While a diddy treatment for sheik might help out luigi I still think it won't help him much since he'll still have ZSS and Rosalina to worry about.
As of who'll be the best it's honestly hard to say..
It would be either Pikachu or ZSS that's for sure.
Also about Ryu..
I never knew Ryu's meta would develop so fast
It felt like it yesterday when people thought ryu was underdeveloped and underused.
Hell when I posted my first tier list I put him around the mid tier because of how underdeveloped he was during the time
But then you have MR R using ryu as a secondary, 6WX and Trela, and 9B.
and now people are saying Ryu's amazing.
All those faults of ryu being to technical, hard to use, and underdeveloped is now being put behind us.
He was from mid to the Upper cast. Opinions sure change don't they.
I think Ryu is a possible top 15 IMO.
I mean being able to get kill confirms off a jab?
That's crazy.
Most underrated character is def

. I would put him in my top 3-5. His frame data is absurd. He can be safe almost anytime he wants. Frame 3 Utilt. Frame 4 DA. A full jab that cannot be escaped. True combos. Part of his side b is invincible.
Fighting him feels almost unfair at times. I know he loses to likely


, but that's if those characters grab him. On any large or medium sized stage, I feel like

can just run with a game.
I'm pretty sure people in this thread have been saying that

is a top 5 for awhile.
As of

losing to


Well your right about fox to loosing to Luigi. (The MU is either -1 or -2)
But Fox goes even with Mario.
Mario maybe able to escape out of fox's combos with nair and can up tilt him to ludacrious % around 10-20% but fox has speed, alot of kill confirms, and a better neutral. Plus Mario doesn't have any kill confrims.. Well theirs down throw to fair but that's a 50/50 probably a 25/25/25/25 idk. While luigi.. Well *gulp* you already know.
Fox's grab reward is probably the only thing preventing him from being the best character in the game, it's so bad lol (compared to every other top tier of course).
I do like to see Larry go for lots of u-throw at high %s though, since fox's uair is ridiculously potent/scary, seems like better positioning than throwing them off-stage.
Who needs grab rewards when you have amazing frame data, great approaches, and Kill confirms of the gods
Also you think uair is scary? pssh
Fox's uair in sm4sh is child's play
(Jk it's actually pretty nut's)
Now melee fox's uair..
That's scary.