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Villains Mafia - X1-12 lynched! Town wins! X1-12, Indie survivor, wins a bit less!


Jul 16, 2005
Fair enough vand. i hope you get better soon.

MK, just say "i'm a jailkeeper" out loud. We all understand at this point.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
omg people need to stop claiming their abilities. it's not wise to show or ask what abilities people have so early in the game. MK, if ur claim is true scum knows ur not a VT now so they have a better idea of who to go for to weaken town as much as possible =/

vander - i understand, it happens. we can move on.


I don't see a problem with agreeing on some stuff with a player, and then disagreeing on a totally different issue with the same player. I think Dastrn says overall accepted behaviors about mafia theory like the independent behavior but I don't like his reactions at all, which bug me and seem pretty fake. I also dislike how he says "check and full-read this totally different game just to check my point"... remembers me of adumbrodeus lol
The problem is that your thoughts are scattered. The problem is that it doesn't give us an idea of your connection with other players. There is a difference between saying "I agree with Dastrn on B. I disagree with Dastrn on C" and "I agree with Dastrn on B so he's kinda town, but I disagree on C and that's a HUGE deal so overall I think he's likely to be scum" That's pro town play. Just listing a bunch of points you agree with and disagree with is blending in and allowing yourself to participate without giving town an idea how to trace your behavior to other players, ie if dastrn or you was either lynched or NK'd we'd then have something to go on.

It's okay to make some scattered comments. I do it too. but that's basically the only thing you did and it gives me the sense you are trying to avoid looking bad if someone you don't like ends up town, and so you try to avoid it altogether. This is what I feel you are doing with your last 3-4 posts before i made my case on you (and only posts with substance) in the game - until this most recent couple of posts, which are much better.

But now you've pointed out that Dastrn , X1, and gordito are your scum picks. this is helpful. do you think you can order them from 1 to 3 from most to least likely to be scum?

Another comment: I like that X1 pointed out he doesn't like J's question but answers it anyway. IMO a huge scum tell is dodging questions by pretending like they are horrible questions and acting like it'd be stupid to answer. i do this to my girlfriend when I don't want her to get mad at me when she asks my a question and I know she won't like the answer, lol. i just go "what's the point of that question?!" but don't actually respond. +1 town to X1's response to J because even tho he didn't legitimately like the question he went ahead and answered it.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
@Dastrn: So why did you have this feeling that Xsyven couldn't be a town role yesterDay?

@UTD: As much as I hate letting people cruise based on claims... I don't know why scum would throw away such a useful ability like that. But geez, you need to speak up.

@Gord: Happy birthday and all but I've changed my mind on you after a re read. You've been useless so far toDay... so here is your present:

Vote: Gordorito


Jul 16, 2005
I was mostly just feeling dumb or scum on xsy. I know he's not dumb, but it seems like he kinda plays bad recently.

If the moderator gives you a town role, but you play anti-town all day, then what's town supposed to do but pressure you and lynch you if you keep playing anti-town, and emotionally react with OMGUS to everything? Sucks that we lost a townie, especially with a PR like vigilante. But to be honest, he probably would have targeted me just out of vengeance and then we'd be down another townie and scum would have it even easier.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Oh idk van, because if I didn't, you'd be all over me again? Chill, this benefits scum no more than it benefits us.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Geez I want to digitally slap you right now. As you would of noticed if you'd been reading my posts carefully I was quite happy to just leave it as you "claiming" tracker. Maybe I'm overestimating your skill, but claiming doc/jailer is something you should never do as town. By any means, I'll be surprised if scum don't kill you. If you're not night killed tonight then you're basically auto scum in my books... Today we can still be friends unless there is a counter-claim, but wow >.>


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree

Just because you did that doesn't prove you town. It just proved your ability. Why did you do that?
Wait. You couldn't reread during the Night? Can you GET any more useless? You WON'T be caught up EVER in this game if you keep at this.
Vanderzant isn't the play toDay Dastrn.

Idk whether or not to label your play as dumb or scum. @Van, your retaliation sounds like a bit of OMGUS, especially with the vote. Mind explaining why it'd be a scummy play, rather than a really dumb play?
As far as I can see, this is the only thing you have on me, aside from your "small albeit weak case". Tandora didn't boldly say that he was town, and I didn't really get any impression that she might've implied it.

Oh, by the way... I reread (Is it reRED or reread, as the past tense? It's bothering me). And I'm freakin stumped.
Thanks for explaining?

Vote: Rajam

I assume you're caught up. Who are two scum picks, and why?
Rajam, you're completely removing yourself from any current activity by catching up so slowly. I hope you realize this, catch up much faster, and ACTUALLY contribute to an issue that ISN'T dead.
J brings up a probable point...

But Rajam should still be able to answer the question.

That explains that.
Some random thoughts

-Gord has done nothing today apart from ask questions, give one liners and redirect stuff. It's all pointless stuff that just happens to be the topic from 2 posts above. A lot of you played with SwissScum in oddworld yeah? That's how Gord has been playing toDay so far.
-I know I said I'd excuse his Day 1 play yesterday, but it's a new day now so no excuses
-I also like that he's on MK/EP's scum list, who seem to have their wits about them more than anyone else

-Everyone's tunnelling on Rajam hardcore

People who have voted Rajam, or Fos'd, or said they're fine with him dead:

Rajam (8) - Gord, Sir Bedevere, EdreesesPieces, Dastrn, J[FOS], X1 [FOS], MK [FOS], me

I assume MK would be ok with it because he was on MK's scum list from yesterday. The only person who doesn't want him dead apparently is Zac… who we can't even vote toDay… who I'm sure would probably be fine with killing Rajam if he were here to say it. So either scum are totally cool with bussing him… or scum are laughing it up and he'll flip town.

Food for thought regardless. Not entirely sure what is the right way to deal with this… but ugh... I still haven't gone back and looked at Day 1 as much as I should have, but I've been sick so bleh... feeling better now, going to try and post more.

Can Die ToDay


Smash Champion
Oct 3, 2008
Santiago, Chile

request votecount

do i have to claim? =/

I'd prefer to try to clear myself asap and focus the attention on other players now instead of about less than 24 hours for deadline


may as well copy-paste my notes I've been taking so far...

(#133) Seems strongly disconnected with Dastrn
(#179) Seems strongly disconnected with J
(#181) Super scummy post lol
(#200) Seems disconnected with J
(#205) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#207) Seems disconnected with Dastrn
(#220) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby

(#25) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#120) Seems disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#248) Seems disconnected with Sir Bedevere
(#249) Seems disconnected with Sir Bedevere
(#315) Seems disconnected with J

(#28) Seems disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#93) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#100) Believes Meta-Kirby is town, and that if he is scum, he is pro at it
(#115) Agreed with Zεη about Dastrn
(#115) Seems very disconnected with Dastrn
(#266) Super scummy post
(#304) Not disagreeing with Meta-Kirby’s #303?
(#307) Saying he agrees with Meta-Kirby’s #303
(#372) Scummy change of attitude

(#61) Seems disconneted with J
(#78) Seems disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#108) Good point about EdreesesPieces being pro-town mentioning possible punsihments to town due to Meta-Kirby voting with his post restriction
(#112) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#115) Seems very disconnected with Dastrn
(#124) Thinks Zεη is scummy
(#133) Seems strongly disconnected with UTDZac
(#147) Thinks Meta-Kirby post restriction is fake
(#183) Answer the question about JVS and the third question
(#189) FoS for the “check a whole other game” just to check a point
(#196) Agreed on the Independents explanation and observation
(#207) Seems disconnected with UTDZac
(#229) ??

(#24) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#25) More disconnection with vanderzant
(#37) Strong disconnection with vanderzant
(#60) Seems disconnected with EdreesesPieces
(#76) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#77) Seems very disconnected with vanderzant
(#80) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#93) Seems disconnected with Zεη
(#95) Seems disconnected with EdreesesPieces
(#96) Seems very disconnected with vanderzant
(#117) Not liking that explanation about not being Independent
(#117) Seems disconnected with Xsyven
(#144) AtE too much, and the post restriction is easy to detect so you had to claim early... you didn’t have much of a choice if you want to look town
(#205) Seems disconnected with UTDZac
(#215) Seems disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#220) Seems disconnected with UTDZac
(#242) Seems disconnected with GorditoBoy69

(#61) Seems disconnected with Dastrn
(#134) Seems strongly disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#146) Has he said anything useful aka scumhunt?
(#179) Seems strongly disconnected with UTDZac
(#200) Seems disconnected with UTDZac
(#252) Seems disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#315) Seems disconnected with X1-12

(#60) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#66) Disconnection with Rajam
(#95) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#101) Town points to Edreeses for mentioning possible punishments to town due to Meta-Kirby voting with his post restriction
(#156) Why do you think scum wouldn’t do that?
(#226) Thinks Dastrn isn’t Independent
(#276) Scummy vote

Sir Bedevere
(#22) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#85) Odd declarations about lynching Meta-Kirby or keeping him alive
(#243) Disconnection with Rajam
(#248) Seems disconnected with X1-12
(#249) Seems disconnected with X1-12

(#50) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#109) Mentioning Meta-Kirby could be Independent
(#117) Seems disconneted with Meta-Kirby
(#152) Agreed with the inactive stuff
(#159) Rolefishing Day 2?

(#20) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#28) Seems disconnected with Zεη
(#58) Disconnection with Rajam
(#69) Kind of upset at Meta-Kirby claimed post restriction
(#78) Seems disconnected with Dastrn
(#120) Meta-Kirby needs to be lynched before lylo?? He just said he has a Power Role to compensate
(#120) Seems disconnected with X1-12
(#120) If you’re going to lynch J, be it for good reasons. Inactivity is a reason to be pressured, though not necesarily lynched
(#134) Seems strongly disconnected with J
(#134) Do not bring other games discussion into this one
(#145) Do not assume that kind of stuff. I’ve seen Independents with detrimental atributes before
(#211) Defending UTDZac passive attitude
(#215) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#242) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#244) Disconnection with Rajam
(#252) Seems disconnected with J
(#256) Seems disconnected with vanderzant
(#260) Disconnection with Rajam

(#20) Seems disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#22) Seems disconnected with Sir Bedevere
(#24) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#25) Seems disconnected with X1-12
(#25) More disconnection with Meta-Kirby
(#37) Strong disconnection with Meta-Kirby
(#50) Seems disconnected with Xsyven
(#59) Disconnection with Rajam
(#76) Upset about the way Meta-Kirby claimed his post-restriction
(#76) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#77) Seems very disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#80) Seems disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#96) Seems very disconnected with Meta-Kirby
(#111) Noticing on J’s lurking
(#112) Seems disconnected with Dastrn
(#141) About lynching inactives: No. You pressure them and if they do not respond, you ask the mod for a replacement
(#142) Names for the FoS please
(#192) Likes Dastrn’s answer in #167
(#256) Seems disconnected with GorditoBoy69
(#285) Good point on X1-12

I guess the most important would be to check those "seems disconnected with" and judge if they're honest or not. I think they all are and that's why I wrote them



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Vote Count

Rajam (3) - EdreesesPieces, Dastrn, GorditoBoy69

Dastrn (2) - X1-12, Rajam

GorditoBoy69 (1) - Vanderzant

Not Voting:
UTDZac, Meta-Kirby, J, Sir Bedevere

With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for Friday, October 15th, at 3:00 p.m. EST


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Geez I want to digitally slap you right now. As you would of noticed if you'd been reading my posts carefully I was quite happy to just leave it as you "claiming" tracker. Maybe I'm overestimating your skill, but claiming doc/jailer is something you should never do as town. By any means, I'll be surprised if scum don't kill you. If you're not night killed tonight then you're basically auto scum in my books... Today we can still be friends unless there is a counter-claim, but wow >.>
Vand, I'm not worried about it at all. I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't completely certain that scum can't touch me lol. Trust me, you're making it out to be way bigger of a deal than it is.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
I guess the most important would be to check those "seems disconnected with" and judge if they're honest or not. I think they all are and that's why I wrote them

soo... which ones are honest? can you actually venture an opinion rather than just pointing out posts, I suggest you start doing this soon, before you die

Don't claim at L-3

@x-1 - Yup. I focused on him pretty exclusively. I'm disappointed that nothing anyone does can force a reaction out of Rajam. He isn't giving us his feelings on anything, or building a case in any direction. I wanted to prod him a bit with my summary of his ... summary... and then vote vand to get some reactions. I'm being transparent in the fact that my play is more pressure-y than standard play this game. I'm really disappointed that the right people aren't responding.
This isn't actually an answer to what I asked you, Why did you think you're little 'summary' was more likely affect him than all of the pressure he had yesterDay

@ All - Who is forcing the votes? I agree that it's anti-town. If I'm the play, then I'll be the play. But forcing a vote on me when we don't know WHO the play is really sucks. If the vote-forcer wanted to change targets from me to someone else, he just removed Rajam from being able to swing with the wagon if we had a good wagon. You'd have to want me dead REGARDLESS OF ALIGNMENT to force that vote. That's flat-out anti-town. Even if you think my play has been anti-town, it's SO anti-town to force the vote this early in a day with no wagon. You removed town's ability to be flexible.
Y'know, outrageous thought but perhaps its scum doing it??? and they know that its anti-town, and they're doing it on purpose? C'mon man seriously, you might as well ask if the scum will admit it for the benefit of town

Why have I suddenly become one of the options of toDay's play? I haven't seen any reasoning from you about that

I don't think GBoy is the play toDay, look into him tomorrow perhaps


Jul 16, 2005
@x1 sounds like you agree with me that only scum would force that vote. I have a hard time seeing them use a day ability this early on a day with no wagon on me unless they either already voted for me or were going to very soon. That power HAS to be used near in time to a wagon or attempted wagon in order to be effective.
Therefore, either someone who already voted for me or tried to build momentum on me immediately after. And that person is scum.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
@x1 sounds like you agree with me that only scum would force that vote. I have a hard time seeing them use a day ability this early on a day with no wagon on me unless they either already voted for me or were going to very soon. That power HAS to be used near in time to a wagon or attempted wagon in order to be effective.
Therefore, either someone who already voted for me or tried to build momentum on me immediately after. And that person is scum.
emphasis mine.

Or perhaps scum are just trying to confuse town through WIFOM or merely reducing towns voting power?

Answer my other question please

Why did you think you're little 'summary' was more likely affect him than all of the pressure he had yesterDay

Also answer why did you even ask who was forcing votes? who would own up to that? why bother asking?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL

What do you want from me? You ask me not to blame this on my being inexperienced, so I won't. Instead, I'll just do a brief rundown of my scumlist (I'm posting from school, so I can't really go into too much detail, and right after school, I'm practicing with my band, so I'll go into detail later tonight):


He doesn't really do anything, and for his reread (which, if you're like me, you're just skimming cuz the notes don't mean much (I mean, COME ON Rajam. Those notes might work for you, but I'd much rather see your case on other people with quotes and reasoning)) is done. And with what I saw from his reread, he's just siding, and not making too much of an attempt to pressure, or play a town game. Sure, he can't use his vote, but look at MK...


Okay, not on my scumlist, but I've played with this guy a bit too much to NOT know his town play (never seen his scum play, so, yea). And, yea, this is definitely the weird town play that he does.


Can't really explain in a way that you guys would get it, but his posts seem too thought out. Like, I can picture him being scum and overanalytical about the whole thing. It's just something I noticed, and wanted to point it out.


This is the only guy I don't like, mostly because I CAN'T get anything from him. I can't really put him on the side of scum, or town. Think of it like purgetory, to town's heaven and scum's hell.

Ultimately, I say RAJAM as the play toDay. He's at L-3 + MK Float.

Oh, and Van, thanks for the present?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL


This is the only guy I don't like THAT ISN'T PARTICULARLY SCUMMY, mostly because I CAN'T get anyrhing from him.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Calling it right now. Scum is at least gord and dastrn. They are playing way too "look the other way" on each other that is so blatantly, painfully obvious.

"Well iuno loool I kant rly essplain why I tink dastrn iznt skum in a way dat u gaiz could understand". Lol bull**** dude! The way you explain it is the fact that, as your scum buddy, you are obligated to protect him. Otherwise, if you cannot think of a reason for your protection of dastrn, then why are you defending him

Please lynch dastrn today. I'm not gunghoe for this rajam lynch and the dastrn scumtells are just jamming knives into my eyes.


Jul 16, 2005
MK, you skipped a step. Try saying "dastrn what do you think of gordito?" You're making an EXTREMELY tenuous connection based on the lack of interaction. When I have something to say about gordito, ill say it. He hasn't given us much to interact with today. I've given plenty for him to bring up, add everyone in this game knows I'm playing weird this game.
Honestly, I hope you get CC'ed because your play has been mad weak today. day 1 too.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop
@Sir Bed I was really annoyed at you at the end of the Day, because you only posted like 10 times but I like what you've said so far toDay. I think I asked you this yesterDay so sorry to repeat myself, but what game were you scum in?
Bioware: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=284997

Currently ongoing, can't talk much about it. I replaced out near the end of D1, so if you want to read me, it shouldn't be too hard. Skip past the first 5 pages (in 15PPP) because it's all confirming (or just ISO lol).

Also as a hypothetical, say we told Tanny to kill Rajam last night, and toDay we find that there was only 1 kill (zen). Are we any better off than we would of been lynching Xsy? It just creates a big level of WIFOM that we have no idea how to handle. I can understand if you didn't actually find Xsy scummy, but I did, and I feel like we would just be second guessing ourselves the entire time if he/tanny were still around.
If we told Xsy to vig Rajam and he didn't/there was only 1 NK N1, we would lynch Xsy either D2 or D3. We wouldn't be leaving someone who is either A) mafia or B) completely useless due to RBs, alive. Yes, if Xsy was scum, we would have been a little bit uninformed and our D1 (PLAYER) and D2 (XSYVEN) lynches would likely been collectively worse than our D1 (XSYVEN) and D2 (PLAYER) lynches, but I feel that the risk/reward for Xsy being not-mafia/RBed was VERY worth the possibility of him being mafia/RBed (statistically, we get 1.5 more kills under townie's control with vig/mafia/lynches than we would with just mafia/lynches).

But yeah, I don't think we're really gaining much from this discussion.

Contrary to popular opinion, I think Gord is town. He says silly things but I see them mostly as null tells of a player who just "posts before they think" so to speak. I usually expect scum to be ALOT more calculated/cautious with what they say.
That is not Gord's tell lol.

Did you just vote the confirmed townie?!?!?!?!
EBWOP: Wow... read it wrong...
GorditoBoy69, Robotnik, Mafiosi Beloved Princess has been lynched!
I know you've already sorta flipped on this and are already on Gord's case, but uh...more fuel for the fire I guess?


Still pretty busy, will do a full re-read and possibly make a case over the weekend (one of those days I'll be away though, either Saturday or Sunday, since I'm going out for Thanksgiving). I also want to do a bit of metaing/ISOing, because a few people here have been playing weird and I want to know if it's just their playstyle before I make any assumptions.

If I'm somehow abducted by aliens and am unable to post until after deadline just listen to MK because omfg he's like reading off the teleprompter of my mind (but why'd u claim tho :<).


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
MK, you skipped a step. Try saying "dastrn what do you think of gordito?" You're making an EXTREMELY tenuous connection based on the lack of interaction. When I have something to say about gordito, ill say it. He hasn't given us much to interact with today. I've given plenty for him to bring up, add everyone in this game knows I'm playing weird this game.
Honestly, I hope you get CC'ed because your play has been mad weak today. day 1 too.
Answer my questions

Failing that explain why its OK that you don't have to


Jul 16, 2005
@x1, i suppose i didn't have any good reason to think my little summary would affect him more than all the pressure D1. Doesn't mean i shouldn't try.

I was asking who was forcing votes not to get someone to own up, but instead to get people's feedback on who they thought was doing it. At first I thought it was possible that it could be scum OR town, but hte more I thought it about, the more I realized how absolutely dumb it would be for town to use it that early in the day, so I realized it HAD to be scum.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Calling it right now. Scum is at least gord and dastrn. They are playing way too "look the other way" on each other that is so blatantly, painfully obvious.

"Well iuno loool I kant rly essplain why I tink dastrn iznt skum in a way dat u gaiz could understand". Lol bull**** dude! The way you explain it is the fact that, as your scum buddy, you are obligated to protect him. Otherwise, if you cannot think of a reason for your protection of dastrn, then why are you defending him.
PLEASE tell me you read it wrong...

If it wasn't clear enough...


Is THAT clear enough for you?

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Hell, MORE detail for ya:

Can't really explain in a way that you guys would get it, but his posts seem too thought out.
Usually, when somebody says that they're TOO thought out, it means that they're trying to LIE.

Like, I can picture him being scum
Yea. Saying that I'm DEFINITELY protecting his scummy actions.

and overanalytical about the whole thing.
Overanalyitical. OVERANALYTICAL. When are people usually overanalytical? When they're trying to come up with bulls*** that they want to make sense.

Seriously, MK, I'm getting annoyed by you and your SWEARING that you're the best and that you know everything. Seriously, don't think you're something that you're not, and get off of your high horse.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
MK, you skipped a step. Try saying "dastrn what do you think of gordito?"
Actions speak louder than words. You don't have to be like "I THINK X ABOUT PERSON A, AND THATS MY STANCE" for me to gauge how you've been responding to certain instances, certain events, certain scenarios, but not others.

You're making an EXTREMELY tenuous connection based on the lack of interaction. When I have something to say about gordito, ill say it. He hasn't given us much to interact with today. I've given plenty for him to bring up, add everyone in this game knows I'm playing weird this game.
Not a defense. Not an excuse. Just you admitting that you play badly and have been an asset to scum thus far, if not scum yourself?

Honestly, I hope you get CC'ed because your play has been mad weak today. day 1 too.
Lemme just point this out for everyone to read.
Let me just highlight this blatantly anti-town statement for everyone in the town to read.
Lastly, let me address how horribly anti-town that statement is and why you're an absolute moron for saying it. Assuming that you are town, you want one of your strongest players to be counter claimed and probably be lynched because of it because "my play has been weak"?

Oh my god, guys, why the **** is this guy still alive?
If you don't kill him today, I'll be absolutely FLOORED.

Float: Dastrn

If for some reason someone sees the validity of allowing this almost positively scum player to continue playing in this game, speak now and you better make it **** good.



Calm the **** down and get a grip. If you didn't use such terrible wording in everything forever ,I wouldn't have to ask why your view of Dastrn DOES NOT MATCH what you said about him in your post..


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Adding little reinforcement statements to your statements makes it seem like you want him lynched, despite not wanting him lynched?

I hope you realize that the kind of modifiers you are adding to your statements is inherently anti-town, correct? You are able to simply refer back to the parts of your post that support your current position instead of taking an actual side in the debate. "I think he's town, but I could also see him being scum". Yeah, see, if he turns up town, you'll say "I KNEW HE WAS TOWN" and if he turns up scum, you'll say "I THOUGHT HE COULD BE SCUM".

That is anti-town wishy-washy playstyle. You modify your statements in a way that scum would in order to look like you support a lynch that you really don't, or you are against a lynch that you know will turn up town.

I'm not sure you realize this, so I'm just trying to outline that your behavior is not pro-town.

"Get off my high horse". KK, scum. You don't win arguments by being passive aggressive .In a game like this, you must force your points. Even moreso now than in other games, because I don't have meta on most of this game, I need to be more persuasive than normal.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Typing in caps puts a different emphasis vs the other words. That's all. Some use bold, some use italics. I use caps.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Typing in caps puts a different emphasis vs the other words. That's all. Some use bold, some use italics. I use caps.

Typing in caps puts a different emphasis vs the other words.

a different emphasis vs the other words.
vs the other words.
other words.


Are you emphasizing every word in this sentence? Cuz I see no difference between the shouting, panicking emphasis on the WHOLE (<--see? This is how you do it) sentence, rather than...the specific words that you claim to be emphasizing over the others lol.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
The fact is that I wanted to make my scumlist clear. I didn't want you to say that I'm indifferent on opinion, and that's a clear and concise way of getting the information across. I was annoyed when I wrote that, and I pictured myself, like, putting emphasis on the whole sentence.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Don't be annoyed. Scum uses that.
Emotions --> gone.




What that?

I don't even.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
Well then... consider emotions gone.

Now, MK, now that we have that whole thing settled, I'd like you to try to convince me why we should lynch Dastrn over Rajam. Sure, I'd like them both gone within the next two Days. But I think that Rajam is a better choice than Dastrn overall, for reasons already explained. What makes you think Dastrn > Rajam.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Why have I suddenly become one of the options of toDay's play? I haven't seen any reasoning from you about that
I think I said I wanted to lynch you yesterDay? Well same reasons there. Everything you do just gives me this fake vibe. All your pushes just look so opportunistic. You seem to be flying under everyone's radar, which I don't like either.

@Gord: you're welcome. Be specific why you think X1 is town. Your analysis on people is so iffy and rushed.

@Dastrn: Ok, I can see where EP is coming from with you being a strong player and all... but you need to give me a detailed Top 3 scum list. You haven't done any real analysis or pushing for your case, you're just taking everything 1 step at a time.

Trying to think...

@Sir Bed and J: Who would you rather lynch apart from Rajam?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Well then... consider emotions gone.

Now, MK, now that we have that whole thing settled, I'd like you to try to convince me why we should lynch Dastrn over Rajam. Sure, I'd like them both gone within the next two Days. But I think that Rajam is a better choice than Dastrn overall, for reasons already explained. What makes you think Dastrn > Rajam.
People want Rajam gone for what he is NOT doing rather than what he IS doing. Rajam does play this type of game as town. He's not one to post excessively when it's not to his benefit to post. He posts long PbPa's, and sometimes they are useful, sometimes you get lazy people that are just like "tl;dr contribute more!'.

I want Dastrn gone because of what he IS doing, rather than what he is NOT doing. His presence, in and of itself, is a hindrance to town. He makes anti-town statements and plays a game that I feel is pretty evident of scum play. He's distancing from certain people, he's getting close to certain people, and he has enemies in people that I don't have enemies in.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL
X1 tends to find one thing and abuse the living hell out of it until he's proven either right or wrong, ex with the whole Zen tunneling thing. He really never let it go until the end of the Day. That makes me think that this is the irrational X1 that I've been in nearly EVERY game in Dgames with.


He swore I was scum in Taco (which I wasn't) until he was lynched.

He swore OS and, I believe, Swords were scum in Community (which they were) until we were endgamed.

I can't remember what he swore in Oddworld (if he did), and the other games I'm with him he's in hydras and they're both going on at the moment, so no discussion. Point is, I saw that, and It's just screaming X1 town play.

#HBC | Gorf

toastin walrus since 4/20 maaaan
Apr 10, 2009
Jacksonville, FL


The thing, though, is that Rajam IS playing a useless, and anti town game. He's setting up his posts in a way that makes NOBODY interested in reading it, and for what I've read, he's not taking any TRUE hard stances like you (I'd say like me, but you'd be all over my case :p). Sure, he's said his scum picks, but that doesn't mean anything if you don't pressure. He's saying it and it's going into thin air. He's the lurking scum.

Dastrn, as EP mentioned, IS really strong as a player. And although I'll NEVER deny his scumminess, at least he's being an asset to the game instead of trying to hide in the shadows like a certain someone (looks at Rajam).


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
I'm STRONGLY suspicious of Gordito right now. Everything sounds phony to me. The whole "i can't IMAGINE" why anyone would target smargaret" bit is unconvincing. Town would speculate, and ask questions. Scum trying to LOOK town would feign that they don't understand the night kill just to try to subtly appear as if they didn't do it themselves.

@Cello, post #378 didn't sound genuine to me at all.
@Cello, also, we'd like to hammer today if we've got a clear play, which I think we will. If you trust your town read on us, you should let us hammer. We had talked (Xatres and I), about ninja'ing your hammer but I was at work when the opportunity arose, and couldn't check the thread at the time (although I do frequently check it at work on some days) and Xatres wasn't sure about making such a bold move in his first game. Our read on you is Town all the way, and we feel the hammer is safe in your hands, but that doesn't mean you necessarily are the best hammerer without some careful discussion.
I want the roleclaim FAST. I don't want it 2 days from now.

@J claim. Explain how you've strategized based on your role. Fast.

I think the play is actually Gordito today. Remember yesterDay, when the J lynch would have gone through easily, and we (xatres and I) stopped it, pointed out that joanbud was actively being scummy while J was just being passively anti-town? Well, I am getting that same impression from Gordito.

J's inactivity has been anti-town, yes. but other than his inactivity, I don't honestly think he's been scummy in particular.

Xatres and I really think that Gordito and nicholas are the last 2 scum. nicholas has been scum-inactive. It's not just flat out inactivity. It's just avoiding ruffling feathers, staying mostly quiet, not contributing anything of substance that could be a scumslip, and riding the J wagon.
Also, Gordito has dodged all of the pressure I've put on him toDay, but was careful to offer me a chance to hammer. He's paying attention to what I'm saying, but responding to it when we have an actively rolling wagon would distract from the potential mislynch of J that he has been pushing for so adamantly.

He knows that the mislynch and extreme pressure would be excusable because we've ALL been on the J wagon for TWO days. He could get away with pushing that mislynch by saying "oh well we trimmed the fat...still a pro-town move..."

Oh wait. He did say that.
From Oddworld Day 2. Dastrn is seriously a COMPLETELY different person here. We should lynch him.



Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Rajam does not intentionally hide in the shadows. If you are unwilling to read his posts, that is your burden. He posts good information, I just wish this information would be more frequent, but to me, that's just his playstyle. His townie playstyle.

I really don't care how strong of a player Dastrn is. "He's acting scummy, but hey, he's doing something" doesn't cut it in my book. I would rather lynch someone who is acting blatantly scummy in my eyes, to my face, and around my watch than lynch someone who you/others feel like posts too much at one time for you to be bothered to read.
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