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Utah Thread - Dead thread is dead


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2005
Give it a rest, 'jira. You wouldn't even make it outta pools, unless you had a ****ty pool.
Please tell me how your 100% sure of that.

No worries about tripping.
No worries about tripping...are you high?

You didn't learn anything from losing during Melee, either. Only ones that did were Junpei and Phil.
See, here is where you are wrong, despite how I reacted I learned alot. More then you can even think.

SUPER EDIT: You guys didn't really travel much for Melee, either, did you?
Actually we did travel....quite alot. Actually mostly me and Nate but here is the list.
Idaho about 2-3 times
CCCT (me, FTS, Buzz)
Oc2 (Me, FTS)
Mexico(Me, FTS, Yamer, BC, and KC)
Oc3 (you know who went)
Dallas as well (Me, FTS, Junpei, Laozy)
EVO World in Vegas(Me, Layne, FTS, BoBo)

So yes quite a few travels. And I doubt to see Utah going to go to even HALF of that many OOS tourneys. Hell, I dont even see us going to one.

IoZ you are a really cool person. But you marching in here saying "Utah sucks vs CO even though we have never played them in brawl yet" only embarrasses CO. When you and your supposedly AMAZING CO Brawl players own us then you may speak all cocky. But to say things like "jira you wont even make it out of pools" really pushes my red button. Now I am sorry that X is acting the way he is but do NOT just all of Utah by X's actions.

So no, YOU give it a rest.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2005
Lehi, UT
InterimOfZeal said:
Pretty sure we've traveled for Brawl and already shown that Colorado is still good, if not even better. Utah hasn't done anything of note, aside from smack-talking. If by "kiting" you mean camping, I guarantee you won't beat my Sonic, or anyone else in CO's top 6. Definitely not in a set.

Then again, my Sonic hasn't lost to a single Pit yet, tournament or otherwise. Pit is a joke. :D!
Okay, it seems what I was trying to say didn't quite get across.

I am not trying to trash-talk, nor am I trying to talk up Utah either.

You can't say "come to our tournament, we'll kick your ***," and be taken seriously. Yes, you definitely proved CO's position with Melee, there was enough interaction between the states to deem it so (there was hardly any, but that was enough). That said, there's definitely a good chance the same is still true, but it's completely unfounded. There is no data, period. No CO player has played any UT player to my knowledge, nor either playing someone inbetween to the two to even gauge and compare.

Yes, "Utah hasn't done anything of note," for Brawl. However, I don't ever recall Utah claiming anything of note either. In summation, you sound like the common scrub saying you can beat everyone. I'm not saying that's true, that's just what it sounds like and adds up too.

I feel this does push the buttons though. If Utah wants to prove itself in Brawl, I think we've just been called out. It's time for us to step up, or step down. Thanks IoZ, maybe I will push this game a little harder now, you've inspired me to at least hook my Wii back up (usually play Wii games at a buddy's). Dai-A and the rest of the MexiBrigade, we're playing until I can beat each and every one of you at the very least semi-consistantly.

One agreement I feel needs to be made now. Online doesn't mean sh**. Agreed?

Oh, and when I was talking about kiting (yes, that's spamming while camping/retreating), I was just making a point for myself. I haven't really tried to get good with Brawl yet, I've just played it casually. As soon as I'm countering Dedede with ICs, and my ICs can at least challenge Fallen Prophets, then I'll be playing this game seriously.

And, aww, no good Pits? I still feel he's got the moves to be high-tiered in tournaments. I've noticed I can't just drop Falco, but Pit will forever remain my "main." And if Pit is not high-tier material, I'll go all Taj-Mewtwo on the world's *****.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
You can't say "come to our tournament, we'll kick your ***," and be taken seriously. Yes, you definitely proved CO's position with Melee, there was enough interaction between the states to deem it so (there was hardly any, but that was enough). That said, there's definitely a good chance the same is still true, but it's completely unfounded. There is no data, period. No CO player has played any UT player to my knowledge, nor either playing someone inbetween to the two to even gauge and compare.
And we've been proving CO's position with Brawl, too. 1st at NM, and we only sent one player. 7th in AZ, and 3 of our top players were missing. Also, he only went Wario/Ness. We stomped Tsuteto, but X said he sucks, and I'm not gonna contest it. So yeah, we played a UT player, and when he played our actual players, he didn't win. UT, meanwhile, is just chillin', letting one guy speak for them (and poorly, I might add). Though really, it seems more like X is the exception rather than the rule.

Yes, "Utah hasn't done anything of note," for Brawl. However, I don't ever recall Utah claiming anything of note either. In summation, you sound like the common scrub saying you can beat everyone. I'm not saying that's true, that's just what it sounds like and adds up too.
Except for (again) X saying that he's an amazing Sonic, etc etc, and Jira claiming he can make it out of pools when he hasn't even seen what level the competition is outside of Utah.

I feel this does push the buttons though. If Utah wants to prove itself in Brawl, I think we've just been called out. It's time for us to step up, or step down. Thanks IoZ, maybe I will push this game a little harder now, you've inspired me to at least hook my Wii back up (usually play Wii games at a buddy's). Dai-A and the rest of the MexiBrigade, we're playing until I can beat each and every one of you at the very least semi-consistantly.
It's meant to, and you are. Watch vids of Sethlon and SK92. Those should give you ideas. I've stopped playing Brawl for Brawl's sake, and have started because I still love most the community at tournaments. I mean, c'mon, any community where you can fight a huge black man while waiting for your next round is ideal, amirite?

...Wait a second. I think I was tricked. D:<

One agreement I feel needs to be made now. Online doesn't mean sh**. Agreed?
Of course. May as well play with items on, and all that jazz.

Oh, and when I was talking about kiting (yes, that's spamming while camping/retreating), I was just making a point for myself. I haven't really tried to get good with Brawl yet, I've just played it casually. As soon as I'm countering Dedede with ICs, and my ICs can at least challenge Fallen Prophets, then I'll be playing this game seriously.
Just stick with Falco, unless you have a mancrush on ICs. Falco is amazing, and ICs... aren't. Also, Falco>>>D3

And, aww, no good Pits? I still feel he's got the moves to be high-tiered in tournaments. I've noticed I can't just drop Falco, but Pit will forever remain my "main." And if Pit is not high-tier material, I'll go all Taj-Mewtwo on the world's *****.
No, he's really good, I just eat him alive. Taj played Pit at AZOneTwo, and there were a few others. Every Pit I've faced to date has been eaten alive by my Sonic. He's just a really solid counter.

Colorado Edit:

Does CO play DotA?
Steve used to. He actually played for money. The rest of us don't. D:


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2005
Except for (again) X saying that he's an amazing Sonic, etc etc, and Jira claiming he can make it out of pools when he hasn't even seen what level the competition is outside of Utah.
And we have Zeal saying he knows what level the top 5 of Utah play at. Also I did not once say "I CAN TO MAKE IT OUT OF PULLS" I asked you to provide solid information as to WHY I would not make it out of pools. Seriously IoZ just freaking stop. Like layne says. You sound like a cocky scrub who thinks he can beat anyone. I myself thought I could be a cocky person.......but hell....you are like a cocky person on hyperdrive. So until CO comes to Utah or something like that. Seriously just stop. You keep coming in here bashing all of Utah for one persons actions and that in itself its very ignorant of you. Until CO beats down utah. We are at the same level. I thought X in the Mexican brigade could act immature....that is until you went on this little escapade.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
Utah In Gojiras Shirt
Except for (again) X saying that he's an amazing Sonic, etc etc, and Jira claiming he can make it out of pools when he hasn't even seen what level the competition is outside of Utah.
:) so it seems that im going to be able to go to colorado before my school year starts is there any tournaments coming up? i should be in by the 25 of next month. if i do go anyways.
but i think it will be only me coming unless anybody else wants to come? *i do not have rides and maybe i could house 2*
I'll go to any tournaments and try to help Utah Out a little :bee:
btw me and g4y-a junpei will PWN CO in melee doubles lol

i havent posted in forever the new smashboards sucks >_<


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
And we have Zeal saying he knows what level the top 5 of Utah play at. Also I did not once say "I CAN TO MAKE IT OUT OF PULLS" I asked you to provide solid information as to WHY I would not make it out of pools. Seriously IoZ just freaking stop. Like layne says. You sound like a cocky scrub who thinks he can beat anyone. I myself thought I could be a cocky person.......but hell....you are like a cocky person on hyperdrive. So until CO comes to Utah or something like that. Seriously just stop. You keep coming in here bashing all of Utah for one persons actions and that in itself its very ignorant of you. Until CO beats down utah. We are at the same level. I thought X in the Mexican brigade could act immature....that is until you went on this little escapade.
That's like saying that until SoCal comes and plays Colorado in Melee, we're on the same level. You not traveling=/= you being on Colorado's level until proven otherwise. Until you travel and prove yourself, you're below Wyoming, buddy. Just saying.

:) so it seems that im going to be able to go to colorado before my school year starts is there any tournaments coming up? i should be in by the 25 of next month. if i do go anyways.
but i think it will be only me coming unless anybody else wants to come? *i do not have rides and maybe i could house 2*
I'll go to any tournaments and try to help Utah Out a little :bee:
btw me and g4y-a junpei will PWN CO in melee doubles lol
August 9th and 10th. Huge 64/Melee/Brawl tournament. We're seeing a LOT of OoS love. If you guys want to prove anything for any smash game, this is the tournament to do it in.

Also, Mike and I are gonna nom your and Junpei's faces off in Melee doubles. ♥

does CO play "SC"?
Hellz yeah we do. I'm not very good, though. D:


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
Utah In Gojiras Shirt
August 9th and 10th. Huge 64/Melee/Brawl tournament. We're seeing a LOT of OoS love. If you guys want to prove anything for any smash game, this is the tournament to do it in.

Also, Mike and I are gonna nom your and Junpei's faces off in Melee doubles. ♥
ah ok sounds good that means i can leave somewhere around the first week of august :) sounds so much better than leaving on the 24 lol. i think im only going to be in melee *To get ***** hard lol* and brawl to atleast try to win. :D
I cant wait to see when Me And Junpei beat you and mike in melee doubles
money match?


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
ah ok sounds good that means i can leave somewhere around the first week of august :) sounds so much better than leaving on the 24 lol. i think im only going to be in melee *To get ***** hard lol* and brawl to atleast try to win. :D
I cant wait to see when Me And Junpei beat you and mike in melee doubles
money match?
Fuck yes. This is what I like to see.

You could learn a thing or two from this kid, 'jira.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2005
That's like saying that until SoCal comes and plays Colorado in Melee, we're on the same level.
No it is not. Melee is an entirely different game that has been out for a looong time. Brawl is not even a year old and you think that your already the hottest **** in town.

Now read this VERY carefully. I am not saying you cant beat us. I am only upset because you surged in here acting all cocky Because of X's actions. You think CO is all hot **** because a few of you traveled OOS for 2 tourneys. Until we play and you **** us, please stop acting cocky and assume ALL of Utah sucks. THAT IS ALL I'm asking. Im not saying I'll own any CO person. I just asked nicely for you to drop your cockiness.

Also you said I need to learn from Dai-A? I dont lie like he does. He will not be coming out there. He is only saying that, nothing more(no offense David but you know its true). Hoever I'm sure he could place top 10 at least maybe even top 5 in a Brawl tourneyif he did manage to get otu to CO. I dont know about Melee because you guys are on a whole other level than all of us, but im sure he would impress to some extent.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
No it is not. Melee is an entirely different game that has been out for a looong time. Brawl is not even a year old and you think that your already the hottest **** in town.

Now read this VERY carefully. I am not saying you cant beat us. I am only upset because you surged in here acting all cocky Because of X's actions. You think CO is all hot **** because a few of you traveled OOS for 2 tourneys. Until we play and you **** us, please stop acting cocky and assume ALL of Utah sucks. THAT IS ALL I'm asking. Im not saying I'll own any CO person. I just asked nicely for you to drop your cockiness.

Also you said I need to learn from Dai-A? He will not be coming out there. He is onyl saying that, nothing more. If he DOES go out, im sure he could place top 10 at least maybe even top 5 in a brawl tourney. I dont know about Melee because you guys are on a whole other level than all of us.
Top 10 in a tournament with under 200 people is easy, 'jira. All you need is an easy bracket.

It is JUST like Colorado saying they're better than SoCal at Melee. The length of time doesn't matter. Even if we were better than SoCal, we haven't traveled and proved it. Therefore, until WE do so, we're the worse state. That's just how it goes.

If Dai-A backs out, then I guess that there's no challenge to the current status quo. If he comes, cool. We'll **** him, give him a hug, and send him back to Utah. But at least he's offering for MMs and whatnot. What do you do to back your claims? Nothing.

I'll gladly do a $50 MM, best of 5. My Sonic v your D3. Hell, I'll go CF against your D3 for $20.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2005
Enough IoZ

We'll **** him, give him a hug, and send him back to Utah. But at least he's offering for MMs and whatnot. What do you do to back your claims? Nothing.I'll gladly do a $50 MM, best of 5. My Sonic v your D3. Hell, I'll go CF against your D3 for $20.
See that is my point, your acting like a cocky ******* and I wouldn't even want to play someone like you. I have nothing to back up my claims. Do I care? No. IM just asking you to stop being so ****ing cocky. I dont care how much better you think you are. As for the MM, I would never put 60$ in gas to play Brawl OOS, why would I put 50$ on a brawl MM? I don't see myself traveling for Brawl or playing it on a very serious level. Obviously you care for it more than I. For that reason I bet you and almost all of CO are better than me. But thats besides that point. From the start you have been using your cockiness to get us to be like "OH YEAH LETS GET A CARPOOL AND GO OWN THEM" Guess what? It is not going to work. You failed, Utah is not coming so stop posting cocky insults in this thread please.


Smash Ace
May 6, 2005
Sandy, Utah
While we are talking about other awesome alternatives to Brawl...

I got both SF3:3S and MvC2 emus working recently. They have better online play than Brawl, guaranteed :) PM me if you are interested in playing either in person at the Brawl tournaments or online.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 6, 2007
Utah In Gojiras Shirt
Also you said I need to learn from Dai-A? I dont lie like he does. He will not be coming out there. He is only saying that, nothing more(no offense David but you know its true). Hoever I'm sure he could place top 10 at least maybe even top 5 in a Brawl tourneyif he did manage to get otu to CO. I dont know about Melee because you guys are on a whole other level than all of us, but im sure he would impress to some extent.
I dont know if i should take that in a good way or a bad way. because you called me a liar! but you backed me up on me taking a good place in the brackets :p so ill ignore you calling me a liar.

If Dai-A backs out, then I guess that there's no challenge to the current status quo. If he comes, cool. We'll **** him, give him a hug, and send him back to Utah. But at least he's offering for MMs and whatnot. What do you do to back your claims? Nothing.
Lol its 70 percent chance that i can go. its not CERTAIN . i know you wont **** me as hard as you ***** jira in the crew battle against Lovo :laugh: that was ridiculous. but ill mm your sonic with my falco or snake (you choose) ill take your money either way ;)


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
since nothings really going on for me during the summer i might be able to make it to an OOS tourney

just to let you know


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2005
Lehi, UT
I dunno what X has been saying, but basically you're the one talking the trash from my perspective IoZ. That's fine, but you're being kind of a d**k about it. I'd wager CO will win us, but it sounds like you'd rather not play because you don't feel you need to, rather than trying to eventually get a match together so you can actually have the bragging rights. Right now it's hard for me to care about what state is winning what state and who's winning who because it still feels like it's too early and there really aren't big names stepping up. I heard Sethion beat Forward... but this isn't Melee so I don't feel that really says much at this point in time. I am quite out of the loop though, I don't feel I really need to follow all that until I'm at least a little bit better.

I think I'm in Cali early August, but if not I'll try to arrange making it to CO. I feel like a carpool is a MUST with these friggin' gas prices... Also, Falco's definitely my secondary. The more I play with the two, the more I'm liking playing with Falco. I still want to pick up ICs though, for only a single reason. I want to play the douche game with Dedede's that refuse not to play his douche game. I will teach myself that spike chain-throw just for them. I wont pick up the ICs as mains.

And just to clarify, Sethion is AZ isn't he, not CO? I like his Falco.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 4, 2007
Salt Lake City, UT
so this is how you play ic's you get a grab off kk easy enough (hopefully) then forward throw (continue holding forward) start spamming the jump button. Nana foot stoles them they cant tech. right after Nana has foot stoled you then ice block to force them up. and re grab simple enough. Super easy infinite takes about ten minuets to learn.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2007
come on sucker lick my battery
no Marcus you have revealed their secret... i think... anyways i have jounied across the county, seen foriegn lands, and realized that nobody back east has ever seen a mountain or a cliff. and now i am back. i want to play some brawl but i cant get ahold of sage and now i am bored. :( time to take over the world


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
geez im always up for brawl nate BUT NO ONE EVER ASKS ME! except when im working, much like marcus

and layne we don't know any DeDeDe's that use douche tactics! :)


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
While we are talking about other awesome alternatives to Brawl...

I got both SF3:3S and MvC2 emus working recently. They have better online play than Brawl, guaranteed :) PM me if you are interested in playing either in person at the Brawl tournaments or online.
Wtf? 3s is online? Gimme links. I would love to play some 3s. :D!

See that is my point, your acting like a cocky ******* and I wouldn't even want to play someone like you. I have nothing to back up my claims. Do I care? No. IM just asking you to stop being so ****ing cocky. I dont care how much better you think you are. As for the MM, I would never put 60$ in gas to play Brawl OOS, why would I put 50$ on a brawl MM? I don't see myself traveling for Brawl or playing it on a very serious level. Obviously you care for it more than I. For that reason I bet you and almost all of CO are better than me. But thats besides that point. From the start you have been using your cockiness to get us to be like "OH YEAH LETS GET A CARPOOL AND GO OWN THEM" Guess what? It is not going to work. You failed, Utah is not coming so stop posting cocky insults in this thread please.
'Jira, I think I should tell you what I've told Dark.Pch countless times.

I don't care what you say, or think. You're not a good player, so your opinions have no weight.

Honestly, from the beginning, I was just trying to get Utah to come to have one last good tournament before I decide whether or not I'm retiring, and give the 4 corners area something to talk about. I wasn't aiming to get you guys into the mindset of "LET'S CARPOOL AND OWN THEM" because, honestly, aside from X and Dai-A, most of Utah is too passive to be like that.

Lol its 70 percent chance that i can go. its not CERTAIN . i know you wont **** me as hard as you ***** jira in the crew battle against Lovo :laugh: that was ridiculous. but ill mm your sonic with my falco or snake (you choose) ill take your money either way ;)
Who said anything about my Sonic?

Nah, I might use him. We'll see.

I dunno what X has been saying, but basically you're the one talking the trash from my perspective IoZ. That's fine, but you're being kind of a d**k about it. I'd wager CO will win us, but it sounds like you'd rather not play because you don't feel you need to, rather than trying to eventually get a match together so you can actually have the bragging rights. Right now it's hard for me to care about what state is winning what state and who's winning who because it still feels like it's too early and there really aren't big names stepping up. I heard Sethion beat Forward... but this isn't Melee so I don't feel that really says much at this point in time. I am quite out of the loop though, I don't feel I really need to follow all that until I'm at least a little bit better.
I'm mainly talking **** back to 'Jira. I have no beef with you, Dai-A, Phil, Junpei, or a lot of the old school. Honestly, I'd be up for CO v Utah sometime. I'm just using Brawl as an excuse to travel. I dunno if Sethlon beat Forward, but I know Forward didn't go Falco. He plays Snake. D:<

I think I'm in Cali early August, but if not I'll try to arrange making it to CO. I feel like a carpool is a MUST with these friggin' gas prices... Also, Falco's definitely my secondary. The more I play with the two, the more I'm liking playing with Falco. I still want to pick up ICs though, for only a single reason. I want to play the douche game with Dedede's that refuse not to play his douche game. I will teach myself that spike chain-throw just for them. I wont pick up the ICs as mains.

And just to clarify, Sethion is AZ isn't he, not CO? I like his Falco.
Falco can CG D3 into a spike too, ya know. ♥

Sethlon is actually a Texas player, and one of the most chill guys you could ever meet. You shoulda seen the Falco dittos between him and SK92, they were pretty tight. SK92 has a nice Falco, too.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
man i feel like i'm being ignored!

like i said my summer is pretty bland so i would be up for some OoS action and would be able to provide a ride to those who needed it

Speaking of people who need rides, MEXBRIGADE i should totally be able to come over tomorrow


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
hey IOZ, if i can get to CO, and after DAI is done taking your money ill MM you in a sonic ditto, or anything.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2007
come on sucker lick my battery
i dont think i will be able to make it down to your guys house tomorrow. job hunting :( i need money. anyways harpuia i need your number. i be able to bug you ever once in a while to play brawl. and holly crap my dog is annoying!

i need a new sig. one with ike in it.

i beat marcuses medaknight with my ike yesterday. it was amazing.


Smash Champion
Apr 7, 2005
Aurora, Colorado
Sonic dittos are dumb, but if I has money, I guess I can do it. It's like a Kirby or Ness ditto from Melee, though, really. XD

Dai-A, if there's one thing I've learned while playing Brawl, it's that you should be more afraid of the character than the player, 9/10. And I has no love for Snake. D: D: D:

Side note, I'm picking up Falco. He seems to cover Sonic's weaknesses fairly well. Woooo.


Smash Lord
Jan 20, 2005
Ferdi that first kill vs Lovo was amazing I'm sorry.

IoZ, saying because im a bad player that my opinion doesn't matter is the suckers way out. I had a good bowser in melee.......that is nothing amazing. In brawl you have yet to play me.....but if the mexican brigade actualy puts a carpool together you can finally play me and she what I have, and im telling you its not much. But yeah, overall I am not all that great. But your cocky attitude still bites big ****. ALSO, if you get 3rd strike going we should play online.

My fellow Mexican brigade, if you guys can manage to get the WHOLE brigade toa ll pitch in gas maybe we could go with layne or something.....but i will only go if its us plus layne and maybe bruce or something. I said I dont want to travel for brawl but if we cut the cost down.....im fine at going for melee.
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