Smash Legend
Belief in God case study by oxford university
As for all-loving, i don't know that as a trait of God. If he was all-loving hell wouldn't exist or be a punishment for all eternity. God is all merciful and forgiving. But he does not love wrongdoers who do not repent.
How much divine interference in life would you want?You are saying that God has designed the universe and the life in it with intelligent design. Except, the universe is chaotic and a bit arbitrary, and on the topic of evolution that we are on, much more telling, the precious life that our God loves more than anyone or anything else could, makes it so animals and humans develop through a painful trial and error process that a lot of the time involves entire species' to fall. It shows a lack of benevolence and the lack of knowledge on how humans should be, despite being an all-knowing all-loving God. Absolutely lacking in fore-thought and completely cruel.
As for all-loving, i don't know that as a trait of God. If he was all-loving hell wouldn't exist or be a punishment for all eternity. God is all merciful and forgiving. But he does not love wrongdoers who do not repent.