Deleted member
>die first day8 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
District 6
District 9
District 9
Infinity Stones
District 10
District 5
District 8
Monkey D. Luffy
District 8
District 3
R.I.P. Fire Emblem.
Pokechu receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Katniss Everdeen receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Charlotte defeats Iridium in a fight, but spares his life.
Professor Layton and John Dylan Smith sleep in shifts.
Smashing Ramen, Aircon Man, Arigarmy , and Morgana form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
KMDP receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
PeridotGX and Dyllybirdy hold hands.
Professor Pumpkaboo cries herself to sleep.
Tifa Lockhart and Nancy Drew huddle for warmth.
Coricus starts a fire.
Brelooming Disaster thinks about winning.
faygoshill, NateVO, and osby successfully ambush and kill staindgrey, Snoopy, and SonicSmasher1.
Joker, Poipoi, and Freezerburn discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
Scorbunny thinks about winning.
Rottytops and Cool Typhlosion tell stories about themselves to each other.
tehponycorn tends to Sora's wounds.
Jagen, Micaiah, and Bowler Hat Guy sleep in shifts.
Rocket Raccoon begs for Sans to kill him. He refuses, keeping Rocket Raccoon alive.
Shantae receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
Noipoi and JDCabrera talk about the tributes still alive.
Also R.I.P. half of my district.
>aircon man dies second day