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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Not gonna lie, I would love to get a Metroid Maker title. The idea of making sectors in the style of Brinstar, Norfair or Crateria, to then mix all of them into a whole and huge map sounds dope.

And sorry about my replies regarding a new F-Zero. I am having a mental war inside my head because I want to scrap, forget and chill about a certain political theme I brought Up earlier this day.

My head is hurting a lot now from thinking about It.
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Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
Sorry, but I would love to see a new Super Mario Maker first.

F-Zero would be cool, but Mario Maker deserves a sequel too.
Agreed in that Super Mario Maker 2 would be awesome.

But F-Zero hasn't had a home console release since GX, which was in 2003 and the last game we got was GP Legend in 2004 for GBA and the last game released as a whole was Climax in Japan also in 2004.

15-16 years of waiting....not even Kingdom Hearts 3 took this long.


Smash Obsessed
Jun 15, 2014
John Cena
No More
Switch FC
Apparently Nintendo's Financial Briefing had Nintendo confirm they have one big title unrevealed for this year that will make people happy, and will help push NSO.

Outside of that, I dunno. Gonna be interesting to see what happens.
I forgot about that one statement, agh.

Y'know, I want to be hopeful, but I'm still cautious. They're the same people who made Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey... yet also the same people who made Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival and Star Fox Zero.

I dunno how to feel. Just ****ing release Final Fantasy VII already.

View attachment 189679
It’s unreasonably rare for a Nintend game to be as bad as Amiibo Festival or Star Fox Zero, so there’s hope
I have collective jealousy for everyone who has Piranha Plant
Also Hi I'm back
Piranha Plant Gang
How to make money with Nintendo: failed IP edition
Step 1: release a new game that'll be the first of said franchise
Step 2: if franchise is getting subpar sales, stop releasing games
Step 3: refuse to ever do anything with the IP outside of crossovers
Step 4: once fans start asking for it, acknowledge said demand but still refuse to release a new game
Step 5: now that your failed IP is a success without you releasing a single new game, release a new game and watch it become a best seller

Now, am I talking about Kid Icarus, F-Zero or Earthbound?
Would have to be Kid Icarus cause Sakurai gave it an epic finale...while also making many sequels possible as ****


Smash Ace
Oct 24, 2018
20,000 feet under the sea
Switch FC
All this Mario Maker talk is reminding me of how ****ing dumb the DLC mystery mushrooms were. Like, Mario could transform into a Mercedes Benz car and damn Shaun the Sheep.

I really want them to do DLC Spirits in Ultimate that are that stupid, like give me a Mercedes Benz spirit, give me a Minion spirit to tie in with Universal, GIVE ME AN ACTUAL RONALD MCDONALD SPIRIT.


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
What if as our next F Zero, we get “F Zero Maker”?
I would spend years creating new tracks on that thing. Especially if they allow us to make courses with track design and settings from all of the games from the original to GX.
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Deleted member

F-Zero Maker is already a thing...
Exclusive to the N64 DD.And yes, it was used to make 3D tracks.

My suggestion would be to put a Level Creator inspired by that one but with better options and functionality as part of a new Switch title.
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Deleted member

All this Mario Maker talk is reminding me of how ****ing dumb the DLC mystery mushrooms were. Like, Mario could transform into a Mercedes Benz car and damn Shaun the Sheep.

I really want them to do DLC Spirits in Ultimate that are that stupid, like give me a Mercedes Benz spirit, give me a Minion spirit to tie in with Universal, GIVE ME AN ACTUAL RONALD MCDONALD SPIRIT.
If they do that they better do a Zoe spirit


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
Apparently Nintendo's Financial Briefing had Nintendo confirm they have one big title unrevealed for this year that will make people happy, and will help push NSO.

Outside of that, I dunno. Gonna be interesting to see what happens.
Hopefully that means F-Zero or the Star Fox Grand Prix rumor.

I guess DK will wait his turn.

Deleted member


Here’s the track creator I talked about from the N64 DD version of F-Zero X.
The idea is possible, it can work even better on a system like the Switch... But only Nintendo can decide wether to use it or not.

Deleted member

Piranha Plant is available for purchase now. She costs $5 so the same as Corrin was in Smash 4.

Deleted member

To finish the talk about the F-Zero track creator for the N64 DD, here’s a video made by the same person where a recreation of MK8’s Mute City done with it is shown.

Deleted member

I know this is off-topic, but honestly it would be so cool to have Steve in Ultimate.

Not because Steve has a potentially cool moveset, but because I have played this game for almost a decade.

I remember how barebones the game was. It was so basic, yet it was still fun.

The game changed in so many ways, whenever bad or good. The community was pretty active around the earlier days, but it became more corporate around 2014ish. It died down after that until Minecraft is in a revival state, because we are actually getting good updates instead of only decorative blocks.

Adding Steve would connect Smash and Minecraft players pretty well.

It is also the second most sold game in the world, betting GTA by around fifty million! What I like about Minecraft as well is it is quite diverse. The game is not filled with mostly english players, there are quite a lot of different players on the field.

Minecraft has so many tools and different options, it honestly is amazing. Steve would be great for Smash.
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Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
When was this confirmed
People have been making this mistake.

In palutena's guidance, when Pit mentions piranha plant, Palutena says "Quiet, she'll hear you!"
People think this means Plant is a she, but Pale Tuna refers to Viridi, who has a PP obsession

Deleted member

I know this is off-topic, but honestly it would be so cool to have Steve in Ultimate.

Not because Steve has a potentially cool moveset, but because I have played this game for almost a decade.

I remember how barebones the game was. It was so basic, yet it was still fun.

The game changed in so many ways, whenever bad or good. The community was pretty active around the earlier days, but it became more corporate around 2014ish. It died down after that until Minecraft is in a revival state, because we are actually getting good updates instead of only decorative blocks.

Adding Steve would connect Smash and Minecraft players pretty well.

It is also the second most sold game in the world, betting GTA by around fifty million! What I like about Minecraft as well is it is quite diverse. The game is not filled with mostly english players, there are quite a lot of different players on the field.

Minecraft has so many tools and different options, it honestly is amazing. Steve would be great for Smash.
It is worth to note alongside your points the fact that a possible Minecraft stage has a lot of fantastic and attractive potential.

A stage could come with so many options and mechanics to apply on it, that it could be even better than the Mario Maker stage (which is my favourite stage in the whole game alongside Brinstar Depths).

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
People have been making this mistake.

In palutena's guidance, when Pit mentions piranha plant, Palutena says "Quiet, she'll hear you!"
People think this means Plant is a she, but Pale Tuna refers to Viridi, who has a PP obsession
you know, I had a thought, from all the Plants she named.... who is out there making all these species of Plants? Does Bowser have a gardening hobby on the side?
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Deleted member

you know, I had a thought, from all the Plants she named.... who is out there making all these species of Plants? Does Bowser have a gardening hobby on the side?
I suppose that they work like IRL plants in regards to that.
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Deleted member

Now I'm worried about the balloons in :ultvillager:'s up special

I made this joke already before, but I don't care
The real mystery lies on Luigi’s balloons in Super Mario Odyssey.

No matter how many times you explode them, they still pop up in his backpack in less or almost a second after doing so.
How is that possible?
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Deleted member

you know, I had a thought, from all the Plants she named.... who is out there making all these species of Plants? Does Bowser have a gardening hobby on the side?
maybe plants aren't actual plants but animals disguised as plants to capture their prey more easily, hence why they have like 85 offshoots


Super Moderator
Jan 27, 2008
Switch FC
Piranha Plant is available for purchase now. She costs $5 so the same as Corrin was in Smash 4.
Dang. Now I have to make the choice between phone tag with Nintendo Customer Service and then wait for a new email, or to just shell out the $5. :dizzy:

Is Piranha Plant that much fun to play or should I wait? lol

Deleted member

When was this confirmed
It's a plant, it has no real gender, so you can call it whatever. Some people are confusing the language in the Palutena's guidance as Palutena calling the plant a 'she', but Palutena was actually referring to Viridi (since she's a Piranha plant nut) when she said 'Shh, she'll hear you!'
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Deleted member

Dang. Now I have to make the choice between phone tag with Nintendo Customer Service and then wait for a new email, or to just shell out the $5. :dizzy:

Is Piranha Plant that much fun to play or should I wait? lol
Piranha Plant, at least from what I’ve played of it, is one of the best fighters present in the game at the moment. The side special deals a lot of damage, and you can land a lot of hits with it easily.

Imo, it is worth to pick up.
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