First time in the proving grounds (Woohoo)
I didn't bother to read the whole thread, but as a student of philosophy and an agnostic atheist I would love to converse with some theists about religion.
Basically my first question for a follower of any Abrahamic religion (I don't mean to discriminate against other religions, they simply fall outside my area of expertise) is:
Do you take your holy book (Quran, Torah, Bible) to be divinely inspired and therefore literally true?
I do believe the Bible is "divinely inspired" and take what's meant to be literal, literally. With a few time-specific exceptions, like eating pork or catfish. During those times, they did not have the knowledge or equipment to realize the dangers of eating those things. Modern science has revealed the parasites and diseases you can get that are fatal from eating these things that were undercooked. However in the New testament, some of the Kosher laws no longer applied. (I forgot why, I'll have to go look again)
If so, do you feel threatened by the finding of scientific inquiry over the past 300 years in general, and the past 50 years in particular? (evolutionary biology, geology, astrophysics, neuroscience, etc...)
I'm curious as to what you're referring to with the geology, astrophysics, and neuroscience.
Biologically speaking, I do not feel threatened at all. If anything it has revealed how next to impossible it is for something to evolve into another species. There is a lot of mutations required to happen. Mutations are almost always never beneficial to the organism, and rarely passed down. You also have chromosomal structures/numbers which are a problem. Some mutations cause extra chromosomes, or missing chromosomes, which would render the organism unable to reproduce with another organism because they wouldn't match up. Different species can mate, but cannot reproduce. For example, a dog and a cat cannot breed because of the chromosomal difference, if they DID mate (which actually isn't as rare as people would think), the sperm would literally be unable to fertilize the eggs. A male human with a genetic mutation that has an added X or Y chromosome on top of the usual XY would not be able to reproduce.
Do you think reinterpreting your religion in accordance with secular social norms is an intellectually honest act?
I do not believe this is honest, or even correct. Most churches these days have twisted scripture to make it say what they want it to say, along with the some of the new translations of the Bible. Many words have been taken out and added in that completely changes what the original sentence said.
The Emerging Church movement has taken over America and has taken the Bible out, replacing it with entertainment. Instead of trying to stay out of the world like were are supposed to, they embrace the culture. Instead of teaching Biblical sermons, they teach Bible-based sermons. There is a difference. If you were to walk into a modern church today, it would be spiritually dry and empty. They have sold out to draw people in for money. It's not any different than a social club. My family has seen once amazing churches give in to the Emerging Church and become dry. It's sad, really.
I would go on more about the Emerging Church but I think it would derail the topic....