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Unpopular Smash 4 Opinions - share them here!

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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
REALLY UNPOPULAR OPINION INCOMING: Despite popular belief, Lucina is, in fact, not "literally" a female Marth.

She is actually a character with her own design, voice, motives, and personality. Whether or not they are good is debatable, but still, she is what she is, and that isn't Marth, as the Hero King "Marth" died a thousand years before her birth.
What if the roster selection screen stated, "Masked Marth" and she didn't have an alternate costume? Would it be fair to assume that she is female Marth? Or are her motives and ambitions enough to differentiate her? :denzel:


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
What if the roster selection screen stated, "Masked Marth" and she didn't have an alternate costume? Would it be fair to assume that she is female Marth? Or are her motives and ambitions enough to differentiate her? :denzel:
I doubt that would happen since there's no reason to hide her identity out of the context of the game.

I think you might be misunderstanding (maybe I am who knows), but people are saying she would basically FIGHT like a female Marth, otherwise known as a clone, not that her character is a female Marth.
I'm referring to all the people who say that she is literally a female Marth. What they mean doesn't matter; it is what they are saying, and most never clarify.

But she doesn't fight like Marth, either; she wields her Falchion like a two-handed broadsword, Marth wields his like a rapier.
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Smash Cadet
Mar 11, 2014
REALLY UNPOPULAR OPINION INCOMING: Despite popular belief, Lucina is, in fact, not "literally" a female Marth.

She is actually a character with her own design, voice, motives, and personality. Whether or not they are good is debatable, but still, she is what she is, and that isn't Marth, as the Hero King "Marth" died a thousand years before her birth.
Admittedly, I think it would be better than the game/character we got if there was some sort of reincarnation shenanigans going on.

Cuttscenes both show and state that Lucina fights exactly like Chrom. So as far as playing styles go, I feel that Lucina has nothing to add that Chrom doesn't, assuming that they take inspiration from the game.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Admittedly, I think it would be better than the game/character we got if there was some sort of reincarnation shenanigans going on.

Cuttscenes both show and state that Lucina fights exactly like Chrom. So as far as playing styles go, I feel that Lucina has nothing to add that Chrom doesn't, assuming that they take inspiration from the game.
She offers her gender... speaking of which, unpopular opinion time.

I want more female characters.

Deleted member

She offers her gender... speaking of which, unpopular opinion time.

I want more female characters.
Something something not that unpopular.
We should just re-name this thread to "Kinda popular yet also kinda unpopular opinions"


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
Admittedly, I think it would be better than the game/character we got if there was some sort of reincarnation shenanigans going on.

Cuttscenes both show and state that Lucina fights exactly like Chrom. So as far as playing styles go, I feel that Lucina has nothing to add that Chrom doesn't, assuming that they take inspiration from the game.
Obviously, I know that.

I like her a lot, but she isn't the ideal choice for a Fire Emblem character, however, whoever they are...

@ Morbi Morbi I really hope they are a girl! Fire Emblem really has a lot of badass female characters!


Smash Ace
Apr 10, 2012
But she doesn't fight like Marth, either; she wields her Falchion like a two-handed broadsword, Marth wields his like a rapier.
In cutscene, maybe. But in battle she does her fair share of fencing. Just look at those thrusts! Actually I should point out, Chrom on the other hand doesn't stab or thrust, he only slashes (which makes giving him a rapier look weird). Lucina does sometimes. I haven't placed Fire Emblem 1, 3, 11 or 12 but if Awakening is to be believed, Marth and Lucina have the same battle animations (lol, lazy developers).
Actually while we're at it, I think it'a important to consider context and perspective. In Smash Bros Marth actually doesn't wield his Falchion as if it were a rapier. Nearly all of his attacks outside of Dancing Blade are all wide swings. It wasn't until Brawl that Shield Breaker became a piercing thrust, for one thing and even now that's just two specials (also Usmash and Dtilt).

TL;DR Moveset arguments are trivial for FE characters both as a for or against argument as characters in the series are often adapted to fight differently to their origins.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2014
What I wish would happen with Smash 4.

-Falco, Wolf, Lucas,Rob, Jigglypuff, Game&Watch, and T-link , should all be booted from smash. They are either redundant or plain lame in smash. Jigglypuff...really... of all the pokemon choices (the 152 or so gen 1) in smash 64 he went with jiggly....why not someone cool like mewtwo or Nidoking.

-Make krystal and mewtwo playable. No more starfox clones.

-I've always loved zelda games more than any other Nintendo franchise, but Link always feels like a stale fighter in Smash.

-In-game glitches(L-cancel and whatnot) that are found in smash ruin the game (example everything in Melee)

-Smash 4 looks like brawl but faster( maybe) which is great. I loved brawl but It could have been sped up and been less floaty and me loves combos.

-Project M is sort of a slap in the face to Sakurai. I've played it once but I feel as if it is disrespectful to Nintendo, its complicated i think.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 30, 2014
North Dakota
- A little bit of my soul dies every time somebody suggests Shadow the Hedgehog as a playable character (I don't know if that's a popular opinion around here, but it sure seems to be everywhere else).

- I really don't care if Mewtwo doesn't come back. If he does, he'd better be completely re-worked, because as far as I'm concerned, there's nothing he can do that we don't already get from one or several other characters.

- It irks me when people refer to the Wii Fit Trainer as an obscure character, along the same lines as Mr. Game & Watch, Ice Climbers or R.O.B. Everybody knows what Wii Fit is and whether you think it's a "real game" or not, it, and the rest of the Wii series, was a huge contributor to the Wii decimating the 360 and PS3 at retail. It sold over 20 million copies for crying out loud.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
5) Nintendo is being dumb releasing the 3DS version first. Even if it's further in development, Nintendo does not need any more reasons for people to dote upon the 3DS at the cost of the Wii U.

  • I wouldn't be surprised if we get derivative newcomer characters such as Toon Zelda (who was planned for Brawl, mind you). Whether on par with Wolf or less unique than that, I feel people could be setting themselves up for disappointment if they believe every newcomer will bring diversity to the game. Despite Sakurai emphasizing uniqueness, there is no way I believe all newcomers will be. I still feel Toon Zelda and others, such as Dixie, may still have a reasonably decent chance.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
Melee is regarded in fondness because it had no cuts, and didn't add characters that people initially disagreed with, it also kept the formula from the original game basically the same.
Brawl cut two of the most bad ass additions to melee (Roy & Mewtwo).
Introduction of third parties and ROB screwed with the integrity and concept of the Smash roster.
The formula changed new game modes and stickers etc made Brawl feel less like melee.
Melee felt like a direct sequel to N64 and brawl didn't feel close to melee.

Lesson if it aint broke dont fix it.
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Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2014
Newcastle, UK
Melee is regarded in fondness because it had no cuts, and didn't add characters that people initially disagreed with, it also kept the formula from the original game basically the same.
Brawl cut two of the most bad *** additions to melee (Roy & Mewtwo).
Introduction of third parties and ROB screwed with the integrity and concept of Smash.
The formula changed new game modes and stickers etc made Brawl feel less like melee.
Melee felt like a direct sequel to N64 and brawl didn't feel close to melee.

Lesson if it aint broke dont fix it.
I don't want to cause any argument, but there MUST have been annoyance or cryout/uproar when Pichu ended up being in, let alone when people played him and saw the sorry state he was in. I feel like the Intro of 3rd Party Characters added variety, when there was only two. What I will say though, is that Sonic fits. Snake doesn't. That is apparent. I'm also going to be the one to point out that Mewtwo was very underdeveloped in Melee.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
I don't want to cause any argument, but there MUST have been annoyance or cryout/uproar when Pichu ended up being in, let alone when people played him and saw the sorry state he was in. I feel like the Intro of 3rd Party Characters added variety, when there was only two. What I will say though, is that Sonic fits. Snake doesn't. That is apparent. I'm also going to be the one to point out that Mewtwo was very underdeveloped in Melee.
IDK character development wasn't as relevant back then, because online didn't exist.
Beating your friends is all that mattered once you got familiar with how they played it didn't matter, as long as you knew how to play.
I mained mewtwo and beat my siblings and friends easily from time to time with him.
I viewed Pichu as a bonus character and didn't really think much else of him.

Times are a changing.

competition and character balance/ development only really became relevant with the rise of online.

Playing with friends and family often meant you learned their strengths, weaknesses, style, preferences. You played in accordance.
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
I actually do recall hearing about people complaining about Melee's roster as well.

With a series like Smash Bros, you just can't please everybody.


Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2014
Newcastle, UK
IDK character development wasn't as relevant back then, because online didn't exist.
Beating your friends is all that mattered once you got familiar with how they played it didn't matter, as long as you knew how to play.
I mained mewtwo and beat my siblings and friends easily from time to time with him.
I viewed Pichu as a bonus character and didn't really think much else of him.

Times are a changing.
At the same time, Melee shares a lot of problems with Brawl outside of the direct competitive side. But that nostalgia doesn't wash with me because I didn't grow up on Melee. I grew up on Brawl, and an outside look at the "Good Ol Days" tells me things about both games, negative and positive.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
At the same time, Melee shares a lot of problems with Brawl outside of the direct competitive side. But that nostalgia doesn't wash with me because I didn't grow up on Melee. I grew up on Brawl, and an outside look at the "Good Ol Days" tells me things about both games, negative and positive.
I don't remember people complaining as much... Pichu had that stupid anime short with the pokemon movie so he was popular at the time.
Melee added so many cool characters that just over shadowed any of the lesser used ones.
Falco was a big deal. Bowser.... Zelda and Sheik! Gannondorf... Being a clone of captain falcon wasn't even really a bad thing back then because everyone loved Captain falcons moveset... if anything it was a good alternative.
Roy and Marth were strange because no one had a clue who they were but just went with it, spoke japanese and sounded intense... Roy had fire with his sword that would explode when charged fully... nothing like landing one of those... Roy was the marth with fire, which was cooler, because ya know... fire... and they cut him.
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Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2014
Newcastle, UK
I don't remember people complaining as much... Pichu had that stupid anime short with the pokemon movie so he was popular at the time.
Melee added so many cool characters that just over shadowed any of the lesser used ones.
Falco was a big deal. Bowser.... Zelda and Sheik! Gannondorf... Being a clone of captain falcon wasn't even really a bad thing back then because everyone loved Captain falcons moveset... if anything it was a good alternative.
Roy and Marth were strange because no one had a clue who they were but just went with it, spoke japanese and sounded intense... Roy had fire with his sword that would explode when charged fully... nothing like landing one of those... Roy was the marth with fire, which was cooler, because ya know... fire... and they cut him.
If the initial reveal for Pichu was positive, I suspect the first time playing was a horrible surprise.

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
Melee is actually the reason why everyone is having this clone paranoia to begin with and lose their minds when even one clone gets confirmed. :4tlink:

But oh well, I'm getting kinda off track with this threads initial purpose so I guess I'll take my leave now. ^^;


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
If the initial reveal for Pichu was positive, I suspect the first time playing was a horrible surprise.
Wasn't that big of a deal, people played characters they liked, not because of stats or tiers.
Competitive online scene didn't exist.
The competitive scene that did exist, was a hassle and involved traveling and like happened once a year, if that.
You just adopted a playing style that could exist among your friends and family.

Melee added villains from the series that didn't exist in 64.
We had Bowser, Ganondorf and to a lesser extent Mewtwo.
This really circumvented the desire for villains, hence Ridley and King K. Rool.
Ridley was in the opening trailer at a playable size so he went popular for a brawl candidate...
K. Rool was just another popular reoccurring villain, also note the Donkey Kong TV series was on television around this time with K. Rool as a popular villain on the show.
I feel Black Shadow was also just as popular because the F-Zero series was more relevant back then, but he some how fluttered in comparison to Ridley and Rool.
So no Ridley, Rool, or Black Shadow in brawl was also a let down ontop of the Roy and Mewtwo cut.
sonic was huge for brawl though, because that whole magazine april fools thing for sonic and tails in melee.
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Smash Journeyman
May 2, 2014
Newcastle, UK
sonic was huge for brawl though, because that whole magazine april fools thing for sonic and tails in melee.
It was shown that Sonic was planned for Melee ass proved by Yuji Naka, Sonic's Creator. Would have been nice to see Sonic in a more competitively viable environment Project M


Smash Ace
Feb 6, 2014
Wasn't that big of a deal, people played characters they liked, not because of stats or tiers.
Competitive online scene didn't exist.
The competitive scene that did exist, was a hassle and involved traveling and like happened once a year, if that.
You just adopted a playing style that could exist among your friends and family.

Melee added villains from the series that didn't exist in 64.
We had Bowser, Ganondorf and to a lesser extent Mewtwo.
This really circumvented the desire for villains, hence Ridley and King K. Rool.
Ridley was in the opening trailer at a playable size so he went popular for a brawl candidate...
K. Rool was just another popular reoccurring villain, also note the Donkey Kong TV series was on television around this time with K. Rool as a popular villain on the show.
I feel Black Shadow was also just as popular because the F-Zero series was more relevant back then, but he some how fluttered in comparison to Ridley and Rool.
So no Ridley, Rool, or Black Shadow in brawl was also a let down ontop of the Roy and Mewtwo cut.
sonic was huge for brawl though, because that whole magazine april fools thing for sonic and tails in melee.
Brawl added villains... King Dedede, Wolf, and (sorta) Metaknight ring a bell?

Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
This is true. Especially when decisions are made that are sure to displease many.
Not to mention different places having different tastes. Whenever there are characters that the East really loves but the West really hates, if you include said character one side will be generally overjoyed while another will be very displeased (Same the other way round). Taste differs with each individual really.

There are a few characters that one part of the world generally really loves whereas the other generally doesn't really like or doesn't care about them too much etc.


Smash Champion
Feb 16, 2014
Brawl added villains... King Dedede, Wolf, and (sorta) Metaknight ring a bell?
Yeah I know, Melee is to thank for that, it circumvented that whole idea that now your not just the hero.
But for whatever reason Ridley, Rool, Mewtwo, were all passed on.
Dedede was pretty popular too.
Why cut a character as popular as mewtwo? why not add ridley? why wolf?
It kinda jarred the whole fan expection vs reality, predictability and disappointment all those things.
Melee didnt have the exceptions brawl had, a larger more diverse fan base and online contributed to the criticism and comparisons from melee to brawl.
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Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
Not to mention different places having different tastes. Whenever there are characters that the East really loves but the West really hates, if you include said character one side will be generally overjoyed while another will be very displeased (Same the other way round). Taste differs with each individual really.

There are a few characters that one part of the world generally really loves whereas the other generally doesn't really like them or doesn't care about them too much etc.
Tingle for Smash 4.


Smash Ace
Oct 1, 2010
Amelia won't let me say
I really hated Mewtwo as a playable character, and expressly do not want to see him come back.

I also think Ridley has no interesting design concepts and shouldn't be given half the attention he is by the community.

If I said this anywhere else I'd get chopped to pieces.


Barnacled Boss
Aug 12, 2008
Toxic Tower
Not to mention different places having different tastes. Whenever there are characters that the East really loves but the West really hates, if you include said character one side will be generally overjoyed while another will be very displeased (Same the other way round). Taste differs with each individual really.

There are a few characters that one part of the world generally really loves whereas the other generally doesn't really like them or doesn't care about them too much etc.
Yes, although I don't know if the West and the East should have their interests prioritized on the same level. I don't remember who gave the statistic (I think it was @Johnknight1), but Smash's fanbase is far more heavily concentrated in the West, and yet, in Melee, we came this close to missing out on Marth and Roy because Sakurai wanted to add in characters exclusive to Japanese Melee (the NoA playtesters talked him off of this cliff after enjoying playing as those two).

Anyhow, the current system of one to two region-exclusive characters each works fine IMO, with the rest of the choices either being universally popular or unwanted shocks.


Smash Master
Jun 28, 2007
Mushroom Square
I don't remember people complaining as much... Pichu had that stupid anime short with the pokemon movie so he was popular at the time.
It wasn't just Pichu though. There was Dr. Mario as well. He's not considered as much of a scrappy as Pichu is. But I must ask: Why Dr. Mario?

I know that in the competitive metagame, Dr. Mario is actually better then Mario in some respects. But why should that matter when Dr. Mario is still at least in terms of looks basically just a reskin of Mario? I could understand why Pichu was placed in, Gen 2 needed a rep, Melee has a short development cycle, so to beef up the Pokemon representation Sakurai made a weaker, self-destructive Pikachu. But why Dr. Mario? Even in terms of rushed development this seems lazy to add a seperate character that's barely any different from Mario. Especially when you already have a somewhat clone of Mario that was changed a good amount in Melee (Luigi)

I feel Dr. Mario being a separate character in Melee is the worst inclusion the series has ever had. Cause Dr. Mario could really have better served as just an Alternate costume for Mario ala Plumber Wario in Brawl. Project M did what Melee should have done with Dr. Mario.

(And yes, I do know Dr. Mario was among the Forbidden 7 just like Mewtwo, Roy, and a few potential newcomers were intended to return. Even if they differentied Dr. Mario more had he returned in Brawl. The logic behind the inclusion still kinda baffles me)


「Livin' On A Prayer」
Oct 3, 2012
All this talk has got me thinking....

If a positive exists, there MUST exist a negative. As far as the Smash community is concerned, an infinite number of "Pro" opinions, therefore the "Anti" opinions will follow suit. This thread is an interesting archive of opinions of both sides (Pro and Anti), and it's only criteria for entry is what one would consider contrary to the popular opinion of the Smash community.

Anyway, I just had to get that out there. Back to opinions.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 4, 2014
It annoys me when people call Nintendo, or any company for that matter, stupid for making a decision they disagree with. For example a lot of people said that it was STUPID to release the 3ds version of smash before the wii u version. If you actually belief, that that cute little opinion of yours which you build in less than 5 mins, is superior to the business decisions made be a company of the scale of nintendo that hires top of the line marketing and business experts YOU are the stupid one. Nintendo might make risky or questionable decisions, but they will never make a decision that is just downright stupid and if so you people will never be the ones calling them out on it, you guys know NOTHING of business.


Smash Ace
Apr 1, 2014
With a series like Smash Bros, you just can't please everybody.
This happens in any fandom as huge as this one and it's completely fine.
I'm glad that Sakurai and co. have managed to keep a balance in listening to the fans and standing their ground with what they think is the best for the series.
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