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Official Viability Ratings v2 | Competitive Impressions

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Smash Champion
Sep 27, 2002
This is just theorycraft, but Mewtwo vs. Rosalina might not be so bad. Both are tall, light, and floaty, and Luma hits super hard, but Mewtwo can dispatch Luma pretty easily (dash attack sends Luma into a tumble at 0%, a bit of damage makes forward throw knock Luma off-stage too, etc). Mewtwo's Shadow Ball is also exactly the kind of projectile that can mess with Gravitational Pull due to the low cooldown on Shadow Ball. Most importantly, short hop fair actually hits a standing Rosalina.

PK Gaming

Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2012
Roy's biggest problem is that he struggles against opponents who play lame. Unlike most sword users, who are completely content at staying just outside the opponents range in order to harass with normals, Roy needs to get closer to maximize his damage. Characters who don't let him get in are a nightmare.


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
1) There's a really good Doc on ESAMs stream, wrecking his Pikachu
2) I know I'm bad (and not sure if this is the place for it), but I'll probably play him in 30 - 45 min. Would anyone want to criticize me harshly then? :-)


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2014
what? no. Wanna know who gets demolished by duck? ZSS. Wanna know who is top tier, ZSS. ducking doesnt make a character go from good to bad.
I don't know if I agree about crouching giving ZSS issues, but I agree that crouching doesn't wreck a whole character. Also crouching doesn't really do anything to Roy, I don't know what that guy was smoking. It's not like Falcon where his grab is his main neutral tool, it's just one of his tools. Roys neutral tools actually hit low quite well.

Maybe he's thinking of melee,where crouch canceling is a big middle finger for Roy. Actually, i think Roys major suckage in melee is a lot of the reason people think he's not great in this game too. It's like he was so bad that it has to carry over for some reason.

Edit: there's also this big misconception that Roy can't play the spacing game, which is patently false. He is just fine with using low kb nairs fairs, dtilts, jabs, and ftilts at max range. Since they don't push super far your opponent can't immediately reset after being hit, and they're stuck in your pressure till Roy finds a hole to move in on or the opponent makes their move and gets bodied (or gets a good read and escapes). The only time this doesn't work well is vs characters with similar or greater ground range than Roy aka other swordies minus MK. Hence, he gets his ass kicked in these matchups. But fortunately he doesn't have to worry about these in tournament except for Ike maybe. So people should stop with the disinfo on "hurr but Roy has to go straight in all the time", it's not true at all. It was true in melee, that's it.
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Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
One large advantage roy has over the other FE characters is that his overall mobility is insane and arguably the best in the game. I think this is pretty important since he can just runaway from certain opponents when he gets a stock lead like sonic, making it hard for them to regain a % lead. This is just speculation however.


Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2014
One large advantage roy has over the other FE characters is that his overall mobility is insane and arguably the best in the game. I think this is pretty important since he can just runaway from certain opponents when he gets a stock lead like sonic, making it hard for them to regain a % lead. This is just speculation however.
Okay, "the best mobility in the game" is overstating it quite a bit imo. It's just good, it's nowhere near the likes of people with third jump moves, it's not even top 5, like top 10ish maybe. His strength lies in his falling and air speed coupled with many safe neutral moves and a good grab game to punish shields. Mobility is just a good complement.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
One large advantage roy has over the other FE characters is that his overall mobility is insane and arguably the best in the game. I think this is pretty important since he can just runaway from certain opponents when he gets a stock lead like sonic, making it hard for them to regain a % lead. This is just speculation however.
Roy can't. His dash is unsafe because he has a very long dash animation, so he can't run around for free. He also doesn't have ANY burst movement options, so once he's back against the ledge he has to fight his way out. That ain't Sonic.


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2015
One large advantage roy has over the other FE characters is that his overall mobility is insane and arguably the best in the game.
arguably the best in the game.

Also, I don't really understand why people hype up ducking so much, even if it is kirby. You aren't going to be invalidating anyone just because you crouch lol. What about when you are in the air? A low crouch doesn't do much for you then.


The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
One large advantage roy has over the other FE characters is that his overall mobility is insane and arguably the best in the game. I think this is pretty important since he can just runaway from certain opponents when he gets a stock lead like sonic, making it hard for them to regain a % lead. This is just speculation however.
Going from descending order...

Run speed: Roy (> 1.9 and < 2.0), Marth/Lucina (1.785), Ike (1.5), and Robin (1.15). Initial dash speed isn't taken into account.

Walk speed: Marth/Lucina (1.5), Roy (1.15), Robin (0.891), and Ike (0.869). Yes, Robin is actually faster than Ike while walking. This doesn't take into account of initial walk speed which is different. In that case, Roy's probably the fastest since he pretty much slides forward while the others have a more steadier pace.

Air speed: Roy (> 1.21 and < 1.269), Ike (1.08), Marth/Lucina (1.02), and Robin (1.0) Pretty much "negligible" with Ike, Marth/Lucina, and Robin, but Roy takes the cake here. Now, air control is a different matter and I'm pretty sure Ike's below average while Marth/Lucina and Robin are more in the average range. Don't know about Roy, though, but I'm going to guess he commits like Ike.

Fall speed: Roy (1.8), Ike (1.65), Marth/Lucina (1.58), and Robin (1.5). Pretty much negligible for Marth/Lucina and Robin who are pretty much average fallers, especially Robin who shares that fall speed with (Dr.) Mario, Shulk, and Mewtwo. Yes, contrary to belief, Mewtwo is not a floaty; he's just a lightweight. Roy's a notable fast faller and Roy shares his fall speed with Falco, Mega Man, and Little Mac - all notable fast fallers. Ike's a fast faller, but not that notable or is attributed for being a "heavy"; Ike shares his fall speed with Ganondorf, Bowser Jr., and Duck Hunt. Hell, let's add Meta Knight too at 1.66. You wouldn't guess Bowser Jr. and Duck Hunt were fast fallers, now would you?

Between who can run away quickly, Roy and Marth/Lucina can do that fine. It's when you add in air speed where Roy has an edge since he can glide over quickly while Marth/Lucina are a bit slower. Ike is pretty much the only FE character with a reliable burst movement by default: Quick Draw, but he's pretty much in the middle or third for overall mobile. Robin having the only projectiles for the FE cast complicates this further since projectiles usually let you play keep away games more easily than without. Here's the thing, Sonic's a living projectile and Spring Jump is a projectile, albeit an unorthodox one, and he's really, really fast. Captain Falcon's also really fast, but he can't really play run away against certain MUs since he can't keep people at bay at range. Robin's overall the slowest and Robin's projectiles are limited. Also, as someone mentioned, Roy's initial dash length is pretty huge, so when he dashes, he's going to commit just like Marth/Lucina more than Ike and Robin. Funny enough, Roy, Marth/Lucina, and Robin have the same initial dash length in frames. I'm pretty sure Robin doesn't cover the same distance or is locked into the same distance as Roy.
Couldn't find initial dash lengths so here they are (in frames):


Mr. Game & Watch


Bowser Jr
Diddy Kong
Duck Hunt Duo
King Dedede
Mega Man
Dr. Mario




Meta Knight
Dark Pit
Toon Link
Zero Suit Samus






Captain Falcon
Donkey Kong
Little Mac
Rosalina & Luma
Wii Fit Trainer


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   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Late ish:
Marth bair/nair can beat flip jump and fair/bair can reliably hit most horizontal angles of tethering. Unlike Sheik, who's vanish range is obscene, a single strike on zss recovering should be a stock, a lot of the time... so ... it's worth trying as long as you don't do something silly and get spiked.
Everyone has to respect flip jump, doesn't mean you can't pressure ZSS who needs to use it. But otherwise, the only match ups I wouldn't bother going off stage is like... Mr.G&W, Sheik, and if it's a QA only situation, Pikachu. You tend to play carefully challenging Greninja, Meta Knight, Wii Fit (maybe not worth going off stage for), Mewtwo, Yoshi and Sonic; but you can.

Roy's initial walk speed and jump aerial momentum are his two best features, the former good for neutral and the latter good for burst aggression. He's still a bit cumbersome, I find.
While I do feel like Marth is better in "neutral" and "disadvantage" I don't necessarily think it's by huge amounts. Marth's down tilt is safer on shield, but Roy can get a bit more slide going which may save him a few frames in certain situations.

When it comes to advantage they're just... different. It's a hard comparison. Marth does edgeguard. I like trying to edge guard with Roy too but it tends to require a lot more precision.. dash off rocket fair on a recovery is pleasure infinite, but Marth can definitely cover more angles. I think Marth juggles a bit better than Roy too.
Overall I think Marth is better vertically while Roy is better horizontally in pressure. Marth makes things like his nair/fair work because of the way he falls in the air, he isn't really trying to control space in front of him as much as he's trying to control space at "45 degree"esque angles.
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#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Just curious but do people think the list in the OP might need to be updated due to the most recent patch or is it pretty much still on point with top player opinions?

PK Gaming

Smash Lord
Aug 25, 2012
Edit: there's also this big misconception that Roy can't play the spacing game, which is patently false. He is just fine with using low kb nairs fairs, dtilts, jabs, and ftilts at max range. Since they don't push super far your opponent can't immediately reset after being hit, and they're stuck in your pressure till Roy finds a hole to move in on or the opponent makes their move and gets bodied (or gets a good read and escapes). The only time this doesn't work well is vs characters with similar or greater ground range than Roy aka other swordies minus MK. Hence, he gets his *** kicked in these matchups. But fortunately he doesn't have to worry about these in tournament except for Ike maybe. So people should stop with the disinfo on "hurr but Roy has to go straight in all the time", it's not true at all. It was true in melee, that's it.
I never said he couldn't, but it's sub-optimal. Roy wants to get in to get the heavy hits in. It doesn't mean you can't play the spacing game, but Roy as a character is constantly looking for opportunities to get in and throw his weight around (or in most case, grab). Otherwise, why even bother with him?

Watch Ryo play as him here, he's much more aggressive with Roy than he is with Ike.
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   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
Just curious but do people think the list in the OP might need to be updated due to the most recent patch or is it pretty much still on point with top player opinions?
I've been holding onto the update for close to a week. If I don't get the final two people in by today I'll likely release.
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Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2014
not brawl
Maybe demolish was a stretch, but a lot of her tools do become nullified in neutral because of some characters' ducks. She can handle them, but it is an uphill battle. It doesn't make a character that much worse because some characters can duck under your attacks.


Smash Marketer
Jan 6, 2009
I wasn't able to let you guys know... played my online match against ESAM. I got wrecked (duh), but I didn't get two-stocked by his Samus or his Pikachu. Pikachu mostly entirely because of the blessed Final Cutter spike. Still a little shaky, but that was fun.

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Smash Ace
Sep 15, 2014
what? no. Wanna know who gets demolished by duck? ZSS. Wanna know who is top tier, ZSS. ducking doesnt make a character go from good to bad.
Ducking is just an annoyance for Zss. It can make things a little difficult at times but she can get around it.


Smash Lord
Nov 4, 2014
not brawl
Ducking is just an annoyance for Zss. It can make things a little difficult at times but she can get around it.
I responded to someone else saying this. Its definitely an annoyance that could potentially make things hard for ZSS, but it is mostly able to be worked around.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
I don't know if I agree about crouching giving ZSS issues, but I agree that crouching doesn't wreck a whole character. Also crouching doesn't really do anything to Roy, I don't know what that guy was smoking. It's not like Falcon where his grab is his main neutral tool, it's just one of his tools. Roys neutral tools actually hit low quite well.

Maybe he's thinking of melee,where crouch canceling is a big middle finger for Roy. Actually, i think Roys major suckage in melee is a lot of the reason people think he's not great in this game too. It's like he was so bad that it has to carry over for some reason.

Edit: there's also this big misconception that Roy can't play the spacing game, which is patently false. He is just fine with using low kb nairs fairs, dtilts, jabs, and ftilts at max range. Since they don't push super far your opponent can't immediately reset after being hit, and they're stuck in your pressure till Roy finds a hole to move in on or the opponent makes their move and gets bodied (or gets a good read and escapes). The only time this doesn't work well is vs characters with similar or greater ground range than Roy aka other swordies minus MK. Hence, he gets his *** kicked in these matchups. But fortunately he doesn't have to worry about these in tournament except for Ike maybe. So people should stop with the disinfo on "hurr but Roy has to go straight in all the time", it's not true at all. It was true in melee, that's it.
Roy usually has to space very specifically to hit crouching with his aerials, and this can be perfect shielded on reaction. N-air and B-air both hit high, and his F-air is not exactly that fast.

He really does suck a lot vs crouching, to be frank, given he DEPENDS on aerials to approach. The FE characters are noticeably good at abusing this given many of them outrange Roy on the ground.

As I said, once people realize that crouching neutralizes a lot of Roy's best options, he's really not that good of a character. Bad negative state, doesn't have many reliable KO setups and needs to go for risky reads usually to kill. The FE cast is straight unwinnable for Roy, and concerning relevant characters, Sheik is also pretty noticeably stupid for Roy to deal with.
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Smash Hero
Jan 28, 2014
Buried under 990+ weapons
Late ish:
Marth bair/nair can beat flip jump and fair/bair can reliably hit most horizontal angles of tethering. Unlike Sheik, who's vanish range is obscene, a single strike on zss recovering should be a stock, a lot of the time... so ... it's worth trying as long as you don't do something silly and get spiked.
Everyone has to respect flip jump, doesn't mean you can't pressure ZSS who needs to use it. But otherwise, the only match ups I wouldn't bother going off stage is like... Mr.G&W, Sheik, and if it's a QA only situation, Pikachu. You tend to play carefully challenging Greninja, Meta Knight, Wii Fit (maybe not worth going off stage for), Mewtwo, Yoshi and Sonic; but you can.

Roy's initial walk speed and jump aerial momentum are his two best features, the former good for neutral and the latter good for burst aggression. He's still a bit cumbersome, I find.
While I do feel like Marth is better in "neutral" and "disadvantage" I don't necessarily think it's by huge amounts. Marth's down tilt is safer on shield, but Roy can get a bit more slide going which may save him a few frames in certain situations.

When it comes to advantage they're just... different. It's a hard comparison. Marth does edgeguard. I like trying to edge guard with Roy too but it tends to require a lot more precision.. dash off rocket fair on a recovery is pleasure infinite, but Marth can definitely cover more angles. I think Marth juggles a bit better than Roy too.
Overall I think Marth is better vertically while Roy is better horizontally in pressure. Marth makes things like his nair/fair work because of the way he falls in the air, he isn't really trying to control space in front of him as much as he's trying to control space at "45 degree"esque angles.
I'm not so sure about Roy's initial walk being that good... At least, based on what I've heard Marths' say about theirs.

Long story short, I was messing around with wavebirds with both of them and their initial walk wasn't all that different. There's a sweet spot where Roy goes farther then Marth, but not by much and it seemed like an incredibly small window. I've been thinking about making a video about the two of them (using the cruddy replay feature though) showing off their differences, but it looks like I'm going to be fairly occupied for a while.

Marth has a much easier time approaching, can both play at his optimal range and keep his distance the best he can at the same time, and isn't basically dead as soon as he's offstage. Roy has power which he can't make effective use of. Like, it's immediately noticable in the matchup vs mr. neutral matchups himself, Pit. Pit's got a noticable advantage over Marth but it's nowhere near unwinnable. Roy's basically helpless, and this isn't against a remotely oppressive character. I can't imagine how bad Roy vs Shiek must be.
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Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2014
Roy usually has to space very specifically to hit crouching with his aerials, and this can be perfect shielded on reaction. N-air and B-air both hit high, and his F-air is not exactly that fast.

He really does suck a lot vs crouching, to be frank, given he DEPENDS on aerials to approach. The FE characters are noticeably good at abusing this given many of them outrange Roy on the ground.

As I said, once people realize that crouching neutralizes a lot of Roy's best options, he's really not that good of a character. Bad negative state, doesn't have many reliable KO setups and needs to go for risky reads usually to kill. The FE cast is straight unwinnable for Roy, and concerning relevant characters, Sheik is also pretty noticeably stupid for Roy to deal with.
He doesn't depend on aerials to approach. And nair is frame 6 and fair is frame 10. That is not even close to humanly reactable. You can expect it but guess what, if you shield a jump in what if I tomohawk you? Its a mixup, you are greatly oversimplifying it due to lack of information. Also the FE matchups are not unwinnable lol, its like 4:6 at worst. You are exaggerating in the extreme,cut that out. And he does better vs sheik than the other FE characters. Needles are much less of an issue due to his mobility. I don't even think Sheik is all that bad for him. He certainly does better than someone like Falcon.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
He doesn't depend on aerials to approach. And nair is frame 6 and fair is frame 10. That is not even close to humanly reactable. You can expect it but guess what, if you shield a jump in what if I tomohawk you? Its a mixup, you are greatly oversimplifying it due to lack of information. Also the FE matchups are not unwinnable lol, its like 4:6 at worst. You are exaggerating in the extreme,cut that out. And he does better vs sheik than the other FE characters. Needles are much less of an issue due to his mobility. I don't even think Sheik is all that bad for him. He certainly does better than someone like Falcon.
Read: He has to space a very specific way to actually hit you for crouching. Perfect shielding this and then grabbing covers both the aerial approach and usually the tomahawk, and if he's somehow outside the range where he can be grabbed, he has to worry about being spaced out. Note the good range on the FE casts ground normals not to mention Sheik's normals, how is he ever winning?

The FE characters beat Roy in EVERY part of the matchup solidly, neutral, advantage, and disadvantage. I would argue the matchups against them, including Lucina, are conservatively 65/35 matchups. He has no business winning against them in tournament.

As for the Sheik matchup, the other FE characters don't get juggled to nearly the same extent as Roy who has fastfaller physics, and they also have better ground moves than he does. Roy definitely doesn't do better vs Sheik as far as I'm concerned.
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Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2014
Read: He has to space a very specific way to actually hit you for crouching. Perfect shielding this and then grabbing covers both the aerial approach and the tomahawk. Combine this with the good range on the FE casts ground normals not to mention Sheik's normals, how is he ever winning?

The FE characters beat Roy in EVERY part of the matchup solidly, neutral, advantage, and disadvantage. I would argue the matchups against them, including Lucina, are conservatively 65/35 matchups. He has no business winning against them in tournament.

As for the Sheik matchup, the other FE characters don't get juggled to nearly the same extent as Roy, and also have better ground moves than he does. Roy definitely doesn't do better vs Sheik as far as I'm concerned.
No, shielding and grabbing doesn't beat a tomohawk. If you shield, you are stuck in shield for a number of frames. If I expect a shield and you do it, you're getting grabbed. And if I think you're gonna and grab immediately out of shield i can punish that even harder by just jumping and doing nothing. You're still oversimplifying.

You haven't given any evidence. All you've said is "he loses". Sorry bud but that's not convincing me ever. You better back those statements up. I've written massive posts in this very thread detailing my reasons for what Ive said. You go back and read those and refute that with good evidence or I'm not taking what you're saying seriously.
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Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
No, shielding and grabbing doesn't beat a tomohawk. If you shield, you are stuck in shield for a number of frames. If I expect a shield and you do it, you're getting grabbed. And if I think you're gonna and grab immediately out I'd shield i can punish that even harder by just jumping and doing nothing. You're still oversimplifying.

You haven't given any evidence. All you've said is "he loses". Sorry bud but that's not convincing me ever. You better back those statements up. I've written massive posts in this very thread detailing my reasons for what Ive said. You go back and read those and refute that with good evidence or I'm not taking what you're saying seriously.
Landing is at minimum a 5 frame commitment and you can be grabbed out of that. You are not stuck in shield if you jump, roll, spotdodge, or grab. Roy has to go extremely well out of his way to play neutral against crouching, and it limits his safe options severely, forcing him to either play an unfavorable ground game against them or to get wrecked approaching.

The FE cast outranges him on the ground, can crouch his aerial approach to force him to not rely on his safest tools, and will instakill him offstage with Counter while Roy doesn't really have an equivalent response. He loses extremely noticeably against Marth, Ike, and Lucina.
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Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2014
Landing is at minimum a 5 frame commitment and you can be grabbed out of that. You are not stuck in shield if you jump, roll, spotdodge, or grab. Roy has to go extremely well out of his way to play neutral against crouching, and it limits his safe options severely.

The FE cast outranges him on the ground, can crouch his aerial approach to force him to not rely on his safest tools, and will instakill him offstage with Counter while Roy doesn't really have an equivalent response. He loses extremely noticeably against Marth, Ike, and Lucina.
When you shield you are committed to 11 (i believe)frames at a bare minimum before you can do an OOS option, unless you are hit by an attack in which case it overrides with the shieldstun (often less than 11). This is well documented information.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
When you shield you are committed to 11 (i believe)frames at a bare minimum before you can do an OOS option, unless you are hit by an attack in which case it overrides with the shieldstun (often less than 11). This is well documented information.
Also irrelevant to the argument. If Roy tries to tomohawk a crouch perfect shield grab, he's getting grabbed unless the other player is bad and doesn't know distances.

The 11 frame commitment applies to DROPPING SHIELD but not rolling, dodging, jumping, or grabbing.
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Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2014
Also irrelevant to the argument. If Roy tries to tomohawk a crouch perfect shield grab, he's getting grabbed unless the other player is bad and doesn't know distances.
You just ignored what i said lol. If you try to perfect shield,and i don't hit you, you're stuck for a minimum 11 frames. Doesnt matter how hard you mash grab. This is the reason tomohawks even work, for any character. It's a fundamental rule about shields in basically every game.

You don't even want to read what I've posted in the past so I know there's no way your mind is going to be changed on this; you want to be right no matter what. I'm not repeating what I've already posted in this thread. Feel free to read what I've said and properly rebut it in a pm or something, because I'm not wasting any more time or space in this thread trying to discuss this with someone who isn't interested in a two way discussion. Especially in a topic we've already discussed numerous times.


Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
You just ignored what i said lol. If you try to perfect shield,and i don't hit you, you're stuck for a minimum 11 frames. Doesnt matter how hard you mash grab. This is the reason tomohawks even work, for any character. It's a fundamental rule about shields in basically every game.

You don't even want to read what I've posted in the past so I know there's no way your mind is going to be changed on this; you want to be right no matter what. I'm not repeating what I've already posted in this thread. Feel free to read what I've said and properly rebut it in a pm or something, because I'm not wasting any more time or space in this thread trying to discuss this with someone who isn't interested in a two way discussion. Especially in a topic we've already discussed numerous times.
Completely false. Go to training mode and test it right now with frame advance. You are most definitely not stuck in shield for 11 frames if you input a roll, dodge, jump, or grab. Otherwise nobody would spotdodge grabs on a read or ever land dash shieldgrabs.
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King Marth's most trusted advisor.
Jan 4, 2015
Switch FC
Roy usually has to space very specifically to hit crouching with his aerials, and this can be perfect shielded on reaction. N-air and B-air both hit high, and his F-air is not exactly that fast.

He really does suck a lot vs crouching, to be frank, given he DEPENDS on aerials to approach. The FE characters are noticeably good at abusing this given many of them outrange Roy on the ground.

As I said, once people realize that crouching neutralizes a lot of Roy's best options, he's really not that good of a character. Bad negative state, doesn't have many reliable KO setups and needs to go for risky reads usually to kill. The FE cast is straight unwinnable for Roy, and concerning relevant characters, Sheik is also pretty noticeably stupid for Roy to deal with.
You cannot crouch under Double Edge Dance which is a great approaching tool. It covers so much I've even hit people hanging from the ledge with it (Dancing Blade 1).

Also I agree that you are exaggerating and simplifying Roy but I don't really feel like arguing Roy anymore today so I'll let you continue with Gawain.

I'm not so sure about Roy's initial walk being that good... At least, based on what I've heard Marths' say about theirs.

Long story short, I was messing around with wavebirds with both of them and their initial walk wasn't all that different. There's a sweet spot where Roy goes farther then Marth, but not by much and it seemed like an incredibly small window. I've been thinking about making a video about the two of them (using the cruddy replay feature though) showing off their differences, but it looks like I'm going to be fairly occupied for a while.

Marth has a much easier time approaching, can both play at his optimal range and keep his distance the best he can at the same time, and isn't basically dead as soon as he's offstage. Roy has power which he can't make effective use of. Like, it's immediately noticable in the matchup vs mr. neutral matchups himself, Pit. Pit's got a noticable advantage over Marth but it's nowhere near unwinnable. Roy's basically helpless, and this isn't against a remotely oppressive character. I can't imagine how bad Roy vs Shiek must be.
Pit does not beat Marth and I can't believe you called it his "noticable advantage" (I am not noticing it). I don't know about Roy vs. Pit (and never have I seen it) but I don't see how it could be that bad (you called Roy HELPLESS here like wtf please don't exaggerate).

I was reluctant to call you out for this because I know how you can freakin argue Pit into the ground.
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Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2014
Completely false. Go to training mode and test it right now with frame advance. You are most definitely not stuck in shield for 11 frames if you input a roll, dodge, jump, or grab. Otherwise nobody would spotdodge grabs on a read or ever land dash shieldgrabs.
No, you're actually right on that, I was the misinformed on that. My mistake. I'm not seeing how this beats a tomohawk either way though
If i land in my fair or nairs range (which is also dash grab range), I'm not getting grabbed OOS. Again if you buffer this tomohawking wins, and if you hold shield it wins too.
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Smash Legend
Oct 13, 2007
RPV, California
Switch FC
SW 8400 1713 9427
You cannot crouch under Double Edged Dance which is a great approaching tool. It covers so much I've even hit people hanging from the ledge with it (Dancing Blade 1).

Also I agree that you are exaggerating and simplifying Roy but I don't really feel like arguing Roy anymore today so I'll let you continue with Gawain.
I'm not exactly seeing why Double Edge Dance is a great approach tool...even if it covers a good area, it's not exactly something you want to do on someone who is ready to shield.

No, you're actually right on that, I was the misinformed on that. My mistake. I'm not seeing how this beats a tomohawk either way though
If i land in my fair or nairs range (which is also dash grab range), I'm not getting grabbed OOS. Again if you buffer this tomohawking wins, and if you hold shield it wins too.
Which is where I go back to people need to know distances.

With tilt stick, you can crouch and simply go for F-tilt/U-tilt as appropriate as either Marth, Ike, or Lucina to punish Roy if he's outside the range where grabbing would catch him. Their F-tilts can reliably anti-air Roy out of N-air directly too if he's being cautious about the spacing. I feel in general for all the trouble Roy has to go through to bypass crouching, he ultimately limits himself to noticeably less reward and he gets outbuttoned anyway on the ground. Arguably neutral is slightly more tolerable against Ike (unless he angles F-tilt upwards like he should be) but Ike can also KO confirm Roy out of U-throw in addition to getting the benefit of the near-brainded Counter edgeguard.

I abused this against Oki, a strong Roy player in my area, and I've been able to take games off of him even though he's considerably more experienced than I am. So I know from practical experience crouching is insanely good against Roy, and combined with how braindead it is to kill him offstage, it seems a skilled Ike, Marth, and Lucina really shouldn't ever lose to him.


Smash Hero
Feb 26, 2009
New Jersey
This is just theorycraft, but Mewtwo vs. Rosalina might not be so bad. Both are tall, light, and floaty, and Luma hits super hard, but Mewtwo can dispatch Luma pretty easily (dash attack sends Luma into a tumble at 0%, a bit of damage makes forward throw knock Luma off-stage too, etc). Mewtwo's Shadow Ball is also exactly the kind of projectile that can mess with Gravitational Pull due to the low cooldown on Shadow Ball. Most importantly, short hop fair actually hits a standing Rosalina.
Does fair hit Rosalina when she's crouching? If you want to abuse GP vs Rosalina you need to be at mid range with your projectile and you need to be able to keep your mobility mewtwo is incapable of that.

I will however point out that nair vs Rosalina's recovery is a pretty good option. Also iggy and mew squared pmayed the mu and it looks ridiculously bad for mewtwo.


King Marth's most trusted advisor.
Jan 4, 2015
Switch FC
I'm not exactly seeing why Double Edge Dance is a great approach tool...even if it covers a good area, it's not exactly something you want to do on someone who is ready to shield.
It covers backward rolls and spot dodges, can be done out of a dash (a really fast Roy dash), transcendent priority, and has crazy good horizontal range. The 2nd hit is not even that punishable if spaced well against shield (especially with all the "will he keep going?" mind games and such). DED/DB are great tools in the footsies and it's a shame to see that some Falchion/Lion mains don't utilize it enough.

If someone is shield happy in that exact moment, yes, it can be pretty risky, especially if they immediately roll behind.
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Smash Lord
Sep 7, 2014
I'm not exactly seeing why Double Edge Dance is a great approach tool...even if it covers a good area, it's not exactly something you want to do on someone who is ready to shield.

Which is where I go back to people need to know distances.

With tilt stick, you can crouch and simply go for F-tilt/U-tilt as appropriate as either Marth, Ike, or Lucina to punish Roy if he's outside the range where grabbing would catch him. Their F-tilts can reliably anti-air Roy out of N-air directly too if he's being cautious about the spacing. I feel in general for all the trouble Roy has to go through to bypass crouching, he ultimately limits himself to noticeably less reward and he gets outbuttoned anyway on the ground. Arguably neutral is slightly more tolerable against Ike (unless he angles F-tilt upwards like he should be) but Ike can also KO confirm Roy out of U-throw in addition to getting the benefit of the near-brainded Counter edgeguard.

I abused this against Oki, a strong Roy player in my area, and I've been able to take games off of him even though he's considerably more experienced than I am. So I know from practical experience crouching is insanely good against Roy, and combined with how braindead it is to kill him offstage, it seems a skilled Ike, Marth, and Lucina really shouldn't ever lose to him.
Roy can do literally the same edge guard vs Ike and Marcina. Its slightly harder vs Marcina but it is in essence the same thing. I'm not seeing how this isn't a disadvantage for both sides of the argument. Roy's dtilt reaches the same as Marths and is just as fast and has just as early an IASA. Its not like Roy can't just play around the edge of their reach with his better mobility and punish whiffed moves. If what you were saying was really as awful as you make it out to be, Marth would also destroy Falcon. But he doesn't because Falcons mobility let's him
Work around it. Roy isnt as mobile In some respects (and is more in others) but he can still play this game. It is not anywhere near as polarizing as you make it out to be. Again its a 4:6 imo. Not unwinnable. And it is irrelevant anyways, because those matchups outside Ike barely even matter at all. The matchups that matter, no one is outranging Roy with crouching. You are overplaying it in the extreme.

But again I'm not going to go on like a broken record. I need sleep. I don't want to flood the thread with the same info again. PM me in response to things I've alreadt said in the past 30 pages
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King Marth's most trusted advisor.
Jan 4, 2015
Switch FC
Marth's Dtilt ends on frame 23, Roy's ends on frame 21 (matches Brawl Marth).

Also Marth kinda does destroy Falcon (destroy is a strong word but yeah).


all is cheese, all is jank
Feb 2, 2008
I'm just gonna be that cat and ask where Pit factors into this? Communal consensus seems to be that he's somewhere in what would be, in this context, be termed B-tier. You know the drill: decent matchup spread, doesn't get quite bodied by the top-tiers, serviceable toolkit, moderate representation from Nairo and Earth.

I realise I'm missing the entire point of the exercise here, but it felt a bit of a distinct omission to me (disregard the fact that I am currently wearing my angel-coloured glasses).

Incidentally, I'd love to hear your thoughts on R.O.B. Was a tad disappointed he didn't turn up in you brief explanations, which were otherwise solid reads. :3
At first I wasn't going to add anyone else than the 9 characters in S and A tiers, but I added B tier just to show that I acknowledge the popular high tiers, they just don't make the cut into the top. Greninja, Pit(s), Pac-Man, Peach and Olimar were ones that I would've added into B had I put more time to it though, but I decided to cut my explanations there since I'm not going to pretend I know each character well enough to describe them accurately (ROB and Pit unfortunately being among them).

I could've elaborated on MK, Falcon, Luigi, Yoshi and Lucario though since I use the former two and continuously play versus the other three. The first two have an unparalleled dash game with their dash attacks and dash grabs confirming into follow ups that can either kill the opponent or trap them into kills, and while MK does this more reliably and has a much better disadvantage (recovery in particular), Falcon's speed and damage is greater and he has a much safer and more useful aerial game in neutral.

I don't think Luigi has a terrible neutral because of his dash grab and fireballs, but some characters can definitely keep him out and ruin his recovery enough that I don't think he can contend with most of the top tiers, although Luigi would probably be ranked #10 for me. Two things I've yet to see fully utilized is fast fallers using SDI down out of tornado so that Luigi can't mash any height with it letting them survive much longer versus it, and Luigi using up b out of down throw to get earlier kills (Boss was doing this early on but stopped). Also I only ever see Concon use it for punishes aside from the person I get practice with here.

Despite Yoshi's down air, down b and neutral b, I think shield is stronger on Yoshi than any other character in the game because even if he gets a grab he gets almost nothing out of it besides positional advantage which is a given. He also has no kill confirms besides egg into fair, egg into uair and utilt into uair all of which are fairly easy to avoid, although jab to usmash or down b probably works on some characters but I haven't personally labbed Yoshi so I don't know to what extent these are a thing. Everything else about the character is pretty amazing though, and he can create quite a lot of pressure with his mobility and damage output alone.

Lucario I explained some days earlier in a different context, but basically he has a good neutral once the match actually starts (80%+) with safe aerials and decent mobility because of b reverses, wavebounces and fox trots, and aura sphere / aura sphere charge for safe pressure and kill setups. It's also hard to space on his shield at times because he has the highest traction in the game and a ton of invisible (disjointed? probably not) range on his standing grab for some reason. If you lack a character who can reliably kill him before about 100-120%, matches pretty much come down to "who lands the killing blow first" regardless of your own percent, and he has decent tools for landing kills as well. Never going to be great because of his mechanic, but never bad either.

Villager and Greninja are the only remaining ones I have personal experience with, but not quite enough that I'd be able to accurately elaborate on them. As for the order of these characters I have literally no idea besides Luigi being the first, with possibly MK following it up. I think there's theory to throw in all directions for the rest. At least DK, Ike and Mega Man might be able to pull through to B tier depending on how large it is, but most likely I'd cut B tier at some point and put the rest to C along with those three. Skeptical about DK's neutral and disadvantage as well as Ike and Mega Man in general, but now I'm getting too deep into the unknown and this is pretty much just speculation based on a few things I've seen and heard.

Man Li Gi

Smash Lord
Nov 14, 2013
Honestly, the MU is quite volatile and heavily stage dependent. The very fact that Diddy has a projectile that can setup a wall and can force DK to approach, it makes the MU quite frustrating for DK. Pretty much, if you play like Angel Cortes did in Smash Con v Will, game 2 and 3. Diddy really strives in putting DK in two of the three negative states DK has (refer to pg. 44/45). The two states that DK has against Diddy is the approaching, and landing. DK can approach in a very linear and predictable fashion with DA and RAR/PP Bair. DA gets stuffed banana and any good Diddy knows the RAR bair is coming. I would say nair, but the hitboxes are small and may have a hard time connecting with a small model like Diddy. I refrain from using the term "once DK gets in tho" because a good Diddy won't let that happen dude.

RAR bair, Ftilt, Utilt and jab 2 are really good tools DK has against Ness. Going in and trying to straight overwhelm with nair, fair and bair ain't gonna scare DK the same as DK has enough range on ftilt to outspace fair. The move that really scares and puts respect in DK is Uair, the hitbox is so large and it kills early too. It comes out fast and just hurts in general. DK can only do cargo throw to uair on Ness cuz he has such low falling speed. Really, the fact to use Ding Dong on them way too much (ie make them above 100%) can make their gameplan quite linear (bthrow all day). If you get the opportunity to, you could cargo u throw to 10 wind punch at around 40-60% for kill. Now, I'm making it quite unfair on the Ness end cause, DK doesn't beat Ness. He at best goes even cuz Ness has some nasty frame traps on DK and DK has to commit and hope the Ness plays fearful/linear. Ness combos DK and can even kill him early and force approaches.

Now, we are getting to some bad MUs for DK. Even in Brawl, where Yoshi has no kill moves or nothing, this MU was tough and was even. In this game, where Yoshi has overall been buffed (don't kill me here Sinister Slush), the MU is now tragic. There are some nasty frametraps that Yoshi has on DK due to in part of DK's huge hurtbox, and Yoshi in general. Yoshi has a projectile that does decent damage and interrupts many of DK's movements. The fact Yoshi has SHAD and DK has no attack that can react fast enough to many of Yoshi's SHAD options hurts DK. Will, what people say is the best DK, loses tot Raptor and Poltergust in Brawl Yoshi, and to my knowledge, goes Sheik against the MU in this game, confirms that the MU sucks. Ding Dong, Down B, and even Lariat don't work that well either. It's bad man. BF, FD, DL, Lylat are just bad stages in the MU. T&C and S&V are pretty good.

Sonic speed man. Like Brawl, where Sonic was noticeably worse, he won the MU cuz he was so fast and also could bait hitboxes to come out. If DK had long lasting, longer ranged, or not small (compared to his hurt box) hit boxes, he could contend with the speed and bait game Sonic has, but that's no the case. He covers like 2 of DK's disadvantages and actually can kill so, it's lost cause and MU for DK in this one. U can try your best, but if people are playing efficient with Sonic (Static Manny) then there's no point of trying lest you have some sort obtuse plan. Small stages are the only way to deal with him.

I expressed my sentiment before with this MU on page 34. A good Fox will use his lasers cuz racking up easy, passive damage is the best way to cause approaches.
C&P from page 34
While the jab combo isn't the end all be all factor that hurts DK, Fox still bodies DK in footsies. DK'S negative state starts in 3 areas: approaching, landing, and then overall throwing out hitboxes.

How does one force DK into anyone of these situations? To force approaching, all you have to do is passively rack damage (Oli does this well too) on DK as most DKs know that he isn't as durable as his Brawl incarnation. In conjuction, the shield damage and power in his moves are also worse, so when having to approach, know that it's a nightmare.

Landing has always been a sore thumb in DK's gameplay. He has no hitboxes that cover his body that doesn't have stupid small hitboxes. Seriously, a lot of DK'S moves have small hitboxes in comparison to his hurtbox.

When you're forced to throw out moves (because your opponent doesn't want to respect your space), this is the worst. Why? DK overall has slow moves that don't have as much power/damage as expected or just have end lag to nullify the quick start up of some of his attacks. His quickest attack is a frame 5 (not the worst) jab/front side utilt. The problem is, all the attacks that hit in front of him are......lackluster. so if someone is in front of you, well tough luck. All his forward hitboxes on the ground have gaps in them. Also, did I mention how little shields stun and shield damage his attacks do (especially the non sweetspot......he should only have sweetspot.......like for real, sours lot Giant punch never kills)?

Since Fox can force all three negative states in a singular and easy motion (laser for approaching, u tilts and Dair to force landing, and Fox's playstyle just forces DK'S to feel pressed to put out hitboxes).

Honestly, I say Fox is DK's worst MU since he can take advantage and put DK in all 3 negative states easily. Other characters can put you in all 3, but it takes time or too much commitment. What made this bearable in Brawl was the sheer power and durability. Smash 4 stripped many characters of admittedly generous hitboxes, the durability, and power of certain characters.

Fox will always be a bane to DK's side (in every game) until a completely absurd amount of changes to DK or Fox take place."

She has great stage presence against DK and since DK's fastest attack is a frame 5 move, getting out is a tad bit hard. SHe also gets the uair link easy against DK cuz DK is so large plus has a hard time getting out of her up b. If you stay out of the shenanigans (it's actually than you think to get out/not get put into shenanigans), the footsy game sucks, but is bearable. With her nair, you'll be pressed to do anything, but at low percents, convert into utilt. Ducking is a great option IMO, underused, since Tether don't work on you then. Still in ZSS favor by a longshot though. Often safe you Ding Dong cuz that and utilt will be your best bet for kills.

DK IMO, beats Luigi, but not handily. While Luigi has fireballs that safe on shield. So what, at low percents, DK can trade getting hit for a follow up. Many things that make Luigi great are made greater by his grab. Thing is, DK also gets reward from grab and while Luigi's is faster, DK has more range and has jab grab at mid high+ percents. Usmash though, gives DK fear since invincinbility and DK has no landing......scary. Also, many times, DK finds himself on the ledge v Luigi. DK has no ledge options so, yeah that hurts. Onstage though, DK's presence is felt and since Luigi doesn't have the greatest mobility, DK can stuff him with tilts all day.

Truth, I dunno about this MU. What I mean by it, it's so stage dependent that what ever I tell you will be voided pending on which stage you go on. SV TC are good for DK and limits the QA shenanigans, and forces a more direct game of CQC. With all hits, bar last hi, of fair, and uair being safe on DK, those moves should often be used against DK. That being said, DK utilt is really good at catching Pika out the sky. PP utilt helps keep Pika in check. Bair is not as effective as the hurtbox extension as well as hitting in a very limited vertical area hurts area. Nair covers space and can lead to some followups.

What can I say about it? If you perfectly space a bair on shield, COMPLETELY SAFE BAR AN OOS DA. Really, the MU relies on how efficient are you on getting rid of luma and capitalizing on that 13 second window. If you can't then the MU becomes how well you don't get juggled and tech the auto angle fair. Not the worst, but it requires a level of thinking beyond me expressing some sentiments here.

We made it finally. Now, Sheik wins this MU if you play campy or just keep using fair, or cover ledge options like a boss. Otherwise, the MU is not the worst thing in the world. Ding Dong hurts so much (especially when you use cargo uthrow to 10 wind shoulder punch at around 50-75%). What I say to people all the time is watch out for the triangle jumps cuz the Sheik will go on loop to bait some move for easy punishment. Shielding isn't even great cuz fair exists. This MU needs you, the DK to be precise and crisp on punishes because offline, every aerial bar fair, is shield grab. Don't drop the ball here. DK lives for quite a long time already and can stall using spinning Kong if they are trying to edgeguard on BF. Smart sheiks won't ever take you to BF cuz it's now as close to beneficial to him as ever. Hand Slap is also near useless, but Lariat really does wonders here. Learn to mix up ledge get ups on this one. For some reason, Sheiks feel comfortable to shield on edge. Don't be afraid to headbutt and regrab edge. U don't know how much wonders this has worked for me.

Sorry FullMoon. I was doing this stuff then other stuff came in the way. Later is better than never I suppose. I also feel like my analysis has also progressively gotten worse as the night trudges on for me.


Smash Ace
Oct 14, 2014
It almost doesn't matter at all if Roy loses to the other swords...folk. Like, really. How many dedicated Marcina mains do we see in tough regions/on the national level? Honestly, Roy's viability depends on his MUs with the top tiers. How does he fair (ha!) against Sheik, Rosa, ZSS, etc? If a dedicated Roy player comes across a dedicated Marth player in brackets at a tough regional or national, chances are neither of them really will have focused on, or experienced, that MU, because why would they? You lab out the MUs that matter.

No Roy or Marcina main is going to put any amount of priority on the FE MU. You aren't going to have to battle through 8 Lucinas in pools.

The only Fire Emblem MU that the others need to devote a modicum of time to is Ike, probably.
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