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Villains Mafia - X1-12 lynched! Town wins! X1-12, Indie survivor, wins a bit less!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Bah, no sense waiting if EP is going to be V/LA. Time to win this game. Meta-Kirby your death will not be in vain. I shall avenge the wolf pack!!!!!!

Vote: EdreesesPieces because you are scum. Here is my case:

-Tried to reason that Rajam/Gord was a much better lynch, until it was inevitable that MK/Me/X1 were set on lynching Dastrn
-E.g. #449

Dastrn - While Vander may have pushed the Xsyven lynch a little more than others, I consider that a town tell more than a scum tell. I think scum wants to push for lynches without looking like they were pushing for it. Vander was strongly for the lynch and didn't try to hide it. I think he legitly thought Xsyven was scum, as my read of it indicates. I think you are smart enough of a player to realize this and I have an issue with it because it seems like you might have ignored this possibilty to make Vander look bad for going after Xsyven more than anyone else did. Will keep an eye on this behavior but this is just a small read. Without a strong read, I don't favor lynching Dastrn because he's a really helpful town player, and I'm in no rush to lynch someone who only gives me slight tells versus strong scum tells of Gordito and Rajam.

FoS: Dastrn

Vander - When I read Dastrn's post voting you i was like "whaaaat is this" too but your reaction does seem a little panicky over the fact that he voted for you. I don't think Dastrn's point was a good one but I don't think it was as scummy or crazy of a notion as you make it seem with your reaction. And everyone in every mafia game keeps telling me I'm hard to read, can't help it no matter how hard I try, seems like its hard to get a read of me, I don't know why. I'm really dissapointed cop was killed too needless to say.

That being said I've read even more on Rajam and I really think he's the play.

Rajam, in my last post I indicated ur lack of commital in those last 2 posts of yours, also not really having real drive when throwing on ur vote for X1.

I also don't like any of your earlier play:

Comments on something going on, gives a quick assessment. Eh, this is ok play but:

Another instance where he just comments on something real quick - more agreeing, in this case with Dastrn.

Agrees with Xsyven. More agreeing. Then he makes a point that I'd already brought up about ignoring the post restriction. In addition this comment isn't any real substance by the time Rajam brought it up, town had moved away from that and everyone accepted the fact that he should just play normal as if he wasn't restricted. I just feel he's just coming up with things to say.

EVEN more agreeing! Don't see many unique points or real scum hunting - just agreeing, commenting, and actively lurking by periodically catching up. It's not the inactivity that bothers me but the overall play.

Here's the problem Rajam. In the same post, you both agreed with Dastrn on a point he made about me, and you disagreed with his case on J. This is the problem with you drawing out several posts, either agreeing or disagreeing, and not proviing much substance to it - it's just a way to actively participate and give the appearance of scumhunting but really it's not. He did the same thing in the 2 posts I raised objection to in my last post earlier in Day 2. Rajam - how do you actually FEEL about Dastrn in light of these things you disagree and agree with - that's what I want to know. I haven't seen you give these kind of stances all game, but I've seen you cover a great deal of different events and subjects. Trying to blend and lurk?

Vote: Rajam
^ Really trying to halt the imposing Dastrn wagon that MK and I were preparing to roll. Accompanies it with a MASSIVE attack on Rajam for basically not participating. While it ain't a good think on Rajam's part, EP is really emphasising a Rajam wagon over Dastrn.

For example, Edreeses as scum tends to agree with everything and look very friendly, post a bunch of nice words with no real effect or anything, so I'd be wary about that.
It's meta, but I believe this is how Edreeses has being playing. Trying to people please and thus avoid being lynched. @Rajam what do you think of this?

@ Edreeses I hope we are on the same faction often in mafia games. I like your style. [/asskiss]
^^^ ****ing lol if he was being serious.

-Also refer to Sir Bed's #328. It was amazingly spot on about EP/Dastrn relationship at the time.

Only concern is that Sir Bed could of been TOO spot on… but for scum to just put out two of there suspects on Day 1 like that… I know I've done it before, but nah, probably not.

Notes about J/Dastrn/Edreeses (wrote this during the 6 day night on the connections I saw with Dastrn after his flip. Was planning to push on J toDay but he's dead)

-I get massive scum distancing vibes from both Datrn's vote on J, and Edreeses vote on J on Day 1

All joke-voting aside, I'm seriously voting J.
vote: J

He's been super inactive in oddworld mafia, and completely distracting. We're stuck talking about his inactivity instead of scumhunting. That whole game was pissed when they saw him actively signing up for games while ignoring the one he was in.
Vote: J

Hi, I'm going to be less lenient on your acitivty this game than I was in oddworld. Please post soon and post on recent developments. Specifically what do think of Dastrn's push and then backing away from you? Scum or null tell?

@vander well now that I've answered, what are your thoughts on Gordito?

Both votes came after each other… both were for activity and nothing else. J is probably the greatest bus of all time to buy town cred… if J is lynched Dastrn/Edrees looks good for being on a scum wagon early. If J survives past Day 1, all players looks unlikely to be aligned with those who wanted to lynch him. Do not like how it played out at all. I was right about Dastrn being scummy then, and I'm glad I picked up on EP doing the same thing.

Also wtf at Edreeses STILL pushing on Gord when:

1. He was 1 of Dastrn's 3 scum suspects (apart from the Rajam tunnelling, he said "maybe X1 and Gord." I doubt Dastrn would of wanted to draw unnecessary attention to his scum partners. It's why he was tunnelled on Rajam. He didn't want to slip up.

2. On Day 1 Edreeses told me he had a "slight town read on Gord" in #118 based on Gords activity… in my opinion, Gords play did not change AT ALL on Day 2. I called Gord scummy for basically not improving his play and failing to scum hunt. That IMO was how he was playing Day 1… but his play Day 2 really doesn't show a difference to his early Day 1 play.

I was suspicious of Gord (See my ISO I did yesterday) for NOT changing his play, yet Edreeses had a slight town read and changed it pretty quickly, despite there being little reason to. He was a top suspect for edreeses on Day 2 (and now I guess). This leads me to believe that Edreeses did not actually believe Gord was scum, and was pushing him solely because he could be an easy alternative lynch to Rajam for that day.

I have even more reasons for why I'm so confident in Edreeses being scum, but I'm going to save them for now (connected to my ability, yadayada should be studying for exams instead of playing mafia, etc.)

So town join me and let's lynch Edreeses. He is scum.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
haven't read your post yet van, but holy **** me and van need to be best buds forever since I've been thinking Edrees was scum since forever (no IDEA why people were thinking he was town yesterday)

tied up at the moment, will get back here and read it full out to see if case is legit


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Oh and there is no way mafia would be able to have a double kill where 1 kill is a jan. That's ridiculous. Scum obviously killed MK because they knew he was jailer (through Dastrn). I have a pretty good idea what went down with J's kill though, but it's not neccesary info atm.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Bah, no sense waiting if EP is going to be V/LA. Time to win this game. Meta-Kirby your death will not be in vain. I shall avenge the wolf pack!!!!!!

Vote: EdreesesPieces because you are scum. Here is my case:

-Tried to reason that Rajam/Gord was a much better lynch, until it was inevitable that MK/Me/X1 were set on lynching Dastrn
-E.g. #449
I switched my vote to Dastrn not because it was inevitable but because he started to flat out contradict himself. When you guys were accusing him he was just acting strange and making weird cases, which I can relate to when it comes to scum hunting so I wasn't sure. I switched my vote to him because he started to contradict himself and refused to vote for MK to allow MK to vote him.

My case on Rajam isn't jusy based on just him being inactive. It was based on him saying he was suspicious of people and that those people need to be looked into (J, me, Sir Bevedere) but Rajam refusing to actually do the scum hunting himself. He was slighting at others to look into it, playing very indirectly. I made this clear yesterDay. Based on Meta I also found him much more observant and useful as town in other games I've played with him, (a couple in the BBR) I said this yesterDay too, but I'm clarifying with more detail.

I get massive scum distancing vibes from both Datrn's vote on J, and Edreeses vote on J on Day 1

Both votes came after each other… both were for activity and nothing else. J is probably the greatest bus of all time to buy town cred… if J is lynched Dastrn/Edrees looks good for being on a scum wagon early. If J survives past Day 1, all players looks unlikely to be aligned with those who wanted to lynch him. Do not like how it played out at all. I was right about Dastrn being scummy then, and I'm glad I picked up on EP doing the same thing.
I agreed with Dastrn's push on J because I agreed with making a statement on J not to be inactive again. I actually didn't find Dastrn as scummy as you guys did until Day 2 after he made a case on you that was weak and also when he started to play survival mode and start contradicting himself. I eased off J pretty fast once he made it clear he was participating more in this game.

Also wtf at Edreeses STILL pushing on Gord when:

1. He was 1 of Dastrn's 3 scum suspects (apart from the Rajam tunnelling, he said "maybe X1 and Gord." I doubt Dastrn would of wanted to draw unnecessary attention to his scum partners. It's why he was tunnelled on Rajam. He didn't want to slip up.
Don't know about Dastrn but sometimes as scum myself, I will make a scum list and include one real scum in it. Gordito was getting pressure from me so I disagree that he was bringing unncessary attention on Gord; Gord already had plenty of attn on him because of me and Dastrn may have put him on the list for that reason. Basically I don't think you can clear Gord just because Dastrn had him on the scum list.

As for the issue of Gord's playstyle not changing, his style didn't change but the comments he made make me feel he is trying to blend in without real scumhunting. When you are playing early in the game, playing like that is OK so I was fine with it. It's OK like that early because there isn't much to go on, and you aren't sure who to trust, just kind of surveying. I got a slight town read on him because I had no real choice, there wasnt much to go on and he seemed ok. But to keep doing that as the game goes on when there are serious cases being made, it started to irk me, and this is why I started to push him.

Not gonna fully V/LA til tomorrow, but like I said, I won't be inactive for periods longer than a day, so don't worry about that.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Ignoring indy possibilities, here is my town/scum list:


These two are real close to confirmed non scum for me. Don't think Dastrn's tunelling on Rajam was S v S (like I believe it was with J). Similarly, don't think X1's push on Dastrn was S v S.

Sir Bed

Can't really "clear" these guys as not being scum. With UTD, might of been scum distancing between Dastrn and him (not that likely though, seems kind of legit) so slight town. Sir bed was real inactive and has done a couple scummy things, but his day 1 reads seemed pretty townie, so slight town. Gord I have no idea really, but based on how Edreeses was pushing him, I'm inclined to think it's T vs S. But null till we get EP's flip.

So pretty much EP that just leaves you. I can potentially see a townie reasoning to your actions (good scum always have a townie reason for their actions regardless) but based on connections primarily with Dastrn (and secondarily with J) I believe you are the best lynch and probably the last scum.

I'm surprised you don't have a confident scum read toDay. I'll ask again EP, who's scum?

Interested to see what you all think with this, but EP is the play for me toDay.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Im really sorry everyone, but i gotta replace out. I got caught smoking weed, and i wont have enough time to dedicate to this game as Im grounded. So, good luck town, and i hope my replacement doesnt do drugs :p. Its been fun playing with you guys.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
**** you guys can't we just lynch edreeses already? why you all have to be inactive *****

Gord don't replace out just vote EP already.

X1 Don't be dumb why didn't you vote EP?

@Mod: Can we get a prod on UTD/Rajam? They haven't even posted toDay.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Yea, i read your case, actually makes so much sense. Ill vote him for now, and since im replacing out, nobody hammer before my replacement comes and inputs.



Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Im really sorry everyone, but i gotta replace out. I got caught smoking weed, and i wont have enough time to dedicate to this game as Im grounded. So, good luck town, and i hope my replacement doesnt do drugs :p. Its been fun playing with you guys.
Sorry to hear about you getting caught, good luck with your situation.

Anyway Vander my scum reads are still Rajam and Gordito. Based on everythings that happened so far that's just the read I have on these two. I feel you to be town, X1 to be town, and I got a null on UTD due to serious lack of participation. Vander you seriously DON'T even want to pursue the idea of other scum candidates if you are so sure I'm scum? I'm going to flip town then you have nothing to go on after that. In addition X1 AGREES that Gordito is the play for the day and you are completely ignoring that.

However Gordito is replacing out so it complicates things a bit. I'd like to hear from the replacement, it might help me decide if I have personal issues with Gord's playstyle or if the slot indeed keeps acting scummy. Probably the latter.

I agree that town seriously need to step up the activity. Press me, ask my questions, vote me, but don't just dissapear from the game.

Once again, I may have wagoned on Dastrn, but i did it SOLIDLY. I was STRONG in my conviction that I decided he's the real play for the day, and i have KEPT my suspicions on Gord and Rajam despite this. Do you realize that Rajam never took a real solid stance on Dastrn? Just look at these comments

Because that plan is extremely risky specially since everyone suspects you're more scummy than townie... no one would support a mass claim to check your results... (I guess)
Rajam doesn't seem to want to make a conviction. here he talks about how a mass claim is risky not becuse the idea is bad but because no body would support it. He guesses. His language is just wishy washy, and Rajam, you STILL haven't made any real cases on anyone despite me asking you to several times. Vander u seriously ok with the possibility of scum not taking real stances and just blending and coasting? These are the types of players i look for in scum, I'm not good at finding scum in strong willed players I admit, but I can spot people who are seriously trying to coast, and I get this vibe from Rajam (as well as Gord for reaosns I've stated)

Rajam I want to point out to you more you've done;

About the (other) inactives:
I think UTDZac is just town... no idea on SirBedevere, but he needs more pressure, just like me. J... I don't like him much. He has the "bursts of activity" feel that I do find scummy.

J which are your scum picks? what do you think about me, and Dastrn?
same question for Zac, and Sir Bedevere


If you think I should claim, let me know... I don't have any hard reads or scum picks, but I think X1, Dastrn and J are good picks toDay, and as I said I think we should focus and pressure other players like SirBedevere, EP, J, X1.
He says he doesn't have any hard reads or scum picks. No hard reads or scum picks. But here's a list of players he feels need more pressure:

-Sir Bedevere

Seriously, Rajam, you had 0 strong scum picks (in your own words) but 4 candidates that need more pressure but you didn't have the galls to place the pressure yourself. Here's more of this behavior:

Gonna read what other ppl think about this: I think the role is honest, but the ability doesn't say anything about your alliance. Would like to hear what everybody think about this.
I just don't see taking any real stances. really CAREFUL play. rajam wants to read what other players have to say, he keeps emphasizing what town is doing and how the majority is going, he's not being his own player but just following what's accepted.

uh, sorry, I've been lazy... I was into other stuff. Luckily I'm finishing that now so I'll be able to put a lot more attention to the game, and make my cases more indeep
Blamed inactivity on lazyness and promised more attention to this game after "other stuff " was done but it has yet to come. This is much as much of a reason to suspect him as his inability to be his own player, take hard stances, he defers way too much to other players. This is a sign of someone trying to blend way too much.

Sorry that I wasn't as detailed when I made my earlier smaller cases on Rajam but this goes along the lines of my last posts against him, much just more detailed. This is why I feel he's scum, already put my case on Gorito out there. Those are my two picks.

Vander, question, other than me, who do you see as scum? Any other picks?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
I think the play today is going to be vander or Rajam.
If it's one, it's not the other. And it very well could be both.
Here's why.

I think that last Rajam post was either one of two things:

Option A: Rajam is town. His post seems to implicate vander quite a bit for pushing xsyven's lynch. Vander's name came up in there constantly, and in hindsight, most of it appears pretty scummy.

Option B(more likely): Rajam is scum. He posted all of that just to make it obvious that he wasn't on the xsyven bandwagon. I think this is more likely because if you look at all of his summaries, he hardly mentions x1 or myself OR gordito OR J, and yet considers all 4 of us to be scummy. Seems like a pretty weird conclusion given the data he scrounged.

Option C: Both are scum. Rajam wanted to appear useful for collecting all of that data, but couldn't come out and say "vander is looking scummy based on all this" so he had to come up with really unusual conclusions not based on the data about who are scum.

WHy in the world would he look at vander's name come up SO many times with xsyven and then conclude "vander is fine" ? Doesn't make sense. Something isn't right here.

I'm ok with either one getting lynched toDay, but for now I'll
vote: vander
as the most likely scum, and a huge FOS on Rajam. If we lynch vander and he flips town, we almost definitely have a scum in Rajam.
^ That was like the dumbest push on me ever. Assuming Dastrn wasn't TOTALLY dumb, he wouldn't only push a lynch on myself (who realistically, was never going to be lynched at that stage) and a scum partner.

I don't know if I can really buy Dastrn doing that to Rajam if they were a team, especially considered J was about 90% confirmed the other scum partner. Setting you and your scum partner up to be the two top lynches for the day is NOT ideal scum play. It could of been a bus, but that's like an ultra mega super bus.

EP, can you really say with a straight face that Rajam vs Dastrn was Scum vs Scum? You're only looking at the scummy things that Rajam has done. Scum can be inactive, wish-washy, weak and down right bad. But so can town.

The real information is in Dastrn flipping scum, and J basically flipping scum.

This bugs me quite a bit. "I agree with Vand lol Vote: X1" seriously that's your case? *facepalm* You didn't even add anything to it. Also you have not answered ANY of our questions. All you do is give a synopsis on your thoughts, run away to go back *reading*, and don't come back for a while then post another thing which leads to you not really doing a thing. I know it can be hard to post and how hard it is to get their opinion of you back =/ You just have NOT made a case whatsoever.

Also what is with this? Can you explain why you had to vote for Dastrn?Rajam, I would like you to answer ALL of your opinions and take a dag on stand. Until then,

HoS: Rajam

I wouldn't even dare Edreese ;3c Thank you though for the compliment and for the warning that i'm on thin ice. ^^" I really gotta shake this...it was a ONE time thing :laugh:

@Vand: Alright I found it REALLY weird why you just flat out ignored my question and instead posted a video and continued to goof off till the end of the day and just detouring around my question. *Examples below*

You still have not answered my question toDay and it has me worried just a bit. Please can you tell us your role that supposedly restricts your reason to vote?

Also no-one put Rajam at L-1 yet please and keep him at L-2/3ish. I will explain my reasonings after Vand claims. >_> I really hope you guys can understand. My role is tied to this, and most likely I am gonna be claiming after Vand too.
^ Look how hard J was pushing on Rajam.

Also in J's next post #463 he says this

J said:
Something is really fishy about this and I am not liking this ONE bit. However my two scum picks are Rajam and Dastrn but still.....
Dastrn is supposedly J's 2nd scum pick, yet has basically NOTHING to say to or about Dastrn. Classic weak scum distancing. Vote who you really want to die, but say you're fine with lynching your scum partner.

Now back to you. Sure, you did everything right in switching to the Dastrn wagon. I would not expect someone of your playstyle to make a rash decision without reasoning for it at all. But when you jumped ship, Dastrn's lynch was all but sealed. I can't clear you as town like I could for MK or X1 in this respect.

Thinking about it, I think I had a reason for gord being townie... but I agree now that he's probably null. But I think you're more likely to be scum.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
As for your question, the only real other alternatives I can see (assuming Dastrn, J scum team) is

Gord is scum
then next would probably be UTD
then distantly sir bed

If J is indy, then I could see:
Edreeses / (UTD or Sir Bed)
Gord / (UTD or Sir Bed)

Just don't see Rajam as scum. Same as X1, he's not aligned with Dastrn, but he might be some weird indy.

@X1: have I convinced you that EP is scum yet?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Unvote: EdreesesPieces

HOLY **** I may have stuffed up. Sorry guys

I skimmed real bad. Like the worlds greatest ever skim.

EP I apologise for this temporarily. Answer this question though. Was I the first person you targeted with your ability? Don't claim I just need to know this, yes or no.


Today we lynch Gord or whoever is replacing him.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Edrees (1)- GorditoBoy69
Rajam (1)- EdreesesPieces

Not Voting - Rajam, UTDZac, X1-12, Sir Bedevere, Vanderzant

A deadline has been set for Friday, October 29th, at 3:00 p.m.
With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

UTDZac and Rajam have been Prodded. Replacement asked for for GBoy69.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

Up to post #100. Readin' as fast as these mutton chops can skim.

Ask any particular questions? If Gord has played scummy (pro gaming) then don't bother askin' me about it, 'cuz I ain't Gord. Assuming that's why he's the play, see no reason for mechanics to have backed him into a corner.

^ Have not read anything other than Vanz' bolded lynch Gord post. What's the votecount?


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

apologies about the 89 thing

in terms of being naturally scummy, well your opening posts tend to be a bit fluffy but meh not quite scummy in my book.


wagon him

Pretend I'm Swiss asking you to do this

Here I'm the N0 cop and got guilty on him
*Back to reading*


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Edrees (1)- Swiss
Rajam (1)- EdreesesPieces

Not Voting - Rajam, UTDZac, X1-12, Sir Bedevere, Vanderzant

A deadline has been set for Friday, October 29th, at 3:00 p.m.
With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss

I'm on page 5, I don't even know he's dead yet.

Lot of people mentioning indies, fail to see why OS of all people would hide an indies alignment and make him look indie (it implies it imo). He wasn't indie. Town or scum. not
read enough on him yet.

Wait, 2 NK's when vig was dead? This means he wasn't scum, assuming scum killed MK. One shot fail indie involved?

^ This is from page 1 info, mainly.

Ask me again in 30 mins


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
^ Got that wrong.

2 NK's prolly means he wasn't indie. Doubt scum can kill twice . Kill came from an indie, doubt we have a JAOT with vig dead Kill came from an anti town faction. The kill itself probably hid his alignment, not J himself. Meaning indie killed him to make town think te indoe is dead? Depends on how scummy J looked. If he was a play soon, indie killed him and masked alignment. If he looked town, his role is bizarree and he executed? Lemme read more. saying too much on not enough.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Posting thoughts as I type. Some bound to be out of date. Some will be irrelevant but cbf editing them. Not typing out concise thoughts and raw notes.

X1's #164. That ain't like you. Nvm you has Das as scum from #185. Town, #216. Who pushes X1 lynch later?

Das was obv scum. Why was Xsy lynched? Hindsight? Nvm #191. Lynch worthy?

Vanz is town. Obv town. MK protected him? <- answer please

Who was jailed N1/N2. SK possibility. Whoever was jailed N1 but not N2 is SK. SK AND vig? No - unless doc and jailer. If we have doc there's an SK.

/skipped part of D1 - taking too long. Synopsis someone?

Reading final D1 page. Vanz explain 407.

If people have claimed roles/abilities/restrictions - tell me who and what.

Rajam looks like scum. Fos'ing scum but voting a townie. Standard. #426. Rajam is scum, #433.

Missed Zac claiming. But EP said he wasn't pressured to. If so, scum who wants to get cleared - itchin' to do it.

#447 MK protected him. Vanz tells him to stfu. Town. Waiting on next night action from MK. Unlikely Vanz is indie, prime scum target. Hoped to rely on doc? Killed MK when he realised he's roleblocker/jailer, allowing next night kill? what did MK do last night?. Probable town regardless. No reason to doubt him.

Raj wagon - good. What happened?

Bed leans town. Need content - deadweight. Where's the pressure?

Raj force voted against Das? Did this happen yesterDay? Has it happened toDay? Has someone claimed vote manipulator? Can we verify Raj's claim?

#477 MK got himself killed. Vanz confirmed town.

#482 - nvm. Obv kill. Please say we have a tracker.

#490 SCUM SCUM SCUM. Useful how? Who'd check all that? No-one can be f*cked verifying it.

Ya..Gord looks scummy. Pushing Raj over Das but then bowing to pressure. Das flipped scum, makes Raj look town. Still want him gone. Easier for me to say.

MK's #526 is too perfect for scum. They wanted to NK him anyway. We have no doc. Thus no SK, weak indie role? Maybe.

EP's #531 dodge. Hindsight? Dislike.

Bussing from Das, imo (on Raj). Hedge bets. One dies one look town.

X1 - Janitor, why do you think that? The role is unknown, is it not? /probable skimming. But explain. #633

Bed wagons way too easily. Back up #664 please, quotes.

Vanz explain why Raj isn't scum. Wtf was this EP case?

So Gord is on most scum lists - understandable. However, this =/= scum. He's played scummy, but he is an inherently scummy guy, and not very good. Lawl. Raj has also played scummily, and is now inactive - w00t. The day is just passing by and EP/Gord wagons have been starting up. He hasn't been called out as scum as he hasn't been here.

Zac also needs to post more.

Vote Rajam

/posted thoughts -they work, generally, in chronological order. Skipped small part of D1. Top to bottom. Haven't proof read. Some questions in there I don't know the answer to. My eyes are literally square.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Swiss what other roles lead to alignment not being revealed? lol noobcard, I wasn't aware of any others

Vote: Swiss

yeah seriously I wanted gboy dead and you're still tainted with his play


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
X1, I said we don't know who killed him or his alignment. Doubt it was scum as they almost certainly killed MK. Our Vig is dead...JOAT? Unlikely..What does that leave?

I assume that wasn't a factor in you voting me.

Why wait for me to post if you were going to vote me anyway? Ugh - you're town anyway.

No-one put me at L-2 without overall consent.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
X1 - Janitor, why do you think that? The role is unknown, is it not? /probable skimming. But explain. #633
I think that because its the only thing I know of in mafia which leads to flip being revealed as ?????, can you give me other examples of when this might happen?

the voting was not related to that, but people, feel free to L-2 him,

L-1 is the only real worry


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
X1 there is a vote manipulator in play. Thus two votes can come from one player. This isn't LyLo, but there's no point to risk it imo.

I've never heard of any role doing this, and do not know what a janitor is. Hence me asking (I may have skimmed over it, as I said). 2 hours solid reading is tough.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
The Janitor is an anti-Town role who 'cleans up the body' after a kill, preventing the town from knowing the killed player's role and alignment at daybreak. Generally, the Janitor will be told the role and alignment of the body.
i.e your role.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I could've done with knowing that earlier.

Then whoever killed J has to be the Janitor...How can a Janitor kill?

I.e. Janitor couldn't have known J died overnight, surely. Either Janitor killed J (wtf) or J killed himself (wtf) and janitor cleaned up.




Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
idk how it works, I presume you do since the way gboy acted when I asked him, I'll pull up quotes inna sec

anyways for the benefit of the town players: I beleive janitor is often mafia alligned and can on certain nights chose to clean up the body so the flip is not revealed. The janitor will know who is going to be NKed so can clean up accordingly. It may be different in this game though idk


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
UNLESS a 3rd player killed J, and the Janitor cleaned him up.

Meaning there are at least 3 (probably max. 3) anti town roles left.

Also means J was TOWN but framed to look like indiescum.

Think I just nailed that.
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