Except criticizing and not supporting the franchise isn’t going to make anything better. It’s just going to kill the franchise because the studios aren’t going to see it as profitable anymore. If this keeps up, we’ll live in a world where Sonic media just doesn’t happen anymore. Because SEGA tried and nobody bit the line. That’s how studios work. Sure, sometimes you get lucky and things turn around and a brand makes a comeback, or even gets resurrected from the crypt. But how often does that actually happen. I don’t want Sonic to die. I don’t want to have to go to the plumber for my platforming fix. I don’t want to have to feed my kids to the Nintendo machine. But that’s where this is headed if people don’t stop.
Well, Sonic still makes money, including Forces, as Cutie Gwen said, so so far, Sonic is not going anywhere, not even to the grave. I do think the criticism and over hatred is mentally unhealthy and...unneeded in some aspects, depending on what the case is, but some people just won't listen, sadly enough. I tried telling fellow Sonic fans why they should be less negative, but they just won't listen. It's sad that they seem to be as if they want to be negative. It is sad.
Still, Sonic still has appeal to kids and fans. You worry too much, Snake. Plus, what
said on the last page.