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Villains Mafia - X1-12 lynched! Town wins! X1-12, Indie survivor, wins a bit less!

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@J, Yeah I'm totally switching to a black background skin cause pink on white is impossible to read without highlighting all your paragraphs.

As for what I think of those three players? Meh, it seems all of them are playing a perfectly fine Day 1 game imo. I don't see a problem with how they are progressing through Day 1; everyone has their own strategies and what not. Without a NK or information from a lynch it's not worth it, imo, to dig deep into what someone says or how they are saying it.
Aw im sorry about the pink post color ;-; it just matches my ava and it's the color i use ^^" though i could switch to another color if you don't wanna switch to another background.

I do not like your response to my question. It seems you are trying to push off the question and seem nice to the people I asked about. Saying how they are "playing perfectly fine" for D1. Also if you say you are just gonna go with the flow and wait for a NK or Lynch is not good at all. So your okay with just bandwagoning until then? Why are you just not really asking questions yourself? I know you say people have different strategies and "what not" but I just can't agree with what your saying. In Oddworld, by digging and asking questions we got a scum lynch D1 before any NK or lynch. It is definitely worth it to dig into how and what people are saying.

I am just not liking what you are saying atm UTD =/ not at all.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I guess I'm confused at how it's actually possible to get enough information (accurate or not) to successfully lynch scum Day 1. Well, a better chance to lynch scum than just randomly killing off someone.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Sorry for the inconvienence, but I haven't had time to really sit down and read through what I've missed. I'll come back before the end of the night.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Sorry guys for not posting more; doing a full read on the game, then today at night I'll post something useful I hope (aka scumhunt).



Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Without a NK or information from a lynch it's not worth it, imo, to dig deep into what someone says or how they are saying it.
Wrong wrong wrong.
It's entirely possible to catch scum D1. It's foolish to think you can't dig deeper into somebody's motives without seeing more information. It's harder, but it's not "not worth it".


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I guess I'm confused at how it's actually possible to get enough information (accurate or not) to successfully lynch scum Day 1. Well, a better chance to lynch scum than just randomly killing off someone.
Asking questions, getting information, looking into posts

Try doing some of these things, I'll make it easier for you

Zac: What do you think of Vand and Xsyven? are either's points on the other valid? if so which ones and why? Do you think either of them are likely scum?


Jul 16, 2005
unvote vote UTD

I'm really not liking what I'm seeing.

I think hitting scum D1 happens in like 50-60% of my games. Good players will spot scum withing 4-5 days of posting in D1. At the very least, we can usually pseudo-clear 2 people or so and pin at least 1 scum out of a group of 2-3.

To answer your question, this is like the 5th game I've played.
You've played enough games to know this stuff and not take D1 so lightly.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
I understand what's going on now, why Day 1 is so important and how to make the most of it. I don't like how fast an issue like this can snowball. Ok so I said something that people don't like, then what happens? Do you think I'm scum because you don't agree with how I perceive to play the game on Day 1? I do plan to ask more questions though, give me a while to re-evaluate stuff.

@X1, I'd have to read through the arguments again to give you an answer. Nothing really caught my eye reading through them the first time.

@Dastrn, are you voting me because you think I'm scum or what? And no I really haven't played enough games. I more so just coasted through Day 1 in all of them. I do have a habit of drawing attention to myself in all the games I've played... idk how it happens but it always does.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Awfully defensive, don't you think?
Things only snowball because you've clearly said the wrong thing that multiple people have caught you on. You've created a scenario in which you could possibly clear yourself of your own blame if we happened not to hit scum today, saying that it's not a very likely possibility. It gives you the opportunity to have free reign over your actions and to dismiss blame. It's better for things to snowball then to be dropped entirely <--scum wants this.

Float: UTDZac for that emotionally-charged response.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Liking Dastrn a bit more. Not being so thick headed, and actually playing a town game.

The little carfuffle (I freakin love that word!) between Vand and Xysven, it doesn't bother me too much. It just looks like a power struggle. Vand started strong and Xysven doesn't enjoy it. Vand doesn't like that he doesnt like it. They'll both get over it eventually, if they haven't already.

J, I'm liking his activity. And it's actually not bad stuff. Keep up the good work.

I lol'd at Float, MK :p.

@Dastrn (I believe)

X1 is playing to his town meta, from what I've seen. He's not the play.

Zac, my man. Those Sonic days...


Zac's a very passive player in the beginning. Don't let his I-don't-give-a-f*** attitude phase you. He's not bad. And actually scum hunts later in the Days. So he's another one to keep around.

If I had to point my finger and call someone scum, it'd be Rajam. Dead weight is dead. And he's definitely here.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Zac's a very passive player in the beginning. Don't let his I-don't-give-a-f*** attitude phase you. He's not bad. And actually scum hunts later in the Days. So he's another one to keep around.

So I see that this game is filled with people who make baseless assumptions.

I can only Float SO MANY PEOPLE.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Oh, wait, what the **** am I looking at. I thought you made the assumption that scum only comes out later in the day to prey off people.
I still don't like that buddying.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
It's not buddying. It's warning town to give Zac some leeway. He might not be the best at noticing scum on D1, but he's certainly not bad at it come post N1.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Why should we give him leeway at all? It's buddying to an extent. You base what you say on past games. Have you been in at least one game with Zac where he has been both town and scum? Does this play exemplify his usual town self? Do I particularly value cases on meta?

"Cut him some slack, he's good after N1. He's not bad. We should keep him around" -- can't get much more buddying than that.


Jul 16, 2005
Yeah I like X1's play for sure.

I don't know Zac's meta at all, but I'm not a fan of how he's been playing, and something isn't right. I agree that we need more from Rajam, but he just posted saying he was getting caught up and we'd hear more soon. Could be BS. Could be cool. I'll err on the side of expecting a nice big post with some interesting feedback on everything that's happened so far.


Jul 16, 2005
Gordito, it's generally better to let people squirm and defend themselves, rather than doing it for them.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
So that I seem like a town player:

@Van, now that J and Gordito have both become "more active" do you consider them more likely to be town? Or do you think feel their "becoming active" posts are scummy, ie "Hey guys i'm actives o don't look at me, look at these guys!"

@Gordito, you equate "dead weight" as a scummy player? Rajam hasn't really posted much to go off of in the very few days we've had of Day 1, why exactly is he "scummy?"

@Darstn and J, Can we get a post from both you guys without any use of color in the post? Just normal text. It probably doesn't mean much and honestly doesn't take any effort from you guys. I'd just like to know you guys don't have some sort of posting restriction. Of course I can't really do anything knowing there's a restriction, but it might be useful later on.


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
Oh and to answer X1's question:

Yeah I read through both of their arguments and again didn't find anything that stood out to me. Seems like they are just annoyed at each other because of clarity reasons and one being active yet evasive. Again, I don't find their positions scummy, it's just discussion on how the other one is playing.


Jul 16, 2005
I can post in whatever color. I've just been using orange forever. This makes me cringe but here's my white text post.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
I got the indy vibe more than the scum vibe simply because I see (and play) a distinction between survival (#1 goal for indy, #2 goal for scum) and (fake)scumhunting (#1 goal for scum, not a goal for indy). If Indy scum hunt too well, they risk being night killed. I almost won my recent indy game in the broom when we got down to 4 players, and i would have had it if I hadn't painted myself into a bit of a corner with a really elaborate claim that x7 didn't buy, which led to M3D forcing me to agree to something that would get me night killed and win the game for town....anyways, I did well in that game by asking lots of questions, getting good scumhunting conversations going, but never leading the charge until D3 when it was time for my gambit.

All of that to say, I think scumhunting is anti-indy. Survival in both day and night phases is by far the most important goal for indy. Which means you have to appear harmless to town and worthless to scum. MK's claim says to town "i'm harmless and helpless" and it says to scum "i can't hurt you. leave me be".

Make sense?
Perfect sense. Although I'd argue that lynching scum (and thus scumhunting) is pro-indy. Because indys want to appear to be town, and town should be scum hunting, so it makes sense that lynching scum is working towards their win-con.

I still don't think you should of been so clear cut in your accusations @MK, if you are town. Every argument you have made for him being an indy makes just as much sense for him being mafia.

A Townie really shouldn't be able to make that distinction on their own, which is why I'm suspicious of both you and Xsyven.

I've just had a REALLY bad history of vocal townies having a 'plan' day 1, and then ****ing everyone over later in the game. You don't have a plan, because you don't know anything. No one except scum does.

I just don't want to see it happen again.
Cool story. Though I hope you realised that when I said "plan" I meant, "my answer will be clear after my next few posts."

I asked you a question, and you didn't answer it-- why can't you answer a question from me before Dastrn answers your question? If Dastern posted after you, you could see how your reply molded his answer, and you'd probably get a relatively similar read. You can't deny questions because all YOUR questions haven't been answered yet. It's like saying "you guys aren't allowed to question me, I post a lot."
If I had answered your question before hand, it would directly influence Dastrn's response to my own. If I'd said "Dastrn is my most suspicious active player" then he might of changed his response.

Also get the **** out of here with that "stop acting like you're superior because you post alot, everyone else can't be as active as you" bull ****.

Stuff like that is NOT indicative of alignment at all and is a terrible approach to scum hunting. It's like calling someone scummy because they're "mean."

Also, a townie saying "that's a ridiculous town posting restriction, I suspect it may be an anti-town role" is called 'scumhunting'. Me suggesting an indie role doesn't make me any more suspicious than people saying they think he's town. Nobody should be considered town until proven otherwise.
I think you're missing the point? You specifically suspected MK to be an "indy" role, when there is almost no reason why he specifically has shown "indy traits" as opposed to plain "scummy."

It's like me saying I think XXX is the Double Voting Day Vig because he is laying low. What separates the "Double Voting Day Vig" from other town power roles at this stage? Not much, unless I have other information.

I think you called MK indy because you KNOW he isn't scum.

The last point was just pointing out that you're almost TOO eager. Not everybody can be as active as you, and you seem to be making problems out of non-problems.

I'm just trying to say, being vocal doesn't make you town.
Cry me a river. Being vocal doesn't make me scum either now does it?

My FoS mirrors your FoS to me, but come on. These are legit reasons for people to be suspicious. To deny that makes you just look overly defensive.
Legit reasons? Go back and directly answer the questions I asked in my #193. Until then I don't think your reasons for being suspicious @ me are reasonable at all.

It's OMGUS by the definition. Instead of refuting my arguments, you've created your own "reasons" to find me suspicious.

If you were town you probably would of tried to show me why I'm wrong, and why your actions are in town's best interest, but instead you've called me scummy for "being too vocal" and "being afraid to tread on someones foot" and "telling others to get active."

Unvote: Dastrn
Vote: Xsyven

To be frank, I like how Dastrn is at least looking at other people, and didn't try to call me scum for no other reason then that I did the same to him. But that might be experience showing?

@Van, no one as of yet, though I have a pile of town reads and a few people I'm keeping an eye on (you all know 1 from either group). Self-meta is kinda shaky (especially when I've only been in 2 full games), but I'm generally pretty slow in the first Day or 2. Just keep asking me (specific) questions and I'll keep contributing, otherwise I'll contribute when I feel I have something worth contributing. Once we get some information (flips) I start posting more (both MXC and Sonic Mafia are examples of this).
Ok I understand it's probably a play style thing, but it's still important to make strong connections on Day 1, or else later down the track Town will be a lot weaker as a result.

Liking Dastrn a bit more. Not being so thick headed, and actually playing a town game.

The little carfuffle (I freakin love that word!) between Vand and Xysven, it doesn't bother me too much. It just looks like a power struggle. Vand started strong and Xysven doesn't enjoy it. Vand doesn't like that he doesnt like it. They'll both get over it eventually, if they haven't already.

J, I'm liking his activity. And it's actually not bad stuff. Keep up the good work.

I lol'd at Float, MK :p.

@Dastrn (I believe)

X1 is playing to his town meta, from what I've seen. He's not the play.

Zac, my man. Those Sonic days...


Zac's a very passive player in the beginning. Don't let his I-don't-give-a-f*** attitude phase you. He's not bad. And actually scum hunts later in the Days. So he's another one to keep around.

If I had to point my finger and call someone scum, it'd be Rajam. Dead weight is dead. And he's definitely here.
Gord this post bugs me a bit. You're basically saying "these people are posting so they're probably all town" but "these people are inactive so they're probably scum."

I'd like to see you show more depth in your posts, because that was quite shallow to say the least.

So that I seem like a town player:

@Van, now that J and Gordito have both become "more active" do you consider them more likely to be town? Or do you think feel their "becoming active" posts are scummy, ie "Hey guys i'm actives o don't look at me, look at these guys!"
Uh I probably don't think either of those things. Both players have alright activity, but I haven't seen anything particularly townie or scummy from either then them. Ye olde "dumb or scum" argument summarises it in a way. All I want is to see them keep up this participation into Day 2 and beyond, and if they do that we should be able to figure them out better (with flips and such).

I really think either Xsyven or Dastrn is scum (maybe both) so I think lynching either would be good.

I'm happy to keep waiting until everyone's given an input. Not many people have commented on my 'case' against Xsy/Das so I'd like to see if people agree/disagree and why.

I feel like Zac, J, X1, Rajam, Sir Bed, Edrees (actually most of the cast) are just waiting for some flips to happen, which bugs me a little. Enough has happened for these players to give some detailed thoughts on who they want to lynch toDay, instead of just asking spontaneous questions, that none of them really follow up upon.

I seriously think I could pick out at least 20 questions from the past few pages and say "why did you want to know the answer to that question?" and they'd reply "dunno, I just thought I should post something??"



Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Liking Dastrn a bit more. Not being so thick headed, and actually playing a town game.

The little carfuffle (I freakin love that word!) between Vand and Xysven, it doesn't bother me too much. It just looks like a power struggle. Vand started strong and Xysven doesn't enjoy it. Vand doesn't like that he doesnt like it. They'll both get over it eventually, if they haven't already.

J, I'm liking his activity. And it's actually not bad stuff. Keep up the good work.

I lol'd at Float, MK :p.

@Dastrn (I believe)

X1 is playing to his town meta, from what I've seen. He's not the play.

Zac, my man. Those Sonic days...


Zac's a very passive player in the beginning. Don't let his I-don't-give-a-f*** attitude phase you. He's not bad. And actually scum hunts later in the Days. So he's another one to keep around.

If I had to point my finger and call someone scum, it'd be Rajam. Dead weight is dead. And he's definitely here.
Ok, so now I think Gordito boy knows more than he should. He is able to clear people off meta alone. In the back of your mind you know who is town and who is scum, so when you see meta, you feel like you can use it to justify people's alignments. If you were town and in the dark about their alignments, I don't think you'd rely completely on meta to clear UTD Zac and X1 for the day. I'm heavily suspicious of this, and now believe Gordito may be the play for the day. Had you commented on what they said, or analysed, and also used meta and determined a possible alignment for them I'd be ok, but your post above is scummy to me.

This in contrast, to say, Rajam, who earlier pointed out that I say nice things and try to agree with everyone as scum. He pointed out how others behave based on meta, but he didn't make a few bold assumptions off of it. It's a nulltell on Rajam but IMO a scumtell on you.

Vote: Gorditoboy69

Vander - I don't think good indy play means going to for scum early. The chance that an independent can win a game after scum is removed is extremely low, because they would then be the only scum left. The less players and less scum there are, the easier it is to spot the scum that are there. I think indies try to off some of the smarter players in the game first, then halfway through the game they DO try to get rid of scum, so at the end it's just bad players left. They need mafia to help them to kill some of town off at a faster pace, so I disagree with your assessment of indie play, so I agree with Dastrn on this.

Dastrn, you opting to reveal the smart indie play makes me think you are either town or scum, and not indie. Don't know if that read helps but it might in the future. I agree with Vander though that you jumped to that conclusion a little too fast on MK, but I see it as an act of trying desperately to scumhunt when not much material is available, which is consistent with what you said about going after J over aggressively early as new technique.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Edreeses: Though I wasn't in DBZ Mafia, I heard that Cello won that game as an independent role (or sibling or something) because not only did he catch scum, but his independent play was EXACTLY the same as his Town play.

So by essentially becoming town's strongest player, he ensured he wouldn't ever be lynched.

In cartoons mafia, greenstreet the independent SK was recruited N1, because the Town Cult Leader decided he was most likely to be town.

When you think about it, what actually separates an independent role from a town role? In terms of similarities, both are totally in the dark about other player's alignments. Both can act "genuine" with respect to views on players.

^ But this discussion is so derailed from the main point that I think we should just drop it.


Jul 16, 2005
vand, I've detailed pretty clearly why I got an indie vibe. I think you probably ought to move on from that point. It generated good discussion. You showed your colors a bit. so did xsy.

I do want to hear what made xsy say indy rather than scummy, but I also want to progress the conversation. Is it just me or has D1 of this game been super weird?

@Zen, on a scale of 1-10, how has toDay been for you?
@Rajam, hi friend. (deadmau5 song i like...) Call me scum and build a realistic case. 1 rule, you have to leave out my read on MK.
@Gordito, you've told us all your town reads. Stop. Town lists are called "lynch lists" to scum. They can leave everyone suspicious alive to get lynched and just kill the obv-towns. Give us your 3 scummiest reads, with a post# of why they are suspicious. ex. Overswarm - Post 144.
@vanderzant, i like your style. keep the heat on me and xsy. seriously. i think it's helping. like i said before, i can handle votes and suspicion. not sure xsy can though.



Jul 16, 2005
I should say, there's a strong possibility that I won't post much in the next 24 hours, and, realistically, the next 4 days. I'm leaving in 45 minutes for a 12 hour drive, and i'm not confident in my skills tethering my laptop to my phone. i'll have wifi when i get to maryland, but i would rather spend time catching up with my family than playing mafia. Hope you guys have fun the next few days. I'll pop in here and there.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Dastrn: I'd just like to see others give an input on the topic. I do realise that we have repeated ourselves several times now, and it's a bit like beating a dead thing. I'm slightly off put that few people had much to say about it. I thought me taking a strong stance like that would be pretty topical... but alas, I'd still like people to weigh in.

IGMEOY, but I can see the townie perspective to your defence. I probably need to look back at others. A lot of players here I don't remember much of their posts.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Vote Count:
Zen (1) - X1-12
Xsyven (2) - Sir Bedevere, Vanderzant
Dastrn (1) - Xsyven,
X1-12 (1) - Zen,
UTD Zac (1)- Dastrn,
GorditoBoy69 (1)- EdreesesPieces

Not Voting:
Meta-Kirby, GorditoBoy69, UTDZac, J, Rajam

With 12 alive it takes 7 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for Wednesday, Oct. 6th, at 3:00 p.m. EST


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
X1, your thoughts on Zac?

Gordito, what do you like about J's posts now that he has posted?
I've seen Zac play as a terrible townie, I could draw comparisons to that play, but nothing conclusive, looking at the intent of his posts, well its really not that beneficial to scum

Ok, so now I think Gordito boy knows more than he should. He is able to clear people off meta alone. In the back of your mind you know who is town and who is scum, so when you see meta, you feel like you can use it to justify people's alignments. If you were town and in the dark about their alignments, I don't think you'd rely completely on meta to clear UTD Zac and X1 for the day. I'm heavily suspicious of this, and now believe Gordito may be the play for the day. Had you commented on what they said, or analysed, and also used meta and determined a possible alignment for them I'd be ok, but your post above is scummy to me.

This in contrast, to say, Rajam, who earlier pointed out that I say nice things and try to agree with everyone as scum. He pointed out how others behave based on meta, but he didn't make a few bold assumptions off of it. It's a nulltell on Rajam but IMO a scumtell on you.

Vote: Gorditoboy69
I think I can read gorditoboy purely on meta, I can understand why he would think the same about me


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Alright, so this whole restriction thing? Very lame.

I'm jumping a little far in the future here, but assuming it boils down to 3 town (one of them being MK), and 2 scum. A no lynch will be forced because scum know not to vote for him, and one of us will be lynched. Scum wins.

He's 100% dead weight. Scum can simply not vote for him, and that's one less vote for them to worry about. I'm hoping he's got an amazing role to back up his daytime uselessness, but that's something only time and results can tell.
This is 100% not true Speculation into roles is not helpful at this stage in the game either, its also very wrong of you to assume no real vote = useless, he can still bring up scummy posts and convince others to vote for that player.

I don't think he's scum, but I'm very suspicious of him being an indie. He set up a situation where neither faction wants to vote for him, and he doesn't even have to participate in the game to get far. I definitely agree with EP's Pseudo-vote idea, so we make sure his head is in the game, and in a town mindset. I don't see him as an immediate threat for now-- maybe as a throw-away lynch later
OK suddenly dropped the indie card here with some massive tunnelling, not even considering that perhaps he just wanted to save confusion in later game. You also just assume that his head wouldn't be in the game. I also really don't like 'throwaway lynch'

You can very much pressure with fake votes if you get a good point across. You may have no voting power, but we sure do!
What? a bit of a sudden turn around here, '100% dead weight' eh?

Also, a townie saying "that's a ridiculous town posting restriction, I suspect it may be an anti-town role" is called 'scumhunting'. Me suggesting an indie role doesn't make me any more suspicious than people saying they think he's town. Nobody should be considered town until proven otherwise
How do you prove this in Mafia? wait for them to die? yeah that works, lol. Actually its generally best to look at tells and evidence so you can get a good idea of who is town and who is not.

Extreme tunnelling, dissonance, its all too much for me

Vote: Xsyven


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Stuff; currently at #120:

#85: Odd declarations about how we should handle M-K. If we're entering lylo we must risk and lynch the most likely scum isntead of dead-weight just because of that, specially if we think at that point M-K is town. Not liking how do you imply to just let M-K live and then lynch him in the future

#108: Agreed with the point about Edreeses. As scum he could've just let that pass and pressure M-K with the post restriction thing.

#109 and #117: M-K, if you're Independent survivor, Xsyven has a legit point. Anyways, I'd say we just ignore your post restriction in terms of trying to read your alliance; it's simple: if you're useless, you die. You help, you survive. Overall I didn't like M-K's explanation on how he isn't likely Independent

#115: Agreed with Zεη's points here. Lame case on J from Dastrn just because of J's inactivity in other game; pretty easy to use that as scum. And Dastrn's reaction gives me bad vibes

#120: Same thing: easy case on J feels scummy. And also why did you say M-K needs to be lynched before lylo? Didn't he claim a Power Role as well? lynching scum > lynching detrimental townies


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Vote: Zen

Your #136 is rolefishing and I don't like it
more emphasis

Roooollle fishing here, not good, especially after the special note in the OP about protecting identities
X1 you vote for me because you believe that I was role fishing by asking Gordito why he was using ":p" so much and you refuse to see it any other way even though your it's completely illogical.
I'm also curious if anyone spawned as a simple vanilla role...
So that I seem like a town player:
@Darstn and J, Can we get a post from both you guys without any use of color in the post? Just normal text. It probably doesn't mean much and honestly doesn't take any effort from you guys. I'd just like to know you guys don't have some sort of posting restriction. Of course I can't really do anything knowing there's a restriction, but it might be useful later on.
I've seen Zac play as a terrible townie, I could draw comparisons to that play, but nothing conclusive, looking at the intent of his posts, well its really not that beneficial to scum
Yet, Zac has just posted an actual role fish type of post as well as a post similar to me asking Gordito about the smileys and you think nothing of it? FoS: X!!!!


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
#109 and #117: M-K, if you're Independent survivor, Xsyven has a legit point
But I'm not and he doesn't.

You can twist whichever argument by using the modifier "If you were (blank)", that simply creates the situation possible for your interpretation of the information to come true. It doesn't hold a valid point.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
X1 you vote for me because you believe that I was role fishing by asking Gordito why he was using ":p" so much and you refuse to see it any other way even though your it's completely illogical.

Yet, Zac has just posted an actual role fish type of post as well as a post similar to me asking Gordito about the smileys and you think nothing of it? FoS: X!!!!
I said look at the intent of his posts. Zac saying "anyone wanna claim VT?" does not help scum, no-one Is going to claim that from what he said

The second one is just pure noobishness and laziness. Can you honestly imagine scum saying, "Oh you're posting in green? is that a posting restriction?"

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Before I respond to everything going on toDay, let me just clarify: I'm NOT clearing people solely off meta. It is just an early assumption. If I see something I don't like, I'll hop on it, and off of meta. But I guess I should elaborate:

In the beginning of Sonic (he was town, btw), Zac didn't really do much. He kinda hung out in the back chilling. Come late D2 and throughout the rest of the game, he was crazy contributing, actually playing pro town. I'd just prefer NOT going for the Zac lynch toDay. I'm all for the "dead weight is dead" idea, but I want to give Zac just another Day.
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