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Unpopular Smash Ultimate Opinions! - Read the OP before Posting

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Smash Hero
Sep 8, 2014
Canada, Quebec
Smash should focus more on characters interactions rather than trying to cram the roster with tons of characters. I feel like the overall novelty of having all of these cool characters come together just to fight eachother has fade, and it'd be cool if there was a bit more substance to Smash. Brawl was a step in the right direction & Ultimate showed promise, but ended up dissapointing with what is essentially a glorified event match mode (World of Light). I'd love to see stuff like Snake & Cloud talking to eachother about being soldiers, Slippy repairing Captain Falcon's racer, Lucina interacting with her ancestor Marth (I know she has some quote in her victory line, but I was hoping for a bit more), etc... However, outside of Brawl, Smash has never really delivered in that regard, which has always been one of my biggest dissapointments regarding the series.
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite has a deeper story mode than it's predecessors with interactions and all that. This did not make up for half of the MvC3 roster being cut in the eyes of fans. And in games like Project X Zone that focus on the crossover setting, the gameplay ends up being pretty light. You gotta keep your priorities straight based on the game you're trying to make; in crossover fighting games people want a large roster of fun characters to play first and foremost, whereas stories are best left to RPG-like games.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2019
Battle Ground, WA
Switch FC
SW 2367 4933 3404
That's Water Shuriken, not creating swords/kunai out of water and slashing with them.
It's a blade of water. Same thing. They just expanded on that.

That's like complaining that there's not a move in the Pokemon games where Pikachu specifically does an electrified breakdance. It has electric powers, so of course it could do that.

The DanMan051

Banned via Warnings
Aug 18, 2018
It's a blade of water. Same thing. They just expanded on that.

That's like complaining that there's not a move in the Pokemon games where Pikachu specifically does an electrified breakdance. It has electric powers, so of course it could do that.
I was just using it as an example of Smash depictions influencing things; I don't see what the point of arguing about this is.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
The water blade idea was created for Smash. It's not the same thing as Water Shuriken. They're different moves. It's basically how it uses things like Cut/Slash/Etc. It's common for Pokemon to sometimes be more elemental than needed. It uses Water Shuriken far more differently. It's why the Kunai exists, as a cutting tool.

Greninja uses the kunai is directly from the anime, though. Same with Ash-Greninja.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
You know something?

I'm sick of the community around this website treating anime-designed and JRPG characters like a liability.

"Ugh, well they HAVE to put THOSE characters in to appease THOSE groups. Guess it's just something we all have to tolerate before we get the REAL characters the REAL fans want."

That's the overall sentiment for those opposed to Erdrick and Joker. There's a sense of gross entitlement to that attitude as well, especially considering the newcomers we DO have so far.
  • Inklings aren't really designed with the general anime art style.
  • Daisy definitely isn't, being more of a cartoonier take on Disney princesses just like Peach was.
  • Ridley for sure definitely isn't.
  • Simon isn't.
  • Richter is debatable, you can see some 80s anime vibes in his design
  • Chrom is definitely an anime design.
  • Dark Samus absolutely isn't anime designed.
  • K. Rool isn't either.
  • Isabelle isn't.
  • Ken isn't.
  • Incineroar isn't, Pokémon's designs for its creatures aren't like the designs for its trainers and humans. They are from a JRPG though.
  • Piranha Plant isn't.
  • Joker is. They are definitely from a JRPG.
That's...2 newcomers so far that are anime designed, 3 if you count Richter. And only 2 of them are from a JRPG, 3 if you count Fire Emblem. For bonus qualifiers, Chrom is the ONLY sword user.

So I'm tired of people acting like the possibility of Erdrick, an anime styled character who would still look completely distinct due to Akira Toriyama's art style, who is also from the de facto JRPG series, would be a buzzkill primarily because of those two factors and perhaps because Erdrick would use a sword. Look at what those people who are ~disgusted~ with more "anime" "JRPG" "sword users" ALREADY have.
This post is addressed in general, not to yunglink in particular.

I'm tired of people treating erdrick like they have no moveset potential or that it'd be only sword based. I think a lot of people dont realize how it feels to root for a character and then people **** on it not just from not knowing very much about the character or what sakurai could do with them, but also just as a fan of a character everyone should be able to understand how it is to like a character and see people trash talk or things like that.

I dont know how far sakurai will go in making the character unique, but since he should himself feel like making it pretty unique, dragon quest has so much potential for using different weapons and magic and items. We talked about debuff magic and how that'd be interesting to see. I think also possible rpg systems of some kind could be cool in any direction he might figure. They've spend lots hours playing dragon quest for sure in their lives, they're bound to have something special to think about.
If not, that's ok too, and a character not being perfectly in one way or another doesn't justify that a character shouldn't be in smash. You can personally not want certain characters getting over others, but that's your take, and how you feel. Not everyone feels the same, we all have different tastes, and when we have something in common like a character then we form little fanbases, some connected some not. We're all different even if there's some band wagons here and there.

Anyway, All I'm saying is that we could have better stuff going around. Really I just want us all to enjoy our time, not just with ourselves or each other, but in general too. I hope you all enjoy something in your lives, and more love in your life too. **** off I know that's corny ;p I'm just being brutally honest about it. It's ok to just be ourselves too. ;)

love, teeb.
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Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
I actually can't stand lyrical songs in Smash. WoL's theme is really cringe and I know their added for IP's that have strong presences of them but I just never want to hear them. DK Rap is the only song that gets a pass for me because its a rarity that's so brilliant.


Smash Journeyman
Oct 2, 2018
I actually can't stand lyrical songs in Smash. WoL's theme is really cringe and I know their added for IP's that have strong presences of them but I just never want to hear them. DK Rap is the only song that gets a pass for me because its a rarity that's so brilliant.
You don't like Beneath the Mask ;( ? Or the MYTHIC AND GORGEOUS F-ZERO Medley ?


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
I actually can't stand lyrical songs in Smash. WoL's theme is really cringe and I know their added for IP's that have strong presences of them but I just never want to hear them. DK Rap is the only song that gets a pass for me because its a rarity that's so brilliant.
But the original DK Rap isn't even good, and the Smash version is even worse.


Smash Lord
Mar 31, 2019
I actually can't stand lyrical songs in Smash. WoL's theme is really cringe and I know their added for IP's that have strong presences of them but I just never want to hear them. DK Rap is the only song that gets a pass for me because its a rarity that's so brilliant.
Ring a Ding is great! :<
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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
People like it BECAUSE it's so stupid lmao
Oh I totally get liking it for the unintentional hilarity of it, lol. It's one of the corniest things ever. It's the people who think it's genuinely good outside of that that confuse me. Different strokes though, I guess.


Smash Hero
Dec 24, 2001
Still up Peach's dress.
I actually can't stand lyrical songs in Smash. WoL's theme is really cringe and I know their added for IP's that have strong presences of them but I just never want to hear them. DK Rap is the only song that gets a pass for me because its a rarity that's so brilliant.
I was going to agree but then I remembered Jump Up Superstar and Ashley exist. I can't hate those songs. They always make me smile.


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
I'm really sick and tired of people pouring massive hate and salt on my boy Piranha Plant. Every argument I see is "It's just a generic enemy! Nobody asked for this! It's a troll fighter! They should have put someone else in instead!" Dude. Calm. The ****. Down. Who cares if it's a generic enemy? At this point that's a flawed argument against a character anyway. Piranha Plant has a creative and well though out moveset that's designed better than half of the non-generic enemy fighters in this game.

And there are several fighters in the game that nobody asked for. If you hate Piranha Plant for not being popular or on the ballot, then you must really hate :ultmarth::ultroy:(Outside of Japan only):ulticeclimbers::ultgnw::ultyounglink::ultpichu::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ulttoonlink::ultrob::ultwiifittrainer::ultcorrin: as well.

The "troll fighter" argument is also total garbage in my opinion. The development team would never and has never said "You know what? Let's just add a Piranha Plant to this game to piss people off." Someone find me a good reason why they would want to do that. And of course, I can't read minds, but theres no evidence that the dev team would ever do something like that (similarly, there's no evidence that Sakurai was biased in Wolrd of Light, yet some people choose to believe that he is for whatever reason), and it would be illogical and counterproductive for them to do so.

Finally, the argument I hate the most is that Piranha Plant should have been someone else instead, or that it "stole" another fighter's "slot." Never in the process of picking characters has the development team ever pitted characters against each other and had one get a "slot" over another. Only in the case of reserved spots for specific games (like :ultcorrin: and :ultincineroar: got) is there any record of having a specific "character slot" in the process of picking fighters. Other than that, Sakurai already picks who most of the fighters are going to be from the start in his project plan. Piranha Plant was picked from the very beginning and they never compared him to Isaac or Geno or Shadow or literally anyone and decided that Piranha Plant was a better pick than them. Those other fighters were probbaly never considered to be in the game in the first place.

TL;DR: People who hate on Piranha Plant have irrational arguments that reflect double standards and unnecessary salt.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Hoo boy, I've got a controversial one. Assuming the first four DLC characters are PP, Joker, Erdrick, and Steve...

I'd argue Steve would be the best addition of the bunch.
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 6, 2013
Text "leaks" and rumors that echo popular fan theories/specualtion and don't deviate much from the norm are so boring, lazy and usually false anyway (Cant count how many "leaks" claimed they had a reliable source saying a fan favorite would be playable only for them all to be deconfirmed)

Give me crazy wildcard picks like tetris block, Rabbids and Sandbag, you cowards.

I'm really sick and tired of people pouring massive hate and salt on my boy Piranha Plant. Every argument I see is "It's just a generic enemy! Nobody asked for this! It's a troll fighter! They should have put someone else in instead!" Dude. Calm. The ****. Down. Who cares if it's a generic enemy? At this point that's a flawed argument against a character anyway. Piranha Plant has a creative and well though out moveset that's designed better than half of the non-generic enemy fighters in this game.

And there are several fighters in the game that nobody asked for. If you hate Piranha Plant for not being popular or on the ballot, then you must really hate :ultmarth::ultroy:(Outside of Japan only):ulticeclimbers::ultgnw::ultyounglink::ultpichu::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ulttoonlink::ultrob::ultwiifittrainer::ultcorrin: as well.

The "troll fighter" argument is also total garbage in my opinion. The development team would never and has never said "You know what? Let's just add a Piranha Plant to this game to piss people off." Someone find me a good reason why they would want to do that. And of course, I can't read minds, but theres no evidence that the dev team would ever do something like that (similarly, there's no evidence that Sakurai was biased in Wolrd of Light, yet some people choose to believe that he is for whatever reason), and it would be illogical and counterproductive for them to do so.

Finally, the argument I hate the most is that Piranha Plant should have been someone else instead, or that it "stole" another fighter's "slot." Never in the process of picking characters has the development team ever pitted characters against each other and had one get a "slot" over another. Only in the case of reserved spots for specific games (like :ultcorrin: and :ultincineroar: got) is there any record of having a specific "character slot" in the process of picking fighters. Other than that, Sakurai already picks who most of the fighters are going to be from the start in his project plan. Piranha Plant was picked from the very beginning and they never compared him to Isaac or Geno or Shadow or literally anyone and decided that Piranha Plant was a better pick than them. Those other fighters were probbaly never considered to be in the game in the first place.

TL;DR: People who hate on Piranha Plant have irrational arguments that reflect double standards and unnecessary salt.
I hope fire piranha plant makes it in the next smash game just to piss off the plant haters.


Smash Ace
Jun 7, 2017
Hoo boy, I've got a controversial one. Assuming the first four DLC characters are PP, Joker, Erdrick, and Steve...

I'd argue Steve would be the best addition of the bunch.
Other than maybe piranha plant, I absolutely agree


Smash Champion
May 10, 2017
I was going to agree but then I remembered Jump Up Superstar and Ashley exist. I can't hate those songs. They always make me smile.
I'm not a fan of any of them. Responding to WoL's theme tho, Smash should never attempt themes that have "meaningful" lyrics because its so unnecessary and ruins the Smash focus. If its one genre that feel at home in Smash, is Opera.

If I had to select a lyrical theme, Kirby Right Back At Ya would be incredible in Smash. Both the actual theme or instrumental would work.


Smash Lord
Feb 24, 2019
Battle Ground, WA
Switch FC
SW 2367 4933 3404
If I had to select a lyrical theme, Kirby Right Back At Ya would be incredible in Smash. Both the actual theme or instrumental would work.
Japanese anime studios and music companies hate everyone and everything, unfortunately.

As far as the Smash Ultimate theme goes, I've always thought the song itself was fine, it's just not sung properly. It's way, way too reserved. If it were loud and bold and operatic then it would suit Smash, but this whispery contemplative style doesn't work at all.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I'm really sick and tired of people pouring massive hate and salt on my boy Piranha Plant. Every argument I see is "It's just a generic enemy! Nobody asked for this! It's a troll fighter! They should have put someone else in instead!" Dude. Calm. The ****. Down. Who cares if it's a generic enemy? At this point that's a flawed argument against a character anyway. Piranha Plant has a creative and well though out moveset that's designed better than half of the non-generic enemy fighters in this game.

And there are several fighters in the game that nobody asked for. If you hate Piranha Plant for not being popular or on the ballot, then you must really hate :ultmarth::ultroy:(Outside of Japan only):ulticeclimbers::ultgnw::ultyounglink::ultpichu::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ulttoonlink::ultrob::ultwiifittrainer::ultcorrin: as well.

The "troll fighter" argument is also total garbage in my opinion. The development team would never and has never said "You know what? Let's just add a Piranha Plant to this game to piss people off." Someone find me a good reason why they would want to do that. And of course, I can't read minds, but theres no evidence that the dev team would ever do something like that (similarly, there's no evidence that Sakurai was biased in Wolrd of Light, yet some people choose to believe that he is for whatever reason), and it would be illogical and counterproductive for them to do so.

Finally, the argument I hate the most is that Piranha Plant should have been someone else instead, or that it "stole" another fighter's "slot." Never in the process of picking characters has the development team ever pitted characters against each other and had one get a "slot" over another. Only in the case of reserved spots for specific games (like :ultcorrin: and :ultincineroar: got) is there any record of having a specific "character slot" in the process of picking fighters. Other than that, Sakurai already picks who most of the fighters are going to be from the start in his project plan. Piranha Plant was picked from the very beginning and they never compared him to Isaac or Geno or Shadow or literally anyone and decided that Piranha Plant was a better pick than them. Those other fighters were probbaly never considered to be in the game in the first place.

TL;DR: People who hate on Piranha Plant have irrational arguments that reflect double standards and unnecessary salt.
I think the salt stems from how:ultpiranha:got in over popular picks that these people wanted like Geno, Isaac, Shadow, Waluigi and such which the former two has been asked for many years just as long as:ultkrool:and:ultridley:who had gotten in. If that wasn't the case. I think there would be no salt.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
Plant is nothing but a bad joke that's only notable for how "le random and wacky xD" it is. Once that quickly wears off, all you're left with is a literal nobody that took the place of every single assist trophy character people actually wanted. Nobody ever cared about some glorified prop you jump over and forget. This game could have not had it and you certainly wouldn't see anyone going "Man this game is great and all but where's Piranha Plant?". The whole #PlantGang thing was probably the most obnoxious cancer this fanbase has ever produced, which is honestly pretty damn impressive given some of the sub-groups in the Smash fandom. It was nothing but a group dedicated to mocking anyone who, god forbid, actually wanted a character they gave a **** about. The least genuine fanbase of any Smash character.

I mean come on, Sakurai was already pressed for newcomer slots thanks to bringing back every character ever. You'd think that with precious few newcomer slots in a game he literally labeled as the ULTIMATE Smash game, that he'd at least make every last one of them count. Every last freaking newcomer reveal needed to count here, and they didn't. Plant could have been anyone else and the game would have been better off for it.


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
Plant is nothing but a bad joke that's only notable for how "le random and wacky xD" it is. Once that quickly wears off, all you're left with is a literal nobody that took the place of every single assist trophy character people actually wanted. Nobody ever cared about some glorified prop you jump over and forget. This game could have not had it and you certainly wouldn't see anyone going "Man this game is great and all but where's Piranha Plant?". The whole #PlantGang thing was probably the most obnoxious cancer this fanbase has ever produced, which is honestly pretty damn impressive given some of the sub-groups in the Smash fandom. It was nothing but a group dedicated to mocking anyone who, god forbid, actually wanted a character they gave a **** about. The least genuine fanbase of any Smash character.

I mean come on, Sakurai was already pressed for newcomer slots thanks to bringing back every character ever. You'd think that with precious few newcomer slots in a game he literally labeled as the ULTIMATE Smash game, that he'd at least make every last one of them count. Every last freaking newcomer reveal needed to count here, and they didn't. Plant could have been anyone else and the game would have been better off for it.
I'm not saying this to argue against your point, but I feel like PP becomes a little more understandable when you put yourself in Sakurai's shoes and look at the main choices.

Waluigi is popular, highly requested, and always relevant, but even as someone who likes Waluigi and has played virtually every Super Mario spin-off featuring him, there really isn't that much Waluigi is specifically known for, or at least things that most Mario characters in spin-offs couldn't do themselves. Sakurai might feel like he'd be sacrificing a unique character for the "next logical choice in order of importance".

Geno is also popular and highly requested, but the dude hasn't done squat in over two decades. When your roster of newcomers is really small and limited, adding someone who only the Nintendo super nerds would recognize is dicey. Compared to PP, Sakurai likely feels like Geno's appeal is far too limited to hardcore fans, something that'd he want to avoid if you're selecting a newcomer from Nintendo's flagship franchise.

In short, PP probably did feel like a fantastic choice to Sakurai for a Mario newcomer given how iconic it is and how many species there are to take inspiration from. He found a nice balance between the recognizability of the character and the abundant moveset potential of the character. I can appreciate that.

Not everyone has to like PP, but again, at least try understanding why it might have gotten in over the others. It's not as strange of a pick once you really start thinking about it.


Smash Lord
Oct 1, 2016
Nobody ever cared about some glorified prop you jump over and forget. This game could have not had it and you certainly wouldn't see anyone going "Man this game is great and all but where's Piranha Plant?".
Did you ever see anyone going "Where's Ice Climbers? Where's ROB? Where's Wii Fit Trainer?"


People still love them anyway. Even if "wacky and random" is the only thing that got them into the game, that's more than some of the other additions have had going for them.


Smash Legend
Dec 17, 2014
Switch FC
SW 4265 6024 9719
far too limited to hardcore fans, something that'd he want to avoid if you're selecting a newcomer from Nintendo's flagship franchise.
I'm not interested in Geno, but look at Richter. He's part of an infamous scene in SotN as well as one of the Classicvanias which is considered the best, yet Sakurai believed that some would go "who?" upon seeing him, and the desire for a Belmont in Smash was mainly focused on Simon. He still ended up being more popular than Simon.

And yes, I know that Castlevania isn't a Nintendo flagship franchise, but still.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I'm not interested in Geno, but look at Richter. He's part of an infamous scene in SotN as well as one of the Classicvanias which is considered the best, yet Sakurai believed that some would go "who?" upon seeing him, and the desire for a Belmont in Smash was mainly focused on Simon. He still ended up being more popular than Simon.

And yes, I know that Castlevania isn't a Nintendo flagship franchise, but still.
Plus there's how Alucard was the more popular pick but Sakurai felt that the old school fans should get a bone.

Also, probably not unpopular but whenever I see people scream and kick and moan about the game's roster like what happened to Bayonetta and what's still happening to Piranha Plant now, I can't help but feel you should probably find a new hobby if you get that angry about a video game you can just not throw your money at


Smash Hero
Dec 17, 2017
On a planet far far away...
Switch FC
I'm not interested in Geno, but look at Richter. He's part of an infamous scene in SotN as well as one of the Classicvanias which is considered the best, yet Sakurai believed that some would go "who?" upon seeing him, and the desire for a Belmont in Smash was mainly focused on Simon. He still ended up being more popular than Simon.

And yes, I know that Castlevania isn't a Nintendo flagship franchise, but still.
That's a little different though. Just because a character is frequently used online doesn't necessarily mean a lot of people recognize or played the games of said character. People choose characters for a number of reasons, and a lot of them involve learning curves, a "cool" appearance, and the current view of the character in the metagame.

Geno could easily become the most popular character in Smash. Or the least popular. Just depends on his moveset and how the fans view him.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
That's a little different though. Just because a character is frequently used online doesn't necessarily mean a lot of people recognize or played the games of said character. People choose characters for a number of reasons, and a lot of them involve learning curves, a "cool" appearance, and the current view of the character in the metagame.

Geno could easily become the most popular character in Smash. Or the least popular. Just depends on his moveset and how the fans view him.
To be fair Nelson was talking about Richter Belmont, the most popular Belmont in the franchise alongside Julius (maybe Trevor too as of the Netflix show), not exactly the same as someone like Geno in comparison to iconic Mario characters


Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
all you're left with is a literal nobody that took the place of every single assist trophy character people actually wanted
Piranha Plant took nobody's place. There was no competition among characters for who got to be in the game. All of the "popular" characters people claim were given the short end of the stick were probably never considered to be in the game in the first place. They said that Ultimate's newcomers were decided from the ballot. We know that :ultinkling::ultdaisy::ultridley::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultchrom::ultdarksamus::ultkrool::ultisabelle::ultken: all had to be top ballot placements, with the exception of :ultincineroar: since Sun and Moon wasn't out during the Smash ballot (although it was still quite popular anyway). This means that characters people mope about like Geno, Isaac, Banjo, Shadow and (I hate to admit it) Bandana Dee were most likely not as popular as people say they are. Sakurai never said "OK we're going to have exactly a dozen newcomers, let's decide who they are." He picked characters who he deemed appropriate for the game, and that did not include some of those assist trophies.
The whole #PlantGang thing was probably the most obnoxious cancer this fanbase has ever produced
You seem to forget the Smash 4 ballot days or how the Zelda and Kirby fanbases are literally tearing themselves apart over who should be the next newcomer.
It was nothing but a group dedicated to mocking anyone who, god forbid, actually wanted a character they gave a **** about
It was a six month old meme. Get over it. If you were genuinely offended by the internet memes about Piranha Plant getting in over other character, (and I've said this before), that's more than just an obsession: that's a fetish. It's been half a year since Piranha Plant was revealed. There is literally no reason to be making a big deal about it anymore.
You'd think that with precious few newcomer slots in a game
There were no slots in the game, with the exception of :ultincineroar:. They simply decided on an appropriate amount of newcomers to design, that did not include the characters people like you whine about.
he literally labeled as the ULTIMATE Smash game
No, he didn't. In Japan, the actual name of the game is "Super Smash bros. Special," because it's certainly the most special and unique installation of the game. The people translating it to English picked the word "Ultimate" to make it sound more dramatic, when in reality that's not the real name of the game.
that he'd at least make every last one of them count
If you can get over your blinding salt and unnecessary whining, then you'll realize that they made every newcomer in this game count.
yet Sakurai believed that some would go "who?" upon seeing him
OK now's my time to admit that at first I almost did go "who" at Richter's reveal because I didn't recognize him when he first appeared on screen.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
I'm not saying this to argue against your point, but I feel like PP becomes a little more understandable when you put yourself in Sakurai's shoes and look at the main choices.

Waluigi is popular, highly requested, and always relevant, but even as someone who likes Waluigi and has played virtually every Super Mario spin-off featuring him, there really isn't that much Waluigi is specifically known for, or at least things that most Mario characters in spin-offs couldn't do themselves. Sakurai might feel like he'd be sacrificing a unique character for the "next logical choice in order of importance".

Geno is also popular and highly requested, but the dude hasn't done squat in over two decades. When your roster of newcomers is really small and limited, adding someone who only the Nintendo super nerds would recognize is dicey. Compared to PP, Sakurai likely feels like Geno's appeal is far too limited to hardcore fans, something that'd he want to avoid if you're selecting a newcomer from Nintendo's flagship franchise.

In short, PP probably did feel like a fantastic choice to Sakurai for a Mario newcomer given how iconic it is and how many species there are to take inspiration from. He found a nice balance between the recognizability of the character and the abundant moveset potential of the character. I can appreciate that.

Not everyone has to like PP, but again, at least try understanding why it might have gotten in over the others. It's not as strange of a pick once you really start thinking about it.
"Hmmm, lots of people want Waluigi. *snaps finger* I've got it, I'll add Piranha Plant!"

That truly is the kind of logic only Sakurai would have.

Did you ever see anyone going "Where's Ice Climbers? Where's ROB? Where's Wii Fit Trainer?"


People still love them anyway. Even if "wacky and random" is the only thing that got them into the game, that's more than some of the other additions have had going for them.
Not even remotely the same situation as them. Did Ice Climbers, ROB and Wii Fit Trainer get picked over several highly requested characters in a game with extra limited newcomer space and after having direct feedback on the characters we want to see? Did you see any #IceClimbersGang back in the day laughing at people disappointed that Wario or Diddy Kong weren't in Melee?

Piranha Plant took nobody's place. There was no competition among characters for who got to be in the game. All of the "popular" characters people claim were given the short end of the stick were probably never considered to be in the game in the first place. They said that Ultimate's newcomers were decided from the ballot. We know that :ultinkling::ultdaisy::ultridley::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultchrom::ultdarksamus::ultkrool::ultisabelle::ultken: all had to be top ballot placements, with the exception of :ultincineroar: since Sun and Moon wasn't out during the Smash ballot (although it was still quite popular anyway). This means that characters people mope about like Geno, Isaac, Banjo, Shadow and (I hate to admit it) Bandana Dee were most likely not as popular as people say they are. Sakurai never said "OK we're going to have exactly a dozen newcomers, let's decide who they are." He picked characters who he deemed appropriate for the game, and that did not include some of those assist trophies.

You seem to forget the Smash 4 ballot days or how the Zelda and Kirby fanbases are literally tearing themselves apart over who should be the next newcomer.

It was a six month old meme. Get over it. If you were genuinely offended by the internet memes about Piranha Plant getting in over other character, (and I've said this before), that's more than just an obsession: that's a fetish. It's been half a year since Piranha Plant was revealed. There is literally no reason to be making a big deal about it anymore.

There were no slots in the game, with the exception of :ultincineroar:. They simply decided on an appropriate amount of newcomers to design, that did not include the characters people like you whine about.

No, he didn't. In Japan, the actual name of the game is "Super Smash bros. Special," because it's certainly the most special and unique installation of the game. The people translating it to English picked the word "Ultimate" to make it sound more dramatic, when in reality that's not the real name of the game.

If you can get over your blinding salt and unnecessary whining, then you'll realize that they made every newcomer in this game count.

OK now's my time to admit that at first I almost did go "who" at Richter's reveal because I didn't recognize him when he first appeared on screen.
"Hahaha salt xD"

Thank you for being a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
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Smash Master
Aug 24, 2018
"Hahaha salt xD"
Please quote me where I either directly laughed at you or made obnoxious remarks about you that were either derogatory or hate filled.
Thank you for being a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
Explain. I raised several valid points about how Piranha Plant was chosen and you refuse to accept them. By the way you formatted your argument you seem to be blinded more by salt towards Piranha Plant being in the game rather than seeking actual logic and reasoning.


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
Please quote me where I either directly laughed at you or made obnoxious remarks about you that were either derogatory or hate filled.

Explain. I raised several valid points about how Piranha Plant was chosen and you refuse to accept them. By the way you formatted your argument you seem to be blinded more by salt towards Piranha Plant being in the game rather than seeking actual logic and reasoning.
I don't care about the thought process about how Plant was chosen lmao. At the end of the day it was a garbage pick and literally anyone else would have been more meaningful. The Plant Gang died out and exposed itself for the insincere fanbase that it is. I guess even memers can only fake their excitement over a potted plant for so long.

Time has proven that it was a lame edition. I don't care about what Sakurai's thought process is or whatever mental gymnastics people want to do to justify it's existence on the roster. I really don't.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
It was a six month old meme. Get over it
Actually it's been 7 months now. Again, people who are still upset and angry about a goddamn video game need to take a breath of fresh air and consider a hobby that makes them significantly less angry. I wish my life was so good that video games were all I had to get incredibly upset over tbh


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
Infracted for trolling
Actually it's been 7 months now. Again, people who are still upset and angry about a goddamn video game need to take a breath of fresh air and consider a hobby that makes them significantly less angry. I wish my life was so good that video games were all I had to get incredibly upset over tbh
Your life is apparently good enough to have over 48k posts on a Smash Bros forum, so there's that at least.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Your life is apparently good enough to have over 48k posts on a Smash Bros forum, so there's that at least.
Yeah it means I can regularly use my free time to enjoy doing something. If you're so angry at Smash for adding Piranha Plant and ditching whatever characters you wanted and you'll get angry at Erdrick and then potentially still get even angrier about the other 3 DLC characters left, why continue to stay angry when you can go "No. Enough is enough, I don't want this anymore" and find something that makes you less angry? I tried playing Advance Wars and after constant Fog of War maps, I realized "I'm not having a good time, I'm going to stop"know. After playing hours of MGSV I went "I'm not really enjoying this and it takes so much time, I should stop". It isn't healthy to get so worked about minor things like one of the 80 playable characters in a fighting game which you can choose not to buy. I've grown tired of how Pokemon has handled itself for the past few years while being heavily disappointed with how some stuff is handled, so I stopped buying every main series Pokemon game and will continue to not buy these games. You can do the same you know


Smash Lord
Sep 11, 2014
Yeah it means I can regularly use my free time to enjoy doing something. If you're so angry at Smash for adding Piranha Plant and ditching whatever characters you wanted and you'll get angry at Erdrick and then potentially still get even angrier about the other 3 DLC characters left, why continue to stay angry when you can go "No. Enough is enough, I don't want this anymore" and find something that makes you less angry? I tried playing Advance Wars and after constant Fog of War maps, I realized "I'm not having a good time, I'm going to stop"know. After playing hours of MGSV I went "I'm not really enjoying this and it takes so much time, I should stop". It isn't healthy to get so worked about minor things like one of the 80 playable characters in a fighting game which you can choose not to buy. I've grown tired of how Pokemon has handled itself for the past few years while being heavily disappointed with how some stuff is handled, so I stopped buying every main series Pokemon game and will continue to not buy these games. You can do the same you know
Look at the size of this reply. lmao

Also just because I don't enjoy some newcomers doesn't mean I don't at least enjoy Ultimate's gameplay.
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