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Unpopular Smash 4 Opinions - share them here!

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Super Moderator
Super Moderator
Oct 27, 2007
Ooromine IV, the second planet from the sun FS-176
Switch FC
It was, just in different methods/flavors. Ignorant opinions always run wild/bandwagon. The whole 'TiersAre4**eers/No Items/Fox Only/FD' memes and general ignorance pertaining to combos (when Brawl just came out, every montage/video titled 'Combo Video' primarily consisted of people hitting bots/bad Wi-Fi players/etc. in flashy ways rather than having any actual combos) and other general terms are just a few that I can think of off the top of my head.

I'll give you that it is more casual friendly now since most players are coming from Brawl, but not all players coming from Melee were competitively savvy in Brawl days.

N. Onymous

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2012
Switch FC
I suppose I'm in the minority for not wanting Pac-Man?

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
I honestly think Pac-Man might the most controversial potential newcomer on this board out of everyone else. He has plenty of supporters (me being one of them) but he has plenty of haters as well.

It's either him or Krystal IMO.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@ IsmaR IsmaR
Well if we're to follow the rule of "no criticizing", said post I examined criticized people who "won't get over Melee", as well as Kuma. So that's me criticizing said person (1 person) vs. said person criticizing Kuma plus millions of people. :laugh:

Also, I wasn't derogatory towards said poster. I said their post was stupid, and then I told them, in a very specific manner, where their post was stupid, why their post was stupid, and how their post was stupid. I did not call them, as a person, stupid. In fact, I went so far as to putting most of the blame on people other then them, namely us, the community and culture here. I think I blame myself more than I blame them for their post being stupid), actually.

I mentioned it before, I was a terrible poster before I came to SWF. I was a much worse poster than the person I am quoting. I posted stuff that made that stupid post look brilliant. I may have been the stupidest poster for a solid 4 months, actually. I was like really stupid. Like it's insane to think about. When I was stupid like that here on SWF back in the pre-Brawl days other people gave me constructive criticism and a dose of reality, and I became a better poster because of it. I don't see that here on SWF anywhere, and the awfulness of this thread is a direct result of that.
@ Johnknight1 Johnknight1 I agree with most of your post, but I just want to reemphasize that I only made this thread for fun.
I want to start off, again, by saying I like you as a poster a lot. I get that this thread is meant to be "fun", but the way people (not you) have run it is terrible. If they made it lighthearted, it would be lighthearted. Not "oh, screw these people, screw those people, I hate this, I hate that." It would be like a more-open ended version of the thread we know as the "Unlike characters" thread.

The biggest problem with your thread is that it is a result of what we have with our Smash 4 Boards culture and community issues. No one calls anyone out anymore, unless they're offensive, ala Swamp vs. Divine (and Swamp is an exception to my complaints in many ways). Because we accept stupidity, we get stupid posts constantly. If on other threads stupid was called stupid, this thread would be a lot better, even with your rule (which is stupid).
Unlike the pre-Brawl days a vast majority of the posters on this board are pretty ignorant when it comes to the Smash competitive scene, so by nature there's not a lot of room for intelligent gameplay discussion that you clearly crave (as do I).
I don't care about them knowing about the smash competitive scene. What I care about is them being told they aren't entitled to just carry a hall pass and tell others what to do. If they were going after casual Brawl players I 100% would have said the same things with the same tone, and I have done it in the past. #OneUnit #FreeBrawl (I spam that on twitter because we as smashers are one unit and we should support the competitive Brawl players)
I honestly think you're just expecting too much from most of the posters on this board... Yeah there's a lot of silliness but we were all bad posters at one point or another. Can't ignore the fact that we've been around 6-7 years longer than most of the people who post here. Cut em some slack. :p
I guess you don't believe in "standards" then, because almost none of these posters act like they're supposed to live up to any "standard". I held SWF to a high standard back in the day; like I almost wasn't worthy of joining. I've lurked SWF since 2003, 4 years before I joined. It was because the users were super intelligent. It wasn't just competitive players, but casual players as well.

One of the best pre-Brawl posters was @Wiseguy and he wasn't good competitively at all. He "got" the concepts, but his ideas were also out there and not limited to Melee. He was a important member of the pre-release Brawl community, and he really held things down by using long thought out debates and arguments to make you think, which thus made you a better poster. It was awesome to see how he helped me and other members evolve as posters.

@RDK was another top poster. He was a competitive Melee player, and he told it to you straight. He's in the military now (wish him well!), and he never gave you bull. He just told you straight up what is up, what's right, what's wrong, and the "who, what, when, where, why, how" about how to fix it.

I get silly, funny opinions, but sadly for you and me, we're seeing negative opinions more than anything (just for the sake of sharing negativity).

But my post wasn't about these new users, but rather, what we are conditioning them to be. It's not their fault, it is the veteran posters' fault, namely posters like you and me. We are the problem. We haven't continued the legacy that came before us. I think a lot of it is the same problem as the Brawl's scenes problems (with getting into MLG Anaheim): we have no leaders, or rather, reliable leaders, whom we lean on. Essentially what we have here now is anarchy with opinions, which is not how it should be.

And you know what=??? This responsibility is not the responsibility of the mods or admins or staff. They don't make the culture (well unless they mass ban a ton of people, lol!), the veteran posters do. They merely enforce the rules and make sure our culture isn't derogatory (which it clearly isn't). We, as (veteran) posters, IMO must change.

You and I take different approaches. You seem to accept stupidity, whereas I constantly seek to change it.

I want to see more stupid posters like what I was become good posters like what I am. I think if we condition and "reward" posters for posting good posts, they will become good posters. I hope to do that sooner rather than later. I want more brilliant opinions the likes of which I have never seen or never thought of in certain light. I can't tell you how many ideas I've read that were insane to me at first, but now, I love them. I want more of that. I want more posters who can do that, who can open my eyes. I think if I help enlighten other posters of this, I can further enlighten myself.

Kind of ironic that a "knight" is wanting to be this crusader of enlightenment, eh=??? :laugh:
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
This is some deep stuff we're getting into here.

But at the same time, I guess it all matters on your definition of "good" and "brilliant," John.

That's the gray area here. What can you define as "different" and what can you define as "bad?"

"Different" can seem "bad" at first. You said so yourself. So where do you draw the line?

@ IsmaR IsmaR No one calls anyone out anymore, unless they're offensive, ala Swamp vs. Divine (and Swamp is an exception to my complaints in many ways).
I kinda feel like I'm never gonna stop getting praised for that. Though, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the stuff in parenthesis.
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The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
You and I take different approaches. You seem to accept stupidity, whereas I constantly seek to change it.
This is definitely where you and I differ. It's not that I accept stupidity, I just don't really care anymore to be honest.

I used to call posters out all of the time, but after a while I realized I'd rather just ignore them and focus on having a good time and helping provide a fun/slightly controversial atmosphere, which is what I did with this thread as well as others in the past (shutouts to "Can Smash 4 Save the WiiU?" and "Megaman, Pacman, and Sonic = THE perfect 3rd party trifecta").

In terms of how much influence we "veterans" have I don't really think people look up to us lol. I think the mods have more influence on the culture here more than anything... Although I DO think I would make a good mod. *cough* ;)
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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
@ Swamp Sensei Swamp Sensei
There is a difference, and there is a gray area. I don't care to address the gray area, since it varies subject to subject. The point is when someone presents an argument that is based on probably not true beliefs (ie: "Hector has as good as a shot at being playable as Ike"), then that's bad. Now if they say something that not everyone agrees with (ie: "Hector could be more unique than Ike"), that's different.

Now, "different" isn't automatically better. If they just stop at that, it's just a single statement. If they go deeper and show us why they think they are right, then that reaches the "good" and maybe "brilliant" level.

A great example of an eye opening post like that was when Kuma and ArticWolf came up with a grappler skillset/playstyle idea for Toad, where he was basically like Zangief, but with Toad's stats in Mario 2 and Mario 3D World (fast, powerful, but awful jumping). I hated every idea for Toad, but when I heard that one, man, it was like "wow, they made that awesome where others failed [in my opinion]." That's one of many examples I've seen of that. Heck, I used ideas/theories like that. My Plusle and Minun, Baby Mario Bros., Koopa Kids, and Pichu ideas are all ideas/theories I bring up that others (mostly) made.

Heck, one of the best ideas I ever had was "why not just dump various fighting game characters or platforming characters in Smash essentially as is?" I consider Third K the best speculator ever, and he just runs with that idea, and quite frankly, I wasn't sure why until I sat down, thought for a while, and realized how brilliant that idea I decided to shoot was.
This is definitely where you and I differ. It's not that I accept stupidity, I just don't really care anymore to be honest.
Tolerate is probably a more accurate single word description.
In terms of how much influence we "veterans" have I don't really think people look up to us lol. If anything I think the mods have more influence on the culture here more than anything... Although I DO think I would make a good mod. *cough* ;)
I think I influenced a good number of posters... hopefully in a good way. I think about it more lately. I hope I make these boards for the better. If not, I hope to change that.
I kinda feel like I'm never gonna stop getting praised for that. Though, I'm not exactly sure what you mean by the stuff in parenthesis.
Oh trust me, I got praised for a good while after I made a user quit over my $50 bet with some user over whether Diddy would be playable or not in Brawl. ;)

Most of the praise was from myself, but it was praise nonetheless! :rotfl:
Jun 4, 2006
Long Beach,California
-I think a lot of people who post here may have never even played a smash bros game. A lot of the criticisms on the last few pages have clearly been criticisms made out of ignorance because of this. For example, I read a criticism about Project ledges' being harder to grab than Brawl's on a particular stage, when in all actuality the frame data shows that the opposite is true, and quite frankly, after one play of it, you should know that to be true.

-Gameplay > all other stuff, but all other stuff should help the gameplay. Anyone who says otherwise clearly doesn't even play smash bros games, so their opinions don't matter.

-People who don't enter tournaments (or don't plan on doing so) should have no impact on tournaments and how they function, including rulesets. Including them in that kind of stuff is like including Canadians in America elections; it makes no sense since it isn't their choice to make.

-I think all the negative opinions towards competitive smash players here on the pre-release smash 4 boards will make the smash 4 boards barren competitively. I hate that idea, because I love the direction the staff is taking this site, and I don't want to see the anti-competitive community derail it. I know personally that several competitive players avoid these boards because of how rabid some anti-competitive posters are.

In fact, I know top level players that avoid these boards because of that. I won't name names, but they are names.

-I think the pre-release smash 4 user community and culture sucks, and that the pre-release Brawl culture and community was a thousand times better.

-I like "wrong" people. "Wrong" is not stupid by the way. "Wrong" just means it didn't happen.

For instance, @ Thirdkoopa Thirdkoopa who IMO is the best smash speculator of all-time, has great ideas for a playable Claus/Masked Man and a playable Isaac. That didn't happen in Brawl, but his ideas were awesome.

He dared to be wrong, and because of it, we were all better for it. He didn't do it just to do it, he did it because he thought his opinions were awesome, and they were. He questioned the norm, and showed us awesome ideas.

So yeah, you all should read the posts of @ Thirdkoopa Thirdkoopa and be more like that in terms of speculation. As for gameplay, there is no one better than @KumaOso the king of crazy ideas that may never happen, but honestly, once you chew on them a bit, taste as good as pie, are as addicted as crack, but are as healthy as broccoli. Yet sadly, people pass his incredible opinions over for the stupidest crap I have ever read.

One time specifically that sticks out is Kuma mentioned a mechanic for a movement option for shield rolling in a thread on movement, and instead of responding to it, people responded to the idea that grabbing out of the shield is too advanced. Some of them responded positively to that person. Seriously, that's among the dumbest things I've ever seen.

It's like those posters were at a grocery store and had the cure for cancer visibly within reach, but instead, they grabbed the People magazine because it had Kim Kardashian on the cover.

-This is the worst thread on SWF by far, and it isn't close. I mean, I really love reading the OP's stuff (I think he's a great user), I love the mods, I love the SWF staff, I love a lot more posters now, but the fact we can't critique or criticize anyone's opinion here in this thread is stupid, and it makes me sick.

Whoops, I broke the rule... and the fourth wall. *shrugs*

Hey @Wiseguy how ya doing=???


I became a good poster because I was criticized. I learned other opinions because I was criticized. I expanded my horizons because I was criticized. I have more thought out opinions because I was criticized.

Heck, I typed in txt tlk. I was the worst poster before I routinely posted on SWF. I was your atypical GameFAQss piece of crap garbage mumbo jumbo poster, except I knew how to do "advanced" things like L-cancelling, wavedashing, wavelanding, dash dancing, etc, that aren't really advanced at all. But because people told me I was being stupid, I was able to see they were right, and I decided to stop.

I was one of the worst posters you could imagine. I was so awful it hurt. If some of my opinions then got worse, they'd start giving users polio.

Yet, because of the culture and community, I became one of the best. And you know what=??? I am thankful for that. I was largely a product of my environment.


This thread and its' policy is the ultimate result of a culture opposite of the one I just mentioned for the pre-Brawl SWF boards. Instead of calling a spade a spade, and saying what's true right and honestly, we gotta make everyone feel right, and it's made these boards dumber.

And no, it's not the mods faults, it's not the OP's thread fault. It's everyone's fault. We shouldn't let this stand. We should call stupid things stupids, and yet, we just let them coexist with "smart" ideas as "smart" ideas. Instead, we let it "slide". I don't know if we're too scared to offend someone, we're afraid to get banned (weird because the mods are lenient and reasonable), or if we think "stupid" things are "smart", but something is really wrong.

The pre-Brawl speculation community here on SWF had this underlying drive to be great within the frequent posters; the pre-Smash 4 speculation community here on SWF has this underlying drive to just say what they want and not have to deal with the consequences or have to deal with any "logic". They just want to exist in their own reality, even if it's a false one.

I don't know, but I wanna help fix that.

Here's an example of this, and no, I don't care that I'm breaking a rule (although I'm not entirely sure that I am), because I think the ends justify the means, since I believe (at least to some extent) in utilitarianism, and I think my post can make this place better!

>The banner reads "Celebrating over 15 years of Smash"
>>Buries people who love melee.
>>>Says people can't say it is the best game to ever exist.

Sorry, but people can like whatever the heck game they can choose to like. Unlike you, Melee is my favorite game of all-time. I've put thousands of hours into it, and I've loved just about every second of it. I've mad several friends via that game, and I have days worth of good memories involving that game. This is supposed to be the place where people worship and love a Smash game. This isn't like a Killzone forum, a clock collecting forum, or something like that.

You can't just tell me I can't love something because of your little stupid self-controlled reality where you need to control things. You're not the one in power, and if you were, we'd all be screwed.

My opinions doesn't just apply to Melee, but 64, Brawl, Project M, Brawl -, Brawl +, Balanced Brawl, or heck, any other games. I say heck, enjoy what you enjoy. Play what you play. LOVE IT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! HECK, HATE ANYTHING AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! THE (SMASH) WORLD IS YOURS MY FRIENDS!!!

If you want to say Melee is a bad game, you can say it. You can say it's God's gift. You can say that about any (Smash) game! But you can't tell other people what to think. You're not God. You shouldn't have that right to tell people what they need to do, since what you are saying is that they should enjoy a game less, whereas what I'm trying to do is to get people to be "more intelligent".

This is the kind of atypical GameFAQs posting we need to call atypical GameFAQs posting. This is the stupid we gotta call stupid. This is exactly what I was posting like before I stopped lurking SWF and starting posting in the pre-release Brawl Boards. I want this poster to end out a good, constructive poster like I did who doesn't tell people they can't love what they love. That's what I want. I want us to craft weaker posters into better ones.

And you know what=??? We're all to blame for it. Every last one of us. Myself included. In fact, especially me, since I've noticed it for so long, but I couldn't proper articulate it. Which is why enough is enough.

Let's make the pre-release Smash 4 boards better guys... for everyone... by finally calling a dumb post a dumb post, and a good post a good one.

Like I said earlier, you can be "wrong" but still be "good", but you can still be "dumb" and "right" (although it will be for the wrong reasons, which thus in other ways makes you wrong).

We gotta want to improve our community here together.

I agree with you just because you're the smartest person in this thread (and I think anyone who says otherwise is dead wrong).

But alas, you are correct. Most of the people in this thread are stupid, but only because they choose to be so. They aren't inherently stupid, of course.

It sucks, because they could choose to be smart, and they could potential become as smart or smarter than you or I, but these Smash 4 boards as a culture and community seem to be okay with stupid, and this thread basically in the title alone makes it THE PLACE FOR STUPID!!!
I pretty much agree with everything you said. Even though there are rules and regulations for most things people need to adhere to the bottom line is that there are a lot of soft ass people. I tend to call people out on because I don't give a **** and that's how I am; can't help it-- I'm in a point in my life where I realize that I can't please everyone and not everyone is going to like or agree with what I say so why sugar coat **** when it needs to be heard. What you need to hear isn't always what you want to hear, strait up.


Ganondorf should never have a sword.

Trick or Treat

>The banner reads "Celebrating over 15 years of Smash"
>>Buries people who love melee.
>>>Says people can't say it is the best game to ever exist.

Sorry, but people can like whatever the heck game they can choose to like. Unlike you, Melee is my favorite game of all-time. I've put thousands of hours into it, and I've loved just about every second of it. I've mad several friends via that game, and I have days worth of good memories involving that game. This is supposed to be the place where people worship and love a Smash game. This isn't like a Killzone forum, a clock collecting forum, or something like that.

You can't just tell me I can't love something because of your little stupid self-controlled reality where you need to control things. You're not the one in power, and if you were, we'd all be screwed.

My opinions doesn't just apply to Melee, but 64, Brawl, Project M, Brawl -, Brawl +, Balanced Brawl, or heck, any other games. I say heck, enjoy what you enjoy. Play what you play. LOVE IT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! HECK, HATE ANYTHING AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! THE (SMASH) WORLD IS YOURS MY FRIENDS!!!

If you want to say Melee is a bad game, you can say it. You can say it's God's gift. You can say that about any (Smash) game! But you can't tell other people what to think. You're not God. You shouldn't have that right to tell people what they need to do, since what you are saying is that they should enjoy a game less, whereas what I'm trying to do is to get people to be "more intelligent".

This is the kind of atypical GameFAQs posting we need to call atypical GameFAQs posting. This is the stupid we gotta call stupid. This is exactly what I was posting like before I stopped lurking SWF and starting posting in the pre-release Brawl Boards. I want this poster to end out a good, constructive poster like I did who doesn't tell people they can't love what they love. That's what I want. I want us to craft weaker posters into better ones.
Lol, this has got to be one of the biggest overreactions I've ever seen.

All I did was simply say people shouldn't worship a game, and then cram it down our throats. If you actually cared enough to read my post, you'd see that. I didn't call anyone crazy, or stupid, and while I worded it poorly, I didn't mean it in the way that people can't like it the best or anything. But, and if you deny this I will just laugh in your textface, there are plenty of people on here who cram "MELEE IS LORD" down our throats. If we don't worship Melee, we're the crazy ones. If we like Brawl better, we're the crazy ones. They act like it's a fact, an indisputable fact that Melee is the best thing to ever exist. I like Brawl better, but I have no problem with people liking Melee better.

I have a bunch of games which I love. I've made so many friends thanks to games like Mario Kart Wii, and games like Brawl, the Pokemon games, and some Zelda games are so amazing. But I don't go around shunning anyone who disagrees. I also recognize the flaws within those games. I know that MKW has a LOT of flaws, I know that Brawl might be lacking some things that Melee has, but that's irrelevant. It's ironic that you mention me being "controlling", because really if I was controlling, I'd be the one trying to get everyone to think the same way I do. I'd attack those that think Melee is better. I'd attack those that think Double Dash is better, etc. That's controlling. Not "I have no problem with people loving Melee or any game more than anything, but when it gets to the point that they worship it like a god and shun everyone else is where the line is drawn".

Oh, and cut the false bravado, dude. You're sounding really arrogant. "I want this poster to become a good poster like me!"
Really? Grow up. Just because people said something you disagree with, and apparently out of the ordinary, that makes them a bad poster, or a stupid poster? Is that what you're saying or am I missing something here? Since when was it such a horrible crime to have a different opinion than the majority? It's been a while since I've seen someone so arrogant and self-righteous to the point where it actually pisses me off. I hope you're just trolling because you've won, in that case. IF not...I don't even know what to say.

The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
And this is exactly why I don't want anyone to quote individual posts they disagree with... Can you guys please take this to PMs or another thread? This is starting to get really off topic regardless.


Smash Ace
Nov 17, 2013
in a crate
I love you, you love me
Lets all be one big family
With a big fat hug and a kiss to me and you
Next time won't you sing too!

Trick or Treat

While I don't really care if Pac-Man makes it in or not, I could definitely get behind it.

And, not sure if I posted this one here or in a different thread, but I would fully support a Toon Zelda (as a clone) if it meant that she transformed into Tetra (with a unique moveset), no question there.

And this is exactly why I don't want anyone to quote individual posts they disagree with...
It's not really any different than not quoting anyone and saying "I think people in this thread are stupid."
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The Real Gamer

Smash Hero
May 7, 2008
Atlanta, Georgia
It's not really any different than not quoting anyone and saying "I think people in this thread are stupid."
One is a general statement that doesn't single out a any individual poster's thoughts while the other is not. One is more likely to spark a debate while the other is not. Notice how nobody said anything until your post was quoted?

I'm not a mod so I can't enforce jack but PLEASE take this to another thread or PMs because the topic that is being argued at hand doesn't have much to do with the original purpose of this thread at all.


The Demon King
Jun 26, 2012
Quit the off-topic stuff. If anyone wants to continue the conversation, take it to PMs.

If this continues, warnings and infractions will be given.

As the OP requests, don't criticize the other's opinions and don't instigate arguments.


Smash Lord
Aug 11, 2013
Naked in Magicant
What else would anyone expect from this thread, one can't agree with everything here.
For example, my opinion:
> I highly dislike the idea of Pacman in SSB4.
Guess people who like Pacman in would say i'm a idiot (this is just an example)

But then my other opinion is:
> Ridley is my #1 wanted character.
I think Ridley detractors will say i'm dumb (another example)

Oh opinions such insignificance, but such power.

This thread was made to post your unpopular opinions, not for trying to agree with everyone.

Trick or Treat

The extent of the Mii's playability should be nothing more than a Mii Mask for the Villager (who should also have a Female alternate costume), that is all.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
As IsmaR said, criticizing/arguing/debating others opinions on this thread is going earn you infractions. We've warned people time and time again so there is really no excuse for this behavior to continue. If you want to argue a persons opinions, discuss it through PM or tag them in the appropriate thread, That is final. Continuing to cause this topic to go on tangents, criticizing/flaming/trolling members for their opinions, general dickishness, and arguing with the mods over rather insignificant issues is going to land you infractions and worse if the behavior continues. Period.

And to stay on topic,

I do not ever.,...ever....ever want a Melee 2.0. Nor a SSB64 2.0, or Brawl 2.0, or SSB4 2.0. I like each installment due to its uniqueness and difference between the others.
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Writing Team
Sep 25, 2007
Somewhere on Discord while working on something
I'm actually gonna say something else in terms of unpopular opinions

I'm really sick of how negative the Smash speculation scene has got. I mean, the optimistic view of Brawl may have been crazy, but I prefer the optimistic view of people saying what they want and these more original rosters than trying to justify the smallest things and feeling insecure on their roster differences compared to others. There's almost no optimism in supporting characters unless they're an obvious pick, definitely no optimism anywhere in terms of new series, and don't get me started on Third-Parties.

It's good to analyze, but too much pessimism is nuts, especially given how many popular requests we already got without the game even having a release date.. Can we tone it down a little? Please?


Smash Ace
Oct 15, 2007
Los Angeles, California
PlayStation All-Stars could have been, and should have been a legit competitor for Smash. If the game was just a little bit better with a stronger roster (seriously, it's 2013 and your roster is barely the same size as Melee's?) there might have beena sequel where the kinks could have been ironed out. A sequel could have brought the real hype characters, like Crash and Spyro. As it is, Smash remains in a class of its own, almost by default, and I think that's a shame, honestly.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
I suppose I'm in the minority for not wanting Pac-Man?
I don't really want him either. I know there's a lot of history to the character, but he's not exactly coming across as an exciting addition, especially when compared to the third party characters who have already been in Super Smash Bros. All he's really had for the longest time were average to mediocre platformers, and remakes or reinventions of the classic arcade title.

Then again, my main problem with a Namco representative is that none of them come across as particularly exciting. I suppose that's an unpopular opinion in and of itself, but the only ones that stand out to me (Lloyd Irving from Tales of Symphonia, Agumon (since Namco-Bandai owns Digimon as opposed to licensing it)) don't seem particularly likely in terms of being playable.

N. Onymous

Smash Champion
Jul 20, 2012
Switch FC
Lloyd's remakes are only available on competitor systems, but that means basically nothing considering Snake.
Agumon probably won't be in there. Digimon is most well-known for its anime first and everything else second, last time I checked.
Pac-Man's got a better chance than either, being essentially Mr. Video Games himself, but you can expect a major backlash if he's ever revealed.

They each have their pros and cons.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
I'm actually gonna say something else in terms of unpopular opinions

I'm really sick of how negative the Smash speculation scene has got. I mean, the optimistic view of Brawl may have been crazy, but I prefer the optimistic view of people saying what they want and these more original rosters than trying to justify the smallest things and feeling insecure on their roster differences compared to others. There's almost no optimism in supporting characters unless they're an obvious pick, definitely no optimism anywhere in terms of new series, and don't get me started on Third-Parties.

It's good to analyze, but too much pessimism is nuts, especially given how many popular requests we already got without the game even having a release date.. Can we tone it down a little? Please?

I'm on it. Here's my most wanted characters!!

Midna for Smash Bros!
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Smash Rookie
Mar 16, 2014
Hey guys, just joined this forum and I wanted to share my ideas on characters in the next game. I'd like to start by saying that I do not believe this game will include more than 3 third party characters. The developers want to keep this game's integrity as a nintendo game and adding numerous third party characters would be outrageous. With that being said, I believe the last third party character (the first and second being sonic and mega man) will be Pac man. Now, I personally do not want Pac man in smash, but I believe this pick makes the most sense. He is a world wide star in the gaming industry and also a fan favorite. It also makes sense because Namco is co-creating this game, so why wouldn't they want to include their star?
I am not fond of the idea of Pac man being in smash; I personally would much rather see Sora from the Kingdom hearts series. Sora has a wide range of abilities at his disposal which would make up for a unique move set. Fire, thunder, blizzard, reflect, aero, the list goes on and on. His final smash could be final form from KH2.

As far as Nintendo-owned characters, I have a couple ideas. First of all I would really like to see King K. Rool in this game. Donkey kong is one of nintendo's oldest and most popular franchises, and the fact that King K. Rool hasn't made an appearance in smash yet is beyond me. His move set has a lot of potential, seeing as K. Rool has used a variety of weapons over his years battling DK. His crown from DKC1, his gun from DKC2, his wide range of technology from DKC3. His final smash could be him in his DK64 boxer form. Another idea for his final smash could be using the blastomatic from DK64. K. Rool is another character with endless possibilities for a move set.

Krystal, from Star Fox. Since her introduction in Star Fox Adventures, Krystal has become a fan favorite. Her staff provides a lot of abilities which could be used in her move set. The fire she can shoot from hit provides for a nice standard special move. We could see her final smash as her mounting her cloud runner and wrecking havoc on the stage with fire balls, much like Diddy's final smash.

Mach Rider. Every smash game Sakurai uncovers a lost piece in nintendo's history. Mach Rider would be a great classic character to revive. Obviously, he would use his bike in his attack style. This could be similar to the way Wario uses his bike, or maybe something completely different where Mach Rider uses his bike in all of his moves.

Finally, I have one more idea….

Completely revamp Ganondorf.

Give him his own move set! Ganondorf was severely nerved in Brawl, so I feel that Smash needs to recreate Ganondorf in order to give him his eliteness he had in melee. Let the man fight with his sword for christ sake. Seriously, he has a giant sword and the smash developers won't even let him use it in combat. Ridiculous.

Now, with Ganondorf revamped that leaves Captain Falcon without a clone. I have a solution for that…

Black Shadow

Bring another villain into this game. Black Shadow could possess a similar move set to captain falcon, with moves such as "shadow punch", "shadow kick". **** like that. Make him similar to how Ganondorf use to be (not as fast as Capt. and a lot stronger) but don't make him too slow like Ganondorf in Brawl.

Wel theres my list. I know it's short but I will come up with more ideas I'm sure.

Sun & Moon

Smash Journeyman
Mar 2, 2014
You probably don't care anyaway...
I'm actually gonna say something else in terms of unpopular opinions

I'm really sick of how negative the Smash speculation scene has got. I mean, the optimistic view of Brawl may have been crazy, but I prefer the optimistic view of people saying what they want and these more original rosters than trying to justify the smallest things and feeling insecure on their roster differences compared to others. There's almost no optimism in supporting characters unless they're an obvious pick, definitely no optimism anywhere in terms of new series, and don't get me started on Third-Parties.

It's good to analyze, but too much pessimism is nuts, especially given how many popular requests we already got without the game even having a release date.. Can we tone it down a little? Please?
Speaking os pessimism...
Just stating this here and now so I can reference it in a year or so. Smash 4 will suck 100%, no chance of it being good. The trailer with Sonic more or less showed it's Brawl 2.0.

I'd like to be proving wrong, but probably not gonna happen
There's prob gonna be 100+ better reasons not to have smash 4 than just the lame controller lol.
I'm kinda tired of comments like these. It's ok for other people to have a opinion, but my god, they're already saying smash4 will be terrible before even playing it. This kind of pessimism is getting really commom. I'm just tired of some people judging this game befaore they play it.


Banned via Administration
Jul 8, 2012
Speaking os pessimism...

I'm kinda tired of comments like these. It's ok for other people to have a opinion, but my god, they're already saying smash4 will be terrible before even playing it. This kind of pessimism is getting really commom. I'm just tired of some people judging this game befaore they play it.
Anyway, he discredited himself when he called the Gamepad a lame controller.


Smash Hero
Oct 17, 2007
I suppose I'm in the minority for not wanting Pac-Man?
I don't want him either. You're not alone, we've just been beaten into submission by the E3 leak.

My own unpopular opinion would probably be that Isaac and Shulk have far better odds than they're given credit for. Still doesn't necessarily mean they'll be playable but at the very least I can see them being at the top of Sakurai's barrel.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
Let's not criticize each other's opinions here.


Smash Journeyman
Apr 4, 2013
Bartlett TN
Am I the only one who wants brawl gameplay over melee gameplay? Melee just didn't feel as smooth as brawl, and most of the time you die but it completely isn't your fault, with brawl, all the mistakes you made is 100% your fault, I want a more balanced and technical brawl 2.0 rather than a melee 2.0 containing the flaws.

Trick or Treat

Lucario > Mewtwo.

The only reason I'd even consider Mewtwo in Smash 4 is because of his renewed prominence in Pokemon. Otherwise, I see no other reason why he should make it in, if it weren't for that.

Roy is even worse.

Am I the only one who wants brawl gameplay over melee gameplay? Melee just didn't feel as smooth as brawl, and most of the time you die but it completely isn't your fault, with brawl, all the mistakes you made is 100% your fault, I want a more balanced and technical brawl 2.0 rather than a melee 2.0 containing the flaws.
Oh man, you shouldn't have said that. You might want to carry a shield now.


Not the Break Man
Mar 8, 2014
The "Skilled" Halidom
I don't think that Snake (if he returns) really needs new moves involving guns, (maybe a single pistol shot f-smash or something, but that's it) , however I do think that allowing the use of knives in his moveset would make perfect sense. It's representative of what he does in his games, he's the stealth guy.

Also, I have Five 3rd Party characters in my roster. (Flame shields up)


Smash Journeyman
Dec 15, 2013
Konami deserves 2 3rd party slots as they have had many franchises that are very important to Nintendo( castlevania, metal gear, contra )
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Trick or Treat

I don't think that Snake (if he returns) really needs new moves involving guns, (maybe a single pistol shot f-smash or something, but that's it) , however I do think that allowing the use of knives in his moveset would make perfect sense. It's representative of what he does in his games, he's the stealth guy.

Also, I have Five 3rd Party characters in my roster. (Flame shields up)
Actually, I too would welcome more Third Party characters. I know that kind of defeats the general idea of SSB, but still. As long as they have some sort of good history on Nintendo consoles, I don't see any problem with it. Just getting the permission and support might be kind of tricky.

Also, even though I never really used him, I now really hope Snake returns.
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