-I think a lot of people who post here may have never even played a smash bros game. A lot of the criticisms on the last few pages have clearly been criticisms made out of ignorance because of this. For example, I read a criticism about Project ledges' being harder to grab than Brawl's on a particular stage, when in all actuality the frame data shows that the opposite is true, and quite frankly, after one play of it, you should know that to be true.
-Gameplay > all other stuff, but all other stuff should help the gameplay. Anyone who says otherwise clearly doesn't even play smash bros games, so their opinions don't matter.
-People who don't enter tournaments (or don't plan on doing so) should have no impact on tournaments and how they function, including rulesets. Including them in that kind of stuff is like including Canadians in America elections; it makes no sense since it isn't their choice to make.
-I think all the negative opinions towards competitive smash players here on the pre-release smash 4 boards will make the smash 4 boards barren competitively. I hate that idea, because I love the direction the staff is taking this site, and I don't want to see the anti-competitive community derail it. I know personally that several competitive players avoid these boards because of how rabid some anti-competitive posters are.
In fact, I know top level players that avoid these boards because of that. I won't name names, but they are names.
-I think the pre-release smash 4 user community and culture sucks, and that the pre-release Brawl culture and community was a thousand times better.
-I like "wrong" people. "Wrong" is not stupid by the way. "Wrong" just means it didn't happen.
For instance, @
who IMO is the best smash speculator of all-time, has great ideas for a playable Claus/Masked Man and a playable Isaac. That didn't happen in Brawl, but his ideas were awesome.
He dared to be wrong, and because of it, we were all better for it. He didn't do it just to do it, he did it because he thought his opinions were awesome, and they were. He questioned the norm, and showed us awesome ideas.
So yeah, you all should read the posts of @
and be more like that in terms of speculation. As for gameplay, there is no one better than @
KumaOso the king of crazy ideas that may never happen, but honestly, once you chew on them a bit, taste as good as pie, are as addicted as crack, but are as healthy as broccoli. Yet sadly, people pass his incredible opinions over for the stupidest crap I have ever read.
One time specifically that sticks out is Kuma mentioned a mechanic for a movement option for shield rolling in a thread on movement, and instead of responding to it, people responded to the idea that grabbing out of the shield is too advanced. Some of them responded positively to that person. Seriously, that's among the dumbest things I've ever seen.
It's like those posters were at a grocery store and had the cure for cancer visibly within reach, but instead, they grabbed the People magazine because it had Kim Kardashian on the cover.
-This is the worst thread on SWF by far, and it isn't close. I mean, I really love reading the OP's stuff (I think he's a great user), I love the mods, I love the SWF staff, I love a lot more posters now, but the fact we can't critique or criticize anyone's opinion here in this thread is stupid, and it makes me sick.
Whoops, I broke the rule... and the fourth wall. *shrugs*
Hey @
Wiseguy how ya doing=???
I became a good poster because I was criticized. I learned other opinions because I was criticized. I expanded my horizons because I was criticized. I have more thought out opinions because I was criticized.
Heck, I typed in txt tlk. I was the worst poster before I routinely posted on SWF. I was your atypical GameFAQss piece of crap garbage mumbo jumbo poster, except I knew how to do "advanced" things like L-cancelling, wavedashing, wavelanding, dash dancing, etc, that aren't really advanced at all. But because people told me I was being stupid, I was able to see they were right, and I decided to stop.
I was one of the worst posters you could imagine. I was so awful it hurt. If some of my opinions then got worse, they'd start giving users polio.
Yet, because of the culture and community, I became one of the best. And you know what=??? I am thankful for that. I was largely a product of my environment.
This thread and its' policy is the ultimate result of a culture opposite of the one I just mentioned for the pre-Brawl SWF boards. Instead of calling a spade a spade, and saying what's true right and honestly, we gotta make everyone feel right, and it's made these boards dumber.
And no, it's not the mods faults, it's not the OP's thread fault. It's everyone's fault. We shouldn't let this stand. We should call stupid things stupids, and yet, we just let them coexist with "smart" ideas as "smart" ideas. Instead, we let it "slide". I don't know if we're too scared to offend someone, we're afraid to get banned (weird because the mods are lenient and reasonable), or if we think "stupid" things are "smart", but something is really wrong.
The pre-Brawl speculation community here on SWF had this underlying drive to be great within the frequent posters; the pre-Smash 4 speculation community here on SWF has this underlying drive to just say what they want and not have to deal with the consequences or have to deal with any "logic". They just want to exist in their own reality, even if it's a false one.
I don't know, but I wanna help fix that.
Here's an example of this, and no, I don't care that I'm breaking a rule (although I'm not entirely sure that I am), because
I think the ends justify the means, since I believe (at least to some extent) in utilitarianism, and I think my post can make this place better!
>The banner reads "Celebrating over 15 years of Smash"
>>Buries people who love melee.
>>>Says people can't say it is the best game to ever exist.
Sorry, but people can like whatever the heck game they can choose to like. Unlike you, Melee is my favorite game of all-time. I've put thousands of hours into it, and I've loved just about every second of it. I've mad several friends via that game, and I have days worth of good memories involving that game. This is supposed to be the place where people worship and love a Smash game. This isn't like a Killzone forum, a clock collecting forum, or something like that.
You can't just tell me I can't love something because of your little stupid self-controlled reality where you need to control things. You're not the one in power, and if you were, we'd all be screwed.
My opinions doesn't just apply to Melee, but 64, Brawl, Project M, Brawl -, Brawl +, Balanced Brawl, or heck, any other games. I say heck, enjoy what you enjoy. Play what you play. LOVE IT AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! HECK, HATE ANYTHING AS MUCH AS YOU WANT! THE (SMASH) WORLD IS YOURS MY FRIENDS!!!
If you want to say Melee is a bad game, you can say it. You can say it's God's gift. You can say that about any (Smash) game! But you can't tell other people what to think. You're not God. You shouldn't have that right to tell people what they need to do, since what you are saying is that they should enjoy a game less, whereas what I'm trying to do is to get people to be "more intelligent".
This is the kind of atypical GameFAQs posting we need to call atypical GameFAQs posting. This is the stupid we gotta call stupid. This is exactly what I was posting like before I stopped lurking SWF and starting posting in the pre-release Brawl Boards. I want this poster to end out a good, constructive poster like I did who doesn't tell people they can't love what they love. That's what I want. I want us to craft weaker posters into better ones.
And you know what=??? We're all to blame for it. Every last one of us. Myself included. In fact, especially me, since I've noticed it for so long, but I couldn't proper articulate it. Which is why enough is enough.
Let's make the pre-release Smash 4 boards better guys... for everyone... by finally calling a dumb post a dumb post, and a good post a good one.
Like I said earlier, you can be "wrong" but still be "good", but you can still be "dumb" and "right" (although it will be for the wrong reasons, which thus in other ways makes you wrong).
We gotta want to improve our community here together.
I agree with you just because you're the smartest person in this thread (and I think anyone who says otherwise is dead wrong).
But alas, you are correct. Most of the people in this thread are stupid, but only because they choose to be so. They aren't inherently stupid, of course.
It sucks, because they could choose to be smart, and they could potential become as smart or smarter than you or I, but these Smash 4 boards as a culture and community seem to be okay with stupid, and this thread basically in the title alone makes it THE PLACE FOR STUPID!!!