Honestly I've seen this opinion so many times on here I'm not even sure if it's considered unpopular anymore. lol
This worries me about the mental state of humankind, if Ridley not being a character isn't an unpopular opinion...so, as you people love to wish characters not making it or being cut...
Pokemon Trainer should've never been cut, Pokemon Trainer was an actual relevant character that came with a third of fanboy fantasy
(Playing as Charizard), Charizard alone? 100% fanboy fantasy, he also makes no sense as a standalone character, especially given the concept that was presented with Pokemon Trainer, just the idea of the Trainer on the back giving the orders to the actual Pokemon, just like in the Pokemon games! Why couldn't we have the three PKMN Trainer Pokemon as their separate characters, but with the trainer on the back, like he should be? I mean, it's the equivalent of cutting Zelda and keeping Sheik, you're cutting the relevant part, and keeping a part that was only relevant because everything else was.
Wii Fit Trainer, Mii and Villager detractors are mostly (Like 95%) 'hardcore' gamers who are too 'hardcore' to be playing casual games, so they hate everything that comes from casual games, this primarily comes from the misconception of the corrupted videogame Industry of what hardcore really means, and it has even infected
Nintendo gamers.
Wolf should be cut and replaced with Krystal, she'd actually make a pretty interesting character with her staff, plus it'd add another female to the roster.
- I wouldn't mind
Lucas being cut and replaced with someone more unique from Earthbound.
- The 3DS version should have plenty of
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon content.
Wii Fit Trainer's the best thing ever. And she's a Nintendo All-Star now.
- Any of these characters making the cut before Ridley would be a disgrace to Metroid and Nintendo:
Lip, Balloon Fighter, Mach Rider, Anthony Higgs, Vaati, Ghirahim, Medusa, Isaac. The only Nintendo All-Star that can stand up to Ridley in terms of must-be-on-this-game-or-else-it-sucks is
King K.Rool.
- I hope the Wii U version's extra development time is being used to make a big-scale story mode.
- Gameplay on Smash isn't 90% as competitives make it out to be, it's more like 60% content, music, graphics, cameos, trophies, cutscenes and 40% gameplay, because the gameplay isn't exactly a Nintendo celebration.