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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Saw the mentioning of a Microsoft character, and I agree with @Mr. Wario and @Smashing Ramen . A western character is overrated in general. When you think about it:

1) It’s never happened before
2) Sure, Microsoft is “chummy” with Nintendo. But Nintendo was also “chummy” with Ubisoft, so where’s Rayman?
3) Language barrier, Sakurai’s process of meeting 1 on 1 with creators
4) Sakurai has used Smash as a way to better the Japanese gaming industry.

Incidentally, while I think the focus of DLC will be to include strictly Japanese 3rd parties and capitalize on Top IP to close out “Everyone is here!”, I do expect a surprise.

For example, while I think Erdrick is a great pick for another 3rd party legacy series (and good for getting Dragon Quest on the minds of many western gamers), and Resident Evil works quite well in bringing a new selection of fans (and another legacy series), I can absolutely see Sakurai going for a curveball of the Chosen Undead or another “WHAT” pick. Joker was already a surprise pick, but I don’t expect the entire Fighter Pack to be that way. I really only expect one other surprise.
Would it be rude of me to save this post just in case


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Saw the mentioning of a Microsoft character, and I agree with @Mr. Wario and @Smashing Ramen . A western character is overrated in general. When you think about it:

1) It’s never happened before
2) Sure, Microsoft is “chummy” with Nintendo. But Nintendo was also “chummy” with Ubisoft, so where’s Rayman?
3) Language barrier, Sakurai’s process of meeting 1 on 1 with creators
4) Sakurai has used Smash as a way to better the Japanese gaming industry.

Incidentally, while I think the focus of DLC will be to include strictly Japanese 3rd parties and capitalize on Top IP to close out “Everyone is here!”, I do expect a surprise.

For example, while I think Erdrick is a great pick for another 3rd party legacy series (and good for getting Dragon Quest on the minds of many western gamers), and Resident Evil works quite well in bringing a new selection of fans (and another legacy series), I can absolutely see Sakurai going for a curveball of the Chosen Undead or another “WHAT” pick. Joker was already a surprise pick, but I don’t expect the entire Fighter Pack to be that way. I really only expect one other surprise.
While I see your point, I just wanted to say Banjo-Kazooie were once owned by Nintendo. I do realize that that probably means nothing, and doesn't even increase their chances of getting in, but I saw Banjo-Kazooie has a higher chance of getting in over the other Microsoft characters, if a bit small. I know Nintendo owned other Rareware and its other characters too, but I think Banjo-Kazooie is the biggest of them if they were to ever get in.

Not disagreeing with your point, Jones, I just wanted to say something on the matter.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Oh there’s no denying that they look absolutely adorable , it’s just they are kind of disgusting in what they do.
I am not denying that. In fact, I thank you and others who said that for educating me, for I did not know that before, even if it doesn't change my stance on koalas.

That said, Noipoi Noipoi , feel free to say what you want about Koalas when I am around.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
While I see your point, I just wanted to say Banjo-Kazooie were once owned by Nintendo. I do realize that that probably means nothing, and doesn't even increase their chances of getting in, but I saw Banjo-Kazooie has a higher chance of getting in over the other Microsoft characters, if a bit small. I know Nintendo owned other Rareware and its other characters too, but I think Banjo-Kazooie is the biggest of them if they were to ever get in.

Not disagreeing with your point, Jones, I just wanted to say something on the matter.
Why did you say was owned by nintendo? did you mean published? They had a partnership, but where are you getting ownership from?

Deleted member

Alright bruhs. I finished Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Tots Woz Tots Woz Pyra Pyra Mythra Mythra @Zeke The Zekenator, you all might be interested in seeing this.

Without giving spoilers, here are my general thoughts. Gonna keep it balanced by giving one pro and one con

  • The game was bloody massive. The open world aspect of this game can honestly be pretty breathtaking. A variety of enemies (with sometimes varying level curves) populate every continent. It felt like a breathing ecosystem, which was cool except when I got lost. Shoutouts to Tantal and Uraya because I wasted two hours looking for the right places to go.
  • Field skills for blades were annoying. Blocking off areas because I didn't bother with this mechanic was intrusive, especially when it was for mandatory progression. This didn't really add anything positive to the experience.
  • The soundtrack is amazing and can really elevate scenes. Friendship, for example, makes me feel emotions, which is a good example of the power of music.
  • The voice acting is not amazing, and that's being nice.
  • I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the characterization of each party member. Felt like breathing people at the end of the day, even Rex of all characters. I thought I'd go in not liking Rex but something about him made me want to cheer for him. He goes through ups and downs, and he typically had to earn his respect for the most part. Heart-to-heart conversations were also endearing too. Shoutout to Morag for setting a fish on fire.
  • Some character designs are weird, and you know which ones I'm talking about. By all means, they mean nothing when you actually play the game, but I'll definitely have to convince people to look beyond them for future reference. This is mostly frivolous because the characters themselves were well done--except Tora. The ****ing robot had more characterization than him.
  • Combat's pretty engaging throughout. It is one of the few times where I can genuinely say the combat in the RPG progressively got better as I continued through the game. It encourages experimentation and is satisfying to pull off. Especially after Chapter 7. (Will go into that in the spoilers section.)
  • Combat's also a pain to learn starting off. The tutorial for controls really needed to be more streamlined. For one, actually make a tutorial that I can reference back to in the pause menu. I can go more indepth but that will require me to think of ways to improve the system.
  • Story was good. I would say the character interactions were the most enjoyable part of it. Torna themselves were good antagonists because they were great at proving themselves as threats. Pyra was a great side character because she bounced off of Rex pretty well.
  • In general, I'm not appreciative at how gameplay and story can feel separated. I'll win a boss fight no problem but then the cutscene will show the boss is kicking my ass, or sometimes vice versa. Or in the cutscene, you'll see Pyra or Rex doing some crazy acrobatic **** but they're never going to pull that off once when I'm in control. It took me out of the conflict more often than not.
  • The blade focused combat was very interesting. I liked asigning blade to characters and seeing what kind of mechanics I could take advantage of. Like I gave Zeke enough blades to where he could topple, launch, and then smash whenever Nia started a driver combo. Taking advantage of blade combos for massive overkill chain attacks is also incredibly satisfying and shows how much I learned throughout the game.
  • Blades being assigned to only one character is intrusive design. Not so bad with common blades, but rare blades are when I get annoyed. If a healer blade just unfortunately goes onto Zeke, then that's really a waste of "good luck" unless I use the small and limited number of overdrive protocols.
That's it for general impressions. Let's get into late game because I wanna talk about that.
Endgame was pretty hype. The final dungeon hit all of the right marks when it came to atmosphere. The music was tense, the robot enemies made for imposing encounters--especially the motorcycles and giant ****ing mechs, and the reveal of the World Tree not being entirely organic built tension and concern throughout the trek.

Pneuma is ****ing awesome. She pretty much made late game combat bearable and satisfying. If she was the one who performed a chain attack finish, the enemy was crippled, if it survived to begin with. It was a satisfying mechanic and I loved doing it on the bosses and giant enemies.

Amalthus as a villain was eh. He made himself into a clear threat in Chapter 8, but I feel like they were info-dumping me over a character introduced halfway into the game. Would have been better if he was a presence throughout the very beginning. Maybe show him visiting Gormott or Uraya in Chapters 2 and 3. Establish his presence, influence, and heinous mindset early on so we can acknowledge him as a clear player in the story, like Torna. Oh well, he at least served a purpose with Malos. I legitimately liked the twist that the Aegis was actually a sentient data collector and that Malos was evil because Amalthus was evil. It made sense logically (because they were artificially created) and it made Malos's last minute turn to good not feel forced.

Speaking of Amalthus, the boss battle was pretty cool. You know that one hole he made when entering the room? That's actually a bottomless pit. On my third attempt, my blade combo knocked him into that hole, ending the battle immediately. That was so hilarious that I took a screenshot just to commemorate it. The tension was cut like a knife.

Damn does this game have good atmosphere. Elysium's reveal would not have been good without this unsettling piano track.

And the whole, "Hey the world ended and this is your second chance" twist was okay. These last three chapters did a bunch of storytelling without any cutscenes, I feel. When I made it to the Land of Morytha, I knew immediately something was off in this world. Clearly the world ended before the events of the game. Then Rex picked up an ID, hinting that these zombies were actually humans. Then the World Tree dungeon being completely manmade is ****ing cool, because it only added to the recent world building. You really get the feeling that Elysium is not what we think it is.

What sold it for me, though, was that I suddenly remembered that this is a sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles 1, and not in a cheap way. They don't retcon anything and the events of the apocalypse clearly took place centuries after whatever happened in the first game. (I didn't play XC1 so don't spoil or quote me on that.) What they did was use the art style from the first game for the designs of the humans before the Cloud Sea!

Like that is so cool! It really hammered in how this was a different world while also taking advantage of what was before it.

Anyways, the final fight with Malos was pretty hype. I went in with Rex, Tora, and Nia. All of them were at levels 68. Only thing I detest about the boss fight were the reinforcements. I can handle Siren Buster, I can handle Polling Sensor, but I can't handle both at once. That makes me lose the fight immediately. I could have level grinded, but I had **** to do so I just set the game to easy mode as my trump card. Get ****ed, Malos.

And Pyra's "death" was weird. Was it too hard for her to just tell Rex that she'll transfer her essence into him, and then leave a vessel to deal with Elysium? That felt needlessly emotional.

But I was happy that everything was sorted out. Good on Alrest, now don't **** it up again.

I wouldn't go back to this game ever again unless it's for Torna The Golden Country. It was a great time, but it took a lot out of me to marathon. There were a lot of inconveniences that I've already mentioned that added up for the 50+ hours I put into it, but there were also a lot of great things about it I enjoyed.

Final thoughts are that it's good.
Last edited by a moderator:


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Why did you say was owned by nintendo? did you mean published? They had a partnership, but where are you getting ownership from?
Whatever. Sorry, I was mixed, up on those terms. My bad. Still, they were Nintendo exclusive at the time, so I don't think that changes my point.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I think you guys are underselling the possibility of a Western IP getting in Smash. Saying it won't happen because it never happened before is a flimsy excuse, especially when Smash has been known to break fan-made rules all the time.


Smash Champion
Nov 18, 2014
Oh come on...COME ON!!!! So what if they are unintelligent? They are still so damn cute, and I want to hug one! Nothing can change my mind, even!
I mean...if eating feces, being everything wrong with feral instincts, and being totally blind to your own food is what you call "cute", then I'd hate to see what else your standards accept :v

Oh, and there's this copypasta of someone angrily typing at how much they HATE the Mola fish.
This ain't the original (lost forever), but damn is it funny.

I think you guys are underselling the possibility of a Western IP getting in Smash. Saying it won't happen because it never happened before is a flimsy excuse, especially when Smash has been known to break fan-made rules all the time.
Depends on the rules. Western IP characters like Doom Slayer and Crash are still video game characters. Saying that "Bugs and Goku won't get in because they're cartoon characters" is a "fan-made rule" is false equivalency for instance.

EDIT: For some reason, I forgot there is no auto-censor for tumblr posts. Oopsie-poopsie.
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Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I think you guys are underselling the possibility of a Western IP getting in Smash. Saying it won't happen because it never happened before is a flimsy excuse, especially when Smash has been known to break fan-made rules all the time.
You have a point. Still, I am not sure about even the leaks, but even if it isn't Banjo-Kazooie or Steve, they could announce a western character as DLC for Smash at anytime before we even knew it.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
I think you guys are underselling the possibility of a Western IP getting in Smash. Saying it won't happen because it never happened before is a flimsy excuse, especially when Smash has been known to break fan-made rules all the time.
Never mind the bad Rayman example. The exclusive Mario game was with Rabbids. More like "where's the Rabbids" instead. And what do you know, the specific Rabbids are in Ultimate. Rayman isn't any more likely due to a Rabbids game than if it didn't exist. His chances didn't get magically boosted because Ubisoft worked with Nintendo. The only thing that helped was actually stuff for the Rabbids at best.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Alright bruhs. I finished Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Tots Woz Tots Woz Pyra Pyra Mythra Mythra @Zeke The Zekenator, you all might be interested in seeing this.

Without giving spoilers, here are my general thoughts. Gonna keep it balanced by giving one pro and one con

  • The game was bloody massive. The open world aspect of this game can honestly be pretty breathtaking. A variety of enemies (with sometimes varying level curves) populate every continent. It felt like a breathing ecosystem, which was cool except when I got lost. Shoutouts to Tantal and Uraya.
  • Field skills for blades were annoying. Blocking off areas because I didn't bother with this mechanic was intrusive, especially when it was for mandatory progression. This didn't really add anything positive to the experience.
  • The soundtrack is amazing and can really elevate scenes. Friendship, for example, makes me feel emotions, which is a good example of the power of music.
  • The voice acting is not amazing, and that's being nice.
  • I was surprised by how much I enjoyed the characterization of each party member. Felt like breathing people at the end of the day, even Rex of all characters. I thought I'd go in not liking Rex but something about him made me want to cheer for him. He goes through ups and downs, and he typically had to earn his respect for the most part. Heart-to-heart conversations were also endearing too. Shoutout to Morag for setting a fish on fire.
  • Some character designs are weird, and you know which ones I'm talking about. By all means, they mean nothing when you actually play the game, but I'll definitely have to convince people to look beyond them for future reference. This is mostly frivolous because the characters themselves were well done--except Tora. The ****ing robot had more characterization than him.
  • Combat's pretty engaging throughout. It is one of the few times where I can genuinely say the combat in the RPG progressively got better as I continued through the game. It encourages experimentation and is satisfying to pull off. Especially after Chapter 7. (Will go into that in the spoilers section.)
  • Combat's also a pain to learn starting off. The tutorial for controls really needed to be more streamlined. For one, actually make a tutorial that I can reference back to in the pause menu. I can go more indepth but that will require me to think of ways to improve the system.
  • Story was good. I would say the character interactions were the most enjoyable part of it. Torna themselves were good antagonists because they were great at proving themselves as threats. Pyra was a great side character because she bounced off of Rex pretty well.
  • In general, I'm not appreciative at how gameplay and story can feel separated. I'll win a boss fight no problem but then the cutscene will show the boss is kicking my ***, or sometimes vice versa. Or in the cutscene, you'll see Pyra or Rex doing some crazy acrobatic **** but they're never going to pull that off once when I'm in control. It took me out of the conflict more often than not.
  • The blade focused combat was very interesting. I liked asigning blade to characters and seeing what kind of mechanics I could take advantage of. Like I gave Zeke enough blades to where he could topple, launch, and then smash whenever Nia started a driver combo. Taking advantage of blade combos for massive overkill chain attacks is also incredibly satisfying and shows how much I learned throughout the game.
  • Blades being assigned to only one character is intrusive design. Not so bad with common blades, but rare blades are when I get annoyed. If a healer blade just unfortunately goes onto Zeke, then that's really a waste of "good luck" unless I use the small and limited number of overdrive protocols.
That's it for general impressions. Let's get into late game because I wanna talk about that.
Endgame was pretty hype. The final dungeon hit all of the right marks when it came to atmosphere. The music was tense, the robot enemies made for imposing encounters--especially the motorcycles and giant ****ing mechs, and the reveal of the World Tree not being entirely organic built tension and concern throughout the trek.

Pneuma is ****ing awesome. She pretty much made late game combat bearable and satisfying. If she was the one who performed a chain attack finish, the enemy was crippled, if it survived to begin with. It was a satisfying mechanic and I loved doing it on the bosses and giant enemies.

Amalthus as a villain was eh. He made himself into a clear threat in Chapter 8, but I feel like they were info-dumping me over a character introduced halfway into the game. Would have been better if he was a presence throughout the very beginning. Maybe show him visiting Gormott or Uraya in Chapters 2 and 3. Establish his presence, influence, and heinous mindset early on so we can acknowledge him as a clear player in the story, like Torna. Oh well, he at least served a purpose with Malos. I legitimately liked the twist that the Aegis was actually a sentient data collector and that Malos was evil because Amalthus was evil. It made sense logically (because they were artificially created) and it made Malos's last minute turn to good not feel forced.

Speaking of Amalthus, the boss battle was pretty cool. You know that one hole he made when entering the room? That's actually a bottomless pit. On my third attempt, my blade combo knocked him into that hole, ending the battle immediately. That was so hilarious that I took a screenshot just to commemorate it. The tension was cut like a knife.

Damn does this game have good atmosphere. Elysium's reveal would not have been good without this unsettling piano track.

And the whole, "Hey the world ended and this is your second chance" twist was okay. These last three chapters did a bunch of storytelling without any cutscenes, I feel. When I made it to the Land of Morytha, I knew immediately something was off in this world. Clearly the world ended before the events of the game. Then Rex picked up an ID, hinting that these zombies were actually humans. Then the World Tree dungeon being completely manmade is ****ing cool, because it only added to the recent world building. You really get the feeling that Elysium is not what we think it is.

What sold it for me, though, was that I suddenly remembered that this is a sequel to Xenoblade Chronicles 1, and not in a cheap way. They don't retcon anything and the events of the apocalypse clearly took place centuries after whatever happened in the first game. (I didn't play XC1 so don't spoil or quote me on that.) What they did was use the art style from the first game for the designs of the humans before the Cloud Sea!

Like that is so cool! It really hammered in how this was a different world while also taking advantage of what was before it.

Anyways, the final fight with Malos was pretty hype. I went in with Rex, Tora, and Nia. All of them were at levels 68. Only thing I detest about the boss fight were the reinforcements. I can handle Siren Buster, I can handle Polling Sensor, but I can't handle both at once. That makes me lose the fight immediately. I could have level grinded, but I had **** to do so I just set the game to easy mode as my trump card. Get ****ed, Malos.

And Pyra's "death" was weird. Was it too hard for her to just tell Rex that she'll transfer her essence into him, and then leave a vessel to deal with Elysium? That felt needlessly emotional.

But I was happy that everything was sorted out. Good on Alrest, now don't **** it up again.

I wouldn't go back to this game ever again unless it's for Torna The Golden Country. It was a great time, but it took a lot out of me to marathon. There were a lot of inconveniences that I've already mentioned that added up for the 50+ hours I put into it, but there were also a lot of great things about it I enjoyed.

Final thoughts are that it's good.
Yeah that pretty much sums it up what I think the general consensus is

Welcome to the club!

(Except the fact that I would play it over and over tbh but that’s just me)


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
I mean...if eating feces, being everything wrong with feral instincts, and being totally blind to your own food is what you call "cute", then I'd hate to see what else your standards accept :v

Oh, and there's this copypasta of someone angrily typing at how much they HATE the Mola fish.
https://pappito.tumblr.com%2Fpost%2F156839214818 This ain't the original (lost forever), but damn is it funny.

Depends on the rules. Western IP characters like Doom Slayer and Crash are still video game characters. Saying that "Bugs and Goku won't get in because they're cartoon characters" is a "fan-made rule" is false equivalency for instance.
I mean, I didn't deny that, I just think they look cute. Plus, as disgusting as that may be, koalas aren't the only ones who eat feces. I hear hedgehogs do, too.

But I can see now why they are least a threatened species, unless that has changed by now.


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
Pretty much any animal is gross by human standards besides the few who make it a point to hold hygienic superiority over us


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
You have a point. Still, I am not sure about even the leaks, but even if it isn't Banjo-Kazooie or Steve, they could announce a western character as DLC for Smash at anytime before we even knew it.
My main beef is the "they're western so they can't get in" argument. I've seen many people use this argument when it has no water. Sakurai has never said he's only adding Japanese characters, otherwise we wouldn't get characters like Dark Samus and King K. Rool. I can already tell someone is gonna reply to me with the good old "but those are in a japanese IP", to which I reply, so what? They're still Western made characters, if Sakurai and Nintendo are as anti-western as you claim then those character wouldn't have gotten in the game in the first place.

Deleted member

Yeah that pretty much sums it up what I think the general consensus is

Welcome to the club!

(Except the fact that I would play it over and over tbh but that’s just me)
I'll definitely play Xenoblade 1 and Torna The Golden Country at the very least. Luckily, despite the spoilers that were put into Smash BRos, like a Mecha Fiora and Metalface, I don't think I missed out on what really makes it a good game.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Whatever. Sorry, I was mixed, up on those terms. My bad. Still, they were Nintendo exclusive at the time, so I don't think that changes my point.
Well. It's a pretty big difference, haha
But the fact that rare worked closely with nintendo in the past is true. They're first party with microsoft now, so it really comes down to working something out with them if they do want banjo or steve in.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2015
Cincinnati, OH
Switch FC
Saw the mentioning of a Microsoft character, and I agree with @Mr. Wario and @Smashing Ramen . A western character is overrated in general. When you think about it:

1) It’s never happened before
2) Sure, Microsoft is “chummy” with Nintendo. But Nintendo was also “chummy” with Ubisoft, so where’s Rayman?
3) Language barrier, Sakurai’s process of meeting 1 on 1 with creators
4) Sakurai has used Smash as a way to better the Japanese gaming industry.

Incidentally, while I think the focus of DLC will be to include strictly Japanese 3rd parties and capitalize on Top IP to close out “Everyone is here!”, I do expect a surprise.

For example, while I think Erdrick is a great pick for another 3rd party legacy series (and good for getting Dragon Quest on the minds of many western gamers), and Resident Evil works quite well in bringing a new selection of fans (and another legacy series), I can absolutely see Sakurai going for a curveball of the Chosen Undead or another “WHAT” pick. Joker was already a surprise pick, but I don’t expect the entire Fighter Pack to be that way. I really only expect one other surprise.
On the subject of Erdrick, as cool as a Dragon Quest rep would, we'd be running into the Final Fantasy problem in regards to representation considering how Square Enix operates in regards to their properties (that and having to pay each of the artists and composers for stuff). I think it would make more sense to pick reps where people will get their money's worth if they buy that fighter pack (since these things consist of more than just a Character, they also have a stage, some music, and some spirits)


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
My main beef is the "they're western so they can't get in" argument. I've seen many people use this argument when it has no water. Sakurai has never said he's only adding Japanese characters, otherwise we wouldn't get characters like Dark Samus and King K. Rool. I can already tell someone is gonna reply to me with the good old "but those are in a japanese IP", to which I reply, so what? They're still Western made characters, if Sakurai and Nintendo are as anti-western as you claim then those character wouldn't have gotten in the game in the first place.
Yeah, I agree with what you said. It is pretty much a fan made rule. Plus, Nintendo does have western characters in their list of characters, some of which you mentioned that are in Smash. They could surprise us with a Western character and that would break no rules, because such rules are fan made to begin with. If Sakurai doesn't say it, then it is likely not true.

Well. It's a pretty big difference, haha
But the fact that rare worked closely with nintendo in the past is true. They're first party with microsoft now, so it really comes down to working something out with them if they do want banjo or steve in.
I can see based on what you said that Rare may not have been first party with Nintendo. Which is fine by me, even if that is what you're saying. It's cool. Still, I'd like to think Banjo-Kazooie may be one of the likeliest to join Smash if Microsoft ever decided to have one of their characters in.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
bit late to the top 3 animals thing but:

Adelie Penguin
Octopus (any kind tbh)


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
Saw the mentioning of a Microsoft character, and I agree with @Mr. Wario and @Smashing Ramen . A western character is overrated in general. When you think about it:

1) It’s never happened before
2) Sure, Microsoft is “chummy” with Nintendo. But Nintendo was also “chummy” with Ubisoft, so where’s Rayman?
3) Language barrier, Sakurai’s process of meeting 1 on 1 with creators
4) Sakurai has used Smash as a way to better the Japanese gaming industry.

Incidentally, while I think the focus of DLC will be to include strictly Japanese 3rd parties and capitalize on Top IP to close out “Everyone is here!”, I do expect a surprise.

For example, while I think Erdrick is a great pick for another 3rd party legacy series (and good for getting Dragon Quest on the minds of many western gamers), and Resident Evil works quite well in bringing a new selection of fans (and another legacy series), I can absolutely see Sakurai going for a curveball of the Chosen Undead or another “WHAT” pick. Joker was already a surprise pick, but I don’t expect the entire Fighter Pack to be that way. I really only expect one other surprise.
If I may present a few counterpoints:

1) This is by far the weakest point I have to say. Before Brawl you could've said the same thing about Third Parties in general, before Smash 4 you could've said the same thing about getting two third parties from the same company, before Ultimate you could've definitely said the same thing about no cuts period, and so on and so forth. It hasn't happened before because it just hasn't happened yet, but nothing says it can't happen in the future and until Sakurai blatantly says or implies otherwise it is still something that is plausible to happen.

3) I understand this point, but I feel that it's overstated as well. I mentioned this before, but while Shovel Knight may be an AT I doubt that Sakurai didn't have any communication with Yacht Club considering how faithful he represented the character in that form. So if an AT has already broken the barrier, a character is not a step too far either.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Never mind the bad Rayman example. The exclusive Mario game was with Rabbids. More like "where's the Rabbids" instead. And what do you know, the specific Rabbids are in Ultimate. Rayman isn't any more likely due to a Rabbids game than if it didn't exist. His chances didn't get magically boosted because Ubisoft worked with Nintendo. The only thing that helped was actually stuff for the Rabbids at best.
You know, I wondered if that Mario & Rabbids game would help Rayman's chances, because to me, I always thought a game not featuring Rayman would not help the limbless wonder out in getting into Smash if the game was more about a plumber and some crazy bunnies. Not that it might of helped the Rabbids instead, but you get what I mean.


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
Depends on the rules. Western IP characters like Doom Slayer and Crash are still video game characters. Saying that "Bugs and Goku won't get in because they're cartoon characters" is a "fan-made rule" is false equivalency for instance.
Except we already have Sakurai outright saying a character like Goku is impossible because he's from a manga. Non-video game characters are essentially impossible since they're going against what Sakurai said and the spirit of Smash being a video game crossover. Unless Sakurai himself makes a statement saying no Western IP characters are allowed in Smash then it's just another fan-made rule waiting to be blown up like "you are too big for smash", "you need to have your game on a nintendo platform first", or my favorite "characters from mature video games are not allowed".


Aegis vs Goddess
Jul 7, 2012
where ToasterBrains is
Switch FC
SW 8322 4207 9908
I'll definitely play Xenoblade 1 and Torna The Golden Country at the very least. Luckily, despite the spoilers that were put into Smash BRos, like a Mecha Fiora and Metalface, I don't think I missed out on what really makes it a good game.
Torna is a ****ing treat and it’ll make you look at the base game like “I love you but WHYYYY????”


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
Yeah, I agree with what you said. It is pretty much a fan made rule. Plus, Nintendo does have western characters in their list of characters, some of which you mentioned that are in Smash. They could surprise us with a Western character and that would break no rules, because such rules are fan made to begin with. If Sakurai doesn't say it, then it is likely not true.

I can see based on what you said that Rare may not have been first party with Nintendo. Which is fine by me, even if that is what you're saying. It's cool. Still, I'd like to think Banjo-Kazooie may be one of the likeliest to join Smash if Microsoft ever decided to have one of their characters in.
I didn't mention it but rare wasn't first-party, yeah. At most they were considered second-party with nintendo, before microsoft. I'm not sure nintendo want the character in, but i dont think it would be too much trouble to deal with both rare and microsoft.

On the subject of Erdrick, as cool as a Dragon Quest rep would, we'd be running into the Final Fantasy problem in regards to representation considering how Square Enix operates in regards to their properties (that and having to pay each of the artists and composers for stuff). I think it would make more sense to pick reps where people will get their money's worth if they buy that fighter pack (since these things consist of more than just a Character, they also have a stage, some music, and some spirits)
I dont think that'll be a problem. The DQ side of Square Enix seems a bit better with that. Hard to tell really, but music is really the only concern and even that i think would or will work out fine. ;)

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
You know, I wondered if that Mario & Rabbids game would help Rayman's chances, because to me, I always thought a game not featuring Rayman would not help the limbless wonder out in getting into Smash if the game was more about a plumber and some crazy bunnies. Not that it might of helped the Rabbids instead, but you get what I mean.
The thing is, Rabbids and Rayman are treated as entirely different series. It really doesn't help Rayman at all. It doesn't hurt him either, because it's unrelated to him entirely. It clearly helped the Rabbids, as they got 3 spirits specifically from that game. Rayman is in the same position as before, a glorified trophy. It's quite possible nothing new was thought of when it came to adding him, but considering it's Ubisoft, why wouldn't they add him as a spirit at least. Same with the very popular Rabbids(and the moreso popular Rabbid variants).

That said, I wouldn't mind some Rabbid Mii costumes too. Though I'd be quite happy with them being playable. Fun little buggers.

Deleted member

My main beef is the "they're western so they can't get in" argument. I've seen many people use this argument when it has no water. Sakurai has never said he's only adding Japanese characters, otherwise we wouldn't get characters like Dark Samus and King K. Rool. I can already tell someone is gonna reply to me with the good old "but those are in a japanese IP", to which I reply, so what? They're still Western made characters, if Sakurai and Nintendo are as anti-western as you claim then those character wouldn't have gotten in the game in the first place.
I dont think western picks are impossible, just that japanese picks are more likely.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
The thing is, Rabbids and Rayman are treated as entirely different series. It really doesn't help Rayman at all. It doesn't hurt him either, because it's unrelated to him entirely. It clearly helped the Rabbids, as they got 3 spirits specifically from that game. Rayman is in the same position as before, a glorified trophy. It's quite possible nothing new was thought of when it came to adding him, but considering it's Ubisoft, why wouldn't they add him as a spirit at least. Same with the very popular Rabbids(and the moreso popular Rabbid variants).

That said, I wouldn't mind some Rabbid Mii costumes too. Though I'd be quite happy with them being playable. Fun little buggers.
I do see what you mean. I meant to say Rayman and Rabbids are different series, but that slipped my mind. About the Rabbid Mii costumes, how about custom voices for them? I would like to hear them say "WAHHHHH!" on the field of battle.
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Deleted member

Saw the mentioning of a Microsoft character, and I agree with @Mr. Wario and @Smashing Ramen . A western character is overrated in general. When you think about it:

1) It’s never happened before
2) Sure, Microsoft is “chummy” with Nintendo. But Nintendo was also “chummy” with Ubisoft, so where’s Rayman?
3) Language barrier, Sakurai’s process of meeting 1 on 1 with creators
4) Sakurai has used Smash as a way to better the Japanese gaming industry.
I'll give you that I might have overblown the chances of a Microsoft rep being in, but you can't compare Microsoft to Ubisoft. One is an active player in the console and tech industry while the other just makes games. When XBox live is potentially coming to Switch, you know there's more discussion going on behind the scenes than just being chummy chums with each other. Don't even try to undermine the magnitude of this relationship because it was originally deemed impossible by fans years ago.

When Erdrick is a clear Eastern representative to appeal to Japanese gamers mostly, appealing to western gamers with a western pick would be tactically brilliant. Nintendo chose the characters and above all else, they know they're a player on the world stage for gaming. Honestly, I think Erdrick is evidence that they're willing to pick characters that are more popular in specific demographics. And when Microsoft is willing to put their stuff onto the Switch, then it's an overt reach-out to Japanese gamers to try some western content.

In terms of language barrier, what's the issue? We've seen Sakurai go on stage with translators before. Nintendo officials have also done this countless times. Wasn't Mario & Rabbids developed by Ubisoft, a western gaming company? It's a hassle, but that's all it is.
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V Has Come To
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Feb 12, 2014
Mother Base
I dont think western picks are impossible, just that japanese picks are more likely.
Not necessarily. I think what we're looking for here is "International Picks". Characters from series or games that are popular world wide. Hence Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Sonic, Mega Man, Pac-Man, Persona, Bayonetta, Castlevania, and Street Fighter.

The only outcome I could see break this is if the West got Doom Slayer and Japan got Erdrick. Considering the popularity of DQ over there and lack there of in terms of Doom.


Supersonic Warrior
Nov 4, 2013
Speaking of Western characters, as in, not Japanese, do you think we'll just get European language or English voice overs for such characters and no Japanese ones at all?


Smash Master
Mar 21, 2019
I dont think western picks are impossible, just that japanese picks are more likely.
It depends on the character and series. For example, I wouldn't say a character from Senran Kagura is likelier than a Minecraft character just because it's a Japanese pick lol

Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
I'll definitely play Xenoblade 1 and Torna The Golden Country at the very least. Luckily, despite the spoilers that were put into Smash BRos, like a Mecha Fiora and Metalface, I don't think I missed out on what really makes it a good game.

Play XCX.

It's super good too.


Smash Legend
Nov 15, 2007
I'll give you that I might have overblown the chances of a Microsoft rep being in, but you can't compare Microsoft to Ubisoft. One is an active player in the console and tech industry while the other just makes games. When XBox live is potentially coming to Switch, you know there's more discussion going on behind the scenes than just being chummy chums with each other.

When Erdrick is a clear Eastern representative to appeal to Japanese gamers mostly, appealing to western gamers with a western pick would be tactically brilliant. Nintendo chose the characters and above all else, they know they're a player on the world stage for gaming. Honestly, I think Erdrick is evidence that they're willing to pick characters that are more popular in specific demographics.

In terms of language barrier, what's the issue? We've seen Sakurai go on stage with translators before. Nintendo officials have also done this countless times. Wasn't Mario & Rabbids developed by Ubisoft, a western gaming company? It's a hassle, but that's all it is.
While i dont think microsoft being chummy with nintendo means nintendo would even want banjo in, I do think it'd be really cool if erdrick was the eastern pick and then we'd have a western one. I kind of think of Steve to be more western tho. Im not gonna mention masterchief cuz i dont want him in XD

I'd also expect rare to already have plenty of translation and relations. I mean they did do remakes for diddy kong racing and stuff like that even after they werent with nintendo.
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Swamp Sensei

Today is always the most enjoyable day!
Jan 4, 2013
Switch FC
It's last on the last, admittedly. Nothing from its marketing really appealed to me and I heard the main story is below average.
The main story is.

But that's not how XCX is designed.

It's meant to be a game where you do side quests, because that's where the game shines.

Each one feels like its own story and that's where people fall in love.
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