Get ready for another Scoliosis Jones 3rd party Smash opinion!
This time: Considering all 3rd party picks thus far are unique in identity and ability, it is my humble opinion that 3rd party "generic" avatars and/or enemies (regardless of how iconic they are) will not be added to Smash. This would rule out characters like Slime from Dragon Quest, or the ever popular Monster Hunter.
I just can't see why Sakurai would suddenly pick a character that isn't unique in identity over one that is. For example, Cloud was picked as a playable character while the iconic Chocobo gets a Mii Fighter hat. Considering Slime is basically the Chocobo equivalent, my guess is a Slime hat will be provided for Mii Fighters while Erdrick is added as a playable fighter (with an alt skin of the Luminary).
There really wasn't a true prompting for this, and it's not because I have some sort of vendetta against Monster Hunter. It's an observation I've made in regards to 3rd parties though, and considering Monster Hunter has historically had a Mii Fighter costume (which, given the blank slate avatar character, fits perfectly) their most iconic monster as a Boss (Rathalos obviously)with a few music tracks.
By extension, I believe that 3rd party characters will always be the main character of the respective games, regardless of the popularity of side characters. While Artorias, for example, is considered a likely Dark Souls pick now, he would be the first 3rd party character that isn't the/a main character from their franchise. The Chosen Undead is the main character of Dark Souls so, therefore, would likely be chosen for Smash.
What are your thoughts?