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Villains Mafia - X1-12 lynched! Town wins! X1-12, Indie survivor, wins a bit less!


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
Dast said:
yes, it was a joke vote, but it was mad LATE for a joke vote. I wanted to see how he, you, and others would respond to it.
And what did we learn?

An obvious joke vote isn't going to get a rise out of anyone ever.

You should have been able to see that one comin'.

@vanderzant, which vocal player are you most suspicious of right now? It's not uncommon for at least one of the goons to be very vocal for the first day. Which blabbermouth do you have your eye on? If you don't have any suspicions, pick one, even if it's a very weak suspicion.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Wow Dastrn is really good at not responding to my questions :ohwell:

Meh, I think I might be onto something anyway... Both Dastrn and Xsyven have strongly suggested that they believe MK to be an independent role. Not a scum role, they both explicitly said indy. Go back and check what I quoted if you don't remember.

Firstly, from a town perspective, how do you tell the difference between regular mafia and independent roles with no additional information?

You can't.

What sort of scummy traits separate mafia from independents, on Day 1, about 24 hours into the game? Later down the track, associative tells for evidence of a scum team might pop up, but in terms of singling out one player for being scummy, and calling them an indy specifically… these thoughts SHOULD NOT be running through the head of a townie.

Why? To start with, town don't know whether or not independents exist in the game. There is no info about it in the OP, and town usually aren't told this when it is the case (or I at least certainly haven't been). Scum have information on who is scum (their buddies), and who is not scum, so logically, if they find someone to be legitimately "scummy" they have to assume that they are either independent or of a different scum faction (which is uncommon, but not unheard of in a game this size).

Additionally (and WIFOM aside) Xsyven argues that MK is trying to convince town that he is NOT an indy, by claiming a restriction that is ILLOGICAL for an indy to have. But why does he suggest it is illogical for indy to claim this, but not mafia? It would (from my perspective) make much more sense for a scum team to take this gambit, because they could bus MK if it falls through, and their chance of winning does not entirely rest on whether Town accepts/rejects this gambit (where as if MK's an indy and we lynch him, his entire faction loses). Sure, mafia probably aren't going to kill MK any time soon based on his claim (if he isn't mafia), but then if he is mafia, they wouldn't be killing him either.

Therefore I suggest that at this point in the game, Xsyven and/or Dastrn can't possibly have enough information to decide whether MK is either scum or independent, unless they are scum themselves.

I think we should lynch Dastrn first, because he already did scummy things like his safe vote on J. But I'd be fine with Xsyven too.


Jul 16, 2005
Both of you, why do you think MK is indy specifically? Why could he not just be regular scum? How did you make that differentiation?
Indies want to appear harmless to scum too. Scum knows who scum is, but they don't know who indies are. Scum only need to appear harmless to town, but indies will say things that even scum would respond to with "that guy's no threat to us..."

Claiming you can't vote makes you a weak townie in the eyes of scum. Of no consequence. Easy to let live through the night, since they can't hurt you during the day.

Does that make sense?

Scum will NK people who are obv town and a threat.
Town will lynch people who are scummy and dangerous.

Both groups leave behind the guy who says "don't worry bout me, guys. I can't hurt anyone. and it makes me sad."

I've always found it easier to spot indies than scum, since indies will focus on just surviving, whereas scum will actively try to influence town towards mislynches. Indies don't have to do that. They just have to wait it out 4 days or so.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Both groups leave behind the guy who says "don't worry bout me, guys. I can't hurt anyone. and it makes me sad."
I wouldn't be too sure about that.
And you keep saying that you're so good at picking out indies, so much better than picking out scum, but once again you don't address how any normal information would lead you to the conclusion that I'm not scum, I'm indie.

And your first statement....not gonna even touch that. You basically admitted that for anybody to conclude that someone is indie, they'd have to know who scum is, and for anybody to know that at this point in the game, you'd have to be scum.....

....FoS: DASTRN <--I'd so vote you.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
And it's a moot point because I'm town. I've already said I have a power that benefits town that would probably be taken away if I tried to vote.

Indies do not put themselves out like this. >_> I'm not sure how much more I can emphasize that.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Zen, I think I already covered your question, but I'll try again.

I didn't like in general how you responded to MK's claim. You seemed comfortable with him violating a game rule for information. I think a better response to MK's claim is to assume that something fishy is going on since it's unusual. The "something fishy" that I picked up is that MK wants to appear harmless to both town and scum. So he designed himself a restriction that would let him play like an indie and have an excuse that he admitted to at the very beginning of the game.

With all of that said, I DON'T think we should be considering a MK lynch yet. We need to scumhunt before we can indie-hunt. That's why I FOS'ed you instead of MK. Cause I think your flippant attitude towards the posting restriction and the consequences of breaking it are scummy.

My unvote -> FOS was already explained in my post regarding my intent to be unorthodox in the joke vote stage. I intend to get a rise out of people and see what happens. My switch to xsyven fits with that. yes, it was a joke vote, but it was mad LATE for a joke vote. I wanted to see how he, you, and others would respond to it.

I'm going to stop explaining every little thing I do now. It detracts from the whole point of getting twitch reactions out of people. I guess you can either like it or not.
Hey, you should perhaps reread and read my response that you are ignoring.

And you should really just play honestly throughout the game. Saying that you weren't serious every time someone calls you out on something isn't gonna fly.

If the only way you can scum hunt is by playing scummy then all you are going to do is be a distraction. You get nothing from the way people respond. I've played many games in which people have attempted this, but in the end they get ****. I even dedicated a whole game (Cartoon Cartoons) to experimenting with this and it's useless. I can further confirm this with the fact that you're voting for me :lick:.

If you're town, and you're intentionally playing scummy as **** you should just stop because you're just going to be the guy who brings all the attention to himself with a wagon of more town than actual scum. Don't provoke a lynch in which you know is going to be a mislynch (yourself). Seriously just play honest.

more emphasis

Roooollle fishing here, not good, especially after the special note in the OP about protecting identities
I'm not sure how a smiley has anything to do with a role?? Could you explain why you thought I was role fishing because I just don't get it. The reason why I asked him was because I don't recall seeing Gordito post so many smileys in Taco Mafia where he was town. I'll have to check again, but I don't think he was so jolly. If it's off his town meta then it is something to consider. But yeah not sure how I could get a role from asking about that.

And while I'm talking to you X1, you never answered my question in #26. My vote on you is serious.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
Vander I agree with your case on Dastrn and Xsy.

MK would not likely claim a power role if he were indy so assuming that as the most likely possibility is odd for someone town to assume.

I don't think MK is scum or Indy.

Also MK I think you will be more useful than you are giving yourself credit for. And at this point I don't think that "he needs to die eventually". You're pretty much someone who could be cleared as town which is a great advantage. You also have a power role, yet scum wont kill you because they probably think you will be detrimental to town. Win win imo.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I confirmed the same way as someone else, so? I wasn't really thinking. What are you trying to get from this.

Wrt role fishing: Roles in this game have been used before, one posting restriction has already been outed, discovering another one by digging like that is only ever going give scum more information about the town players and potential PRs


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
OK that's fine lol.

Why are you assuming that only town players would have post restrictions and that people with post restrictions have a PR?

(what is wrt?)


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
And I knew it wasn't a post restriction because he made multiple posts without ":p" and some with more than one. So fail on the role fish idea.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
wrt = with response to

Outing roles is never a good idea this early in the game.

I'm also aware that not all of his posts had the face in, but some posting restrictions don't make you do something in every post, just in some posts, or a certain amount of times thoughout the day

Calling it a 'fail' just sounds like you are dismissing the point, just because you didn't catch any fish, doesn't mean you weren't role fishing, my vote stays.


caterpillar feet
Jul 20, 2008
Kindgom of Science
It's a fail because there's nothing anyone could have gotten from that. I'm dismissing it because it's about as dumb as my reason for voting you.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Special Notes
  1. Your character identity is important! Some people are given special information or hints about your character, so protect your identity at all costs.

Yeah, it was role fishing

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
@Van and Zen

I guess it's cause I'm in Oddworld with both of em, but I don't mind Dastrn's pressure toward J. Although I feel that it was stupid to throw away the pressure, J is an inactive a** kid. Personally, if he keeps up the same inactivity (JUST enough activity to avoid a prod), I want him dead. Dead weight is dead weight.
Alright I think I should adresse the inactivity point here. I am not inactive anymore, I was inactive in another game however now I am active again (as I used to be before that silly thing that made me inactive happen). I do not plan to be inactive and going for a "Lynch J because he was inactive in a previous game" is a load of BS. :laugh: *tsk* I am tired of being called dead weight back here and so I am going to try my best to be as active as possible. However as someone has told me before in another game, actions speak louder than words. So I'll let everyone decide if I am inactive.

If I do start to become inactive then yes, by all means vote me. However voting for my inactivity now at the slight beginning of D1 is absurd. When actually there is someone else who has been posting less then I have and with less stuff. Sir Bedevere. In all honesty he has been the least active/helpful =/

FoS: Sir Bedevere

@Bedevere: Excuse me, but where are you at? Also what are your thoughts so far on the active wagon that was on me, and what else that is going on? ^.^

@Gordito: Will you ride with me on this Wagon? lets get it started!

Letsa go!
Bandwagoning again *facepalm* I can never find a break with my one time of inactivity. T.T However I have adressed this already.

Vote: J

Hi, I'm going to be less lenient on your acitivty this game than I was in oddworld. Please post soon and post on recent developments. Specifically what do think of Dastrn's push and then backing away from you? Scum or null tell?
Understandable on the inactiveness vote and being less leniant. I can understnad I guess =x I can get where Dastrn is coming from with the inactiveness but still...his push then back off is weird. I don't know if it is a scum or he is just doing it to get me active since he isn't the only one pushing for me to be more active. (As Gordito has said, everyone in that other game has at least put their vote on me once to start posting)

I'm a dude just btw ^.^ Your not the first and not going to be the last =p I just like the color pink.

I don't think there is a rule about posting pictures lol.
Oops ^^" I didn't know.

J there is no need to post pics. Pictures are easily photoshopped, or it can be a pic from 3 years ago for all we know. Don't worry about posting it, don't waste your time.

When you do get here I'd still like an answer for post #123.
Your right which is sad =/ and your answer is above.

Oh, before I forget:

Unvote, if it is needed.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Sir B. (is that nickname alright =x?) has only made one post that weren't RVS and it was about MK's claim.

My thought on MK's claim is that it is more beneficially to the town that it seems because he did mention he has another power that is helpful to town. Hence why I see no reason why to vote him out, especially if he is a guarenteed townie. =x Idk that's just my thought on it.

I am not voting MK toDay nor do I think he should be the play today.

@MK: Be happy you got a PR! D; don't think you won't be helpful because that's just sad ;-; everyone can be helpful and your role does seem good for a certain pressure. Plus with EP's way of you telling people who you think you should vote for seems to be working just fine. ;D


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
J, you're right. Sir B has made a total of 3 posts in this thread, last post about 2 days ago. Where you at!?

As a few people have put it already, I don't think MK is the play for today. I'm getting a town read from him so far, as I think it's completely possible a restriction like his exists on a townie.

I'm also curious if anyone spawned as a simple vanilla role...


Jul 16, 2005
MK would not likely claim a power role if he were indy so assuming that as the most likely possibility is odd for someone town to assume.
I hadn't thought of that. It does draw attention to him as useful, which draws attention to him as potentially dangerous at night.

@J thanks for posting at all, I guess. but I don't think calling out bedevere as inactive is a good point coming from you. good point, but just pot -> kettle -> black.

@zen changing my playstyle this game just to make you happy would be a bad idea. I think. I don't have a good read on you right now, and if you don't like how I'm playing, and I don't like how you're playing, then maybe I should keep it up? Also, like I said before, I'm going to stop explaining every little thing I do. If you don't like it, lynch me I guess. I just want to scumhunt now, and I'm glad we're out of the JVS.

@ Rajam - How do you feel about the JVS? Was it useful to get reads on anyone, or more distracting than anything?
@ Gordito - What's your read on X1 so far?
@ Everyone - Who do we lynch? Actively anti-town or passively anti-town?



Jul 16, 2005
@zen - on second thought, I'll stop screwing around. hopefully it was useful and not counterproductive.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
Indies do not put themselves out like this. >_>
maaan don't make blanket statements

Cello in DBZ claimed Hated Bulletproof D1, a pretty weird thing to claim and something that could have easily been non-town, but he stuck his head out and most people believed him. Noone lynched him. He went on to win the game. He was indy.

Granted, the situation is a little bit different (Cello claimed mostly out of pressure, you claimed because you found it necessary for town to know about your restriction), but the point stands that you "putting yourself out there" is not necessarily indicative of non-indy. Sometimes the best place to hide is to hide in plain sight.

That said, I still think you're town now, though. Just keep playing the game.

If I do start to become inactive then yes, by all means vote me. However voting for my inactivity now at the slight beginning of D1 is absurd. When actually there is someone else who has been posting less then I have and with less stuff. Sir Bedevere. In all honesty he has been the least active/helpful =/

FoS: Sir Bedevere

@Bedevere: Excuse me, but where are you at? Also what are your thoughts so far on the active wagon that was on me, and what else that is going on? ^.^
When you FoSed me in particular, were you only looking at just the number of posts, or the actual content of the posts? Because Zac has not done much more than me, if he has done more than me in the first place. He only has 2 posts of any actual content, one of which is a single line of agreement, and the other being him defending you of your inactivity (compared to my one post of fleshed-out reasoning as to why I don't think we should lynch MK).

I don't mean to turn this into a "let's see who technically has the least amount of content and lynch them" sort of thing, but I'm curious as to why you FoSed me specifically, when there are other players in the game with similar if not worse levels of inactivity/usefulness.

Your wagon was bad and the people on it should feel bad. Lynching an inactive 1 or 2 days into the game is silly, especially when the basis of the wagon came mostly from meta from other games. I don't think Dastrn is as scummy as much as most others may think, but he's definitely on my radar now, whether or not his push against you was legitimate or not.

I don't really see much else going on (I already commented on the MK deal). X1 pushing zen on non-existent rolefishing is kinda weird, but that might just be X1 being X1. I'll reread after this post just to make sure (posting this now because I can see I'm getting ninja'd).

@Zac, lol, so you do the same thing as J and then rolefish. OK.

@Dastrn, I'll wait on your answer to that question before I answer (everyone else may as well do the same).


Jul 16, 2005


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
maaan don't make blanket statements

Cello in DBZ claimed Hated Bulletproof D1, a pretty weird thing to claim and something that could have easily been non-town, but he stuck his head out and most people believed him. Noone lynched him. He went on to win the game. He was indy.
He wasn't indy, he was masoned. I was indy in DBZ Mafia lmfao, and you all lynched me like D1 or D2 D:


I still don't like Dastrn, so that's where my Float be at. (Float = Fos + Vote) LOL


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
@vanderzant, which vocal player are you most suspicious of right now? It's not uncommon for at least one of the goons to be very vocal for the first day. Which blabbermouth do you have your eye on? If you don't have any suspicions, pick one, even if it's a very weak suspicion.
The reason I asked you this questions is because for me, YOU'RE that guy.

You're very vocal, asking question, and getting everyone involved-- which is great! But it's your answer to my question that really tipped my opinion of you.

I'll tell you when Dastrn answers my question :p.

I have a plan.
So you can ask questions, but we can't ask you questions. Are you afraid of treading on someone's foot? How can you have a plan when we have absolutely no information? What entitles YOU to a plan, and why should WE follow it?

To me, you're posting a lot, but you aren't giving much back. Anyone can spout out random questions to people, but it takes scum to not be able to answer anything once confronted.

The second thing that bothered me about your posting is this:

Meh, I think I might be onto something anyway... Both Dastrn and Xsyven have strongly suggested that they believe MK to be an independent role. Not a scum role, they both explicitly said indy. Go back and check what I quoted if you don't remember.
Reread my posts. What have I said about what I think about MK? That I SUSPECT he's an indie role. SUSPECT. I even said in each instance that I'm not interested in doing anything except waiting for results. I never denied that he could be scum or town. He very well could be! You just seem to love putting words in people's mouths.

The last thing that really annoys me about your posting happened 24 hours after the game started.

Need to see more from
Rajam 9
Xsyven 6
UTDZac 5
X1-12 5
J 4
Sir Bedevere 3

It's still early, but whatever, Imma be the inactive police.
This is you saying "It's only been 24 hours, look how MUCH I post, everybody!" You even triple posted, coupled with a few ****posts at the beginning of the game. Post count doesn't mean anything, especially only 24 hours into the game when an inactive player doesn't even have a chance to be inactive yet.

You're either very eager, or you're trying really hard for the town to think you're helpful.

FoS: vanderzant


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Mod: Request Vote Count

@Sir B: I like that post. Who's scum and who are you voting?

@X1: Agree with others that Zen really isn't role fishing. Do you still believe that or are you just trying to push something out of it?

@Dastrn: I like your answer in #167, as it is probably the only "townie" thought process that I could think of (i.e. town don't want to lynch him, scum don't want to kill him) but it still doesn't make sense to me why you called MK indy and not just blanket scum.

Mafia has just as much reason to want to 'coast' to endgame without creating many connections or doing much scum hunting (as you suggested MK might do). They win if they survive too. Manipulation isn't that integral to winning, as long as they push the "right" wagons and can appear to be town in doing so.

So, unless I'm missing something, is there any reason why MK would do what he's done as mafia and not as indy?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Hilarious (or ironic) Ninja.

The reason I asked you this questions is because for me, YOU'RE that guy.

You're very vocal, asking question, and getting everyone involved-- which is great! But it's your answer to my question that really tipped my opinion of you.

So you can ask questions, but we can't ask you questions. Are you afraid of treading on someone's foot? How can you have a plan when we have absolutely no information? What entitles YOU to a plan, and why should WE follow it?
What? I didn't want to answer at the time because my honest response would of been Dastrn (and you slightly less because you haven't been active) and I saw Dastrn was online and wanted to wait for him to respond.

My plan was the same thing. You can have your own plan if you want.

Where have I shown that I'm afraid of treading on feet? Where do these accusations stem from?

You're making me out like I'm manipulating town. Show me how I'm doing this because I don't believe you.

To me, you're posting a lot, but you aren't giving much back. Anyone can spout out random questions to people, but it takes scum to not be able to answer anything once confronted.
What questions haven't I answered that have been directed at me? I did give you my answer about who I found scummy, even if I didn't directly answer it, I meant Dastrn.

You're being quite vague here, show specifics.

The second thing that bothered me about your posting is this:

Reread my posts. What have I said about what I think about MK? That I SUSPECT he's an indie role. SUSPECT. I even said in each instance that I'm not interested in doing anything except waiting for results. I never denied that he could be scum or town. He very well could be! You just seem to love putting words in people's mouths.
Uh, well obviously you don't know who the indy is. Only he/she himself should know that... unless OS told someone?

And yeah, I was calling you out because you SUSPECT Meta kirby is an indy role. You did say it.

The last thing that really annoys me about your posting happened 24 hours after the game started.

This is you saying "It's only been 24 hours, look how MUCH I post, everybody!" You even triple posted, coupled with a few ****posts at the beginning of the game. Post count doesn't mean anything, especially only 24 hours into the game when an inactive player doesn't even have a chance to be inactive yet.

You're either very eager, or you're trying really hard for the town to think you're helpful.

FoS: vanderzant
Do you not agree that the players I listed had (at the time) contributed the least?

I agree post counts don't mean much (I never said they did) but they give a decent indication of activity level regardless.

Your FoS reeks of OMGUS really. Would you of done that if I hadn't voted you first?

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Sir B. I want to answer your questions with using some quotes if I may ;o I orginially had FoSed you to come out of hiding so far since no one had noticed you were away ^_^ It was more of a poke at ya to get in here. It seemed to work imo ;D (i know this strategy cuz it is has been used on me alot x.x)

Also since I don't like saying things without evidence let's compare.

Sir B.

Confirmatron GOOOOO
Zuru will scar you for life maaaan.

2 (MXC and Sonic), and I dropped out of 1 (Bioware).

Vote: Xsy

why ya gadda capy mah canfirmin :<
I think I'm comfortable with MK's claim. Maybe if like, sometime before lylo we don't have any good lynches and MK's done nothing, then yeah, we can lynch him, but for now I feel comfortable enough with the way things have played out that I don't think he's the play toDay or anytime soon.

As for MK not revealing it right away, I don't think it means much. In Sonic mafia, I did not initially reveal my suspicion that there was a mafia recruiting role until someone pushed me on it, and I was town. Yeah, that's not exactly the same (and I was wrong lol), but it shows that town doesn't always necessarily reveal information they think town should know right away (although they probably should lololol).

@X1 where you at
maaan don't make blanket statements

Cello in DBZ claimed Hated Bulletproof D1, a pretty weird thing to claim and something that could have easily been non-town, but he stuck his head out and most people believed him. Noone lynched him. He went on to win the game. He was indy.

Granted, the situation is a little bit different (Cello claimed mostly out of pressure, you claimed because you found it necessary for town to know about your restriction), but the point stands that you "putting yourself out there" is not necessarily indicative of non-indy. Sometimes the best place to hide is to hide in plain sight.

That said, I still think you're town now, though. Just keep playing the game.

When you FoSed me in particular, were you only looking at just the number of posts, or the actual content of the posts? Because Zac has not done much more than me, if he has done more than me in the first place. He only has 2 posts of any actual content, one of which is a single line of agreement, and the other being him defending you of your inactivity (compared to my one post of fleshed-out reasoning as to why I don't think we should lynch MK).

I don't mean to turn this into a "let's see who technically has the least amount of content and lynch them" sort of thing, but I'm curious as to why you FoSed me specifically, when there are other players in the game with similar if not worse levels of inactivity/usefulness.

Your wagon was bad and the people on it should feel bad. Lynching an inactive 1 or 2 days into the game is silly, especially when the basis of the wagon came mostly from meta from other games. I don't think Dastrn is as scummy as much as most others may think, but he's definitely on my radar now, whether or not his push against you was legitimate or not.

I don't really see much else going on (I already commented on the MK deal). X1 pushing zen on non-existent rolefishing is kinda weird, but that might just be X1 being X1. I'll reread after this post just to make sure (posting this now because I can see I'm getting ninja'd).

@Zac, lol, so you do the same thing as J and then rolefish. OK.

@Dastrn, I'll wait on your answer to that question before I answer (everyone else may as well do the same).
After 2 posts being eliminated due to RVS, we have him stating his opinion on MK's claim. His next post was after my little poke and he asked questions and answered my questions. Now let's go to UTDZac's post.


Role PM received
You guys are all screwed, I got MK LOL.

To answer your question, this is like the 5th game I've played.

vOTE: x1-12

copy cat
I also don't think scummy of MK's decision to tell us his restriction.


@Dastrn: Is it possible for you not to use orange color text? It's hard for me to read with my SWF skin. And to answer your question I'm fine with believing MK's claim as of now. His restriction isn't a threat to town's ability to vote/lynch, at least not yet. Once we get to lylo, however, it will cause some problems (As pointed out by others earlier). What concerns me is what his other ability my be. Why give a role such an annoying restriction if you aren't going to give him an even weirder ability. Idk, and I won't think much into it, OS game after all ;)

@J's wagon: his/her last post was less than 24hrs ago. I don't understand why that counts as "inactivity." J might just extremely busy with whatever, not having a good size chunk of time to read up on the fast moving discussion so far. Because of this, I feel a bit suspicious towards X1-12 and Edreeses. However, I haven't played many DG mafia games so I don't know if this is the norm (this being: inactive for less than 24hrs --> start wagon).
I have a white background. Maybe using a darker orange or bolding all of your text... shouldn't be that obnoxious really but it would help me out a lot. I'd post a screenshot but I think those aren't allowed lol.
J, you're right. Sir B has made a total of 3 posts in this thread, last post about 2 days ago. Where you at!?

As a few people have put it already, I don't think MK is the play for today. I'm getting a town read from him so far, as I think it's completely possible a restriction like his exists on a townie.

I'm also curious if anyone spawned as a simple vanilla role...
UTDZac seems to be more active of the two, he has 6 posts and they are closer together. Let's look at the content. After 2 of the RVS gone we look at the 4 with content. 1 is just agreeing with the general consensus on MK's claim, next one has his opinion that RVS is over and it's time to get serious. Hence his asking Dastrn to change his color and adressing the wagon against me in the same post. Then another post on color directed at Dastrn. The next post is him agreeing with exactly what I said.

Now let's take a general look at it. I would say UTD is doing a bit too much headnodding for me. If we look at these two you can see a big differnece. Yes, Sir B. did go a little under the radar but in his two posts we see a better response and answers being made then UTD. UTD I do not like that right after I made my post pointing out Sir B. you just jumped on and agreed then followed to say for the second time that you agree with the general consenus on MK.


I do not like it when people just nod along agreeing. It is bad =/

@UTD: What are your thoughts on Gordito, X-1, Xsyven?

J: Who should we persue, who is scummy?
UTD should be watched a bit to see if he will do more then just be a "I agree" person atm. This headnodding so early could get bad further in the game. And plus just agreeing is not helpful =/

@J thanks for posting at all, I guess. but I don't think calling out bedevere as inactive is a good point coming from you. good point, but just pot -> kettle -> black.
I think you can drop this by now. kthnks ^>^ In all seriousness though it was one time so I see no reason why the heck you keep bringing it back up.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
EBWOP: wooow I got a few posts *now reading the posts that popped up* I wrote that before I went to eat dinner.


Jul 16, 2005
I got the indy vibe more than the scum vibe simply because I see (and play) a distinction between survival (#1 goal for indy, #2 goal for scum) and (fake)scumhunting (#1 goal for scum, not a goal for indy). If Indy scum hunt too well, they risk being night killed. I almost won my recent indy game in the broom when we got down to 4 players, and i would have had it if I hadn't painted myself into a bit of a corner with a really elaborate claim that x7 didn't buy, which led to M3D forcing me to agree to something that would get me night killed and win the game for town....anyways, I did well in that game by asking lots of questions, getting good scumhunting conversations going, but never leading the charge until D3 when it was time for my gambit.

All of that to say, I think scumhunting is anti-indy. Survival in both day and night phases is by far the most important goal for indy. Which means you have to appear harmless to town and worthless to scum. MK's claim says to town "i'm harmless and helpless" and it says to scum "i can't hurt you. leave me be".

Make sense?


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
I've just had a REALLY bad history of vocal townies having a 'plan' day 1, and then ****ing everyone over later in the game. You don't have a plan, because you don't know anything. No one except scum does.

I just don't want to see it happen again.

I asked you a question, and you didn't answer it-- why can't you answer a question from me before Dastrn answers your question? If Dastern posted after you, you could see how your reply molded his answer, and you'd probably get a relatively similar read. You can't deny questions because all YOUR questions haven't been answered yet. It's like saying "you guys aren't allowed to question me, I post a lot."

Also, a townie saying "that's a ridiculous town posting restriction, I suspect it may be an anti-town role" is called 'scumhunting'. Me suggesting an indie role doesn't make me any more suspicious than people saying they think he's town. Nobody should be considered town until proven otherwise.

The last point was just pointing out that you're almost TOO eager. Not everybody can be as active as you, and you seem to be making problems out of non-problems.

I'm just trying to say, being vocal doesn't make you town.

My FoS mirrors your FoS to me, but come on. These are legit reasons for people to be suspicious. To deny that makes you just look overly defensive.


Jul 16, 2005
I think you can drop this by now. kthnks ^>^ In all seriousness though it was one time so I see no reason why the heck you keep bringing it back up.
Fair enough. I like what I'm seeing from you.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
I already did.
Ah, OK.

Personally, I prefer lynching passive anti-town behavior first in the beginning, reason being an active anti-town player is, at the very least, active (unless a player is being blatantly anti-town/scummy, like Kirbyoshi in Sonic mafia). My priorities change once the Days go by; starting with D2 or D3, I start going after the more active players and put the passive anti-towns as a secondary priority.

Is there any particular reason you're asking this, or is it something you want to keep secret till after everyone answers?

He wasn't indy, he was masoned. I was indy in DBZ Mafia lmfao, and you all lynched me like D1 or D2 D:

He was INDY mason. Not town mason. (and not me, I wasn't in that game :p)

@Van, no one as of yet, though I have a pile of town reads and a few people I'm keeping an eye on (you all know 1 from either group). Self-meta is kinda shaky (especially when I've only been in 2 full games), but I'm generally pretty slow in the first Day or 2. Just keep asking me (specific) questions and I'll keep contributing, otherwise I'll contribute when I feel I have something worth contributing. Once we get some information (flips) I start posting more (both MXC and Sonic Mafia are examples of this).


Sep 28, 2005
Judgment Count: 856
@J, Yeah I'm totally switching to a black background skin cause pink on white is impossible to read without highlighting all your paragraphs.

As for what I think of those three players? Meh, it seems all of them are playing a perfectly fine Day 1 game imo. I don't see a problem with how they are progressing through Day 1; everyone has their own strategies and what not. Without a NK or information from a lynch it's not worth it, imo, to dig deep into what someone says or how they are saying it.
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