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Updated for May - Georgia Power Rankings - Patty Melts / Chicken Fingers

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Feb 10, 2005
Atlanta, GA
Wow, now I don't feel nearly as bad when I lost to the different people that I did at Falconpunchion.

I feel empowered~

I practice with the #6 spot, wewt.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
I said the same about getting Tier 2 because I think I have gotten better and others keep telling me so. But you know what? It doesn't always work like that... if it happens it happens. But... don't come out and say it like that because there are some people in this world that would take your statement and laugh you out of the area. Just chill for a bit, your time will come... I've been at this for a year (a year on april 20th that is) and I am just now starting to get up there. It takes time man. Bide your time.

Congrats to everyone that was included as new additions, and to those who didn't make it, work harder, you'll get there someday.
thats so true gerbil i know. but , theres a difference between confidence and ignorance and im confident that ill be in tier 2 if i attend the next 2 tournies adn do as well as im looking to do. ive been smashin it out with suncahser n menthol to up my game and hopefully mmy efforts at home between me n xero will give me the extra boost. but ill bide my time and await that glorious day. but still gerbil ppl progress at diff speeds.. i satrted pro samsh in september and i think..no i know , my progress is fast! so i look forward to our next bout nto test ur might :p ur the whole reason i kept goin. u were my first match eva at sod0.my first match lost adn first match won. thxs for the insprirtation !


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Carter don't overcommit to punishing sheik's upb... anyone can get her on reaction-fox even more so. Don't mess with sheik on the edge, or at least be more careful when you do it.

112 don't use your double jump immediately when recovering.

Wes, be a little less cool sometimes. You make the rest of us look bad.

Bobby, don’t be afraid to guess when falco is going to fall off the platform on top of you. And L2P noob.

Cornell: don’t charge smashes for too long. If you get punished for charging, you did it too long.

Marty: fsmash will beat peach when she’s diagonally above you. Otherwise just be more careful when approaching. Plus that sig is so BAMF it makes me sick.

Alpha: You did well, nothing glaring… maybe some work on that missile spam?

Y'all know I love ya GA.



Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
on a side note, i was playing datman a lot this weekend, **** either i'm starting to suck (LOL UNLIKELY) or he is getting amazing
THAT'S BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW DATMAN IS THE RAWEST MAN IN SMASH. Look, you don't even need to talk about, because soon, PC Chris won't even know how to ditto him. Yeah David! Beast Wes! He's just a newb anyway. =)

i'd say a combination of the two
And hahahahahaha. Marty is awesome. Man, we need to get some games in when I get back to Georgia. I can show you my new powers from playing Hugs, DieSuperFly, Ken, and ChuDat. It's TOO RAW FO YA SHAWTY. TOO RAW.


That is all.

:laugh: All this California air is going to my head. But I did get some killer exp from those guys. I was hoping to get some decent practice, and then for some reason ChuDat and Ken show up. And I had to play Ken's Shiek in the tournament with my Ganon on Fountain of Dreams. But it was great because I took him down to one stock a significant amount of damage...then he Ken style Shiek kicked me up FTW. It also didnt help that I DI'd up, but that's because I'm too raw. Then he picked Marth on Yoshi's Story and I got two cocked. THEN I MONEY MATCHED HIM RIGHT AFTERWARDS. YEAH I'M A BADASS. Point is, these SoCal folk are too good. Too good indeed. We'll have to speak up for Georgia and the rest of the country at Pound and Evo.

That is all. (real talk.)


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
Slowly but surely. I'm making some headway. Thanks to everyone involved. I'll certainly be seeing you guys at future tournies.



Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Pfffffft. I'm so manly that when I enter a room, everyone's voice gets deeper and infants have been known to instantly hit puberty. Not to mention that when I eat Beef Jerky Cereal with Tobasco Sauce for breakfast. I'm also a pirate and beat up feminists on a regular basis. I don't need to rip my shirt off because I can just flex and it tears to shreds while a beer flies out of no where into my hand.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
Ok guys, check this, come to this show, support local music and local smashers

Binxxx (aka zach aka god) is the drummer for this band, afterwards, i'm thinking smashfest, invited only if you go to the show


who wants some????

this is SPM's reunion show after about 2 years of inactivity. this **** could very well be ****ing epic and its about 10 mins from my house, lets do this


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
Ok guys, check this, come to this show, support local music and local smashers

Binxxx (aka zach aka god) is the drummer for this band, afterwards, i'm thinking smashfest, invited only if you go to the show


who wants some????

this is SPM's reunion show after about 2 years of inactivity. this **** could very well be ****ing epic and its about 10 mins from my house, lets do this
I said go to the show, you guys turbofags or some ****?


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
every one
dont forget to go to the SPM show

go see zack desimate a drumset at the show, then get desimated by datman at wes's house.


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2004
Murfreesboro, TN
He's like popeye.....popeye is all powerful /w spinach. That's why he rested....or maybe god put that word in the bible to replace the word "relax"....he's probably lazy. That's why people still starve.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
He's like popeye.....popeye is all powerful /w spinach. That's why he rested....or maybe god put that word in the bible to replace the word "relax"....he's probably lazy. That's why people still starve.
haha, thats actually pretty funny, i laughed. but really, why the day? anyone?

Second question - why does daniel have the authority to interperet dreams and speak in the name of God? do i have that authority? what about ms. cleo?

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
and on the seventh day God ate a vermonster...
those of you who aren't Ben and Jerry's experts aren't gonna get that one rofl

seriously though Wes... I would say cause even God has His limits. Even though He had the power to make all of this, it took it's toll on Him. I might burn for saying that. Then again my faith hasn't been so high lately what with everything falling apart around me. Wow... that was a depressing paragraph. Oh well. :p


Smash Journeyman
Sep 23, 2004
Murfreesboro, TN
haha, thats actually pretty funny, i laughed. but really, why the day? anyone?

Second question - why does daniel have the authority to interperet dreams and speak in the name of God? do i have that authority? what about ms. cleo?
Don't you know it takes a whole day to be lazy....I know it takes me a day :laugh:

And daniel could interperet dreams and speak in the name of God due to an early form of Extacy laced marijuana. This technique was lost in time and nobody has that skill anymore.....but Ms. Cleo is a liar.

-Note- I am a Christian but I'm kinda pissed at the big man so this is why i trashtalk him.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
<-----God nerd

*feels a little less lazy, since Tong asked a bunch*

Tong: I didn't give you tips because i felt like you knew what you did wrong, cause you seem like a smart player. BUT, here's a few since you were asking.

you seem to be a little obsessed with utilt to rest at the beginning. It doesn't even really combo with proper DI; it's just that most people don't know the right way to DI it. Anyways the point here is to use it when it works, and don't try too hard-general smash advice there, use what's gonna work in the situation.

Don't be afraid of uthrow to rest vs falco... you got a grab at 20ish, and i was disappointed to see fthrow. Maybe/hopefully accidental joystick angle. You're playing a crappy character; abuse what you have to the fullest.

Good setups for mindgames, just be more READY to punish. Against falco you have to be absolutely ready the whole time, because you get just flashes of time to kill him.

Rest sheik's recovery.

Looks to me like dash attack beat's sheiks aerials, so if she jumps aim for the bottom of her jump to coincide with your dash attack. It might not work, just looks like it-so maybe try it.

really well played vs Zelda. though you had a chance for dash cancelled fsmash a little before the actual kill. If he'd DI'ed better he would've survived that bair. I wish peach had as good of a killer as fsmash. Good use of the move otherwise though.

Restatement: Be more ready to punish, as a slow character you don't get much opportunity for it, so be ready when the time arises. And take full advantage too.

From the edge you REALLY like ledgehop overb, a little too much. I understand that since it sends over your head it's nice. However I look for that in jiggs players because most do it, and it's pretty predictable. Then I shield upsmash it. Just be careful of it, cause if sheik had done that... x.x

When someone approaches you-at least falco, you tend to shield almost every time, which is good bait for grabs. Not a bad idea, but variety is the key in smash.

I'm sure you'd learn these things for yourself after a while, cause you definitely seem like a smart smasher, and you definitely have potential. Just don't play mindlessly, try to continue to learn things as you play, and be ready to adapt.

"Classical?" Interpretation:
There really isn't a "reason" for God to rest on the 7th day, like you said. However, because he rested it makes it OK for us to rest. And God knows I need my sleep.

Modern Interpretation:
7 is considered a 'complete' number. In the Babylonian myth, the Enuma Elish, which the Biblical creation story is "based" off of (for lack of a better word), there are 6 children who control different regions on the planet. Interestingly these children correspond with what God made on each day. The 7th day would have been added for completeness.

However, in the Enuma Elish, Man and Earth and creation are Evil, a perversion of the gods to do their work and be their slaves-a very pessimistic outlook on life. In Genesis, God sees that it is GOOD. Where would you rather live? Creation that is Evil or Good?

The point of the Biblical creation MYTH is just that. Man is originally good. I emphasize myth, because myths do not need to be literally true to hold significance. The fact that God may not have created the universe in 7 days does not take away from the meaning of the story. However, God still could have made it in 7 days... I don't know. But that's ok, because that's not the point.

As for your second question, because he was given that talent, yeah you do, yes she does, but that doesn't mean she IS, and doesn't mean you ARE.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
TRC, since you asked:

Not too much to say, just some minor points. Good waits and mindgames. Unfortunately those aren't necessarily needed as a Falco player. I do appreciate the skill it took to develop them anyways.

FALCO ditto
Be careful when approaching from above. LOTS of people like when Falco fullhops/second jumps, if they're thinking hard. Mike got you for that once or twice.

You teched towards the middle of the stage i think every time. Check your variation.

Be careful of wasting your second jump when the opponent is invulnerable. You made off OK, but it could have been kinda bad.

I hate to say it, but combo better vs Falco. It's really key.

It's a shame Mike was playing Falco, i'd have liked to see his samus, cause i think it might've been easier to critique then.

You seem as scared of him as he is you. A lot of times you would shield too, when he got close. Falco being grabbed is generally a bad thing, so be careful with how often you shield. Plus falco ***** jiggs, so i'm not too sure why you were worried, unless it was caution for stocks...

I emphasize the teching again, because it's away from the edge or standing tech if it's not close to one. Really should learn to tech well as falco.

Work on DIing better, with doublesticks etc. When to DI away and when to DI towards. It's definitely a HARD skill.

Otherwise I don't have too much, Good variation of recovery, and ledgehops (although you did ledgehop something every time), and fantastic spacing. Way to play smart falco and not just stupid technical falco. I must commend you.

What seperates you from other falco players is you don't try to overwhelm people. I'm not sure it's a good thing or a bad thing though-it's your choice. Main points are DI a little better (reaction time up), tech smarter (needs a lot of work), and be careful of double and full jumping.

EDIT: Bedtime Fo' Sho... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
-Note- I am a Christian but I'm kinda pissed at the big man so this is why i trashtalk him.
eh, the way i see it, and i could go way, way farther into this but its 4:30 and i have class tomorrow. Don't blame god for your problems, god set up a world governed by natural law and "seemingly" set up a species to rule it. i.e. humans. our problems are our problems and any attempt to blame god (or praise god) for that matter at human events is flawed because if god were to take any sort of action in the world or involve himself in earthly events, then that would mean some things were "meant" to happen and others were not. This of course begs the question that if some things are meant to happen and others are not, then fate must exist. Therefore our choices are meaningless and salvation/****ation is determined before we are even born. I can't accept that people don't have the ability to use reason and logic to solve all problems and therefore i don't believe that god takes any involvement in the world, and in my opinion, he shouldn't. I would much rather respect a god that let me fail or succeed on my own than a god who would be there for me when i ****ed up. I mean, my cat can do that. . .
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