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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
Naw, Arms is different.

Speaking of which, what happened to it? I always joke that it died when Spla2n released, but it kept getting free dlc and everything!
Arms 2 when? And how Will they keep it afloat?
I know what they should add!
View attachment 189686
Are you implying you want Fawful in ARMS?

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
Michael the Spikester Michael the Spikester : A nice and calm person who has mastered biology, especially about crocodiles.
You definitely describe me perfectly. I especially know everything about crocodiles. Ask me anything about them and you'll get your answer. ;)

Though I must admit I can at times come across blunt and seemingly condescending especially when it comes to getting riled up in debates. That's something I'm trying to work on not doing.


Smash Legend
Jun 18, 2018
Smash for Switch confirme- oh, wait.
To elaborate, SMM was the 7th best selling game on the Wii U.

Most of the top 20 selling games on the Wii U have received ports or sequels on the Switch.

Super Mario Maker got a lot of Social Media traction (mostly on Youtube), and I'd imagine a Sequel'd sell really well on the Switch.
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Smash Lord
Feb 20, 2014
I'll be a while before Super Mario Maker hits Switch because of NSMBUD just coming out.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
I'll be a while before Super Mario Maker hits Switch because of NSMBUD just coming out.
I actually thought that abbreviation was a joke until I translated it and it was real... Jezus...

Also, I figured out which game we're ACTUALLY getting!

I have obtained the chortles, lost the beef and embraced the mustard of our doom.
View attachment 189690

Long may he reign.
Oh I like you!
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Deleted member

It's 3AM where I am so I'm signing out, Goodnight Everybody!

Also gonna drop this here cause why not
So We know that good 'ol Reggie said that we would not expect the Characters that are being put into Ultimate as DLC right? I think theoretically at least that this could fit Banjo here's why using Math to start with; Let's say 75% of the Playerbase are Casuals who obviously do not expect Banjo at all since he hasn't had a game in a decade so that's 75% of the playerbase right there while, we in the Smash Community are the 25%. We the 25% are still conflicted on who's gonna be DLC Banjo or Steve to the point it could even be considered a 50/50 split so the 25% being split would be 12.5% of the community thinking it could be Banjo which if some random stranger saw those numbers they would definitely say that's Unexpected. What I'm saying is if you asked the Casual fan who they expect as the Microsoft rep, Banjo or Steve they would likely say Steve. Added in the 50/50% that's a whopping 87.5% of the Playerbase expecting Steve if there are any MS Reps while again, only 12.5% expect Banjo.

Let's even say that the entire Community is a 50/50 split between Hardcore and Casual which I doubt very much that would still be 75% for Steve and only
25% expecting Banjo. This all could be for naught if he's talking to the Hardcore fanbase but.. I kind of doubt that to be honest. I really think he's
talking to the Casuals as why would he go out of his way to talk to the Hardcore fanbase who at this point has skimmed over almost every single character
out there and who is likely only 25% to 30% of the Consumer base? It just does not make sense.

And Banjo could make sense from a Microsoft perspective, Of course you have Minecraft and Steve who is already a huge cashcow who belongs to an already proven to work franchise and they could obviously play it safe. but a huge problem people seem to have with Microsoft and Xbox as a whole is that they have no exclusives whatsoever, and if they wanted to fix that they could add Banjo to Smash and Revive the franchise as we have no idea why they haven't made a new B-K game maybe they just haven't found a good time to release or make a new B-K game and could take the chance of Advertising Banjo by allowing Sakurai to use him in Smash. it would be a Win-Win people who have wanted Banjo for years would finally get Banjo and Microsoft could also use Banjo as Marketing to get people interested in a new B-K game.

we shouldn't discount Banjo instantly just cause Leakers say it's Steve since they've been saying it's steve since forever first it was Steve in base then Minecraft content being in a Day 1 patch, then DLC. Not to mention credible leakers mentioned that Steve were in the game in a Playtester build but as people over on the Geno thread have pointed out an actual Nintendo playtester called them out and presumably that Ken image was from the Playtester build so if Steve was in why leak somebody like Ken and not Steve who is one of the most iconic characters in this day and age of gaming? cause if I were the playtester I would leak Steve instead of Ken cause Steve is more iconic and important than Ken.

Why does this matter? well the thing is, 1) who's to say that Steve isn't a codename for Banjo and Minecraft content actually means B-K content, 2) Minecraft is leakbait since that would explain the inconsitantcies or 3) there is no Microsoft rep. While yes Steve absolutely positively could be the Rep and I'm moreso expecting Steve I'm just saying that we shouldn't count Banjo out just yet and I'm defending him cause I love my bear and bird. Gonna admit here, even if Steve is the rep that's only a good thing for Banjo since it at least shows MS are okay with working with Nintendo for DLC or on things in General which in turn makes Banjo more likely.

TLDR: Likely only 12.5% or 25% of the fanbase expects Banjo which would fit with Reggie's saying of the DLC would be unexpected and MS could add B-K to smash in order to advertise a possible new B-K game as we don't know why they haven't made one, maybe they haven't found an opportunity to make one yet. Plus Minecraft was supposedly apart of an August playtest said by some leakers yet an actual playtester called them out on it so maybe Minecraft was Leakbait or a Codename all along. Not saying that Steve isn't the Character or that he isn't more likely just, don't rule out B-K just yet.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2013
On the final stretch in Kingdom Hearts III..I wish I could stay up later to finish it, but I have to work...at least I had these past two days off to play it (by chance, even..and on the days where it was so cold and roads were so bad that they called it an emergency level issue).

Deleted member

Article 13 may be voted next week or the one after that...

I have done everything a 17 years old person could do... I don't have enough energy at the moment for all that fear again.

I just hope that it doesn't pass.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Article 13 may be voted next week or the one after that...

I have done everything a 17 years old person could do... I don't have enough energy at the moment for all that fear again.

I just hope that it doesn't pass.
What's Article 13?

Deleted member

What's Article 13?
An European law that if passed, would apply extremist upload filters on the internet for everyone in Europe.

Before the temporal cancellation of the January vote, it gave me too many nigthmares.


Smash Master
Dec 31, 2018
Tallon IV
Switch FC
SW 1995 0060 1138
What's Article 13?
Basically a European internet law forcing websites to have AUTOMATIC filters that block possibly copyrighted contend.

However, these automatic filters are unable to distinguish between copyright infringing images and "Fair-use content", such as reviews, parodies and memes.
This means that anything that MIGHT be outside the law can be blocked.

And yes, American websites have to abide by these laws too if they want to be accessible in Europe (which they typically want).

An example of how bad these filters really are: a site currently using one of these filters found a picture of a bald man deleted because the filter said it detected "Too much skin" and labelled it as nudity

Deleted member

Basically a European internet law forcing websites to have AUTOMATIC filters that block possibly copyrighted contend.

However, these automatic filters are unable to distinguish between copyright infringing images and "Fair-use content", such as reviews, parodies and memes.
This means that anything that MIGHT be outside the law can be blocked.

And yes, American websites have to abide by these laws too if they want to be accessible in Europe (which they typically want).

An example of how bad these filters really are: a site currently using one of these filters found a picture of a bald man deleted because the filter said it detected "Too much skin" and labelled it as nudity
As Susan Storm said in "The Coming Of Galactus":

"It's like living a horror movie".


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
Apparently Nintendo's Financial Briefing had Nintendo confirm they have one big title unrevealed for this year that will make people happy, and will help push NSO.

Outside of that, I dunno. Gonna be interesting to see what happens.
Wonder what 'big' means to them? Another unrevealed big title makes sense, as we gotta have our 'one last thing' in our Nintendo directs. Yeah, there's AC and Gen 8 coming out this year, but we already know about them so they wouldn't be complete surprises (plus Pokemon normally gets revealed in its own way).

Much as it's big to me and others, Pikmin isn't that big in the greater scheme of things. And while it'd be a big deal for its fanbase who have been waiting for years, not sure they'd see a hypothetical new F Zero in this way. Only real 'big' titles I can think of, for series which don't have games confirmed coming in 2019, are something for Mario and Zelda - but it's only been two years since both series had their last mainline game, so it's probably Mario Maker 2 or something (which I'd be down for as I never got to play the first one).

Deleted member

My wish is to see the new game being F-Zero or Super Mario Maker 2.


Smash Lord
Jan 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
*An unannounced title for FY19 that will make fans really happy and is fit for Switch online*


I do think it has a genuine chance due to Retro's rumored racing game. In my opinion, I highly doubt it's Star Fox. Plus, Retro has revived 2 franchises that were largely dormant successfully well (Metroid, Donkey Kong) so they can do it with this one....I HOPE.

That and, you know, we haven't had a home console game for this series for 16 F@$%!#* YEARS! We've waited for another installment then people have been waiting for Kingdom Hearts 3 for christ sake.
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Deleted member

My fear about Article 13 has sadly returned.

I haven't been able to take that garbage out of my brain since I heard the news.

It feels like a mental torture... and is making me feel awful.

Deleted member

My fear about Article 13 has sadly returned.

I haven't been able to take that garbage out of my brain since I heard the news.

It feels like a mental torture... and is making me feel awful.
I really hope it doesn’t take place.
In addition to ruining our memes Internet experiences, it would take a heavy toll on content creators, whose job it is to. . create content, particularly for the ones who had money taken from them quite recently. . .
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Deleted member

I really hope it doesn’t take place.
In addition to ruining our memes Internet experiences, it would take a heavy toll on content creators, whose job it is to. . create content, particularly for the ones who had money taken from them quite recently. . .
Not only that.
Just thinking about the number makes my mind sick.
In fact, my head is starting to hurt from thinking about it since I heard the news.

I need to do something regarding that... Since it is consuming most of my time in an awful way.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Is that the Metroid Prime Trilogy Switch remake or a new Mario&Luigi game?View attachment 189687
I mean we JUST got the Bowser's Inside Story remake so I doubt another Mario and Luigi game is being announced then. Also this new game would boost online subscriptions, Prime Trilogy is almost exclusively single player with alright at best multiplayer on Prime 2 so I don't think it fits the bill
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