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Villains Mafia - X1-12 lynched! Town wins! X1-12, Indie survivor, wins a bit less!

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

If it's time for a lynch, it's time for a lynch. Sure, you might want to try to squeeze as much information out of a a Day as you can, and I get what you mean, but we can't just let somebody try to manipulate town and get the pressure off of them. You get what I'm saying?

@Vote manipulator guy (if you're pro town)

Just a random thought:

How about, starting toMorrow, instead of doing something like you did with Rajam where you made him vote Dastrn, how about you make the scummiest person (in either your opinion or town's) vote for MK to give him the chance to vote for that person? Is there any opposition to this?


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile
I'm feeling better with Gordito, I'm getting a lot of better vibes about him. vander and MK I still like. Dastrn is... weird to say the least, I don't like how he brings old experiences into the conversation, to prove points, etc... idk if that's scummy per se but I think the way Dastrn posts about it is distracting and makes us think he is useful while he isn't much really. X1-12 is still the same... scummy

About the (other) inactives:
I think UTDZac is just town... no idea on SirBedevere, but he needs more pressure, just like me. J... I don't like him much. He has the "bursts of activity" feel that I do find scummy.

J which are your scum picks? what do you think about me, and Dastrn?
same question for Zac, and Sir Bedevere


If you think I should claim, let me know... I don't have any hard reads or scum picks, but I think X1, Dastrn and J are good picks toDay, and as I said I think we should focus and pressure other players like SirBedevere, EP, J, X1.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.

If it's time for a lynch, it's time for a lynch. Sure, you might want to try to squeeze as much information out of a a Day as you can, and I get what you mean, but we can't just let somebody try to manipulate town and get the pressure off of them. You get what I'm saying?
Isn't that what already happened? People were wagoning Rajam. MK "distracted" us from a Rajam lynch and people like me got convinced and decided that Dastrn was the best play of the day. Yet Rajam is still a strong suspect and we have a lot more informaiton and viewpoitns on Rajam and Dastrn. The scenario you explained has already happened toDay and it seems like its been a good thing for town. If we rushed to lynch Rajam before we had all the best info the day might end differently. If this were day 3 or 4 and we had a ton of info i'd be worried of distractions too, but we haven't gotten any scum yet, i think its in towns interest to both pressure and gather info concurrently until we near the deadline. At this point I would be ok with lynching Dastrn this minute, but I'm just saying its not that big of a negative to wait either, not enough for you to "flip out" about it. It's your strong language that raised the red flag in my mind, not the fact that you wanted to lynch soon.

I'm feeling better with Gordito, I'm getting a lot of better vibes about him. vander and MK I still like. Dastrn is... weird to say the least, I don't like how he brings old experiences into the conversation, to prove points, etc... idk if that's scummy per se but I think the way Dastrn posts about it is distracting and makes us think he is useful while he isn't much really. X1-12 is still the same... scummy

About the (other) inactives:
I think UTDZac is just town... no idea on SirBedevere, but he needs more pressure, just like me. J... I don't like him much. He has the "bursts of activity" feel that I do find scummy.

J which are your scum picks? what do you think about me, and Dastrn?
same question for Zac, and Sir Bedevere


If you think I should claim, let me know... I don't have any hard reads or scum picks, but I think X1, Dastrn and J are good picks toDay, and as I said I think we should focus and pressure other players like SirBedevere, EP, J, X1.
so you think Sir bevedere, J, myself, and x1 need more pressure and you made it a point to bring this to our attention. Why don't you just pressure us yourself? ur not very helpful when you tell town what to do but don't do it yourself

And what has Gordito said specifically since ur last post that makes you feel better about him?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I think my opinion of Gord has raised SLIGHTLY with the vote on Dastrn...he doesn't seem like the person that would bus his scum partner....



Sep 30, 2010
Isn't that what already happened? People were wagoning Rajam. MK "distracted" us from a Rajam lynch and people like me got convinced and decided that Dastrn was the best play of the day. Yet Rajam is still a strong suspect and we have a lot more informaiton and viewpoitns on Rajam and Dastrn. The scenario you explained has already happened toDay and it seems like its been a good thing for town. If we rushed to lynch Rajam before we had all the best info the day might end differently. If this were day 3 or 4 and we had a ton of info i'd be worried of distractions too, but we haven't gotten any scum yet, i think its in towns interest to both pressure and gather info concurrently until we near the deadline. At this point I would be ok with lynching Dastrn this minute, but I'm just saying its not that big of a negative to wait either, not enough for you to "flip out" about it. It's your strong language that raised the red flag in my mind, not the fact that you wanted to lynch soon.
But here's what worries me...

MK distracted us from Rajam. A very pro town player distracted us from a generally thought scummy player, to an equally, or even more, scummy player.

I don't want ANYBODY being possibly deterred from the general opinion of Dastrn by Dastrn.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Gord. If you feel like Rajam is the better lynch, I'm not "forcing" you to do anything. I'm not even distracting you that much. Your blaming your own wishy-washy play by saying that I'm making you do all this stuff, that I'm not making you do >_>

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
I never said that you were forcing me to do anything. You brought up the case on Dastrn, and it's a great case. I'm giving you props.

They're both good lynches, and I'll go either way. But town's leaning more toward Dastrn. So, I'll go that way.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010

I don't really see the point of this question ¬¬ but no I am not the one controlling votes. My 'policy' on WIFOM is just to ignore it generally, and that's what I'm doing now, Just play the game
Alright, thanks for answering my question nonetheless. I'll try and do better =/


You're asking me to role claim, but I believe knowledge of my role will only benefit scum and in turn hurt town at this stage of the game. I can understand that you may have concerns, but outing roles is never good for town.

I've told you that me hammering is connected to my ability.

I've also said (although I was pretty cryptic with this, but you can understand that I didn't want to put a big sign above my head that said I HAVE A SPECIAL ABILITY) that I can still vote as usual, but for it to work with my ability I need to hammer.

So Dastrn/J I can still vote people normally (and thus I'm not restricted like MK in that sense) but for my ability to work I need to hammer.

I wanted to do this in a way that would not draw attention to me but Tanny went and pointed this out.

So I'm not role claiming because that information will benefit scum way more than town. Are we cool? No more role fishing and J I don't think you should claim unless it can help town.
Alright thank you for telling us Vand, I can accept this but I do know a problem will soon arise in concern to my voting. I will not roleclaim until it is needed. I do not feel like I am gonna be much help now however =/ I am still gonna try like I have been.

@Sir Bed and J: Who would you rather lynch apart from Rajam?
Dastrn, I do not feel he is helping the town at all and is being agressively anti-town. I am fine with Rajam or Dastrn.

About the (other) inactives:
I think UTDZac is just town... no idea on SirBedevere, but he needs more pressure, just like me. J... I don't like him much. He has the "bursts of activity" feel that I do find scummy.

J which are your scum picks? what do you think about me, and Dastrn?
same question for Zac, and Sir Bedevere


If you think I should claim, let me know... I don't have any hard reads or scum picks, but I think X1, Dastrn and J are good picks toDay, and as I said I think we should focus and pressure other players like SirBedevere, EP, J, X1.
Alright I like that you finally gave some opinions now. My top scum picks atm are Dastrn and You at the current time. So that kindof answers your other question but I assume you would like me to elaborate on my opinion instead of just say it and expect it to be okay like you have done correct?

Dastrn: Dastrn has had some sort of vendettaish type thing since the first day and I have found it very weird that he would attack such a weak player such as myself on the first day straight up. Also his posts for me are just getting worse and worse and I honestly think he may be scum.

Rajam: You have not taken a stand whatsoever yet, you have not even made a post making a case on someone besides saying "idk how I feel on them, i believe they may be scum, i agree, I notice some distancing." but nothing substancial. I would prefer it be either on of you two.

D3, whomever does not get lynched, IGMEOU.

I have to agree with EP, why are you not applying any pressure at all and instead suggesting others should do so?

I have a few questions for you, If you truly do not like me and think I should be looked into more, make a case on why I should be a play toDay instead of you or Dastrn. You have not expressed any concern until now, what changed your opinion of me?

I have a problem with your post as well, look at the Magenta. You had not said EP's name in the entire post but then said he should be looked into more. What is your true thoughts on EP?

I also want to point out that with who you think should be looked into more you haven't really said anything to which should be done....just given your notes which really don't hold any substance since you do not state WHY. I would like you to elaborate on the people in your quote here. State WHY you think they should be looked into more and with reasons. I want quotes this time.

(#133) Seems strongly disconnected with Dastrn
(#179) Seems strongly disconnected with J
(#181) Super scummy post lol
(#200) Seems disconnected with J
(#205) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#207) Seems disconnected with Dastrn
(#220) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby

(#25) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#120) Seems disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#248) Seems disconnected with Sir Bedevere
(#249) Seems disconnected with Sir Bedevere
(#315) Seems disconnected with J

(#61) Seems disconnected with Dastrn
(#134) Seems strongly disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#146) Has he said anything useful aka scumhunt?
(#179) Seems strongly disconnected with UTDZac
(#200) Seems disconnected with UTDZac
(#252) Seems disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#315) Seems disconnected with X1-12

(#60) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#66) Disconnection with Rajam
(#95) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#101) Town points to Edreeses for mentioning possible punishments to town due to Meta-Kirby voting with his post restriction
(#156) Why do you think scum wouldn’t do that?
(#226) Thinks Dastrn isn’t Independent
(#276) Scummy vote

Sir Bedevere
(#22) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#85) Odd declarations about lynching Meta-Kirby or keeping him alive
(#243) Disconnection with Rajam
(#248) Seems disconnected with X1-12
(#249) Seems disconnected with X1-12

I guess the most important would be to check those "seems disconnected with" and judge if they're honest or not. I think they all are and that's why I wrote them

Also don't claim, there is no relevance to you claiming because it would just help scum more. Only do it when you are at L-2, L-1. Probably what Dastrn should be doing since he said he did in fact have a PR and I do not want to lynch him before we hear him out about what he has.

In the end of this post here are my thoughts:

HoS: Dastrn
FoS: Rajam

This could change however. My thoughts will depend on what Rajam says in regards to this. I would not mind either being lynched.

Also we are still waiting on Sir B and UTD. I apologize for my absence, I have rather busy with school and going to a tournament.

@All: Now that Rajam has put my name into the hat of whom he thinks should go what are your current thoughts on me?


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I never said that you were forcing me to do anything. You brought up the case on Dastrn, and it's a great case. I'm giving you props.

They're both good lynches, and I'll go either way. But town's leaning more toward Dastrn. So, I'll go that way.
And in a similar manner anyone who tries to force the vote away from dastrn isn't forcing us to do anything. if we feel dastrn is the play we'll stick to it no matter what anyone says,regardless of it it happened 6 days before the deadline or 3 days before deadline, there's no need to be so panicky about it. i can understand that pancky stance if we are 1-2 days from deadline

.....but so far from deadline to get so rushed/panicky over a lynch that someone had to convince you to pick seems REALLY off to me.

btw gordito if it was entirely up to you who would u lynch rajam or dastrn, ignore what town thinks for a second and just respond with who you'd pick if it was entirely up to you

J - why two points of suspicion but no vote?

vander - do u agree my worries with gordito's behavior are sound, can u give input on the matter?


Sep 30, 2010
And in a similar manner anyone who tries to force the vote away from dastrn isn't forcing us to do anything. if we feel dastrn is the play we'll stick to it no matter what anyone says,regardless of it it happened 6 days before the deadline or 3 days before deadline, there's no need to be so panicky about it. i can understand that pancky stance if we are 1-2 days from deadline

.....but so far from deadline to get so rushed/panicky over a lynch that someone had to convince you to pick seems REALLY off to me.

btw gordito if it was entirely up to you who would u lynch rajam or dastrn, ignore what town thinks for a second and just respond with who you'd pick if it was entirely up to you

J - why two points of suspicion but no vote?

vander - do u agree my worries with gordito's behavior are sound, can u give input on the matter?
If it was entirely up to me...

I'd say Dastrn, tbh. Thanks to MK, I see Dastrn's play in a different light. I had originally just wanted to see him play like he did in Oddworld. But, when MK brought it to my attention, I saw that this is NOT the same Dastrn at ALL.

I think your opinion of me is just stained because of my earlier play. Would you agree with this?


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
If it was entirely up to me...

I'd say Dastrn, tbh. Thanks to MK, I see Dastrn's play in a different light. I had originally just wanted to see him play like he did in Oddworld. But, when MK brought it to my attention, I saw that this is NOT the same Dastrn at ALL.

I think your opinion of me is just stained because of my earlier play. Would you agree with this?
Part of my aggression is there because of the cumulative effect of ur earlier play plus now, yeah. if someone else said the same thing now it wouldn't bother me as much - but the continual comments that irk me do add up, yeah i admit that.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
vander - do u agree my worries with gordito's behavior are sound, can u give input on the matter?
No they are definitely not sound. Earlier when I quoted Gord's Day 2 play thus far there was not an ounce of pro-town sentiments in any of them (by this, I couldn't see anything that in the slightest convinces me that Gord is posting from a town perspective. Key example:


If it's time for a lynch, it's time for a lynch. Sure, you might want to try to squeeze as much information out of a a Day as you can, and I get what you mean, but we can't just let somebody try to manipulate town and get the pressure off of them. You get what I'm saying?

@Vote manipulator guy (if you're pro town)

Just a random thought:

How about, starting toMorrow, instead of doing something like you did with Rajam where you made him vote Dastrn, how about you make the scummiest person (in either your opinion or town's) vote for MK to give him the chance to vote for that person? Is there any opposition to this?
The first part is just a general answer regarding "how2mafia" and the second is a method town may employ to use power roles to their advantage. Both are null tells. The only info I can gather from this post is that Gord is thinking about the vote-blocker, but this again is a null tell.

All his posts are like this, and I feel as if it's typical scum not properly "scum hunting." As opposed to inactive town (i.e. just about everyone else).

@MK: you should DEFINITELY factor EP into your 12-sided dice equation. I don't want him to die. Possibly for numbers > 7?

@J the red font makes you look angry :mad::mad::mad: I have an assignment for you:
Who would you rather die out of Gord/X1/Sir B?
If Rajam is scum, who would be #1 as his scum buddy? Be specific and give reasons if possible.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

What do you think of the plan?

It makes the scummy player (in the voteblocker's eyes) inelegible to vote, and gives MK a voice.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
I'm assuming that the vote manipulator is scum... possibly town who doesn't want to reveal their power... why, I have no clue though. I assume it's a day power, so I don't see how revealing it is going to hurt town.

But the clincher that they're scum was when they chose Zen (soo obvtown) on Day 1.

The REAL question should be, why hasn't the vote manipulator forced MK to vote someone?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I'm assuming that the vote manipulator is scum... possibly town who doesn't want to reveal their power... why, I have no clue though. I assume it's a day power, so I don't see how revealing it is going to hurt town.

But the clincher that they're scum was when they chose Zen (soo obvtown) on Day 1.

The REAL question should be, why hasn't the vote manipulator forced MK to vote someone?
From what we have heard from Zen and Rajam I think safe to assume that it is a day power.

@Rajam: Explain exactly what happened when you were vote manipulated, when did the message come? etc etc

@Vand: Are you implying that MK is the vote forcer? Does this change your opinion on MK and on who is the play toDay?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
From what we have heard from Zen and Rajam I think safe to assume that it is a day power.

@Rajam: Explain exactly what happened when you were vote manipulated, when did the message come? etc etc

@Vand: Are you implying that MK is the vote forcer? Does this change your opinion on MK and on who is the play toDay?
Wasn't thinking that at all... but it's a good point to consider.

MK is nowhere near a play for me.

I just thought 1. MK claims he can't vote normally 2. There is someone who can force people to vote and thought "hmmm, if I were scum MK would be a pretty good person to target"

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
so i'm a liar and I ended up being busy all weekend lol. I'll be active today and tomorrow (and prob the rest of the week) though guys, so I'll be around if you need me :>

@Above, womg that's actually a huge thing. We now have to assume that the force voter is the same alignment as MK, or at least, the force voter THINKS he's the same alignment as MK (or scum just want to WIFOM us...somewhat unlikely IMO). Force-voter, if you're town and don't have some weird reason you don't want to claim, please claim, there are other people in this game who kinda depend on you revealing yourself now. :/

I wish Zen was still around to explain how he "knew" X1 force-voted him. :/

Another thing: if the force-voter is scum, mylo is our new lylo, I think for obvious reasons. Just keep in mind that no-lynching in mylo is not an option.

Anyways, done my reread/meta. Dastrn is totally the play. He said he was gonna cut out this dumb anti-town "please make cases on random people" stuff and he hasn't. And there are so many people he's connected to his flip would bring so much info (as people have said). I'll keep who else I meta'd hidden til toMorrow since I don't want to distract town away from this lynch, which I think is better.

Rajam isn't a play for now. Not sure about MK's reasoning for not wanting him gone, but I liked how he responded to the pressure that's been put on him toDay and he can live till toMorrow, at least. If he's really as busy as it looks like he is, though, he should consider replacing out so we can get someone a bit more active. :< But it's up to you if you think you can pull your weight.

woop dee whooo

Float: Dastrn

We don't need to end the day yet. pls no quiklynch :<

will vote when van wants me to vote

dastrn you should claim imo

@mod request votecount


Jul 16, 2005
I'm Town Mind-Reader. I can Mind-Read: PlayerName at night to get their role information only, with no information given on alignment, and no information given on whether or not they are a mason.

I investigated MK last night, and was told basically that he was a jailkeeper. I can't quote the mod PM, of course, but basically it said that he could protect people but would also roleblock them. He can "kidnap" them, it said. and they can't be targetted by ANY night abilities when kidnapped. He also isn't allowed to kidnap himself, because it would be "silly." I tried to push him to claim tracker instead to not reveal that he was our DOC but he kept insisting on revealing he was the jailkeeper without saying it.
MK, I think I gave enough information in this paragraph that you can confirm that I'm being honest, and that it isn't based on me already knowing you're jailkeeper.

I wanted to push people around this game so that I could get a read on their roles before I decided who to Mind-Read at night. I didn't want to waste my ability on vanilla.

Can we move on from this tunneling now? it's been a really weak case from the start, and it's been ignoring what I've been saying all along about my playstyle. I'm a deliberate player, and i've had my reasons for this all along. I've been as clear as I could be without claiming too early. We still have a decent case on Rajam worth pursuing, and he's been allowed to completely coast through the pressure because it all piled on me toDay. let's do something useful with toDay, and if we honestly can't come up with something better to do, then I guess flip a coin and lynch either me or Rajam just before the deadline. At least then we'll have had some decent discussion without handing scum a free pass to tunnel me.
MK, I believe that you're town 100% because the mod basically confirmed it to me. And I believe that you honestly think I'm scum. But I also know you're wrong, and I hate to see scum get a free pass to tunnel all day toDay with no consequence. If you call them out on it tomorrow when I flip town, they can say "YOU led this whole thing. If I'm scummy, then you're scummy." I think I cleared you since I'm a role-cop essentially, but let's at least make scum EARN killing me toDay if they're going to get away with it.

If anyone is in a masonry, that might explain why OS was explicit in telling me that I would not receive info about whether or not the person is in a masonry. Anyone want to speak up? We'd have SOOO many people cleared at this point if we got masonry info.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Request Prod on UTDZac, his last post was 5 days ago

@Dastrn: You though MK was Indy right? what do you think about the vote forcing situation? do you think the voteforcer is on the same team as MK? Do you still think I am the voteforcer? If so explain why, earlier you seemed so confident that I was, why do you/did you think it so strongly?


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
@EP - I forgot about his vote restriction when I first said "no he's doc". I thought I was being told to vote for MK since I was arguing with MK.
If this were the case why didn't you admit this when mk and I first took issue with you not voting mk? here's what the exchange was

x1 - ok dastrn vote MK
dasrn - no, he's town, i'm not voting him
mk , x1, edrees - no, we don't care about that, we meant vote for him so he can vote you and effectively dehandicap a town player who has been handicapped
dastrn - no, i don't want him to vote me, i'm town

here's what a more TOWN exchange would have been

x1 - ok dastrn vote MK
dastrn - no, he's town, i'm not voting him
mk , x1, edrees - no, we don't care about that, we meant vote for him so he can vote you and effectively dehandicap a town player who has been handicapped
dastrn - oh oops i thought you wanted me to vote him as a lynch candidate. either way i still don't want to vote him because that lets him vote me which is anti town since i'm town

basically u refused to acknowledge ur mis interpretation at all until I pointed it out, and it seems like backpedeling to me, you came up with two stories.

sir bevedere - okay since you're also against a quicklynch I can ask. ur thought on gordito being very verbally upset if we didn't get a dastrn quicklynch that same day (last Friday or Sat I believe)


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
first of all nobody else claim yet

second I think I need to see MK's reaction before I can properly react to this. I agree that tunneling Dastrn for the next 3-4 days isn't the best option, allowing other players to coast. Still think Dastrn's the play until I see MK's reaction and see what information I get out of Rajam and Gordito.

Rajam you still havne't answered - why did you tell us to make a case on Sir Bevedere, J and me but not actually go through and do the work to make the case urself?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I'm Town Mind-Reader. I can Mind-Read: PlayerName at night to get their role information only, with no information given on alignment, and no information given on whether or not they are a mason.
A player who investigates abilities is very rarely pro-town, the purpose is for searching for abilities is so scum can tell who to NK. This as town is also very risky claim if there is a possibility of scum recruiting.

I investigated MK last night, and was told basically that he was a jailkeeper. I can't quote the mod PM, of course, but basically it said that he could protect people but would also roleblock them. He can "kidnap" them, it said. and they can't be targetted by ANY night abilities when kidnapped. He also isn't allowed to kidnap himself, because it would be "silly." I tried to push him to claim tracker instead to not reveal that he was our DOC but he kept insisting on revealing he was the jailkeeper without saying it.
I'm fairly certain, and I will check this, that all this information has already been revealed by MK himself, whether you have mind-reader powers or not this post proves nothing

MK, I think I gave enough information in this paragraph that you can confirm that I'm being honest, and that it isn't based on me already knowing you're jailkeeper.
@MK: Thoughts on above quoted? and on everything else really

I wanted to push people around this game so that I could get a read on their roles before I decided who to Mind-Read at night. I didn't want to waste my ability on vanilla.
"Oh I wanted to role fish a bit so I could use my ability" Scummy behaviour is not acceptable for the purposes of allowing you to find out who has a PR

@Dastrn: Please answer the questions in my post just earlier


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Vote Count

Rajam (1) - Dastrn,

Dastrn (4) - X1-12, Rajam, GorditoBoy69, EdreesesPieces,

GorditoBoy69 (1) - Vanderzant

Not Voting:
UTDZac, Meta-Kirby, J, Sir Bedevere

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for Friday, October 15th, at 3:00 p.m. EST

UTD Zac will be prodded.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I'm Town Mind-Reader. I can Mind-Read: PlayerName at night to get their role information only, with no information given on alignment, and no information given on whether or not they are a mason.

Abilities? A pro-townie player need not know abilities in the least.

I investigated MK last night, and was told basically that he was a jailkeeper. I can't quote the mod PM, of course, but basically it said that he could protect people but would also roleblock them. He can "kidnap" them, it said. and they can't be targetted by ANY night abilities when kidnapped. He also isn't allowed to kidnap himself, because it would be "silly." I tried to push him to claim tracker instead to not reveal that he was our DOC but he kept insisting on revealing he was the jailkeeper without saying it.
MK, I think I gave enough information in this paragraph that you can confirm that I'm being honest, and that it isn't based on me already knowing you're jailkeeper.

Why'd you try to out me so early? As I recall, you were the one who said "Just say you're a jailkeeper, just say you're a jailkeeper". That made me feel more pressured.
Why did you try and out a townie's abilities? Once again, your play does not seem to benefit the town.

I wanted to push people around this game so that I could get a read on their roles before I decided who to Mind-Read at night. I didn't want to waste my ability on vanilla.
I don't like this either. You should be content with finding VT reads. Why do you want to know everyone's abiltiies, hmm?

Can we move on from this tunneling now? it's been a really weak case from the start, and it's been ignoring what I've been saying all along about my playstyle. I'm a deliberate player, and i've had my reasons for this all along. I've been as clear as I could be without claiming too early. We still have a decent case on Rajam worth pursuing, and he's been allowed to completely coast through the pressure because it all piled on me toDay. let's do something useful with toDay, and if we honestly can't come up with something better to do, then I guess flip a coin and lynch either me or Rajam just before the deadline. At least then we'll have had some decent discussion without handing scum a free pass to tunnel me.
MK, I believe that you're town 100% because the mod basically confirmed it to me. And I believe that you honestly think I'm scum. But I also know you're wrong, and I hate to see scum get a free pass to tunnel all day toDay with no consequence. If you call them out on it tomorrow when I flip town, they can say "YOU led this whole thing. If I'm scummy, then you're scummy." I think I cleared you since I'm a role-cop essentially, but let's at least make scum EARN killing me toDay if they're going to get away with it.

If anyone is in a masonry, that might explain why OS was explicit in telling me that I would not receive info about whether or not the person is in a masonry. Anyone want to speak up? We'd have SOOO many people cleared at this point if we got masonry info.
It was not a weak case. At all, your dismissal of the case does not make me waiver. Your claim is easily, easily a scum role.

I'm not waivering, I want you gone. If not for your general play, I don't trust you with this information and what you plan to do with it/how you've been using it.

His claim does not save him. I'm almost certain Mafia would have some type of power role as well.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Seriously, what is up with this Rajam crap? Everyone's acting like they had some monsoon-like wave of information and knowledge, a true Play by play on all his actions of the previous day, but YOU DID NOT. Stop acting like I'm dismissing your "ever valuable" case when the case is nothing more than "Well, he ain't talk much, ya herd?".

When you give me more, I'll consider. However, there is no strength, there is no power behind your case.


Jul 16, 2005
MK, please confirm the word kidnap, as well we the information that you cannot kidnap yourself because that would be "silly". You can confirm that I'm being honest by checking your original role PM.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Yeah, he's right. Those words are in there.
However, it doesn't do **** in terms of me feeling better about you. Just teh sheer fact of how you've treated your own role shows you take very reckless care of the information you have, and that's a scummy move.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Realize that posting the right info on his role doesn't confirm your alignment... just confirms your role.

Done skimmin. Gonna read up on what I missed out on.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

Are you ********? Finding VT's is possibly the most beneficial thing you can do for town with that role. There will be no Mafiosi VT's. But ANY PR's out there can go to ANY alignment with the proper balance. Next time, think before you post? Kthx.

And ultimately, why WOULD town have that role? I think it'd be incredibly unbalanced for town, cuz it's moreorless another cop (if you find a role like Mafia Grunt or Mafia Godfather (what else would come up as a description aside from the NK ability from the grunt, and the innocent upon investigation + NK ability from the godfather?)), under the assumption that we HAVE a normal cop. Oh wait, we do.

Come on, Scumstrn. How much worse can that have been for you?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
I'm pretty convinced Dastrn is scum after this claim.

1. We already have a confirmed cop. And if we trust Dastrn's results, we accept: Cop + Role Cop + Jailer + Vigilante are all town power roles. Other players have hinted at roles too. Unless we're facing something ridiculous like a 4 man scum team, the idea of all these PR's (plus everyone else who is yet to claim) is unbelievable to me from a balance perspective.

2. Dastrn saying "At least let me live till tomorrow so I can give you some results and be useful to town" I'll find the specific quote if needed, but he said something along these lines. After seeing Dastrn's role, HOW IS IT USEFUL FOR TOWN TO OUT ROLES OF TOWNIES?? I guess if someone were to claim (and Dastrn verified said claim), but all I can think is that he is scum hoping to get one more use out of his power. The only pro town aspect I can see is verifying/rejecting claims, which brings me to:

3. Dastrn lynched Tandora KNOWING she had a power role that HE COULD CONFIRM if she lived till the next day. He even knew that Tandora would shoot Rajam, who is Dastrn's suspect toDay, yet HE MADE NO ATTEMPT TO USE HIS PR IN POSSIBLY THE ONLY PRO TOWN MANNER.

If anyone is in a masonry, that might explain why OS was explicit in telling me that I would not receive info about whether or not the person is in a masonry. Anyone want to speak up? We'd have SOOO many people cleared at this point if we got masonry info.
^^^ OMFG this is probably one of the scummiest things he's done, all things considered. We DON'T want to out a potential town masonry, are you ******* ********???

Another point I want to add is that MK crumbed that he was a Jailer ON DAY ONE. He said "vand won't be going anywhere tonight." So it's likely Dastrn already figured this out (as I had).

If you were town, you wouldn't of said "MK are you claiming tracker?" you would of shut up about it and hoped no one noticed.

I'm fine with lynching this guy now. Might be worth waiting for a few more posts from some people... but let's not forget ok?

@Mod: What is the status of UTDZac? Is he going to replaced?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
EBWOP: @Mod thaks, missed the thing about zac being prodded.

And Dastrn I plan to use the rest of the day to figure out your scum buddies GG.

@MK: Since I can't see why you aren't going to die tonight (even if you can), you need to tell me who you think Dastrn's scum buddies are. I'm going to figure out my own list, but your perspective is VITAL to me.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Sir Bedevere

I hope this helps. The darker, the worse. Red says the player much potential to be scum. I can see Rajam and Zac, just because Zac is nearly COMPLETELY Omnipresent. Orange says that Dastrn flips scum and these people are who we should be looking at. How anyone could take their vote anywhere else but Dastrn at this point is lulzy. Yellow is still ****ing neutral. Either they aren't giving me some type of big read or their flying way under the radar, but I'm not too sure about these. And green is my buddies. Luv ma greenz.

Anways, I'm having a ****ing hard time trying to find AT LEAST two more scum peoplez out of the kids we've got remaining. I'd say...hmm...Dastrn, X1-12, and J.

^Hope that helps vanderzant. Anything else?
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