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Villains Mafia - X1-12 lynched! Town wins! X1-12, Indie survivor, wins a bit less!


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
Yes. Yes I want you to think I'm indie. Definitely.

Now please, the content.

X1 this is painful. I know you're town without a doubt, but you aren't considering any facts given to you. You just decide who's scum (or indie lawl) and refuse to budge.

WHO is my buddy (indie or not) who killed J for me to janitor them?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
You are now putting words in my mouth, I don't think you're indy, I asked if you were trying to hint that you were. I think you're the scum janitor, currently your defence is either

1.) Who is my scumbuddy? unless you pick him out I can't be scum

2.) I can't be indy janitor, who is my indy scumbuddy


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
No, X1.

My point is you have no evidence other than ramming your claws into Gordtiofail's flesh.

I've shown I would need to have at least one scum buddy (or aligned anti-town faction) still in play. I want to know if you have ANY idea who that is, considering you seem to be sure I'm scum - do you not have any leads?

You're dodging my question. And I have not said that because you can't tell me who my scumbuddy is I can't be scum. I am saying that you cannot justify most of what you're saying.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
You mean your question about who is your scumbuddy?/indybuddy?

idk it could be anyone, does it matter? me not knowing your buddy does not make you less scummy, does it?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
No buddy doesn't make you town either, could mean your buddy(s) is(are) dead, or it could mean janitor role works in a different way to normal.

I think one or two posts of yours in this game have been leaning town, the first couple, the rest are scumiliscious.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
perhaps the jan role works differently? jan+kill every other night or something similar, perhaps one shot, it doesn't matter


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
you jan J, WIFOM whether he's indy or scum or town??
Yes, we've established I could have done that. But then I couldn't have killed him. I'd only janitor J if I'd known he was going to die. If I were janitor, how could I know he would die? We must be separate alignments for me to Janitor him, thus I NEED a buddy who would have killed him.

Why are you not considering even that I could be the killer, and someone else the Janitor?

This, imo, shows you are total tunnelling.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
I agree, he could've been town...

But who killed him?

Look, we're getting bogged down in a circle argument. I think Rajam is scum. Why should he not be the play toDay?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
The premise is Angry Swiss = Scum Swiss

The first thing is Swiss once told me 'The most annoying thing in mafia is being scum and being called scum by crap logic'

An example of angry swiss is ToS mafia- he was indyscum

I called Zac as townie before you, so why did you try and say I was copying you? Why would it matter?

wtf are you doing?
And how is EVERYTHING I do a scum slip?
Huh? Which is why I'm saying it WASN'T a scummy move.

Look at previous posts...

Your point as to why i'm scum just got nullified.

Btw, what have I actually done that is scummy again? Remind me.
I don't want a mislynch, wtf?

Did you misread what I wrote?
idek if swiss is jan, he's definitely scum though after all this.

Also buncha dodging etc I'll leave you to read it, i don't really think I need to explain much more


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
1) You give my scum abilities no credit :|
2) I did not get angry :| Posting a rage pic = WTF R U DOING? HOW IS EVERYTHING A SCUM SLIP?

The difference really is quite important.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
LOL Swiss replacing in makes lynching that slot even easier :D.

Thinking about claiming to stop all this **** confusion. But I want to hear from EP first.

1. There is no janitor.

2. Assuming #1, the only reason J's alignment wouldn't show up is if he is scum. As swiss said, why would an indy flip as unknown? Scum benefit from having their buddies flipping unknown, indy's don't.

About the vote manipulator: they targeted Zen late on Day 1 (to vote Xsyven) and Rajam early on Day 2 (to vote Dastrn).

Swiss you're scum because

1. Gord never really did anything. See Day 2 where I quoted all of the posts he'd made that day and demonstrated the lack of substance they contained.

2. Jumped on to the Dastrn wagon only because MK and I held him at gun point and gave him no option.

3. Jumped on the Xsyven wagon after everyone else (well, mainly me and a bit of zen/possibly X1 but he was just parroting anyway) did the leg work.

4. Had real weak interactions with J. Them just asking each other dumb things like "hey can you just clarify this small part of your argument for me??? I'm not going to call you suspicious for it but I might if you don't give me a good answer!! Oh great you gave me an answer, talk soon!!!"

5. Random things that MK/EP pointed out throughout Day 1 and Day 2.

So basically Gord was either Dumb or Scum, and based on interactions with Dastrn/J as well as him not getting on both wagons until the lynch is basically sealed, I see no reason why he would be town. The only way he is town is if EP is scum.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
If Tanny flips scum

Edreeses: Likely bussed him. His #276 just gives me the impression that he voted him to put Xsy at a place where he can role claim. Even though he sort of ignored Xsy when I was pushing on him, and was pushing Gord instead.

X1: Is probably town. I don't see why he'd continue to push so hard (or even bus xsyven in the first place) after the role claim. Also forcing zen to vote Xsyven if he's scum would be too weird.

Gord: Is probably town too. Even if he makes no sense, I'd expect low level scum to take their vote off Xsy after the claim.

I'd like to say are possibly town too. Out of all of the things to comment on after she had supposedly read the game, she chose these two players. I don't think Tanny scum would draw attention to her scumbuddies, even considering the WIFOM nature that this trail would leave. She'd want us to think "tanny said zac is town so he's scum" and "Tanny said rajam is scum so she's mindgaming us! wifom wifom wifom. I think she'd avoid her scum partners like the plague.

So the remaining scum if I haven't screwed up will probably be between Sir Bed/Dastrn/J.

If Tanny flips town or Indy (need to re evaluate if this is the case)

probs scum. I don't know why zen would find out he's been vote manipulated, but X1 seemed surprised to learn of this.

J: probs scum for assuming so quickly that xsy was a vig

And all my other soft town reads/tells on Gord/Rajam/Zac go down the drain...
^ I thought Xsyven/Tanny was going to flip scum so I posted what town should do if Xsyven flipped scum.

In hindsight, Xsyven was lynched over Dastrn because he was real useless (where as Dastrn could potentially of been copped) and they both were scummy on Day 1. I thought I might just of screwed up and tunnelled Dastrn too much with his push on J and calling MK the indy.

Sir Bedevere

Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2008
doop doop

van, you think EP is town? @_@ You obviously 180'd because you saw he had some sort of power role (somehow), but is that all? I assume you found it through breadcrumbing...you know how easy that is to fake, right? Or not even that, but legitimately breadcrumb their role as scum, in a similar way to how Dastrn tried to use his role as a clear?

If you need to answer any or all of the above^ questions above with information that would reveal your power role, respond to the paragraph with a ":)". Otherwise, answer however you want.

Also fine with Gordito/Swiss lynch (I have a decent bit of scumdito meta, and it ooks like X1 might have one on Swiss too), but just really confused about what's going on with EP.

Zac/Rajam should post lol.

Sorry for lack of real content guys, other games/life has taken priority, but I promise I'll reread/make a case/do something tomorrow when I have the time. :>


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree

van, you think EP is town? @_@ You obviously 180'd because you saw he had some sort of power role (somehow), but is that all? I assume you found it through breadcrumbing...you know how easy that is to fake, right? Or not even that, but legitimately breadcrumb their role as scum, in a similar way to how Dastrn tried to use his role as a clear?

If you need to answer any or all of the above^ questions above with information that would reveal your power role, respond to the paragraph with a ":)". Otherwise, answer however you want.

Also fine with Gordito/Swiss lynch (I have a decent bit of scumdito meta, and it ooks like X1 might have one on Swiss too), but just really confused about what's going on with EP.

Zac/Rajam should post lol.

Sorry for lack of real content guys, other games/life has taken priority, but I promise I'll reread/make a case/do something tomorrow when I have the time. :>
My main reason for finding EP scum was that I had information on him, but I misread (or misinterpreted) what information actually was. Thought I had fool proof info that he was scum and jumped the gun in a way.

I stand by what I said about ep and his relations with dastrn/J. I can't rule him out as not scum, but I cant confirm it like I thought i could.

Sorry for being cryptic btw. I think I'm going to just full claim after ep talks to me a bit more and we sort this stuff out.

I don't think rajam is scum, so I want to get everyones thoughts on him, especially ep's because I don't think It could of been a bus. Town needs to discuss this asap as mislynching him could stuff us over.

Hearing from both utd and rajam is also important. I don't think either should be plays at this stage, but they still worry me.

I don't want people to really waste time discussing the j ??? Flip or the idea of indys. Right now lynching the scum partner of Dastrn is how town will win. I can explain a lot of this once I claim, but we need to discuss this.


Smash Lord
Oct 27, 2008
Don't get mad - get Swiss
LOL Swiss replacing in makes lynching that slot even easier :D.

We're forgetting about Zac just because he's mad inactive. This is bad.

Wtf was the point in stalling the Gord lynch for someone to be replaced when you ignore everything they say and lynch them anyway?

Why did X1 vote me even when he said my intial posts were townie?


Vanz there is no Janitor? K. Tell me who scum are. Other then obvGorditoSwiss. Am I the last scum?


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree

We're forgetting about Zac just because he's mad inactive. This is bad.

Wtf was the point in stalling the Gord lynch for someone to be replaced when you ignore everything they say and lynch them anyway?

Why did X1 vote me even when he said my intial posts were townie?


Vanz there is no Janitor? K. Tell me who scum are. Other then obvGorditoSwiss. Am I the last scum?
Yeah I think so.

Dastrn is confirmed scum.

J is about 90% confirmed scum (I can almost prove this).

So I'm only looking for 1 scummy.

If there is an indy, it's either UTD or maybe X1.

More later.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
Van you were the first person I used my ability on. However the first time I tried to use it on u it failed...i think i got role blocked.

Also based on what Van says I'd prefer to lynch Swiss over Rajam, tho id like wayy more input from Rajam.

OS can raj be prodded??

Swiss the last time u wanted to smash your keyboard in you were scum.
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