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Utah Thread - Dead thread is dead


Oct 24, 2005
Sandy, UT
nice dudde im still debating on either to take seminary or not :(
Take it. I didn't particularly enjoy it, but even if you take a few things from there, it's better than having missed out. If you can, take an early morning class. No, I'm not crazy. It allows you to have an extra period to get ahead in school, as well as just sets you in the right mood for the day because you'd have at least 30 mins before going to your class, compared to a release period where you go, and then go to a class within 5 minutes and can't feel the spirit.

Holy crap Tsu is giving advice.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2005
Lehi, UT
Shame on all of you missing this post:

I love brawl can i enter the new tourney
Anyone is always welcome to join in the tournies.

"Life" Rant:
I can feel this wonderful world slipping away from me. Smash Bros is slowly dieing on me despite my despair at observing this fact. This is mostly due to one immense factor: my group never plays it. NEVER. With Melee we were all in high school in the beginning, so we dedicated oodles of time to it. That carried well into the college years. Now everyone's sort of working their different ways while the new one came out so it's never really picked up, and it's so far beyond the every day event it used to be that it's completely non-existent. The only play-time I get in is with you guys, seriously, and I'm very rarely around any of you mostly due to lack of motivation and my own laziness.

It's not that I don't like you guys. Sure, you've all got your annoying things, just like ALL my other friends, but there really is no hate what-so-ever. I would love to play Smash with all of you every day I possibly could. But I'm being realistic, and that's not going to happen. I do things with my friends, the one's I've known since elementary school, and that won't change for as long as I can keep us all together.

I will still be attending tournies though, as many as I can, so you probably won't notice a difference. This is all my end, and me facing the truth. My skill will most likely stop developing, probably completely. It already looks like other fighters are lurking in the shadows of this group. There are reasons I like Smash Bros and won't play any other fighter (that currently exists). I've realized I'll never deeply follow ANY hobby without this close group of friends of mine with me the whole way, and this competitive scene isn't something they're into. If they loved it as much as I do, we'd be hosting SmashFests all the time and be all over everything. This isn't just Smash either, videogames in general are rolling down this same hill. It's not real-life moving in (well, not entirely) as plenty of other time-sinks still occupy a vast amount of my time (glad I'm of WoW though, holy ****).

Again, I will still try to make monthly tournies, still lurk and post here in the forums, still keep the FC thread updated, and keep my fun, number-cruching rankings going. But I also realize I'll most likely end up slowly fading further and further from Smash Bros until it is eventually no more. I just thought all you, my friends, should know.

But while I am still around, and for as long as I continue to be so, MY PIT IS TAKING YOU ALL DOWN!!!!1! (starting with you, G&W)


Smash Cadet
Nov 27, 2005
clinton, utah
Wecome to life after college. It gets worse once everyone starts moving away for their jobs/wives. I'm at the point where I play brawl with my friends once every 4-5 months when we get together to hang out. I recommend internet gaming. With brawl its tuff, but with other games you can always find someone to play...that or move on and "grow up" though that isn't much fun.


Smash Ace
Aug 5, 2005
Westminster, CO
That attempt of a joke was pretty lame. X's was funny, since both X and G are single letters, and it made fun of DFG for always going around advertising CCCT. This, on the other hand, has little to no meaning.
...hmmm...and I never thought I would be defending X's jokes... :p
What joke? It's a real tournament why didn't you guys attend?


Oct 24, 2005
Sandy, UT
Address coming tomorrow, just so y'all know. Again, laziness precedes me to go upstairs and grab it....

EDIT: Oh, and I totally saw Yaz, and he saw me and my friends. And he thought it was just me and one friend in particular. And he texted me, like, three hours later after it had happened. And him and Kenny had, I quote "a good laugh." Personally, I think they just had a laugh, but that's them. Those *******s.


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2005
Lehi, UT
I don't use really use IMs anymore because when I'm using the PC it usually doing something specific, then hitting all my constant visits (forums, comics, deviantart, etc). I won't be leaving the boards anytime soon, just as I won't be absent from tournaments completely. I'm am probably moving to California before the year is out though... when that happens, your right. I'll probably end up IMing a lot more anyway, as I'm wanting to start up a web-comic of my own, a blog as a way to keep it touch with old friends and family since they can visit me whenever they want, and I'll want to be keeping in touch with old friends anyway. I'll keep ya'll posted on what's going on with the move for sure, and I'm guessing I won't up playing Smash with a new group in a completely new area. But who knows, eh?

Also, @Zerg, that's been happening for a long time already. Seriously, out of all my many friends, I suspect I'll only really keep in good touch with about 4 or 5 of them. I'm moving out to Cali with 3 of 'em, and me and one other basically are running our lives with the plan of never getting married... so we'll see how that goes. It only take the right girl, but I'm extremely nerdy, and even more picky. You're definitely right though. We found some statistics some where a few days ago, and apparently less that %20 of adult males do not have a close, personal friend. That's down right ****ing depressing.


Oct 24, 2005
Sandy, UT
That is pretty depressing. I know I have one already, and I don't think she and me are ever going to not be friends XD Got some others that are good friends too, but most of them are iffy right now with their judgements and what not. Eh, I just tend to not worry about it.

And, like, OMGWTFBBQ, I'm packing today. Crap.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
well it's official i have graduated from high school, sigh i really dont feel that much different

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
Address coming tomorrow, just so y'all know. Again, laziness precedes me to go upstairs and grab it....

EDIT: Oh, and I totally saw Yaz, and he saw me and my friends. And he thought it was just me and one friend in particular. And he texted me, like, three hours later after it had happened. And him and Kenny had, I quote "a good laugh." Personally, I think they just had a laugh, but that's them. Those *******s.
I can assure you that it was a "good Laugh." I especially liked the "no, that's just a myth concocted in your brain to simplify the complexity of reality." text. We were laughing so hard haha.

Tsu, I am going to miss you a lot. You better make it worth it by being a good missionary out there.:) We need to do something tonight.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 4, 2007
Salt Lake City, UT
It's kinda sad I am sort of going through the same thing as lengeta but much earlier. graduation was today. i will be playing brawl continuously until i go down to suu sometime in august Where i wont have a wii and will not really be able to come to tourneys since no car and if i happen to have one then gas will be way expensive. I wont see FP for three years (missions) the person who i play smash with the most. and then when i get back i dont know if i will even want or be able to play smash anymore. Sad sad sad


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
Ya things are getting hard here FP leaving you, and slave leaving to go to the south and me stuck here all my self until I final give up and eat **** tell I die.


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
pfft what you guys talkin bout? i'm still here... and i'm always up for a brawl, like today i am doing nothing today

and sage im sure we could find a way to get you slave (and maybe even xsyven!) up here! i'd totally contribute


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
That attempt of a joke was pretty lame. X's was funny, since both X and G are single letters, and it made fun of DFG for always going around advertising CCCT. This, on the other hand, has little to no meaning.
...hmmm...and I never thought I would be defending X's jokes... :p

i always knew PC loved me on the inside :)

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
^ yeah thats like what? 1 person who loves you?

and I might just give up playing brawl as well since I almost never play and when I do its at mexi brigades house which is like once a month. >__> oh and I found out i love playing super smash 64!!!! Ill take on anyone with my pikachu, besides david since he's gay.


Smash Lord
Oct 6, 2007
Springville, Utah
^ yeah thats like what? 1 person who loves you?

and I might just give up playing brawl as well since I almost never play and when I do its at mexi brigades house which is like once a month. >__> oh and I found out i love playing super smash 64!!!! Ill take on anyone with my pikachu, besides david since he's gay.
pikachu ditoo once again!!! ill own you this time!!

and haha pleaaase dont give up smash! we have to hold this utah smash scene together!
lets not let it fall apart k?;)

Ken Neth

Smash Champion
Aug 22, 2007
BYU- Provo, Utah
I haven't lost to David in N64. ;) We should play some time...

Edit: You shouldn't give up either. Your diddy is freakin good! We will have to play a lot.. As soon as i finish my eagle project I should have more open time than I'll know what to do with and we shall brawl.:)


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
pfft what you guys talkin bout? i'm still here... and i'm always up for a brawl, like today i am doing nothing today

and sage im sure we could find a way to get you slave (and maybe even xsyven!) up here! i'd totally contribute
The only way you'll ever play me is by driving to St. George, and catching me on a Sunday, or before 6PM Mon-Sat

My life is booked until October. Probably until later, once college starts and I get cast in the show there, too... then I'll be doing three shows at once. I rock, so hard.


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
^ yeah thats like what? 1 person who loves you?

and I might just give up playing brawl as well since I almost never play and when I do its at mexi brigades house which is like once a month. >__> oh and I found out i love playing super smash 64!!!! Ill take on anyone with my pikachu, besides david since he's gay.

your so mean D ryu ;__;

but i still love you as a brother.


Smash Lord
May 12, 2008
Provo, Utah
we lost another smasher to WARCRAFT!!!!!!!!:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:

err i mean we lost A smasher to WARCRAFT!!!!


i im actually thinking of buying the game, sounds fun :)

Dark Ryu

Smash Ace
Apr 20, 2007
In Gojira's shirt (aka) Utah
only reason ur going to buy warcraft is cuz of me X. im the one who makes it sound like fun.

and corrupt my game name in wc3 is Fleyr on US WEST (lordaeron). Anyone else here have warcraft 3?


The Corrupted
Feb 22, 2008
Sandy, Utah
no he has been on wc3 for the past to days I only know because sages and I have been at FP's house playing wc3 and brawl for 4 days strait now (for no more high school stuff) slave wont come though when we invite him

x i still brawl dont worry but i can play other games to i have some kind of slight life


Smash Ace
Sep 20, 2005
Lehi, UT
Dwarf Fortress has gotten a small grip on me... really weird because it's DEFINITELY my type of game. Well, maybe it is...


Smash Ace
Oct 25, 2007
sooo i am doing nothing tomorrow! anyone wanna SMASH?

wait we don't do arranged marriages anymore? uh-oh BRB
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