Haha, actually, hold on... hoo boy, I feel a bit silly. Okay, so I got fooled a bit, here.
I read the article a few days ago and saved the link on my phone. I didn't do much research on the article after reading it. After looking it up just now to share the link, I noticed something looked a little "off." Turns out, it's a satire site. "Play4Real Gaming." It looks to be the video game equivalent to The Onion. The (apparently fake) article is
I feel pretty sheepish right now. Sorry about not giving the website a second look. I'd honestly never seen the site before, so I didn't know it wasn't real. I know, I know, people would lie on the internet? Seems crazy.
So... you can ignore that part of my last post, lol. Still, my sentiments have not changed. I really do not want to see an aggressive push to hack the WiiU or 3DS by the Smash scene. It may inevitably happen, but Nintendo seems determined to patch out exploits and weaknesses in their most recent hardware.
EDIT: The saddest thing is that everything I read in that article didn't seem immediately fake, to me, except for the part about the True Melee Sequel. I've heard people on this site say things just like this before. Granted, I know nothing of the people he quoted in his piece, so I don't know how out of character those lines are.