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Updated for May - Georgia Power Rankings - Patty Melts / Chicken Fingers

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Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2006
Columbus, GA
Sweet! I made the list! Now I'm the 18th best smasher in GA (tied with like 7 other people). Tier 2 here I come (if not at the next convention then maybe the one after). Congrats to everybody who made it on the list/moved up. You suck to everybody who got off/moved down (kidding, kidding). And by the way, this list looks really, really different from the last one. It's pretty cool I must say.

Exarch, you said basically what I was about to post. Great minds man, great minds. Also, to elaborate on Wes's second question.

In 1 Corinithians 12, Paul writes to the Church of Corinth about spiritual gifts. He says in verses 4-6, "There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but the same God works all of them in all men." In verse 7, Paul writes, "Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good." After that, Paul goes on to list spiritual gifts. Once he finishes saying that he discusses an analogy wherein parts:body::gifts:Christians. If you look back at Daniel, God gave him the gift of the interpretation of dreams so that he could give back to God. King Nebuchadnezzar had a dream that none of his magicians, astrologers, servants, or fellow nobles could interpret. Daniel and his friends (Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah) prayed that God might reveal to them the mystery of the dream so that they could help Nebuchadnezzar. God then revealed the mystery of the dream to Daniel, and Daniel went to the King and told him what it meant. After Daniel told King Nebuchadnezzar what the dream meant and that the interpretation came from God, the King fell prostrate and worshipped God. Before, Nebuchadnezzar believed in false gods, but afterwards, he said that "Surely your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings and a revealer of mysteries, for you were able to reveal this mystery." (Daniel 2:47).

God gives all of us spiritual gifts when we become Christians so that we can help benefit the Kingdom. We all have the ability to interpret dreams and speak for God. The biblical basis for that is Matthew 28:18-20 where Jesus says, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." As Christians we are able to do the things Jesus did because He goes with us and does them through us. Therefore, you can interpret dreams and speak for God because Jesus is right with you helping you do it. In John 15:5, Jesus says, "I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing." And then Paul in Phillipians 4:13, "I can do everything through Him who gives me strength."

That's how I believe. I think we can anything Christ did because He is always with us and through Him we can do everything.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
i personally believe humans have the power to do anything no matter what faith, just my personal opinion and faith in humans. i find it a bit of arrogant of people to believe they can interpret dreams in the name of god simply because it is possible, i guess i simply find that too many people look to "strenght" and "solutions" in God because they are too lazy or to weak to figure them out themselves. Seems a logical God would respect those that turn to him with respect instead of neediness. Thanks for the biblical references though, i really enjoy hearing how other people feel about the subject seeing as how i wasn't baptized and my father brought me up without going to church, he figured that it is unfair to force religion on those too young to understand and i would eventually come to a conclusion on my own faith. weeeeee super smash bros.

PS i love/hate daniel zaman


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
i personally believe humans have the power to do anything no matter what faith, just my personal opinion and faith in humans. i find it a bit of arrogant of people to believe they can interpret dreams in the name of god simply because it is possible, i guess i simply find that too many people look to "strenght" and "solutions" in God because they are too lazy or to weak to figure them out themselves. Seems a logical God would respect those that turn to him with respect instead of neediness. Thanks for the biblical references though, i really enjoy hearing how other people feel about the subject seeing as how i wasn't baptized and my father brought me up without going to church, he figured that it is unfair to force religion on those too young to understand and i would eventually come to a conclusion on my own faith. weeeeee super smash bros.

PS i love/hate daniel zaman
+1 Cool Point for Wes.

Unfortunately for me, I had to deal with being told that I was going to hell if I chose not to be Methodist. Awesome. I knew right then and there that religion was trash. How many Christians would actually be Christian right now if their parents had been of another faith? Kind of puts that whole doubt thing into the equation when people start preaching about Jesus. And as I'm sure a lot of you know, doubting the 'word of God' is the most blasphemous thing one can do. But I have a question, also...why did the Romans get a chapter in the Bible? They killed Jesus, right? I don't get religion, quite honestly. For my beliefs, I can be prosecuted and ridiculed by those that believe in a 'higher power', but last time I checked God never put his name on any book. Man kinda did that for him.

What I'm saying is that, in this life, if you can't find your own strength, and require assistance for any struggle in life, then you just aren't approaching it correctly. Everyone is strong, with or without support from outside sources. Finding that strength is, in my opinion, much harder than relying on what you believe you need to make it through the day.

This is all my opinion. I hope to not be banned because of a 'majority rules' situation on this subject.



Smash Cadet
Oct 6, 2006
Does any of these GA players live in Sandy SPrings area...if soo Can yall aim me. o0TheTrickBish0o


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
why are we talking about god, like seriosly, PC would destroy god in a MM.

But, now its time to give my perspective on this god issue : As many people belive, jesus was reserected 3 days after his death. This led the romans to like alternate kinds of foods, such as pizza, and then later ice cream. An accient roman poet once heard tales of a flat bread, that was used as a plate.

Many ingredents were used on these flat breads. but it was not until tomatoes were brought to italy, from the americas around the 16th century. Poor people in the area of Napels would add tomatoes and their bread together , and thus the pizza was born.
Italians knew of pizza potential to destroy the world, and currupt man kind, so they kept there delicious secret to them selves.

When the united states of america had immigrants from italy come in late 1800s-to 1900's to present, the immigrants, could not hide the secret for any longer.
A man by the name of Gennaro Lombardi had to use pizza to his advantage. it was fortold by the romans, that pizza, would bring down man kind, and should never leave europe. Gennaro thought this idea was foolish and opened the first pizza shop in New York.

Pizza was loved by every one. Jew's, musslims, japanise, mexicans, blacks, and even christans, all eventually converted to pizzuanily.

Pizza, currently still rules our world, its the only food the sacred ninja turtles can thrive on, and it is the only food that can understand me.

i can eat alot of pizza, i can acctually eat alot of anything, but if i was on a island alone, all i would bring with me is : Pizza, mangos, ice cream, chese burgers, most pastas, ingredents to make a sub,cocanut cookies, starcrunchies, cows, chickens, and lots of other foods.

with all this said, i still belive pizza is the anit-christ, and as the mayans predicted, the end is near. i personaly will try to stop this, by eating every pizza in the world.


Smash Lord
Jul 17, 2006
Stone Mountain, GA, USA
godnerds............? ........ LOOOOOOOLLLOOOOLLLOOLLL!!!!!!!!!!1111111111!!!!!!!111111!!!!111! .................LMAAAAAOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you magnifacent b@stard


Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2006
(@ Danny Z.) I think...that was one of my most favorite posts my entire time on Smashboards. You rock. ;)

Caleb Wolfbrand

Smash Master
Sep 6, 2005
Ionia (Charleston, SC)
Yeah that was the best thread I've seen in a while. God Wes is badass.

and Exarch : yeah I picked up on those myself. I'm still working hard. I don't get to play people very often so my defensive strats aren't all that high and mighty. Thank you for your advice though it really helps ^_^


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2006
Columbus, GA
Daniel-zaman, you just made me have a ridiculous craving for pizza. If I don't have some now I don't think I can go to sleep. Now I've gotta go make pizza. You win.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 28, 2006
I love how GA ***** that thread, I've never been more proud to wear the 'GA' on my 'Location' Tag. Good **** Wes in particular, thnx for ****** that thread, your hilarity is the only thing that kept me awake after reading some of that utter bull**** about some happy go lucky kids who're raising 3000 just to have some 14 year old kid play them in a video game.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 3, 2006
:bandit: i kno i havent posted in a while but i heard that i was 9th in GA and i had to post..................my secondary is now falco:bandit:


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
:bandit: i kno i havent posted in a while but i heard that i was 9th in GA and i had to post..................my secondary is now falco:bandit:
You. D@mn. Copycat.

That is all.

EDIT: D@mn the language filter, the FCC, and the man. ESPECIALLY d@mn the man.


doot doot doot
Feb 15, 2005
Usually not playing Brawl. Location: Enterprise
If you're not involved in the God conversations floating around right now... skip to the dashed line. This is mainly for Wes and Chad and those who are curious/interested.
To Respond to WES:
I can see how thinking that one can interpret dreams for God is arrogant. However, the Bible makes several references to false-prophets. Christians who would claim to have such a gift would call it just that-a gift. Yes there is room for arrogance definitely, but I try to not be conceited.

It's like the difference between the professional basketball player who knows he's good, but continually gives credit to his coaches and trainers from the past; and the professional basketball player who knows he's good and thinks it's all him. I would hope that Christians act like the first, and I don't see that as arrogance.

I see how you can get what you're saying about being lazy and weak when you "cop out" for God, I think that's what you were hinting at. However, is not the call to be Christian actually above and beyond the requirements of society? Are Christians not the ones who not only do not have premarital sex, but are called to not even have lustful thoughts about other women? Aren't they called to a moral standard higher than what society expects? Is that laziness?

And surely I do look for "strength" and "solutions" in God, but he doesn't always give them to me. I understand it not as being weak, but as using a resource. Just like while you grow, your father hopes that you use him for things you need help with. Eventually you learn things, and don't need his help in that situation. But really your father never becomes obsolete. Using a book to get answers is much more logical than thinking you know everything.

I usually avoid taking medicine because i feel like my body can handle most sicknesses better on its own. Does that really make sense? If I could make my body healthy faster, wouldn't it make more sense to use something to aid me in that? God is used for spiritual healing, somewhat akin to medicine for physical healing.

Yes certainly God recognizes those who come to him when times are good and bad. But as long as you come to him at all he's glad. I do think it disrespectful of your creator to only come to him when YOU need something. Not all Christians are like that though.

I hesitate to use these Christian clichés... because they are oftentimes turnoffs for people who have 'heard it all before.' If this is you try not to get discouraged by my lack of creativity.

To Respond to CHAD:
Christianity is still the fastest growing religion in the world, because of large increases in the Christian populations of Africa and Far East Asia; that's not because they were brought up in the church either. C.S.Lewis, perhaps the greatest modern theologian, was a staunch aetheist, before being converted by JRR Tolkien. What actually changed him was the fact that he tried to disprove God, but couldn't. (I think that was him...)

There is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning or doubting the word of God. Christianity is one of the very few religions which does not forbid this and in fact almost encourages it. The organization here at Stetson which I am involved in is "Baptist Collegiate Ministries," however I think 10% of the people MAX involved in it are actually baptist. I am episcopalian, and my Mother was methodist before marrying my Dad.

Romans, the book of the Bible, is actually the letter Paul writes to Rome trying to establish and encourage the church there. On top of that the Romans did not persecute Jesus, it was more of the Jews. I hold nothing against the Jews either, it's just an historical fact.

But if you want to talk about imperfections in the Bible, then how about the prophet who was instructed to marry a prostitute (Hosea)? Or the fact that Moses was condemned to never enter the promised land after having led the people out of Egypt? Or within King David's children: Amnon ***** his half sister Tamar, and was later killed by her full brother Absalom in retribution? There are many many more.

But doesn't that make the Bible more believable? Wouldn't it be ludicrous to think that a book with that many people in it could have flawless stories about everyone? It would be impossible to believe a story where everyone was perfect. Humans mess up. The Bible does not hide this fact. However, the Bible confirms to us that even though we are not perfect (like those in the Bible), we can still do God's work.

You "can be prosecuted and ridiculed by those that believe in a 'higher power'"? What? Historically, Christians are the ones prosecuted and ridiculed as much as any other religion. That statement has no backing, and is not explained at all. I would like to respond to it, but I don't even know what it means so I can't. And couldn't you ridicule those who believe in a 'higher power' back?

You say: "Last time I checked God never put his name on any book. Man kinda did that for him."
I say: "God gave us his word, written by imperfect humans."
Not much to discuss; just differences in opinion on the authoritative level of the Bible. By the way, how much of the Bible have you actually read? I'm just curious.

I am Christian, and I don't require assistance for every struggle in life. However, when I do hit rock bottom, it certainly is nice to have a promise of things getting better. God promises they will get better... he just doesn't give a time table for it. My life is certainly not perfect and no cake walk, being Christian doesn't magically fix everything. Though everyone is strong; I think that one becomes stronger as a Christian.

And yes, I think that it is much harder to rely on yourself for everything than using God as he wants us to use him. I don't know how atheists make it through even one day. I mean... if once you're dead, you're dead and you don't have anything to wait for, then whats the purpose of living in the first place? How do you make it through the really bad spots when there's no guarentee that it will get better? If you don't enjoy life, then why are you living? I don't understand it.

Thinking you're going to be banned for voicing that opinion is absurd. There is no reason for any penalty for what you said. The only thing you did wrong was how off topic it was and in that case then I'm just as guilty. I don't see Christianity as a forced religion. The fact that you claim it to be as you were brought up in it and then the fact that (I assume) you AREN'T right now shows obviously that Christians are not nearly as intolerant as you may think. The fact that you are even made aware of the option to deny Christianity is more than several countries of other religions.

I hope that I haven't incorrectly represented anything about Jewish or Muslim customs. Please correct me if it is otherwise.
Smash topic:
A GA Power Rankings without MikeG or MikeG is no power rankings at all.

TRC: True true, you've been around long enough to realize your mistakes. Good stuff.


Smash Champion
Aug 8, 2006
South East Denver
announcment- Eps now has a car.........so if ya wanna play ill be there :0
Eps owns more than eva.......cus he has been training under 600times gravity


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA

2 more days guys... Alpha and I will be there at around 4 ish (we hope) but I don't know for sure who else is coming with us from Columbus this time.


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2006
Columbus, GA
Prac and I are coming. Not sure what time we'll be there, he's driving. I know we're not bringing anybody with us (as of right now) so I can say we're at least coming for sure.

EDIT: Gerbil, don't post again until after the tournament. That was your 777th post. It's good luck man.


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
Daniel-zaman, you just made me have a ridiculous craving for pizza. If I don't have some now I don't think I can go to sleep. Now I've gotta go make pizza. You win.
i decided, im not going to do MM's in smash. im going to do PM's, <--- pizza matches. it goes like this,

1 i win, you give me pizza,

2 you win, you see how much pizza i can eat with out throwing up,


Smash Ace
Sep 16, 2006
Columbus, GA
I'll pizza match you. But I think it should be like a 4 for all or something. Have 1st pick toppings, 2nd get first slice, and 3rd and 4th pay. What'd you think? Who else what's in on the Pizza For All?!

EDIT: Are you going to Snowday?

GA Peach

Smash Lord
Nov 6, 2005
If you're not involved in the God conversations floating around right now... skip to the dashed line. This is mainly for Wes and Chad and those who are curious/interested.
To Respond to WES:
I can see how thinking that one can interpret dreams for God is arrogant. However, the Bible makes several references to false-prophets. Christians who would claim to have such a gift would call it just that-a gift. Yes there is room for arrogance definitely, but I try to not be conceited.

It's like the difference between the professional basketball player who knows he's good, but continually gives credit to his coaches and trainers from the past; and the professional basketball player who knows he's good and thinks it's all him. I would hope that Christians act like the first, and I don't see that as arrogance.

I see how you can get what you're saying about being lazy and weak when you "cop out" for God, I think that's what you were hinting at. However, is not the call to be Christian actually above and beyond the requirements of society? Are Christians not the ones who not only do not have premarital sex, but are called to not even have lustful thoughts about other women? Aren't they called to a moral standard higher than what society expects? Is that laziness?

And surely I do look for "strength" and "solutions" in God, but he doesn't always give them to me. I understand it not as being weak, but as using a resource. Just like while you grow, your father hopes that you use him for things you need help with. Eventually you learn things, and don't need his help in that situation. But really your father never becomes obsolete. Using a book to get answers is much more logical than thinking you know everything.

I usually avoid taking medicine because i feel like my body can handle most sicknesses better on its own. Does that really make sense? If I could make my body healthy faster, wouldn't it make more sense to use something to aid me in that? God is used for spiritual healing, somewhat akin to medicine for physical healing.

Yes certainly God recognizes those who come to him when times are good and bad. But as long as you come to him at all he's glad. I do think it disrespectful of your creator to only come to him when YOU need something. Not all Christians are like that though.

I hesitate to use these Christian clichés... because they are oftentimes turnoffs for people who have 'heard it all before.' If this is you try not to get discouraged by my lack of creativity.

To Respond to CHAD:
Christianity is still the fastest growing religion in the world, because of large increases in the Christian populations of Africa and Far East Asia; that's not because they were brought up in the church either. C.S.Lewis, perhaps the greatest modern theologian, was a staunch aetheist, before being converted by JRR Tolkien. What actually changed him was the fact that he tried to disprove God, but couldn't. (I think that was him...)

There is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning or doubting the word of God. Christianity is one of the very few religions which does not forbid this and in fact almost encourages it. The organization here at Stetson which I am involved in is "Baptist Collegiate Ministries," however I think 10% of the people MAX involved in it are actually baptist. I am episcopalian, and my Mother was methodist before marrying my Dad.

Romans, the book of the Bible, is actually the letter Paul writes to Rome trying to establish and encourage the church there. On top of that the Romans did not persecute Jesus, it was more of the Jews. I hold nothing against the Jews either, it's just an historical fact.

But if you want to talk about imperfections in the Bible, then how about the prophet who was instructed to marry a prostitute (Hosea)? Or the fact that Moses was condemned to never enter the promised land after having led the people out of Egypt? Or within King David's children: Amnon ***** his half sister Tamar, and was later killed by her full brother Absalom in retribution? There are many many more.

But doesn't that make the Bible more believable? Wouldn't it be ludicrous to think that a book with that many people in it could have flawless stories about everyone? It would be impossible to believe a story where everyone was perfect. Humans mess up. The Bible does not hide this fact. However, the Bible confirms to us that even though we are not perfect (like those in the Bible), we can still do God's work.

You "can be prosecuted and ridiculed by those that believe in a 'higher power'"? What? Historically, Christians are the ones prosecuted and ridiculed as much as any other religion. That statement has no backing, and is not explained at all. I would like to respond to it, but I don't even know what it means so I can't. And couldn't you ridicule those who believe in a 'higher power' back?

You say: "Last time I checked God never put his name on any book. Man kinda did that for him."
I say: "God gave us his word, written by imperfect humans."
Not much to discuss; just differences in opinion on the authoritative level of the Bible. By the way, how much of the Bible have you actually read? I'm just curious.

I am Christian, and I don't require assistance for every struggle in life. However, when I do hit rock bottom, it certainly is nice to have a promise of things getting better. God promises they will get better... he just doesn't give a time table for it. My life is certainly not perfect and no cake walk, being Christian doesn't magically fix everything. Though everyone is strong; I think that one becomes stronger as a Christian.

And yes, I think that it is much harder to rely on yourself for everything than using God as he wants us to use him. I don't know how atheists make it through even one day. I mean... if once you're dead, you're dead and you don't have anything to wait for, then whats the purpose of living in the first place? How do you make it through the really bad spots when there's no guarentee that it will get better? If you don't enjoy life, then why are you living? I don't understand it.

Thinking you're going to be banned for voicing that opinion is absurd. There is no reason for any penalty for what you said. The only thing you did wrong was how off topic it was and in that case then I'm just as guilty. I don't see Christianity as a forced religion. The fact that you claim it to be as you were brought up in it and then the fact that (I assume) you AREN'T right now shows obviously that Christians are not nearly as intolerant as you may think. The fact that you are even made aware of the option to deny Christianity is more than several countries of other religions.

I hope that I haven't incorrectly represented anything about Jewish or Muslim customs. Please correct me if it is otherwise.
Smash topic:
A GA Power Rankings without MikeG or MikeG is no power rankings at all.

TRC: True true, you've been around long enough to realize your mistakes. Good stuff.
YEEEEAAAHHH!! Get 'em, Thomas!! I'm a Christian as well, and receive much ridicule for it, esp. amongst gaming crowds(kinda weird how that coincides...?). I'm with Alpha, come to G4S3, dood.


Hidden Boss
Aug 20, 2003
Sharpsburg, ATL, USA!!!!!!!!!
I'll pizza match you. But I think it should be like a 4 for all or something. Have 1st pick toppings, 2nd get first slice, and 3rd and 4th pay. What'd you think? Who else what's in on the Pizza For All?!

EDIT: Are you going to Snowday?
idk. whats that? jk ummm i really dont know though. i just want pizza.

edit-this is daniel zaman


Smash Lord
May 29, 2006
I'd never expect a videogame to provoke such intriguing conversations.

Please proceed.


Smash Lord
Feb 15, 2006
Lol i hope you guys don't think i'm ridiculing anyone's religion.

By the way, it's perfectly acceptable to make fun of Jews, if you'd like. If Borat can do it, we can all do it. Even though Borat is actually a Jew. Along with all the other jews.

Jerry Seinfield, Steven Spielburg, FrankenSTEIN. Any coincidence they're all rich? I THINK NOT.

Professor X

Smash Apprentice
Jul 29, 2006
I reject your statement that "On top of that the Romans did not persecute Jesus, it was more of the Jews. I hold nothing against the Jews either, it's just an historical fact."

Your source for that statement is the New Testament, which is not history.

"Historically, Christians are the ones prosecuted and ridiculed as much as any other religion. "

Looks like someone has a blind spot regarding the Middle Ages (i.e. the 5th through 18th centuries).

If Christianity had a plug, I would pull it.


Smash Lord
Mar 4, 2005
Firstly the bible is generally regarded as a history book if you dont see it as being a religous book. So new testament is regarded as history.
Also he said that the romans persecuted the jews. He did not make the claim that christians were not equally persecuted just simply that the romans picked on the jews.
IF you really wanted to say that he missed a key fact you would point out that Jesus was a Jew? Thus saying "they didnt persecute Jesus but the jews" is kinda weird.


Smash Champion
Apr 22, 2006
Columbus, GA
I do believe that after Snowday Columbus should be moving on up to Tier 2 because we beasted the hell out of that tournament :D Way to kick some *** Columbus!
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