I was going by your belief that we evolved. If we had evolved, we wouldn't be any better off than animals. That is what i'm saying. I do not believe we evolved, I believe we were created and given special characteristics that separate us from the animals.
No, if he HADN'T evolved, we would not be any better off than other animals. I'm still confused as to why you deny evolution, that's a thing. There is evidence. Unless you are one of those people that belief that evidence is there to test our faith, like how some people feel about dinosaurs... well, I can't help you then.
Now, still going by the belief that we evolved, we technically would be just as low as the animals, with a higher intelligence that we would've gained over a long time. In that long time, we probably would've wiped ourselves out, because if we had evolved our population would've been like 3 people or something at the time. -.-
I'm confused again. We have lesser animals that have evolved, are evolving, existing, living, without having wiped each other out and have not wiped each other out. With the growing existence of intelligence, animals grow more and more social and dare I say,
moral through the understanding of conduct. Also, there were in fact several branches of our ancestors that were wiped out from not being able to adapt. I've actually recently read upon this in my Anthropology class, really interesting stuff.
This has nothing to do with atheists having bad morals. I never said they have bad morals. I said they put their trust in materialistic and fleshly things that will wear out overtime, leaving them broken in the end. This isn't true for EVERYONE, but for most it is. I'm not trying to insult you here, so don't even go there.
Okay, I was going to continue this, but I'm not. I'm just going to ask this: Do you think that without religion this "void" can be filled with things that make people happy and good natured? If your answer is yes, then my point stands, for again, I'm not trying to contend for the uselessness of religion, I'm not stupid. I'm just saying it isn't a necessary value for the human race.
Ok, I really have no idea what you're talking about. I'm not agreeing with you while disagreeing with you.
I spoke of religion giving hope, value, and such things to people. You say that is not all, in some attempt to give religion a unique gift outside of these things, but you merely describe with bible passages how it gives hope, value and such things to people. In other words, you didn't disagree with me factually, you are just trying to pretend that what you are saying is something more than what I'm saying.
@Jumpman and everyone else. Sorry, I did not mean that in a racist way at all. Sorry it looked like that. :S[/QUOTE]
I somehow doubt that is what he was getting at, but I won't speak for him.
And humans are NOT equal to animals, because God created man in His own image and gave man dominion over the creatures of the earth.
This is off topic, but something I have always found curious. What does it mean when it is said that humans were created in God's image? This is to say he appears like a human? But I am under the impression that is most certainly false. So what does that mean exactly?