his job. He didnt mean to ban him, but if C!Z already had enough points built up to where one more infraction would send it over the edge he should have known better and kept his mouth shut. I dont think he should have been banned either, but if it bugs you so much take it to forum disputes. I guarantee, though, even if an admin came and checked it out, they'd find enough stuff on the past few pages worth infracting C!Z for so he'd be banned regardless. He's got no one to blame but himself.


Smash Master
Jul 19, 2007
Austin, Tx
so falcon noob guy...you just said your from Idaho, and in CA gunna go to tourneys and supposedly get top 3 and so you can be ranked in WA?



this list *****

good **** WA

CoolFalcon Z

Smash Rookie
May 16, 2009
I didnt say i was going to get ranked in washington where did I say that I said i would LIKE to play.
and washington is far from where I live now. so thats why I said I would like
Miztik are you dumb?


Smash Master
Feb 5, 2008
Santa Cruz
that falcon reminds me of bak when i was a noob like that

tha good ol' days lol
i wanna play eggz's mario, and then his fox

we shoulda played at Mango ****

EDIT: hey coolfalcon z guy MM me =D
EDIT2: eggz gave up on mario?

Jack Pack

Smash Apprentice
Aug 24, 2006
cuz eggz is gonna **** mango flavored male ejaculate into your mouth when he ****ing ***** you

get *****


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
eggz would be a good insert
Haha too bad C!Z is the funniest n***@ in WA lol. too bad hes banned
Could you UW guys make an AIB blog for housing some tourneyplay smashers?
Is there a speculation as to how many oosers need housing?
**** chip
Also, Chip WTF!?!?! You and Deva are really talking this **** too far. Nowhere in the rules does it say you have to be nice on swf, but then for you to act like you dont know how C!Z got banned.

ME and and ****ing **** blackman was at that ninjas house yesterday and he showed us the user CP.

You gave him 6 points worth of infractions. how the **** is that an accident. ITs not like he had 4 and u gave him two.

bottom line
I think you owe him at least an apology because you are definately abusing your power as a mod. You infract ppl so that the behavior stops. Dont encourage it, add fuel to the fire, and then ban him after the fact.

The most ****ed up part is that you guys are sittin here like I dont know how he got banned, and Im going to do everyhing in my power to get him unbanned. WTF[W=why] did u do it in the first place. You just banned the only panel member who was contributing an opinion on WA's pr. So now, we got nothin.

@deva-I really dont think that ppl are being nice in person, and mean behind their comps. Its just an opinion and there is a difference between having an issue with somebody and not really caring either way. You basically said that either you are hella nice to all the ppl you know or u are mean. Not to mention that still I havent seen any lsts from anyone other than C!Z. If you disagree with something then disagree for a reason. As a member of the panel you should be able to contribute to the discussion and back up your words with something other than ambiguity. If you cant then maybe you shouldnt be on the panel since your only input is that you beat rohins "many moons ago" and should go somewhere around where he is.


Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
Phoenix, AZ
seriously, who the **** is stefan?

I think that Chip should be above Stefan, though admittedly I don't know who that is.

The tournament sets between me and Chip yesterday were ridiculously close. He beat me in winners, but I came back from losers to 3-2 him then 3-1 him in grand finals as Sheik.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
Stefan is a UW smasher with a girlfriend so he cant smash as often lol. But hes hella down to do mm$ and **** just cant always commit to a day for smash. Hes got work and **** to deal with.

He is slightly better than vish and I personally think that Vish is better than chip, Im just not going to argue a change because Chip did place better in the last tourney they were at together.

**** riding slave really? is your **** that small that you have to compensate by putting all the black ppl down because u feel inferior around them.

Edit: lol *****
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