Doctor Strange or Thanos?
See, instead of just comparing characters from the latest popular movie I break this down the logical way.
There's generally two types of time travel in fiction with some wonky exceptions, which I will refer to as Linear Time Travel and Parallel Time Travel. Linear Time Travel is what causes paradoxes and Butterfly Effect and stable time loops and all that stupid stuff and is what was referred to in the Splatfest dialog. Parallel Time Travel is only nominally time travel because it's actually just jumping to alternate timelines that are at other points in time on an otherwise nearly identical series of events and is how it works in Fire Emblem Awakening. Both of them have pros and cons but generally Linear Time Travel has too many cons to be worth it while Parallel Time Travel only really has an actual point beyond sightseeing if your current timeline is screwed up ten ways to Sunday.
Meanwhile the only real problem with teleportation is
Telefrag, the danger of which to the user is directly proportionate to how cynical the setting is on a scale of Steven Universe to The Fly. Personally with the concept of teleportation brought up I'm going to headcanon that all the glowy lights you see around a lot of fictional teleports are a kind of repulsion field that prevents debris from overlapping into you, so that would be the Required Secondary Superpower necessary to make it at least mostly consequence free. Make a coin flip on whether or not someone ELSE could still be telefragged by you under those rules, that could end up either with a ton of regret on your part or be weaponized for vigilante justice if you're darkly creative. And of course you'd instantly regret a teleport to anyplace stupid like say, Venus. Or the Sun. Basically anywhere that would kill you before you could think to teleport back.
Overall I pick teleportation mostly because Linear Time Travel rules make my head hurt.