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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
I honestly don't know which is worst. Sonic or the Bay Turtles.

I'm still incline to say the Bay Turtles because they look like if Shrek and Hulk had babies giving birth to mini Hulklings.

Deleted member

Sure, why not. Time to further assert my dominance.

I mean, if you still can't figure out how to get past my :ultzelda: Stand powers and :ultrobinf: Arcfires, that makes me the better player, right? :lucina:
Ok, just give me some minutes to deal with some stuff here. If you want, you can go set it up.

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So, I’ve been voice acting for almost a year now. Working hard, spending dough, and I’d honestly love to audition for a FNAF game. Well a casting call for Help Wanted went up for Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy, Bonnie alrwady being cast to the voice actor of some other characters, and not gonna lie here, I’m a little upset I can’t audition, because the website is priceyyyy.


Star Platinum
Nov 15, 2013
Switch FC
I honestly don't know which is worst. Sonic or the Bay Turtles.

I'm still incline to say the Bay Turtles because they look like if Shrek and Hulk had babies giving birth to mini Hulklings.
They remind me of the goombas from the SMB movie.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Funny. Cause last I checked Eggman is actually, despite having a bit of a fragile ego at times, extremely smart and anything but psychotic. Eggman Nega, maybe has psyche issues(at least in one storyline of the games where he's future Eggman. But he's a different person in another version of the storyline, and may not be insane in that one. The key difference between him and Eggman is that he is completely malicious and has no heart. Eggman does. That said, Eggman is hardly insane otherwise, but Gerald fits that. That'd be an interesting movie idea... if you got rid of the dumb excuse to remove Sonic, anyway(and let's be honest, his design is nowhere near good. But the badness is way exaggerated. It's a bit cringeworthy due to the teeth, mostly. The lack of gloves is bad too, but he otherwise looks pretty much like the actual character. If he actually looked way different from that, I'd raise an eyebrow, but it's just "meh" at best). Gerald actually has a lot of backstory worth delving into, and has had to deal with way worse than Eggman ever did.

His own granddaughter got sentenced to death just because he tried to find a cure for her. Everybody was intentionally killed on the space station as well. She didn't just go down with it, she was shot directly... which is ironically censored in Shadow's own game. Shadow wasn't built specifically as a weapon, where Biolizard was too animal-like to control that problem. Shadow's immunity systems were meant for him to be a savior(including finding a cure for Maria's illness). It's more Black Doom's influence that turned him to being more evil, and not even that could stop the Hedgehog from creating his own destiny, all to honor the one who truly created him but also cared for him. Only thing I can't remember is why the Artificial Chaos were created. I think that was meant to be done by the government, but since Gerald did his own thing, with Shadow, though I can't remember if they wanted the Bioliizard created either, they decided to step in. Shadow is one thing, yeah. There's not much reason to believe he alone would be a threat. The Biolizard is a giant monster created by Gerald. That's a whole different story and it does make sense why the government sees issues.

On another clarification, I might be misremembering it a little. I think it was G.U.N. who was in charge of all this instead. I can't legitimately remember. My main point stands overall of why Gerald fits the "story about a psyche being broken down" way better than Eggman, and that's not just because I'm facepalming at what a trollish response it is to the movie's existence. It's because it's actually a better character for that kind of movie.
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Richter: *lands a big ass string of hits*
Marth: *hits Richter offstage once*
Richter: *dies*

Ah, I'm reminded as to why I dropped him

Deleted member

Who do y'all think is worst? Paramount Sonic or Will Smith Genie? I'd say they're pretty even IMO...
Honestly, I think that overall the TMNT had it worst of all. More than the Shrek faces, their bulky bodies really didn't help to translate the agility they display in other adaptations. Sonic while badly proportioned and weird face still is built in the concept of speed. Will Smith Genie is just boring, pretty much blue Will Smith, nothing to get to angry or excited about.

Verde Coeden Scalesworth

Flap and Swish~
Aug 13, 2001
Cull Hazard
Switch FC
Honestly, Eggman doesn’t seem too bad.

Not good, just not too bad.
He's too slim, and the mustache constantly coming undone really hurt the trailer. Otherwise, Jim Carrey was quite entertaining. I do agree it doesn't feel enough like Eggman's proper personality, but it does have ego part down to some degree. So it should still work out... despite being obviously inaccurate. But hey, I don't watch video game movies for accuracies, I watch them because they can be fun takes on it. It's why I loved how the Goombas were made. Toads are mushrooms. Goombas are evil mushrooms. It's a fun interpretation that Goombas are just more ancient versions of Toads.

I have more issues with the movie, mainly related to the ending, and I do agree it wasn't really good by any means. Fun, though, imo. I like how the stuff was incorporated in a unique way. Bob-ombs, Yoshi's design honestly worked well enough for a live-action take(especially since he wasn't a major part of the movie. If he was, I'd feel different). Koopa wasn't too bad overall, though the designs were kind of mediocre. Mario and Luigi felt rather reasonable overall. The way they incorporated high jumping felt like it didn't overtake into fantasy too much, as it went for a somewhat more realistic take on the story's fiction. I'd have liked more power-ups, though. The liberal use of Daisy and Wart was kind of strange, and I don't think that was too well written at all. Same with giving Mario a girlfriend that isn't Peach. That said, I think this is the first time there was any suggestions Daisy and Luigi could be paired off?


My piece on the TMNT movies is that while the the designs are offputting, Bay did at least have a role in making sure the Turtles weren't turned into aliens, trying to keep their main backstory about the same. So credit where credit is due. I liked the first movie(haven't seen the second just yet), but yeah, they don't feel well-designed, as mentioned above, for what their abilities are. I honestly felt the original live action movies did that way better, as cheesy as they were(and I don't just mean on the Pizzas).
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