Smash Hero
Well, the long of the short is that in a strictly tier sense wether or not Pit's gaining or losing comes down to matchups against ZSS and Pika.There's talk that Pit may have benefited from the new mechanics.LancerStaff is currently testing it, but he reckons his airs have become safer; n-air in particular may be safe on shield, which, if true, is a very big buff for Pit's approach / punish options.
You'd have to ask him, though. He's cleverer than me when it comes to this stuff.
ZSS is worse at keeping people out with her stun moves, but now Nair is ridiculous. Pit gets in easier but so does she. Factoring in what Pit's potentially getting from the shield stun changes... It's hard to tell. Hoping it'll be remotely even.
Pika got better in the matchup in every way besides Thunder Jolt I believe. It'd be pretty clear what the net effect of the changes are if we had any idea what they really were before the patch... Some Pikas say Pit wins, some Pits say Pika wins, with a whole bunch more neutral on the matter. If Pit previously won the matchup by being effective at keeping Pika out then Pit would probably still be winning the matchup. If Pit was losing then he's probably losing much harder...
But then again if ZSS and Pika get instanerfed next patch then Pit will at least be neutral against basically everybody.