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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
I might have a lot of Smash opinions, but I'm not one to cling to positions that are slowly and surely shown to be misguided. I kinda think the reason the Smash fanbase gets so toxic is because people don't like to admit when somebody else makes a good point.

I may not agree with everything that everyone who likes Smash says (I don't think anybody does), but I can appreciate when people share their thoughts. It helps me think more about Smash as a whole.

Although, I will say I still don't think Monster Hunter itself won't be getting a character. You all know who I want from Capcom anyway.

Anyway, just know that if there's one thing I try not to be...it's being bullheaded. I don't have all the answers to what Smash is/should be, but even if I think I do, it doesn't mean other people can't provide alternative ideas.
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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Just a thought I had at work, if they updated Stage Builder in the future, here’s a few ideas I had in mind:

-Add a few more backdrops like Melee Peach’s Castle, Fourside, The Great Cave Offensive, etc.
-Color slider for the materials
-Allow utilizing blocks and switching between that and freehand.
-Select the characters’ spawn points as long as it’s on ground.
-Add in conveyor belts, Drop Blocks and the Spirit Battle floors (Zap, Poison, Sleep, etc.)

Anyone have any more suggestions?


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
I might have a lot of Smash opinions, but I'm not one to cling to positions that are slowly and surely shown to be misguided. I kinda think the reason the Smash fanbase gets so toxic is because people don't like to admit when somebody else makes a good point.

I may not agree with everything that everyone who likes Smash says (I don't anybody does), but I can appreciate when people share their thoughts. It helps me think more about Smash as a whole.

Although, I will say I still don't think Monster Hunter itself won't be getting a character. You all know who I want from Capcom anyway.
Of course we do...you want from Capcom...Dan as an echo fighter for Ken


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
For what reasons, other than people asking him about Bayonetta in Smash 4 back when it was still being made?
Kamiya will block people on Twitter over anything. Seriously, you even look at this dude the wrong way, and you're blocked.

It's kinda his thing.


Smash Master
Writing Team
Sep 10, 2018
Not sure, I’ll get back to you when I find out.
Switch FC
SW 1975-0838-2970
RIP. One of the downsides of being in the top 6 of fifty-five marbles. However, I did not mean to tag you 3* times (it was only three I believe), it should have been 2. One for your race, and one reminding you that people love you and want you to win (see poll).
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Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Alright, here's my next question.

What do you guys think will end up happening with Heihachi? For Wii U/3DS, Sakurai seemed to see him as a pick that was hard to work with. He could always try working with him again, but then again maybe he won't.

Do you think Sakurai took another crack at it, or moved onto a different pick?


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Just a thought I had at work, if they updated Stage Builder in the future, here’s a few ideas I had in mind:

-Add a few more backdrops like Melee Peach’s Castle, Fourside, The Great Cave Offensive, etc.
-Color slider for the materials
-Allow utilizing blocks and switching between that and freehand.
-Select the characters’ spawn points as long as it’s on ground.
-Add in conveyor belts, Drop Blocks and the Spirit Battle floors (Zap, Poison, Sleep, etc.)

Anyone have any more suggestions?
Dog option

Function: Deploys dog


Smash Champion
Apr 8, 2019
Alright, here's my next question.

What do you guys think will end up happening with Heihachi? For Wii U/3DS, Sakurai seemed to see him as a pick that was hard to work with. He could always try working with him again, but then again maybe he won't.

Do you think Sakurai took another crack at it, or moved onto a different pick?
I think Heihachi is probably a character that Sakurai has been considering, but I don't feel like he'll be in this pass just yet. I can't honestly say I have any sort of reasoning for that, it's just how I feel. I think he will revisit him someday though.
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Deleted member

Alright, here's my next question.

What do you guys think will end up happening with Heihachi? For Wii U/3DS, Sakurai seemed to see him as a pick that was hard to work with. He could always try working with him again, but then again maybe he won't.

Do you think Sakurai took another crack at it, or moved onto a different pick?
I legit couldn't tell you. I don't have a clue over who Sakurai would choose for a second Namco rep because I believe there are a lot to choose from. Even then, I don't know much on who'll be next after Square Enix and Microsoft. Assuming they don't double dip with companies over DLC, potential companies Nintendo can choose from are
  • Capcom
  • Namco
  • Konami
  • Nintendo
Possibly more, but these are the ones that come to mind immediately.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Because I'm never here when it matters, here's a belated take on the Mii Costume theory.

I think it doesn't have enough going for it to be a theory worth looking into, but I also think it makes enough sense to not be completely dismissed.

Deleted member

Alright, here's my next question.

What do you guys think will end up happening with Heihachi? For Wii U/3DS, Sakurai seemed to see him as a pick that was hard to work with. He could always try working with him again, but then again maybe he won't.

Do you think Sakurai took another crack at it, or moved onto a different pick?
Honestly I can see him moving on just as I can see Sakurai adding him. Ridley was considered impossible until Sakurai found a way to implement him that would make the character work, same could be applied to Heihachi.


Smash Hero
Apr 6, 2018
Gacha Hell probably
Switch FC
SW 8231-8239-3130
I'll take this point by point just to make this response a bit more organized:

The phrasing of "this time" wasn't about Smash. That was more "My opinion this time is"...so that's simply a misunderstanding.
Fair enough.

I'm not basing my opinion only on one game. 3rd parties have been in Smash since Brawl. They were arguably a major part of Brawl as well, considering Snake and Sonic were huge selling points for that game. Every character of the 11 we've gotten, echo or otherwise, has been a specific character. No one else has the same name and same ability. They've each had their own personalities and identities. Erdrick, whose title is passed on throughout Dragon Quest is the most beloved protagonist of Dragon Quest, which makes him slightly different as a protagonist. I'd say Erdrick is more like Robin or Corrin.is"...so that's simply a misunderstanding.

In the first party choices you included, only one of those three is a similar blank slate to Monster Hunter. Robin and Corrin have their own personalities. Sure, they're avatar characters. But they aren't the same type of avatar character as a Monster Hunter is.
I'm not trying to say that 3rd parties weren't important in Brawl. I'm saying that speculation of 3rd parties really started ramping up in Smash 4. There comes a point where the distinction between avatars and generic characters gets really dicey. Correct if I'm getting this wrong, but the main reason you seem to be going against MH in this point alone is that they don't have a distinct personality.

Why exactly would that prevent a 3rd party from making them into a Smash fighter?

Even the protags like Robin, Corrin, and Erdrick only differ from MH in terms of having a distinct personality. And in the case of the former 2 (especially the latter one), a personality doesn't equate to a more diverse character. I'd argue that Villager (the one I assume you're closely comparing MH too), has way more personality than Corrin does in Smash, even thought Corrin's is more "defined". Both are unique through their moveset though, so I don't really consider the personality to be a greater factor than the moveset.

I'm not talking about the specific numbers per game. That, in itself, isn't necessarily relevant to my point. My point was that out of the 11 3rd parties that have been added, they have all been their own characters. Now, that could change, but I personally do not think a Monster Hunter will be added as playable. Their music is among miscellaneous series, the most iconic aspect of Monster Hunter is already in the game, and the Mii Fighters (Nintendo's own form of the blank slate) has been able to wear the same armor of a Monster Hunter in the past.
Who says that Monster Hunter can't be just as unique as the other 11 characters? Just b/c they share their title with a bunch of other Monster Hunters does not mean that they can't be a unique Smash fighter (imo).

If they were planning MH DLC, it would be kinda stupid to put their music separately b/c that would kinda be blatant to speculators.

Rathalos being a boss already doesn't stop MH from getting in. Especially considering Joker didn't bring a boss with him. MH doesn't have to bring one either (and considering Rathalos is in the game already they don't have to).

Mii Fighters can also wear costumes of distinct protags as well (Lloyd, Heihachi, Yu, Minato etc.) Not sure what your point is here.

Anyway those are my points. You're free to agree or disagree with them.

God, I am not used to typing out these long responses....

Deleted member

Basically, I've come around. While I don't see it quite the same way, I've been convinced somewhat. I still don't think a Monster Hunter will be in, but it's the content already in Smash that keeps them out, not being the customizable protag.

(Although, I would say across all of the media that Joker is in, he's not all that close to being simply a silent protagonist. He's got some unique aspects to his personality, at least I would say.)
TBH I don't think Monster Hunter will be in either. If it was gonna happen, it would've been in base game, considering we got Rathalos and its theme.

Oh yeah, Joker for sure has his own personality. My point was mainly that he fits the mold of characters like Robin, Corrin, and the other avatar characters on the roster that also have their own personalities in spite of being avatars. I probably didn't communicate that super well though, lol.

The Stoopid Unikorn

Spiciest of Guacamoles
Sep 8, 2014
somewhere in Canada
Switch FC
Alright, here's my next question.

What do you guys think will end up happening with Heihachi? For Wii U/3DS, Sakurai seemed to see him as a pick that was hard to work with. He could always try working with him again, but then again maybe he won't.

Do you think Sakurai took another crack at it, or moved onto a different pick?
Either is possible, but the problem is that it might not exactly be easy to take a 3D fighter and make it fit in a 2D plane.

Street Fighter x Tekken did it, but it doesn't really count since it's supposed to make the Tekken half of the cast feel like they were always in Street Fighter. In other words, it was never trying to be faithful to the source material like Sakurai would do, which is likely where things got complicated for Smash 4.

Heihachi in Smash would have to feel closer to the games he's from, which seems damn near impossible without a third dimension... then again, if someone can make the impossible possible, it's Sakurai.
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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
I legit couldn't tell you. I don't have a clue over who Sakurai would choose for a second Namco rep because I believe there are a lot to choose from. Even then, I don't know much on who'll be next after Square Enix and Microsoft. Assuming they don't double dip with companies over DLC, potential companies Nintendo can choose from are
  • Capcom
  • Namco
  • Konami
  • Nintendo
Possibly more, but these are the ones that come to mind immediately.
I mean there’s also a few more Japanese companies not yet represented in Smash Nintendo could go to, the ones that I can think of are

  • Koei Tecmo
  • SNK
  • Arc System Works


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
Ever have one of those nights where you feel very unfulfilled and kinda empty?

That's kinda how I feel tonight.

It's nothing serious, I assure you, I'm just... not feeling particularly happy this evening. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I feel like I really need to start moving forward with my life soon and figure out what I really want to do. Or maybe it's just because I spent two hours on a stalemate-heavy casual round of TF2 that I really didn't need to finish. I don't know.

You ever have nights like these?


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
I think i’m gonna have to draw my superhero, Thunderhead, just so I can have an image for a better artist to draw her.

Deleted member

Alright, here's my next question.

What do you guys think will end up happening with Heihachi? For Wii U/3DS, Sakurai seemed to see him as a pick that was hard to work with. He could always try working with him again, but then again maybe he won't.

Do you think Sakurai took another crack at it, or moved onto a different pick?
Kinda doubt it. I think the reason Sakurai struggled with Heihachi is because translating Tekken gameplay into Smash doesn't seem like it'd be the easiest thing to do. Part of Tekken's gimmicks and elements that help make it stand apart from 2D fighters is its 3D space, and I'm not sure how you'd properly showcase that in a game like Smash without it seeming like you're just doing Ryu and Ken again conceptually (NOTE: Not at all saying Heihachi would be clone).

My money is on a Tales of pick for Namco. The franchise has been steadily growing over the years and has Smash Bros. potential written all over it. It also fits the mold of being a popular Japanese pick that helps grow a brand both over there and in the west.
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Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
Ever have one of those nights where you feel very unfulfilled and kinda empty?

That's kinda how I feel tonight.

It's nothing serious, I assure you, I'm just... not feeling particularly happy this evening. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I feel like I really need to start moving forward with my life soon and figure out what I really want to do. Or maybe it's just because I spent two hours on a stalemate-heavy casual round of TF2 that I really didn't need to finish. I don't know.

You ever have nights like these?
Too many times, mate.

Sometimes you just feel sucky, it'll pass hopefully.


Connery, Sean
Jun 27, 2013
Switch FC
Alright, here's my next question.

What do you guys think will end up happening with Heihachi? For Wii U/3DS, Sakurai seemed to see him as a pick that was hard to work with. He could always try working with him again, but then again maybe he won't.

Do you think Sakurai took another crack at it, or moved onto a different pick?
Hey man according to the google search leak we're getting a random boss character from Dark Souls from Namco.
This means Heihachi is a no-no.

But being serious, he's gone back on ideas before, and Heihachi is a character he clearly admires. I rate his chances fairly well, and if there's rumors of an unnamed Namco character he'd be the one I'd expect.


Writing Team
Jun 28, 2013
Switch FC
Megadoomer Megadoomer Can I get some help on this?
I don't see it any more, so you might have dealt with it, but it's probably an issue with you underlining a space next to the image. Highlight the space, hit Control U or the underline button, and that should get rid of it.


Walk the Earth
Dec 11, 2011
Louisville, KY
Switch FC
Ever have one of those nights where you feel very unfulfilled and kinda empty?

That's kinda how I feel tonight.

It's nothing serious, I assure you, I'm just... not feeling particularly happy this evening. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because I feel like I really need to start moving forward with my life soon and figure out what I really want to do. Or maybe it's just because I spent two hours on a stalemate-heavy casual round of TF2 that I really didn't need to finish. I don't know.

You ever have nights like these?
All the time, fam. All the time.

I got no real advice, but I'll raise a glass to you. At least you won't face the night alone.


the white witch
Feb 16, 2014
the underworld
Switch FC
6178 82674988
Hey man according to the google search leak we're getting a random boss character from Dark Souls from Namco.
This means Heihachi is a no-no.

But being serious, he's gone back on ideas before, and Heihachi is a character he clearly admires. I rate his chances fairly well, and if there's rumors of an unnamed Namco character he'd be the one I'd expect.
Artorias is pretty important to the plot though.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Either is possible, but the problem is that it might not exactly be easy to take a 3D fighter and make it fit in a 2D plane.

Street Fighter x Tekken did it, but it doesn't really count since it's supposed to make the Tekken half of the cast feel like they were always in Street Fighter.
I think Heihachi is probably a character that Sakurai has been considering, but I don't feel like he'll be in this pass just yet. I can't honestly say I have any sort of reasoning for that, it's just how I feel. I think he will revisit him someday though.
I legit couldn't tell you. I don't have a clue over who Sakurai would choose for a second Namco rep because I believe there are a lot to choose from. Even then, I don't know much on who'll be next after Square Enix and Microsoft. Assuming they don't double dip with companies over DLC, potential companies Nintendo can choose from are
  • Capcom
  • Namco
  • Konami
  • Nintendo
Possibly more, but these are the ones that come to mind immediately.
Honestly I can see him moving on just as I can see Sakurai adding him. Ridley was considered impossible until Sakurai found a way to implement him that would make the character work, same could be applied to Heihachi.
In other words, it was never trying to be faithful to the source material like Sakurai would do, which is likely where things got complicated for Smash 4.

Heihachi in Smash would have to feel closer to the games he's from, which is damn near impossible without a third dimension... then again, if someone can make the impossible possible, it's Sakurai.
I'll take this point by point just to make this response a bit more organized:

Fair enough.

I'm not trying to say that 3rd parties weren't important in Brawl. I'm saying that speculation of 3rd parties really started ramping up in Smash 4. There comes a point where the distinction between avatars and generic characters gets really dicey. Correct if I'm getting this wrong, but the main reason you seem to be going against MH in this point alone is that they don't have a distinct personality.

Why exactly would that prevent a 3rd party from making them into a Smash fighter?

Even the protags like Robin, Corrin, and Erdrick only differ from MH in terms of having a distinct personality. And in the case of the former 2 (especially the latter one), a personality doesn't equate to a more diverse character. I'd argue that Villager (the one I assume you're closely comparing MH too), has way more personality than Corrin does in Smash, even thought Corrin's is more "defined". Both are unique through their moveset though, so I don't really consider the personality to be a greater factor than the moveset.

Who says that Monster Hunter can't be just as unique as the other 11 characters? Just b/c they share their title with a bunch of other Monster Hunters does not mean that they can't be a unique Smash fighter (imo).

If they were planning MH DLC, it would be kinda stupid to put their music separately b/c that would kinda be blatant to speculators.

Rathalos being a boss already doesn't stop MH from getting in. Especially considering Joker didn't bring a boss with him. MH doesn't have to bring one either (and considering Rathalos is in the game already they don't have to).

Mii Fighters can also wear costumes of distinct protags as well (Lloyd, Heihachi, Yu, Minato etc.) Not sure what your point is here.

Anyway those are my points. You're free to agree or disagree with them.

God, I am not used to typing out these long responses....
Thanks for responding everybody! Considering I've come around on Monster Hunter (I still don't think it's going to happen), I'll touch on Heihachi a bit.

I've never played Tekken, but I'm really not quite sure how to view him either. It's not as if his problem for Smash Wii U has changed at all. The issue is still there, and it's a dimensional one. It's not so much that he would be impossible, but more so that to be made faithful and feel like his old self, Sakurai would have to get real creative.

Honestly, the thing with Smash speculation I find is that I WANT to know who's in the damn game, and I'm really looking forward to who I want in Smash. Its one of my favorite things to talk about.

i actually (and I might seem bad for this) like to get leaks, because then I know who's coming ahead of time. It gives me a chance to take it in.

I'm honestly hoping we get at least SOMETHING similar to "Brave" so that we have a starting point. Or...maybe I'll make a PM specifically for Smash speculation. But I also don't really want to be exclusionary. We'll see. But man, I love talking about Smash.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I'm in the boat of "transferring 3D to 2D is still going to be severely difficult with Heihachi".

Though for a Bamco character, Lloyd Irving and Agumon feel the most likely to me right now. Both have tons of potential and are quite easy to find a way to make a unique mechanic for. Agumon has a bit more required due to how to implement evolution well balance-wise. That could affect him getting in. But it's not as hard to do as making the 3D-like gameplay transfer well to 2D. I'd say Nightmare from Soul Calibur, but that game is also focused on 3D gameplay and has similar issues to Tekken. Arguably Nightmare is a bit easier to transfer, since his moveset "in 3D" is more or less about his launch power an he could even have a unique gimmick of certain attacks being able to force a character to hit the screen when they're KO'd or something. Or he could physically turn them around like the Super Sheet can do. Etc.
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