Welcome to the remake of one of the more POPULAR Smash 4 discussion threads!
Due to the volatile nature of the boards recently I've decided to remake this thread but with a clearer and stricter rule set in place to help avoid confusion and promote civil discussion. Keep in mind that moderators will be keeping a sharp eye in here and those who choose to ignore the rules will be handed out warnings/infractions accordingly.
1) No criticizing another poster's opinions (both directly and indirectly). When you come across an opinion you don't agree with either ignore it, address it in another thread, or take it to PMs.
2) No engaging other posters in debate especially if it's likely to derail the thread or promote flaming/trolling.
3) Opinions that are intentionally made to flame/troll other posters are not allowed. Example: "Anyone who likes Mario is stupid."
4) Posts that have nothing to do with Smash 4 WiiU/3DS will be treated as spam. Keep in mind this includes unnecessary one liners as well as picture and gif responses. Example: "Super Mario 64 is the best game ever."
5) This is a less severe issue but try to post opinions that are actually unpopular. There's obviously a lot of grey area in terms of what constitutes as popular or not, but if you see the same opinion being posted repeatedly chances are it's not as unpopular as you think. Example: "Mario's mustache is awesome."
If you catch anyone breaking any of these rules please DO NOT RESPOND TO IT. Instead just hit the "report" button and a moderator will deal with the issue as soon as possible. This would be a huge help in terms of keeping this thread clean and civil.