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WA Power Rankings: August 2014 Update


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2005
Des Moines/Renton, WA
Pretty sure it's not based completely off tourneys. Plus you've never been OOS which is a factor. You say you don't care but your post says otherwise.
lol I've never been OoS?

really now?

random smasher joining the scene way too late.... to be expected. You act as if your experiences mean more to the PR than those of any other PR member.

And no, I don't care that much about Melee PR placings. What does a rank in a dying game in a small state that just lost it's best player mean anymore?

But since you want more discussion, your statements are likely based off of how badly they **** you in friendlies. That's fine. They used to **** me in friendlies too, but I beat them on the actual tournament days.


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
Who said anything about gettin *****? I recognize skill douche. Come to the next tourney and we'll settle it there.


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
I like how you girls show no interest in the game but still cry when your place on where you should be is compromised. It's no wonder everybody talks so much **** about all 3 of you, I never knew any of you so I didn't say much but now I know why. I'm not the only person who agrees with my list.

This random would like as big a MM up to $50 as the infamous Bladewise will give him if he wants to.


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
I want to get on my real computer sometime soon so I can discuss how idiotic c!z' points are.

iPod is sooo gay to type on. :(

C!z quit double posting/flaming other people like a child....... I'd hate to take away your ability to post ;)


Treat Yo' Self
Jul 30, 2007
you should just give him a warning Chip.

Chip is the only mod to give me a warning. he's the homie :)


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
Dark ryu.... You were the one who said you wanted ride his nuts right?

And its also amusing how a pot addict who loses to Gimpys bowser calls me broke when Ive made over 2000$ in my smash career :laugh:

Oh Utah smashers... How you amuse so


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
Discrediting Gimpy's skill only makes you look like a ***. You sure talk a lot for not even taking a game last time we played. Your bragging is very unimpressive, geek.


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
LoL, who even uses the term geek anymore? You need to get out more >_>

Im not discrediting gimpy at all, its just amusing how you think your so good, but you lost to a rusty gimpyfish. I've lost to gimpy too, but I've beat him as well, but you got *****.

We went like 50-50 last time we played in FRIENSLIES with characters i dont even use in tournament. Remember when I ***** you in a marth ditto friendly at TP? Isnt that your main LOL?

Ive beaten DSF, Rohins, Aftermath, Bart, Brady, OMGage, and other really good players in the last 4 months

Using young link

And I don't even concentrate on playing this game at all. Think about that tonight cizilla.


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
That's the reason I chose that word, it fits you as well as your skirt does. Chip ive got nothin to prove to you, you're scrub material in my eyes. MM me or shut up.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
2000$ in your brawl career, maybe.
Stop flaunting your mod powers to get your way chip, its really childish. Giving infractions is only an excuse to be a ****, no one in here gives a **** about smashboards or its ****ty mods, so stop trying to intimidate us into agreeing with you.

Post your arguments and quit thinking they are absolute justice or things that we haven't considered and thought through a billion times already. You aren't anywhere near infallible, and usually when a majority disagrees with you theres a reason.

YOU quit flaming instead of posting random crap saying "YOUR SO WRONG LOL BUT IM NOT EVEN GONNA TOUCH IT" or I'll report YOU to an administrator for misuse of moderating abilities.


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
I think not, you lost every single game we played at the last GC when you didnt enter Melee cuz you said "I don't think I'll make money", you might've won a game the first time we played sure, but it was a friendly as were our others, but you still didn't take a game, I left that friendly chair once, and it sure wasn't you that took my seat.

Also I only used Fox, Falco, and Falcon when I ***** your ****ty Marth.


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
The reason you chose the word is probabably because you have a lacking vocabulary and bad at comebacks; as can be seen with your resort to extreme use of ad hominims. "geek" and "skirt"? Really dude?

Shane, you can't report me to an admin for doing my job. I'm not infracting for personal gain and I'm not trying to get people to agree with me by infracting; I'm not sure where your getting that from. I don't hate or even dislike CIz, he's just a little .....>_>... IMO. I'm not flaming anyone to a harsh degree using insults like people in this thread have. If smashboards is dumb and no one cares about it, then you shouldnt care if I infract ciz for breaking the rules, right? Your letting your emotions get to your head by defending him; stop now.

Ciz ... I left that station because I had a tourney match, remember? I dont use ANY of those characters in tourney.... Just young link lol, and win still. My "oh so bad marth" ***** yours at TP in a ditto... But theyre friendlies so chill out. When you beat as many good players as I have then Ill consider going my main vs you when we play.And why do you constantly attack me with insults when I've stopped any and all of my small degree insults with you? Settle down dawg.

Ill post a list tomarrow =)


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
I want to get on my real computer sometime soon so I can discuss how idiotic c!z' points are.

iPod is sooo gay to type on. :(

C!z quit double posting/flaming other people like a child....... I'd hate to take away your ability to post ;)
Id have to say chip, that maybe this n***@ double posted[in which case just warn him lol] If you think he is flaming then just give him an infraction.

He stated his opinion as a member of the pr panel. You guys shouldnt take it so personally especially for ppl who dont care. He has earned his spot on the pr and panel.

If you look at the list everyone agrees that you should be on it but there are ppl who have been recently doing very well. Pr is a current display of the regions best smashers. PPl get better and Pr changes.
lol I've never been OoS?

really now?

random smasher joining the scene way too late.... to be expected. You act as if your experiences mean more to the PR than those of any other PR member.

And no, I don't care that much about Melee PR placings. What does a rank in a dying game in a small state that just lost it's best player mean anymore?

But since you want more discussion, your statements are likely based off of how badly they **** you in friendlies. That's fine. They used to **** me in friendlies too, but I beat them on the actual tournament days.
In random discussions with other ppl Ive come to your defense plenty of times. We all know that u are good at melee and brawl. You did win one of the GC and then got second to Ka and MAD where Eggz got 4th lol. You of all ppl should know that you guys are in the top 4 for a reason and you guys would fluctuate the most. I would have put you as second awhile ago like after MAD but that was in February. The Pr unfortuneately didnt get post then.

but its now being updated and I think a good percentage of the panel agrees with what C!Z posted. The list is fair and took alot into account such as tourneys attendance mm$ placing everything.
LoL, who even uses the term geek anymore? You need to get out more >_>

Im not discrediting gimpy at all, its just amusing how you think your so good, but you lost to a rusty gimpyfish. I've lost to gimpy too, but I've beat him as well, but you got *****.

We went like 50-50 last time we played in FRIENSLIES with characters i dont even use in tournament. Remember when I ***** you in a marth ditto friendly at TP? Isnt that your main LOL?

Ive beaten DSF, Rohins, Aftermath, Bart, Brady, OMGage, and other really good players in the last 4 months

Using young link

And I don't even concentrate on playing this game at all. Think about that tonight cizilla.
Umm most of those are johns tho chip.

If it was a friendly is doesnt matter. You can use them to get a general feel for somebodys playstyle and skill but thats doesnt mean that much. If u think ur marth is better than you should mm$ him in marth dittos. C!Z is willing to do 50 lol. I think that says alot lol. Everyone who is considered as decent or good in WA has beaten and lost to gimpy. It is what it is and nobody really cares.

Saying that brawl messes up ur melee is that m2k bull****. Its like then just quit playing brawl then. or play more melee.


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
I switched between both games seemlessly when I was good at Brawl, thats not a good john.

"Awww arent you special? Thanks then bub" is taunting/trolling. Mods aren't supposed to do that.


you know what to do
Dec 18, 2006
Spokane, Washington
There is not a single john in that post Kline lol. Dear gosh my marth is bad, I wouldn't mm anyone in the world if they wanted too. I'm sayin friendlies are for fun, and I was trying to use that match as an example to not use seriously.

This argueing is stupid. Goodnight everyone.

Shane- trolling is subjective and isnt viable for infracting unless it is blatantly obvious with a consistency of posts performing said trolling. I was mildly taunting, but that's not against the rules. I have an ap English test in the morning g2g guys =)


Smash Hero
Sep 16, 2005
Combo Status Island
Trolling in its most basic form can be considered provoking someone for a response, blatantly trying to invoke negativity.

idk how you expected anything positive to come from saying that.


the Ascended One
May 20, 2008
The Wash: Lake City
NOne of this is important at all. NO more says the black man.

If u disagree post your list, and state why u feel those changes are significant and valid.


shane well be there around 12 unless something comes up and I cant go, but shouldnt be a problem


Smash Journeyman
Oct 29, 2008
Tacoma, WA
About time, now i know what to strive for!!! Now.. gotta see how i rig the brackets to where i face the people on this list now...... LOL


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2005
Des Moines/Renton, WA
lol. I dont care much about the list. The reason I bother posting is because this thread is mostly C!Z being a **** and disrespecting everyone else's views and acting like his are all-important for some reason. There is a way to discuss and use constructive debate, *******.

What has he done to feel he deserves any attention or respect? Why should we think that he is a better judge of skill than anyone else?

I was nice enough to him the 1 or 2 times we talked, and responded to a ridiculous post about how he has some special skill-recognition magic that exceeds everyone else and that I've never been OoS.

Basically, his only defense is "MM me or shut up"
Way to promote the growth of the little community we have left, C!Z.


Smash Lord
Sep 25, 2006
Princeton, NJ
I posted a list, never said it was final. People agreed with it, you guys didn't and did dramatic **** like take the list down and tryin to call other people out, you were a **** first. Maybe you'd know why of you ever made it out to a tourney. Don't come throwin a fit like a female and expect to be treated like anythin but a *****, to say you don't care much but be this gay is very childish. I'll take it that's a no on a big MM?
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