Thanks for making the thread Kal, it looks really professional.
Yes, I'm the best person alive. I'm just slow.
Noc said:
About the number of setups, we will provide a minimum of 7 TVs (Juan's 3, Rohan and I's 4, and Dean's or Edgar's 1) and 4 consoles w/ Melee disc (from me, Juan, Edgar, Kal). Thus, we will need some setups so I like the rule of waiving the door fee if you bring a full setup. We need to make sure we have enough power strips too; I can bring 2 and Rohan and Juan should both be able to bring 1. Should we have a Brawl setup or two? Maybe only if we have Brawl/B-/B+ side events since almost everybody will be there for Melee.
The waiving of the door fee is pretty standard. From a minor ethical standpoint, it's nice of us to reward people who help out by bringing setups. But the more important point is that, by waiving the door fee, people are more likely to bring setups.
I think I have a few power strips, but I can't say for certain. I feel that we should be pretty organized for this, so we should have most everything prepared the day before.
With regard to Brawl, it's fine if we have it setup during friendly time, provided there is demand for it. But during the tournament, it would be a large waste of time to have a Brawl setup. Perhaps since there are about 4-5 people who show up every time just for Brawl, we could have
one Brawl setup.
Noc said:
Speaking of side events, we should get an idea of what would be popular now but I think the ultimate decision of what side events to do should be made at the meeting after taking a vote.
Yes, that sounds like a plan. There may not even be demand for a side event. Since they're usually only $1 anyway, I think it's best to wait until the day of the tournament. Of course, this if we even have time for a side event.
Noc said:
To make up for the fact that this April 17th 6th meeting will mostly consist of Melee, we should have a Brawl tournament at the April 3rd 5th meeting.
Yeah, that's not a bad idea. Make flyers and advertise now and we may be able to get something going. I would like to suggest, though, that instead we have our next meeting on the 10th. This would give us enough time to advertise a Brawl tournament. I can even make a thread for it.