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Villains Mafia - X1-12 lynched! Town wins! X1-12, Indie survivor, wins a bit less!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I'd like to point out the fact that Dastrn was WRONG in his thoughts of my being scum.

And... I can't say that you don't bring up a good point with him being a different player from Oddworld D2 compared to Villains D2.

But, just LOOK at Rajam. Do you NOT see what he's doing Vanderzant??

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Come to think about it, I'd rather give Dastrn less of a chance to try to bulls*** the town. Rajam is probably crazy lurking if he IS (<--- I CAN do it right MK!) scum. I guess I can go either way... And hell, active scumminess > inactivity, so...

Unvote vote Dastrn.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
YES GORD! You did it! You used EMPHASIS correctly!

Here, take an actual gourd:

But hey vanddddd, talk to me bro.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Interesting pic?

Look at this quote from Tandora.

Quite frankly, I'm going to NK Rajam. He was my partner in TOS and he played there like he is playing now
It says that they were scum partners in ToS, and played similar to this playstyle. But, you say this is his town play. Is it safe to say that after Dastrn is lynched, that we go after Rajam, or hell, possibly pursue his (can't deny it) anti town play toDay?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I don't really like to talk about what we do after the day lynch because more information comes with the start of new days.

IDK What Tandora is feeling, honestly, no idea, because this is Rajam's townie play imo.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
*high five*

Sorry MK I was eating lunch.

Tonight I want you to flip a coin. If it's heads you jail me, if it's tails you jail someone else. I think it's a good plan.

I can literally see almost the entire cast bar MK (maybe X1, would have to check) as a scum partner for Dastrn O.O.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Who eats lunch at 12:14 A...
.....Oh right, you live in Australia. You're crazy imo.

But dang? Flipping a coin? I dun think thats such a fantastic idea D:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
It's up to you really. There are benefits to either choice really. The most important thing is to confuse scum.

@Gord: I just feel like EVERYONE is fine with him dieing just because of his inactivity. Which is fair enough... but if MK thinks he does this as town too I'm fine with giving him a pass for now. We just have to man up and kill Dastrn IMO.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Okay I'll roll a 12-sided dice. For every number that is divisible by three, I'll protect every third person I find to be the most likeable. For every number divisible by six, I'll divide the number of children in this game between two factions labeled "Delicious" and "Poisonous", the divide those groups further and select one person from one group at random to protect.

=D I love Confusion.

Yah, Dastrn needs to GO. I just cannot think of anything else right now! lol gotta go bud.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Lemme just point this out for everyone to read.
Let me just highlight this blatantly anti-town statement for everyone in the town to read.
Lastly, let me address how horribly anti-town that statement is and why you're an absolute moron for saying it. Assuming that you are town, you want one of your strongest players to be counter claimed and probably be lynched because of it because "my play has been weak"?

Oh my god, guys, why the **** is this guy still alive?
If you don't kill him today, I'll be absolutely FLOORED.

Float: Dastrn

If for some reason someone sees the validity of allowing this almost positively scum player to continue playing in this game, speak now and you better make it **** good.
Okay so up until now I haven't really found Dastrn's play scummy, in all honesty. his day 1 play, early push on J's inactivity, even the questioning of Vander early ToDay was less scummy than what I"ve seen from Gordito and Rajam IMO. However, this latest statement of hoping MK gets CC'd is reallllly , directly bad.

I don't see any way to interpret it positively..why would you want something like that to happen, Dastrn? If you hope he gets counter claimed, does that mean you think he is scum and don't believe his claim at all? Seriously, this is much scummier than the other things I've seen you do, which to me looked like decent attempts to scumhunt. Sometimes I scumhunt in really strange ways in other games and people think i'm scummy for it so I was able to relate, but this is not any attempt to scumhunt or be pro town..

I can't decide if I want Rajam or Dastrn to be the play. This one action of Dastrn's is real bad but I feel Rajam is equally scummy because of his overall play. However I feel, if Dastrn's town, he is muuuuuuuuch more useful of a mind to have around than Rajam. That's why I'd be OK with dastrn's lynch possibly tomorrow but I'd stil prefer Rajam as the play today.

Rajam does not intentionally hide in the shadows. If you are unwilling to read his posts, that is your burden. He posts good information, I just wish this information would be more frequent, but to me, that's just his playstyle. His townie playstyle.

I really don't care how strong of a player Dastrn is. "He's acting scummy, but hey, he's doing something" doesn't cut it in my book. I would rather lynch someone who is acting blatantly scummy in my eyes, to my face, and around my watch than lynch someone who you/others feel like posts too much at one time for you to be bothered to read.
Thing is, I think both Dastrn and Rajam are about equally scummy, so hence why I favor a rajam lynch over dastrn for dastrn's strong play ability.

Rajam may not "intentionally" hide in the shadows but his play doesn't give us any good feel of who he likes , who he doesn't, or what he as a player in this game really stands for. Him putting summaries of content and commenting on them to me IS a scummy playstyle.

OK with lynching today:
Rajam, Gordito, or Dastrn


Jul 16, 2005
I've been pretty clear in my intentions from the beginning of the game that I wasn't going to play this game the same way I that I played Oddworld. I LOVED how well oddworld went, and I think I played almost perfect. With that said, this is a GAME, and I'm having fun experimenting. I'm starting to notice other playstyles besides mine do well, and I wanted to try some things out. This whole game is a psycho-social experiment, and I'm a treatment specialist as a profession, so I find it extremely intriguing how different approaches to a social problem can lead to the same result depending on the subject in question.

Several times in this game, I've acknowledged that I was going to play more aggressive, and that I would put pressure on many people who I thought were town in order to get them to show their colors, and to get other people to show themselves well too. My interaction with MK (saying I hoped he got CC'ed) was because I thought his play was weak-town toDay, and I wanted to see what would happen if I said that. I BELIEVE that MK is our doc. But I also believe that his play toDay has been poor enough that I could have potentially baited scum out of hiding to say "i'm doc. he's lying. here's my case." I would have shot down a CC in a SECOND. But if I didn't create an environment where I thought they might think I'd support them, they would never CC and blow their cover.

Didn't work. But what we DID get was Gordito and MK arguing back and forth, which might give us some information.

You want a scum list? It's got 1 name on it: Rajam. Everyone in the game feels the same way. The wagon on me is based on my pressure-y action. There are pro-town motivation behind my actions. The wagon on rajam has been all about actual scumminess, combined with lurking even when pressured. SUPER common scum tactics is to simply dodge pressure when there's also pressure on a townie, and let the townie bury themselves in arguing. I won't do what Gordito is doing and flame back and forth with MK on something and make myself look scummy. He's new enough to not realize that you shouldn't actively defend someone who isn't obv-town. I'm NOT obv-town. Let me defend myself. If I'm scum, I'll slip. If I'm town, I should have good motivations to explain my actions. If I can't explain myself well, I shouldn't be playing the way I'm playing. Defending me looks like buddying, which makes you look scummy.

Rajam is the only play I'm interested in D2. If not him, then either Gordito or X1.
@Gordito - The things you did early in oddworld that made you look scummy for a while, you are doing here. My ONE mistake in oddworld was when I thought you were scum. I'm willing to make that mistake again, cause you're play reeks. Maybe you just suck at D2. It was D2 last time too. But you're all over the place, and you never really have an explanation for why.
@X-1 - I'm pretty sure you're the vote manipulator.

@ J - Be active. There's a lot to talk about here. We want your feedback on the last 48 hours. Speak up.
@ OS - Do we need activity prods yet for some of these people? Can we get a vote count?
@Sir Bed - IGMEOY, only you are hiding. Come out and play. Let us see what you're wearing. You're playing awfully safe.
@ Rajam - You want to be useful? Make a case on Sir Bed. You seem to have a big collection of every post ever and your thoughts on it. If you're town, MAKE USE OF IT. If you're scum, keep hiding behind it as if simply HAVING a list of posts makes you town.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Do I really have to point out the number of things wrong with the last post or what?

"I wanted to see how he would react TEH LOLZ!" <--- Um, just as anyone would react to someone saying a blatantly anti-town statement. That's not an excuse, there is no REASON for you to be saying that. What information did you hope to get?

And please, puh-leeze, that information of not trusting my counter claim and going after him because you think I'm a doctor?!

Summed up by this image:

Then futher explained here. Stop basing your play on other games. Stop stop stop. There are different variables, different situations, different nearly everything.

This is what I see

"Dude I played almost perfect in that other game so I'm gonna try playing intentionally ****ty here to **** up town's chance of winning".


Anyone with a brain can see that Dastrn is playing a very loose, very anti-town game. It's important that we GET RID OF HIM as soon as possible. If he's not scum, then he's an ENORMOUS asset to them. If he's scum, wahoo, we just hit scum.

Anyone that does not support this lynch in any way, shape, or form, to me, is scummy. It's god-awful play that deserves a heinous death.


Jul 16, 2005
Do I really have to point out the number of things wrong with the last post or what?

"I wanted to see how he would react TEH LOLZ!" <--- Um, just as anyone would react to someone saying a blatantly anti-town statement. That's not an excuse, there is no REASON for you to be saying that. What information did you hope to get?

And please, puh-leeze, that information of not trusting my counter claim and going after him because you think I'm a doctor?!

Summed up by this image:

Then futher explained here. Stop basing your play on other games. Stop stop stop. There are different variables, different situations, different nearly everything.

This is what I see

"Dude I played almost perfect in that other game so I'm gonna try playing intentionally ****ty here to **** up town's chance of winning".


Anyone with a brain can see that Dastrn is playing a very loose, very anti-town game. It's important that we GET RID OF HIM as soon as possible. If he's not scum, then he's an ENORMOUS asset to them. If he's scum, wahoo, we just hit scum.

Anyone that does not support this lynch in any way, shape, or form, to me, is scummy. It's god-awful play that deserves a heinous death.
Maybe you're wrong that loose aggressive play is anti-town. I suppose since you lack the ability to avoid tunneling as soon as you don't like something, then in your imaginary version of Mafia, yes it would be anti-town. Step outside of your box for a minute and imagine a game where people use more than just extremely basic play. Maybe there's more than one level of play that you aren't perceiving.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Fantastic comeback.

"I'm doing something that you and a variety of other players may deem to be anti-town, but IN MY OWN EYES, and in this game, It's not! I'm sorry you can't see that my blatantly anti-town statements have some obscure underlying perplexing pro-town motive behind them!"

Lmfao. This is hilarious.

This guy needs to just go before he just shouts out his scum partner's names. XD Oh wait, nvm, if you do that that'd be awesome!


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Dastrn: Vote for Meta-Kirby please

Also explain why you thought it would be a good idea to differ from your 'near perfect' play we saw in oddworld


Jul 16, 2005
Dastrn: Vote for Meta-Kirby please

Also explain why you thought it would be a good idea to differ from your 'near perfect' play we saw in oddworld
There's no way I'm voting MK. He's town doc.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
@Dastrn why did you ask Rajam to make a case on Sir Bed, did Rajam indicate he considers him scummy? I don't see why you'd make a case on someone you think is town?


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
There's no way I'm voting MK. He's town doc.
You are just going to temporarily vote for him so he can vote for you. This is our town's way of overriding MK's restricition, basically it makes it so he doesn't really have the restriction. I consider him town so I agree with effectively removing his vote restriction by having whoever he wants to vote for temporarily vote for him and then switch it.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
He's scared cuz he's scum and he doesn't want to be voted out. Guys, stop giving him the benefit of the doubt lol.

Anyone still stuck on Rajam, are his actions scummy, or are his shortcomings scummy? You say "I still find him scummy, but this is the evidence that makes DASTRN seem scummy.....but Rajam...too...."

See how much more we get out of a Dastrn lynch? we get connections, we get friends, we get enemies, we get ALOT. Rajam, we lynch him and he dies. We don't get NEARLY as many connections and what not.

Dastrn vote for meee so we can votee for youuuuuu. =D


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Reason I've been favoring Rajam is because his play seems wayyyy more "safe" than Dastrns. Just seems like Dastrn is sooo openly scummy, I'm more keen on lynching the player who seems to be trying real hard to play safe rather than the one who is wiling to put himself out there and has no fear of saying scummy things. However, Dastrn's still my #2, and you've convinced me that it will give us more information out of his lynch than Rajam's. I also dont like that he's hesitant to vote for you so you can place his vote on him. in contrast to Xysven who was totally quick on board with. I think anyone who is town will have no hestiation voting for MK so he can vote for them. No hesitation at ALL.


Vote: Dastrn


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Problem is, now that you've said that, he's definitely gonna put his vote on me to bluff. Don't let that deter you from his initial, unprovoked reaction to your request. =D AKA, he did not want to vote for me.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Oh, and I don't want you to the think I'm ignoring Rajam. IIRC, he should be getting a prod right about now. His play is....not insanely good, but to me, it's typical Rajam.

Rajam, please do note however, that while I'm attempting to prove that somebody else is the better lynch than you, you should probably chime in a bit and give your input on anything/anyone. You should be more worried that individuals are finding you scummy. It should be more worrisome.
You are the first one to go, for me, if Dastrn SOMEHOW once in a blue moon double rainbow flips town.


Jul 16, 2005
i'm not interested in having more votes on me, so No, I will not vote MK. That is not pro-town. It's pro-stupid. I'm town. If he can make us closer to losing another townie then it'd be scummy for me to vote him. Town gains NOTHING.

I don't have any motivation in promoting misguided play.

EP, kinda sad to me that you have another target with more scummy behavior but since MK is tunneling, you're just riding along. Think for yourself. Who's scum?

Didn't Tanny vote for MK out of "good faith" and end up getting lynched? Piss poor move. It's not good faith, it's letting town lynch town instead of scum.

I asked Rajam to make a case on Sir Bed to actually see if he can do anything pro town with his notes. Sir bed is inactive and we need to hear from him and rajam. I'm asking for activity. Unlike MK, i'm not tunneling on dastrn. I'm interested in conversation. Just because you guys think you should follow bad play and tunnel on ONE potential play today doesn't mean that I'm just going to sit here and bicker. We have ACTUAL scum hunting to do. There's extremely good reason to suspect Rajam, X-1, Gordito, absent J (told you guys from the start...), EP for having his own point of view, but voting MK's point of view instead...etc. there's LOTS of potential plays toDay, and it's SO anti-town to tunnel onto the first one with any steam without.

Let's say you lynch me and I flip town. Then suddenly everyone will be passionate about a Rajam lynch. Let's say you RUSH to lynch him and HE FLIPS TOWN. Scum wins right there. All it takes is MK being adamant about lynching someone based on his preference of playstyle and a bunch of sheep following along and Scum gets to COAST to a win. Town sucks. Scum is quiet. Scum wins.

Let's say you stop and think for a minute. Let's say you require MK to actually make a case on me instead of saying "I didn't like that one post you did cause that's not my style" before wagoning. I guarantee that if someone tries to make a solid case on me taking into account everything I've shared this whole game that it will fail. The only thing MK has on me at all is that he doesn't prefer my loose-aggressive style. It's an asinine case. I'd be all over him for being scummy if I didn't believe his jailkeeper claim.

You want a show of good faith? I'm not adding a vote to myself. That'd be a show or being ********. I'll claim in my first post of D3, telling you all the information I get. I've got a PR. I'll get night killed for it if you guys don't lynch me D3 after you get my info. Either way you'll have me dead if that's what you want, but at least get some information from me first. And make an actual CASE on someone toDay, rather than blind-wagoning and letting scum win.

Everyone who's ok with this blind wagon is scummy in my eyes. Town takes their time with lynches and finds the best candidate after getting a good look at everyone. We've got players who have been inactive literally ALL of D2, and you guys are going to let them coast to victory if you rush-lynch based on the loudest player in the game.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Your argument becomes moot when you say "Let's say I flip town" because I'm like 99% sure you won't.

We won't rush anyone's lynch because we will have NEW information.
And I agree with Edreeses's explanation, yours is just "Someone did that before and that got them lynched so nooooo, its dumb."

I'll claim in my first post of D3, telling you all the information I get
Definitely not really into giving you that opportunity.

Also, you kinda seem to think you're being more helpful than you are...hmm, I don't see you being that helpful cuz you're mostly on the defensive and saying "Hey, you got anything to say to me , (insert player)? I'll say something to you when you say something to me".


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Dastrn I'm seriously sitting here face palming at what I'm hearing.

"I tried some stuff that was weird... and it didn't work. But I made it clear that I was going to play weird so you should all be fine with it. I also haven't tried to remedy my admittedly faulty play style"

"We might of got some information from what I did... but I'm not attempting to draw conclusions or make a case based on any of it"

"You guys want my detailed scum list with reasoning? Well, it's Rajam. I'm not going to give any reasoning for it though. I'm just going to continue to ask weird questions at people."

"Look how inactive all these other players are!!!! Why aren't we lynching THEM?"

"If you lynch me and I flip town, then everyone's going to lynch Rajam, and if he flips town YOU ALL LOSE!!!!"

^ This is seriously what you are saying. You call town "bad" for rushing a lynch on you, yet you do not seem interested AT ALL in scum hunting for the remainder of the Day.

I agree, Rajam, Sir B and J are painfully inactive, but I really have no reason to believe they are hindering town any more than you at this stage. No townie who considers them self half decent should be content with having one scum suspect, without pursuing any other leads (asking questions is NOT scum hunting).

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I'm sorry that I haven't been as active as normal, but I just came back from a party. Chances are that I won't be as active on the weekends from now on.

Although I'd still love to see Rajam go toDay, Dastrn made his way to tied-with-Rajam. I'm fine with either wagon. It's just... ugh... when something's this clear, you gotta take it. My mind's telling me Rajam, but lately, my gut's been telling me Dastrn.

@Mod request votecount.

I swear that if the inactives keep us from the lynch, I'm gonna flip out.

Before the mod brings it in, does anybody know what L- Dastrn's at? I don't wanna go back and count (laziness to the max or what?).


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Vote Count

Rajam (1) - Dastrn,

Dastrn (4) - X1-12, Rajam, GorditoBoy69, EdreesesPieces,

GorditoBoy69 (1) - Vanderzant

Not Voting:
UTDZac, Meta-Kirby, J, Sir Bedevere

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for Friday, October 15th, at 3:00 p.m. EST

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
@Mod request prods for Zac, Sir Bed Rajam and J.

None of these guys have posted in a while. And the only reason that Dastrn hasn't been lynched is because of the fact that Zac Sir Bed and J are incredibly inactive.

Vanderzant's vote doesn't count unless it's the hammer, if I recall him saying.

Dastrn won't vote himself...

MK CAN'T vote Dastrn.

So yea, please?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Gord I believe J has a voting restriction of some description also.

And I can vote, it's just better for everyone that I hammer.

We can wait, it's not if we don't have time.

@MK/Gord: Do you think Rajam could be scumbuddies with Dastrn? Or if not who's most likely to fit that category?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I think that it's a very high chance. Both are looking scummy, and both are trying to bus the other. I'm not liking it...


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
i'm not interested in having more votes on me, so No, I will not vote MK. That is not pro-town. It's pro-stupid. I'm town. If he can make us closer to losing another townie then it'd be scummy for me to vote him. Town gains NOTHING.

I don't have any motivation in promoting misguided play.

EP, kinda sad to me that you have another target with more scummy behavior but since MK is tunneling, you're just riding along. Think for yourself. Who's scum?

Didn't Tanny vote for MK out of "good faith" and end up getting lynched? Piss poor move. It's not good faith, it's letting town lynch town instead of scum.

I asked Rajam to make a case on Sir Bed to actually see if he can do anything pro town with his notes. Sir bed is inactive and we need to hear from him and rajam. I'm asking for activity. Unlike MK, i'm not tunneling on dastrn. I'm interested in conversation. Just because you guys think you should follow bad play and tunnel on ONE potential play today doesn't mean that I'm just going to sit here and bicker. We have ACTUAL scum hunting to do. There's extremely good reason to suspect Rajam, X-1, Gordito, absent J (told you guys from the start...), EP for having his own point of view, but voting MK's point of view instead...etc. there's LOTS of potential plays toDay, and it's SO anti-town to tunnel onto the first one with any steam without.

Let's say you lynch me and I flip town. Then suddenly everyone will be passionate about a Rajam lynch. Let's say you RUSH to lynch him and HE FLIPS TOWN. Scum wins right there. All it takes is MK being adamant about lynching someone based on his preference of playstyle and a bunch of sheep following along and Scum gets to COAST to a win. Town sucks. Scum is quiet. Scum wins.

Let's say you stop and think for a minute. Let's say you require MK to actually make a case on me instead of saying "I didn't like that one post you did cause that's not my style" before wagoning. I guarantee that if someone tries to make a solid case on me taking into account everything I've shared this whole game that it will fail. The only thing MK has on me at all is that he doesn't prefer my loose-aggressive style. It's an asinine case. I'd be all over him for being scummy if I didn't believe his jailkeeper claim.

You want a show of good faith? I'm not adding a vote to myself. That'd be a show or being ********. I'll claim in my first post of D3, telling you all the information I get. I've got a PR. I'll get night killed for it if you guys don't lynch me D3 after you get my info. Either way you'll have me dead if that's what you want, but at least get some information from me first. And make an actual CASE on someone toDay, rather than blind-wagoning and letting scum win.

Everyone who's ok with this blind wagon is scummy in my eyes. Town takes their time with lynches and finds the best candidate after getting a good look at everyone. We've got players who have been inactive literally ALL of D2, and you guys are going to let them coast to victory if you rush-lynch based on the loudest player in the game.
Actually, I didn't vote for you because you refused to vote MK. I voted for you because honestly I was testing you. I wanted to see if you meant this:

There's no way I'm voting MK. He's town doc.
I gave that vote to seriously see, are you interested in the well being of MK who you think is town judging from this quote, or did you not vote him because you don't want to be lynched. And I get this response, let me requote

i'm not interested in having more votes on me, so No, I will not vote MK

Let me repeat both quotes side by side:

There's no way I'm voting MK. He's town doc.
i'm not interested in having more votes on me, so No, I will not vote MK

So now ur wavering between being concerned of voting someone you consider town vs you just not wanting to be lynched because ur town. if u originally said this as the reason you didn't vote mk i woulnd't have double taked, but ur "reason" was reallllly weak.

I can't speak for others but I have not tunneled you. I've gone after Gordito, and Rajam today. Like you said I like to spread the pressure rather than tunneling, and I just went after you to see how you'd respond, and I don't like the inconsistency in your answers.

Yes I wagoned with MK on voting you. Yes I did consider Rajam more likely to be scum the moment I put my vote on you. This is very admitably kinda scummy, looks like very safe play and going with the flow. . I'm glad u brought something like that up. I did not put my vote on you to lynch you, I put it on you for pressure, and to see if u'd stick with ur original story that you just didn't wanna place ur vote on MK because he was town. Looks like the vote gave u enough pressure to change ur story completely. don't like this at all. I can't believe ur accusing me of tunneling u. I was on Gordito for a whole day and a half, and Rajam for half toDay. I've been on u less time than these guys.

Rajaam, stop lurking.

Sir Bevedere, J, where ru guys?

I was absent last weekend from this mafia game and ppl said i was being all inactive so i made a strong effort to come post during a weekend (rare for me) and now u guys are missing instead, ugh


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
calm down gordito inactives aren't gonna stop us from lynching anyone this early in the game, whether its dastrn or someone else. the deadline is friday oct 15th. still far away. inactives suck for not being here to discuss material but there's no danger of a no lynch, they'll be here by freakin 6 days from now.

u seem overly upset at not getting a lynch despite the fact that there's very low chance of that even happening. ur gonna "flip out" at something that wouldn't even happen til FRIDAY? Serious!?!


Jul 16, 2005
@EP - I forgot about his vote restriction when I first said "no he's doc". I thought I was being told to vote for MK since I was arguing with MK.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
@Mod request prods for Zac, Sir Bed Rajam and J.
I'm generally pretty lax on weekends. People have lives, tournaments, etc. When the week kicks up, prods go out, unless someone has been super inactive in which case they get a prod anyway.
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