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Villains Mafia - X1-12 lynched! Town wins! X1-12, Indie survivor, wins a bit less!


Jul 16, 2005
I'm pretty convinced Dastrn is scum after this claim.

1. We already have a confirmed cop. And if we trust Dastrn's results, we accept: Cop + Role Cop + Jailer + Vigilante are all town power roles. Other players have hinted at roles too. Unless we're facing something ridiculous like a 4 man scum team, the idea of all these PR's (plus everyone else who is yet to claim) is unbelievable to me from a balance perspective.

2. Dastrn saying "At least let me live till tomorrow so I can give you some results and be useful to town" I'll find the specific quote if needed, but he said something along these lines. After seeing Dastrn's role, HOW IS IT USEFUL FOR TOWN TO OUT ROLES OF TOWNIES?? I guess if someone were to claim (and Dastrn verified said claim), but all I can think is that he is scum hoping to get one more use out of his power. The only pro town aspect I can see is verifying/rejecting claims, which brings me to:

3. Dastrn lynched Tandora KNOWING she had a power role that HE COULD CONFIRM if she lived till the next day. He even knew that Tandora would shoot Rajam, who is Dastrn's suspect toDay, yet HE MADE NO ATTEMPT TO USE HIS PR IN POSSIBLY THE ONLY PRO TOWN MANNER.

^^^ OMFG this is probably one of the scummiest things he's done, all things considered. We DON'T want to out a potential town masonry, are you ******* ********???

Another point I want to add is that MK crumbed that he was a Jailer ON DAY ONE. He said "vand won't be going anywhere tonight." So it's likely Dastrn already figured this out (as I had).

If you were town, you wouldn't of said "MK are you claiming tracker?" you would of shut up about it and hoped no one noticed.

I'm fine with lynching this guy now. Might be worth waiting for a few more posts from some people... but let's not forget ok?

@Mod: What is the status of UTDZac? Is he going to replaced?
This is an Overswarm game. You think he's afraid to put a power role in everyone's hands? I bet we don't have a single Vanilla Townie in this whole game. I'm confident that there are power roles all over the place. I'm also confident that scum have town-looking PRs, so my role cop wouldn't give alignment in most cases. It's basically good to confirm if people are lying or not.

Town needs info. Scum just need to WAIT. My role gets info.

If you don't get how useful it is for town to have a guy confirming who's telling the truth, just ask EdreesesPieces about Oddworld, when he received all the town investigations. He could confirm that people did what they said they did based on the results he got. It cleared a TON of people by D3, and pretty much handed town the victory.

Again, town needs info. My role gets info.

I want to out a masonry because then we'd have MK, Dastrn, and two others CONFIRMED TOWN. That would help, wouldn't it? If we had a cop that could confirm 4 people as town all at once, that would kick ***.

Honestly, guys, get your heads out of your ***** about what's pro-town and what's anti-town at this point, and open your eyes to what's happening here. We're getting tons of information from all of this, and in the end I think it will lead us to scum.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
From what we have heard from Zen and Rajam I think safe to assume that it is a day power.

@Rajam: Explain exactly what happened when you were vote manipulated, when did the message come? etc etc

@Vand: Are you implying that MK is the vote forcer? Does this change your opinion on MK and on who is the play toDay?
I got a message in the middle of the day, telling me I was manipulated into voting against Dastrn in my next post. I cannot change my vote this Day. Also, got some minor notes about that it doesn't carry over to the next Day, and that I'm still affected by the usual 72-hours activity rule.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
I'm Town Mind-Reader. I can Mind-Read: PlayerName at night to get their role information only, with no information given on alignment, and no information given on whether or not they are a mason.

I investigated MK last night, and was told basically that he was a jailkeeper. I can't quote the mod PM, of course, but basically it said that he could protect people but would also roleblock them. He can "kidnap" them, it said. and they can't be targetted by ANY night abilities when kidnapped. He also isn't allowed to kidnap himself, because it would be "silly." I tried to push him to claim tracker instead to not reveal that he was our DOC but he kept insisting on revealing he was the jailkeeper without saying it.
MK, I think I gave enough information in this paragraph that you can confirm that I'm being honest, and that it isn't based on me already knowing you're jailkeeper.

I wanted to push people around this game so that I could get a read on their roles before I decided who to Mind-Read at night. I didn't want to waste my ability on vanilla.

Can we move on from this tunneling now? it's been a really weak case from the start, and it's been ignoring what I've been saying all along about my playstyle. I'm a deliberate player, and i've had my reasons for this all along. I've been as clear as I could be without claiming too early. We still have a decent case on Rajam worth pursuing, and he's been allowed to completely coast through the pressure because it all piled on me toDay. let's do something useful with toDay, and if we honestly can't come up with something better to do, then I guess flip a coin and lynch either me or Rajam just before the deadline. At least then we'll have had some decent discussion without handing scum a free pass to tunnel me.
MK, I believe that you're town 100% because the mod basically confirmed it to me. And I believe that you honestly think I'm scum. But I also know you're wrong, and I hate to see scum get a free pass to tunnel all day toDay with no consequence. If you call them out on it tomorrow when I flip town, they can say "YOU led this whole thing. If I'm scummy, then you're scummy." I think I cleared you since I'm a role-cop essentially, but let's at least make scum EARN killing me toDay if they're going to get away with it.

If anyone is in a masonry, that might explain why OS was explicit in telling me that I would not receive info about whether or not the person is in a masonry. Anyone want to speak up? We'd have SOOO many people cleared at this point if we got masonry info.
ok, now how does that role "clears" you? you're talking like "ok guys this is what I can do, so pls clear me and let's move onto another target"... that role could perfectly be mafia and what you're trying to do here is hold hands with MK which can be extremely dangerous

Gonna read what other ppl think about this: I think the role is honest, but the ability doesn't say anything about your alliance. Would like to hear what everybody think about this.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
Ehrm also, I hope this is not rolefishing, but I think the vote manipulator is J. He has been against me and Dastrn so manipulating me into voting Dastrn would make sense, and also it could be related to this restriction:

I have a strict voting restriction. It ties within my role. I'm sorry but I am not gonna give anymore info that isn't needed on this unless it is truly needed I say so. =/
So, J: Do you think the vote manipulator should claim?

first of all nobody else claim yet

second I think I need to see MK's reaction before I can properly react to this. I agree that tunneling Dastrn for the next 3-4 days isn't the best option, allowing other players to coast. Still think Dastrn's the play until I see MK's reaction and see what information I get out of Rajam and Gordito.

Rajam you still havne't answered - why did you tell us to make a case on Sir Bevedere, J and me but not actually go through and do the work to make the case urself?
uh, sorry, I've been lazy... I was into other stuff. Luckily I'm finishing that now so I'll be able to put a lot more attention to the game, and make my cases more indeep


Jul 16, 2005
Me trying to hold hands with MK would be asinine. I know his palms are sweaty, and he thinks my breath stinks.


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile

Are you ********? Finding VT's is possibly the most beneficial thing you can do for town with that role. There will be no Mafiosi VT's. But ANY PR's out there can go to ANY alignment with the proper balance. Next time, think before you post? Kthx.

And ultimately, why WOULD town have that role? I think it'd be incredibly unbalanced for town, cuz it's moreorless another cop (if you find a role like Mafia Grunt or Mafia Godfather (what else would come up as a description aside from the NK ability from the grunt, and the innocent upon investigation + NK ability from the godfather?)), under the assumption that we HAVE a normal cop. Oh wait, we do.

Come on, Scumstrn. How much worse can that have been for you?
Just wanted to say that I've been and seen other OS games and he never ever put VTs. There is a high chance this game doesn't have VTs.

I'm pretty convinced Dastrn is scum after this claim.

1. We already have a confirmed cop. And if we trust Dastrn's results, we accept: Cop + Role Cop + Jailer + Vigilante are all town power roles. Other players have hinted at roles too. Unless we're facing something ridiculous like a 4 man scum team, the idea of all these PR's (plus everyone else who is yet to claim) is unbelievable to me from a balance perspective.

2. Dastrn saying "At least let me live till tomorrow so I can give you some results and be useful to town" I'll find the specific quote if needed, but he said something along these lines. After seeing Dastrn's role, HOW IS IT USEFUL FOR TOWN TO OUT ROLES OF TOWNIES?? I guess if someone were to claim (and Dastrn verified said claim), but all I can think is that he is scum hoping to get one more use out of his power. The only pro town aspect I can see is verifying/rejecting claims, which brings me to:

3. Dastrn lynched Tandora KNOWING she had a power role that HE COULD CONFIRM if she lived till the next day. He even knew that Tandora would shoot Rajam, who is Dastrn's suspect toDay, yet HE MADE NO ATTEMPT TO USE HIS PR IN POSSIBLY THE ONLY PRO TOWN MANNER. [/B]
Want to hear Dastrn response on these points, specially number three.

This is an Overswarm game. You think he's afraid to put a power role in everyone's hands? I bet we don't have a single Vanilla Townie in this whole game. I'm confident that there are power roles all over the place. I'm also confident that scum have town-looking PRs, so my role cop wouldn't give alignment in most cases. It's basically good to confirm if people are lying or not.

Town needs info. Scum just need to WAIT. My role gets info.

If you don't get how useful it is for town to have a guy confirming who's telling the truth, just ask EdreesesPieces about Oddworld, when he received all the town investigations. He could confirm that people did what they said they did based on the results he got. It cleared a TON of people by D3, and pretty much handed town the victory.

Again, town needs info. My role gets info.

I want to out a masonry because then we'd have MK, Dastrn, and two others CONFIRMED TOWN. That would help, wouldn't it? If we had a cop that could confirm 4 people as town all at once, that would kick ***.

Honestly, guys, get your heads out of your ***** about what's pro-town and what's anti-town at this point, and open your eyes to what's happening here. We're getting tons of information from all of this, and in the end I think it will lead us to scum.
I've seen you've pressured me, but who else do you think is scum? You're just defending yourself... If you're town, which players/posts do you think are from scum? Also, do you have a plan to use your ability with, or should we just do a mass claim after some Days and see who is scum? Because that plan is extremely risky specially since everyone suspects you're more scummy than townie... no one would support a mass claim to check your results... (I guess)


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Dastrn the difference in that game was that I claimed to save somebody else, I didn't claim to save myself. It's easier to believe someone who is claiming to clear someone else than it is someone who is claiming to save themselves. Huge difference there. It was also a different point in time, when there were only two scum left and not many potential candidates left to lynch. Basically the circumstances of that game were very unique and are not comparable to this one.

Dastrn's trying to bait a mass claim so his scumbuddies get a lot of info on town before he goes down. Not buying it.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Rajam: I'll hold you to that, if you continue to be "lazy" and not defend your own cases I'll have no choice to believe it's not that your lazy but that you just don't actually have a case on those people. So just a reminder, once you're no longer lazy let us know what makes u think you need to look into myself, J, and Sir Bevedere.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.

I wanted to push people around this game so that I could get a read on their roles before I decided who to Mind-Read at night. I didn't want to waste my ability on vanilla.
This is an Overswarm game. You think he's afraid to put a power role in everyone's hands? I bet we don't have a single Vanilla Townie in this whole game. I'm confident that there are power roles all over the place.


x1 i'm fine with it too.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
van's 596 is an explosion of genius.

die die dastrn

I'm fine with van using as much of the day as he wants until he hammers. Please, NO ONE VOTE unless you know for sure that van is online and is ready to hammer. We don't want Dastrn to self-hammer.

van, you should make a post or PM me with the times you are normally available during the day, in EST preferably (or your time, and I'll just convert it). I don't think we can't do that, since it isn't directly related to mafia/the game.



Jul 16, 2005
Dastrn the difference in that game was that I claimed to save somebody else, I didn't claim to save myself. It's easier to believe someone who is claiming to clear someone else than it is someone who is claiming to save themselves. Huge difference there. It was also a different point in time, when there were only two scum left and not many potential candidates left to lynch. Basically the circumstances of that game were very unique and are not comparable to this one.

Dastrn's trying to bait a mass claim so his scumbuddies get a lot of info on town before he goes down. Not buying it.

I never ASKED for a mass claim. I was simply describing my thoughts based on previous games.

Mafia games get pretty stupid sometimes. Everyone thinks they are building a case but all it is is bias once they get something rolling. It doesn't matter if it made sense to start. All that matters is that once you see someone as scummy, you roll with it and then everything that person does you see through shaded goggles.

Honestly, people don't have ANY case on me yet, other than "lol everyone else thinks your scum"

Seriously, be concrete and make a case on me. This has been the stupidest wagon ever. I've stated my intentions to play unorthodox to fish for information and reactions from people since the very start of the game. I feel like we've gotten TONS of information to sort through, if only you guys would chill out a little bit and stop tunneling.

Scum is coasting right now. I guarantee there's one scum pushing for my lynch and the other 1-2 scum just coasting.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Who is not voting Dastrn?

Who are you and why are you not. I believe at least J AND Dastrn are scum.

If we don't get this lynch because J is inactive, I'll be ultra pissed. Town needs to hurry the **** up and get rid of this guy before some of you fall in Dastrn's guilt trip/information gathering session.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
omg and I just read his last post..

...first of all, why is a townie trying to blame other townies? Saying "you all suck at making cases" does not dissuade me from wanting to kill you =P

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
@mk ultraaaa

van's 596 is an explosion of genius.

die die dastrn

I'm fine with van using as much of the day as he wants until he hammers. Please, NO ONE VOTE unless you know for sure that van is online and is ready to hammer. We don't want Dastrn to self-hammer.

van, you should make a post or PM me with the times you are normally available during the day, in EST preferably (or your time, and I'll just convert it). I don't think we can't do that, since it isn't directly related to mafia/the game.

Vote: dastrn

pew pew


Jul 16, 2005
I'm pretty convinced Dastrn is scum after this claim.

1. We already have a confirmed cop. And if we trust Dastrn's results, we accept: Cop + Role Cop + Jailer + Vigilante are all town power roles. Other players have hinted at roles too. Unless we're facing something ridiculous like a 4 man scum team, the idea of all these PR's (plus everyone else who is yet to claim) is unbelievable to me from a balance perspective.

2. Dastrn saying "At least let me live till tomorrow so I can give you some results and be useful to town" I'll find the specific quote if needed, but he said something along these lines. After seeing Dastrn's role, HOW IS IT USEFUL FOR TOWN TO OUT ROLES OF TOWNIES?? I guess if someone were to claim (and Dastrn verified said claim), but all I can think is that he is scum hoping to get one more use out of his power. The only pro town aspect I can see is verifying/rejecting claims, which brings me to:

3. Dastrn lynched Tandora KNOWING she had a power role that HE COULD CONFIRM if she lived till the next day. He even knew that Tandora would shoot Rajam, who is Dastrn's suspect toDay, yet HE MADE NO ATTEMPT TO USE HIS PR IN POSSIBLY THE ONLY PRO TOWN MANNER.
I answered #1 already.
I answered #2 already. Clearing half a dozen people by the start of D3 is useful. derpdaderp if you don't understand that.
I, along with 6 of you other people, lynched Tandora because I believed him to be lying and scum. My play on Rajam toDay has to do more with TODAY's actions, not as much yesterDays. I didn't know Rajam was the first to go until I saw Tandora's flip, and saw that scum killed the cop, and saw MK's role info, and saw Rajam's D2 posts. Shooting Rajam in the dark could have been bad.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop

I answered #2 already. Clearing half a dozen people by the start of D3 is useful. derpdaderp if you don't understand that.
Knowing a player's role isn't always indicative of their alignment. Yeah, if you hit "goon" or something there's a 99% chance you hit scum, but it isn't always that simple. If you investigated (say) me, and OS told you I was a Roleblocker, then what? How do you tell if I'm town RB or scum RB? You can't. Just like we can't tell if you're town rolecop or scum rolecop, at least if we're only looking at your role.

I, along with 6 of you other people, lynched Tandora because I believed him to be lying and scum. My play on Rajam toDay has to do more with TODAY's actions, not as much yesterDays. I didn't know Rajam was the first to go until I saw Tandora's flip, and saw that scum killed the cop, and saw MK's role info, and saw Rajam's D2 posts. Shooting Rajam in the dark could have been bad.
yeah, as x1 said, you're ignoring the biggest part: WHY, knowing that you were a rolecop, would you not let xsy live and investigate him? We would have had so much to gain from having a vig. Xsy should have been here/NKed by toDay because YOU should have been the one saving his ***, forget me. All this talk about "clearing people" is just that, talk, because the biggest clear you could have possibly given town was a cleared, basically town vigilante.

btw bevdere nice muse reference there, mk ultra is a great song
people's gettin' my muse references :>

Van I'm staying up late so you can get this hammer so don't let me down tonight please. D:


Jul 16, 2005
I got a scum vibe from him. Vig are just as often indie as they are town. I expect there's an indy in this game. Therefore, even if i kept him alive and rolecopped him, I couldn't have known if he was indie vig or town vig. I didn't feel it was safe to assume even if I did rolecop him. I felt like town was safer with him dead.
I came to that conclusion before tandy replaced in. I also had a feeling xsy would have killed me N1 if I let him live, since he kinda has a grudge on me from PickyourPoke mafia in the broom. I didn't want to die N1 if he happened to be telling the truth, which he was.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Again, you ignore the true reason why people question your behavior.
You had the power to determine his power, to find out if he's lying.

And now, you contradict yourself. You say that your power is useful to town to find roles, and now you're saying that even if you found roles, you can't tell alignments.


Lynch plox.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Final Vote Count

Rajam (1) - Dastrn,

Dastrn (6) - X1-12, Rajam, GorditoBoy69, EdreesesPieces, Sir Bedevere, Vanderzant

Not Voting:
UTDZac, Meta-Kirby, J

Dastrn, (Onslaught, Mafia Investigator) has been lynched!

A good turn of events for town.

Night falls.

I'm going to be gone for MLG this weekend, so I am V/LA. Deadline is Monday at 3:00 p.m. EST. Sorry for the long wait, but that's how it goes. Sorry if I don't get to the deadline right away, my girlfriend is pre-emptively demanding my time upon my flight home so I'm unsure if I'll have a PC immediately :p


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Meta-Kirby (Bowser, Town Jailer) has been killed!

J (??????, ??????) has been killed!

A deadline has been set for Friday, October 29th, at 3:00 p.m.
With 7 alive, it takes 4 to lynch.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Meta Kirby: Dastrn forced MK to claim Jailer, which is moreorless a doc. How can scum NOT want to NK the doc?

J: I... Idk.

B) What's a janitor do? Oh, and I don't understand the ?????? flip.

C) Cute.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
First kill was easy to see coming.

I'm 100% sure that MK was bluffing. His post-restriction set him up to have a pretty powerful ability, and a jailing ability + some other form of self-protection would not be unreasonable with as bad a restriction as that. Saying that scum would regret targeting him puts them in a WIFOMy situation and might end up saving both MK and the person he protected's life.

But he obviously didn't count on Dastrn claiming role cop, saying he investigated MK, and flipping scum. The fact that Dastrn knew words from his PM ("kidnap", I think) means he knew exactly what MK's role was and, even if he did have a protective ability, he probably found a way around it (or maybe J is scum and tried to kill MK lol, but I doubt it).

That LOOKS like a Jan ability...are scum normally allowed a NK + Jan? If that really was a Jan, we should DEFINITELY look at the players who weren't close to a lynch D1, because they would have used their Jan N1. Hopefully they weren't restricted from Janning N1 (or MK protected them >_>).

IDK why they Jan'd J though.

Obviously looking into Gboy after that flip.

already adressed

@edrees where u at


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Trying to make sense of J's flip here. Not sure why the alignment is hidden.

For the rest of this week I'm going to be V/LA (taking a trip to San Fransisco with the GF) but I can continue playing the game through my Iphone, I'll be active but I may have bursts of being away. I'll always come to post late at night though.

X1: I'm still as suspicious of Gordito as I was yesterDay for all the same reasons I already mentioned. I'd especially like to point out this particular line:

I never said that you were forcing me to do anything. You brought up the case on Dastrn, and it's a great case. I'm giving you props.

They're both good lynches, and I'll go either way. But town's leaning more toward Dastrn. So, I'll go that way.
Just don't see any sense of comittment to that lynch, ie, instead of flat out saying Dastrn was more likely to be scum, I see a vibe of "both may be scum but Dastrn is the popular wagon so I guess I"ll join that one"

May be a bus attempt, ur thoughts Gordito?


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Rajam - expecting you to make the cases that you promised. MK mafia is over and you really don't have any excuses of inactivity this time around, nor any excuses not to defend the accusations you are making. Would like to hear a lot more from you today
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