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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
In terms of combat, I was struggling to come up with something for Leon because of his weapon selection. While they could give him, for example, the grenade launcher I don’t really think it would fit him considering he doesn’t use it.
I doubt that'd be an issue; characters like Robin, Ness, Zelda and Simon already uses stuff that's unique to other characters.

If they want to thank us for the good sales, I suggest them free DLCs with new alts, like Dry Bowser or Ness in a pajama.
Say goodbye to your favorite alt colors, then.

I am not counting out the potential of Assist Trophies, but for Smash Ultimate, it's simply not gonna happen. I think Ultimate is the literal ultimate template for a new Smash game, as it's also been build off heavily from Smash Wii U, and I suspect Nintendo will make a new Smash similary to how Sakurai created Ultimate out of Smash 4's engine. Possibly with even keeping Ultimate's engine, just because it's so balanced and extremely offensively based.

Smash 4 had tons of newcomers which basically got a "promotion" from last game. Ridley was a stage hazard, Isabelle and Dark Samus where Assist Trophies, King K.Rool was a late Mii Costume DLC and Chrom was and ironically still is part of Robin's Final Smash- but now also playable. That's a HUGE precentage of the newcomers.

I have little doubt that they will look over these characters when they create a new Smash game out of Ultimate. And maybe even call it Ultimate 2, but with added modes as Smash Run, Homerun Contest, Break the Targets and whatnot. Assist Trophy characters just need to remain popular and hugely requested.
Wasn't Brawl's situation an either Melee for Wii or a fully new game? I don't think we'll ever get remakes/ports with Smash.

Deleted member

Might as well throw Zero in there too; he's got a pretty decent moveset already and he's just an Assist Trophy.

Deleted member

So how would you guys place the characters in regards to how you like to play as them in Ultimate? Mine would be:

Great: :ultwolf:
Good: :ultsimon::ultrichter::ultkrool::ultrob::ultdarksamus::ultdaisy::ultpeach::ultganondorf::ultfalco::ultzelda::ultsamus:
Starting to feel good/in need of practice: :ultryu::ultken::ultfox::ultpokemontrainerf::ultpalutena::ultincineroar::ultdk::ultdoc::ultsheik::ultjigglypuff::ultpichu::ultpikachu::ultridley::ultchrom::ultlink::ulttoonlink::ultsnake:
Unsure: :ultwiifittrainer::ultcloud::ultlucina::ultroy::ultrobin::ultcorrinf::ultlucario::ultmewtwo::ultpiranha::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultisabelle::ultkingdedede::ultmario::ultlucas::ultyoshi::ultike::ultzss::ultbowser:
Iffy, may drop altogether soon: :ultswordfighter::ultgunner::ultmarth::ultluigi::ulticeclimbers::ultbayonetta::ultyounglink:
Not for me: :ultbrawler::ultlittlemac::ultpacman::ultgreninja::ultrosalina::ultolimar::ultmetaknight::ultmegaman::ultsonic:
Haven't tried yet lol: :ultinkling::ultvillager::ultduckhunt::ultshulk::ultwario::ultdiddy::ultbowserjr::ultness:
Need Practice::ultken::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultsnake:
Not tried: everyone else.


Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Say they did do a fighters pass 2, and in an act of pure fanservice (unlikely), made it all characters who are currently assist trophies. Okay, it's not gonna happen, but apart from this week's new Pokemon rep or Fire Emblem character the pool for first-party picks is getting shallow. Regardless, if it was five again, and the basis was purely fan demand - ignoring considerations like bargaining with third parties or Nintendo's view on a character - who would they be?

Waluigi would obviously be in there from fan demand alone. And there was strong support for Shadow, not forgetting Isaac's loyal fanbase. Those three are easy. But who would be the fourth and fifth most popular, and our fourth and fifth picks in the hypothetical season 2 DLC? I feel like it's a toss up between Bomberman, Krystal, Takumaru, Alucard, Ashley and Skull Kid, but maybe there are others in the mix.
Probably Waluigi, Issac, Skull Kid, Ashley, and Spring Man, along with Shadow as a bonus echo.

Maybe replace one of the last 3 with a Pokeball Pokemon (probably Mimikyu)
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Smash Champion
Jun 22, 2012
If a day comes with Agumon as a character in smash.
I will cry alot, and be grateful.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
I don't think they'll reserve the DLC to certain characters just because they are categorized under a certain item. There are better ways to give fanservice.
Fans tend to get particularly outraged when a character is confirmed as an assist trophy as the (currently not supported but not disproven either) theory is that a character can't be upgraded to DLC if they're an assist: hence why I feel like upgrading characters from assists would be the most 'fanservicey' act. By contrast, there's no consensus yet that spirits deconfirm.

I guess upgrading a Pokemon from a Pokeball service to playable would also be fanservicey but Mimikyu is the only one I can think of off the top of my head who had decent support


Smash Cadet
Jan 9, 2019
Pallet Town
Switch FC
Fans tend to get particularly outraged when a character is confirmed as an assist trophy as the (currently not supported but not disproven either) theory is that a character can't be upgraded to DLC if they're an assist: hence why I feel like upgrading characters from assists would be the most 'fanservicey' act. By contrast, there's no consensus yet that spirits deconfirm.

I guess upgrading a Pokemon from a Pokeball service to playable would also be fanservicey but Mimikyu is the only one I can think of off the top of my head who had decent support
alolan raichu. Alolan Raichu. ALOLAN RAICHU.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
Say goodbye to your favorite alt colors, then.
Me: Why, Nintendo, why there can't be more than 8 alts? why did you remove fire Mario? why can't you let the game have more colors and costumes? why ROB doesn't love me? why I asked that last question? oh, Nintendo, why?

Nintendo, probably:

Just a penguin

Smash Master
Dec 19, 2018
Noipoi's Fan Club- Antarctica
Fans tend to get particularly outraged when a character is confirmed as an assist trophy as the (currently not supported but not disproven either) theory is that a character can't be upgraded to DLC if they're an assist: hence why I feel like upgrading characters from assists would be the most 'fanservicey' act. By contrast, there's no consensus yet that spirits deconfirm.

I guess upgrading a Pokemon from a Pokeball service to playable would also be fanservicey but Mimikyu is the only one I can think of off the top of my head who had decent support
Alolan Exeggutor


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Okay so like, I don't really play Kingdom Hearts but I like reading about the lore because I guess I'm a masochist. That being said, I do have a question.

Spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 3 ahead.
Okay so you know how people generally say that the Disney worlds themselves don't factor into the plot very much, and up until now that's been mostly true?

I think the secret ending kind of throws a wrench into that, right? Because to me it makes it seem like the Toy Story world was very, very important in retrospect.


Smash Champion
Sep 1, 2014
Akrillic Island
Me: Why, Nintendo, why there can't be more than 8 alts? why did you remove fire Mario? why can't you let the game have more colors and costumes? why ROB doesn't love me? why I asked that last question? oh, Nintendo, why?

Nintendo, probably:
I actually send the wrong image, I wanted to send the Yao Ming face, but now I'm too lazy to change it, so, uh, whatever...


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
Fans tend to get particularly outraged when a character is confirmed as an assist trophy as the (currently not supported but not disproven either) theory is that a character can't be upgraded to DLC if they're an assist: hence why I feel like upgrading characters from assists would be the most 'fanservicey' act. By contrast, there's no consensus yet that spirits deconfirm.

I guess upgrading a Pokemon from a Pokeball service to playable would also be fanservicey but Mimikyu is the only one I can think of off the top of my head who had decent support
Okay, but like why chaacters like Bandana Dee or Dixie Kong should be less "fanservicey" because they are not Assist Trophies? It doesn't make sense, especially when you have a ton of AT characters that aren't suitable for being playable or don't have a notable fan demand.

Michael the Spikester

Smash Obsessed
Aug 31, 2018
Switch FC
So how would you guys place the characters in regards to how you like to play as them in Ultimate? Mine would be:

Great: :ultwolf:
Good: :ultsimon::ultrichter::ultkrool::ultrob::ultdarksamus::ultdaisy::ultpeach::ultganondorf::ultfalco::ultzelda::ultsamus:
Starting to feel good/in need of practice: :ultryu::ultken::ultfox::ultpokemontrainerf::ultpalutena::ultincineroar::ultdk::ultdoc::ultsheik::ultjigglypuff::ultpichu::ultpikachu::ultridley::ultchrom::ultlink::ulttoonlink::ultsnake:
Unsure: :ultwiifittrainer::ultcloud::ultlucina::ultroy::ultrobin::ultcorrinf::ultlucario::ultmewtwo::ultpiranha::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultisabelle::ultkingdedede::ultmario::ultlucas::ultyoshi::ultike::ultzss::ultbowser:
Iffy, may drop altogether soon: :ultswordfighter::ultgunner::ultmarth::ultluigi::ulticeclimbers::ultbayonetta::ultyounglink:
Not for me: :ultbrawler::ultlittlemac::ultpacman::ultgreninja::ultrosalina::ultolimar::ultmetaknight::ultmegaman::ultsonic:
Haven't tried yet lol: :ultinkling::ultvillager::ultduckhunt::ultshulk::ultwario::ultdiddy::ultbowserjr::ultness:
Fun playing as the most::ultbowser::ultbowserjr::ultduckhunt::ultinkling::ultkrool::ultpalutena::ultridley::ultshulk::ultsimon::ultrichter::ultyoshi:
Still lots of fun but not as much as the above::ultbayonetta::ultfalcon::ultcloud::ultcorrin::ultdk::ultganondorf::ultike::ultkingdedede::ultlittlemac::ultlucario::ultmegaman::ultmetaknight::ultmewtwo::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultpokemontrainer::ultrobin::ultrosalina::ultsnake::ultzss:
Don't use often::ultincineroar::ultisabelle::ultlucas::ultmiifighters::ultgnw::ultness::ultpacman:
Never use::ultjigglypuff::ultolimar::ultpichu::ultvillager:
Last edited:

Rie Sonomura

fly octo fly
Jul 14, 2014
Switch FC
Fans tend to get particularly outraged when a character is confirmed as an assist trophy as the (currently not supported but not disproven either) theory is that a character can't be upgraded to DLC if they're an assist: hence why I feel like upgrading characters from assists would be the most 'fanservicey' act. By contrast, there's no consensus yet that spirits deconfirm.

I guess upgrading a Pokemon from a Pokeball service to playable would also be fanservicey but Mimikyu is the only one I can think of off the top of my head who had decent support
What about Final Smash or non-Boss Stage Cameos? Though with Chrom, regular Samus in Zero Suit's Final Smash, Fox and Falco in each other's, Conductor Toon Link, and Mario in PP's victory screen, it would seem those two roles aren't as strong deconfirmations as in the 4 days.



Smash Hero
Jun 8, 2017
That Distant Shore
Fans tend to get particularly outraged when a character is confirmed as an assist trophy as the (currently not supported but not disproven either) theory is that a character can't be upgraded to DLC if they're an assist: hence why I feel like upgrading characters from assists would be the most 'fanservicey' act. By contrast, there's no consensus yet that spirits deconfirm.

I guess upgrading a Pokemon from a Pokeball service to playable would also be fanservicey but Mimikyu is the only one I can think of off the top of my head who had decent support
I imagine if you removed the recency factor, a lot more Pokeball Poemon would have support. Mimikyu, Gardevoir, Zoruark, Scizor, Meowth, etc (also Weavile if we count cut Pokeballs)


Ridley's Propaganda Artist
Feb 9, 2014
Why, Nintendo, why there can't be more than 8 alts?
:( This is one of the biggest disappointments. Everyone hoped that at least one character could have the same quantity that Little Mac had in 4.

why did you remove fire Mario?
O-O More specifically, why did you remove Fire Mario, removed Mario's Wario alt and instead, put him in a Waluigi alt when Luigi, kept his Fire alt, AND has already a Waluigi alt (and makes sense he has it)?


Jun 19, 2018
Viva La France
So how would you guys place the characters in regards to how you like to play as them in Ultimate? Mine would be:

Great: :ultwolf:
Good: :ultsimon::ultrichter::ultkrool::ultrob::ultdarksamus::ultdaisy::ultpeach::ultganondorf::ultfalco::ultzelda::ultsamus:
Starting to feel good/in need of practice: :ultryu::ultken::ultfox::ultpokemontrainerf::ultpalutena::ultincineroar::ultdk::ultdoc::ultsheik::ultjigglypuff::ultpichu::ultpikachu::ultridley::ultchrom::ultlink::ulttoonlink::ultsnake:
Unsure: :ultwiifittrainer::ultcloud::ultlucina::ultroy::ultrobin::ultcorrinf::ultlucario::ultmewtwo::ultpiranha::ultpit::ultdarkpit::ultisabelle::ultkingdedede::ultmario::ultlucas::ultyoshi::ultike::ultzss::ultbowser:
Iffy, may drop altogether soon: :ultswordfighter::ultgunner::ultmarth::ultluigi::ulticeclimbers::ultbayonetta::ultyounglink:
Not for me: :ultbrawler::ultlittlemac::ultpacman::ultgreninja::ultrosalina::ultolimar::ultmetaknight::ultmegaman::ultsonic:
Haven't tried yet lol: :ultinkling::ultvillager::ultduckhunt::ultshulk::ultwario::ultdiddy::ultbowserjr::ultness:
doods i plae.png

It's something like this.


Smash Champion
Sep 21, 2018
over dere
Switch FC
Okay, but like why chaacters like Bandana Dee or Dixie Kong should be less "fanservicey" because they are not Assist Trophies? It doesn't make sense, especially when you have a ton of AT characters that aren't suitable for being playable or don't have a notable fan demand.
As I suggested fans tend to get a lot more vocal when a character is disconfirmed via an assist trophy. Sure, I imagine that Dixie and BWD being spirits made a lot of people unhappy, but the outcry wasn't on the same level as the characters who were revealed as assist. It's just part of the way they were revealed (publicly via a direct in cases like Waluigi or Shadow) and that being a spirit didn't seem as hard a deconfirmation.

Do assist trophy characters deserve the upgrade more? Of course not. But pure fanservice means listening to fan demands (whatever they are) - and fan outcry. And assist trophy, for whatever reasons, is treated as a 'disrespect' and, accordingly, generates the most outcry.

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Okay so like, I don't really play Kingdom Hearts but I like reading about the lore because I guess I'm a masochist. That being said, I do have a question.

Spoilers for Kingdom Hearts 3 ahead.
Okay so you know how people generally say that the Disney worlds themselves don't factor into the plot very much, and up until now that's been mostly true?

I think the secret ending kind of throws a wrench into that, right? Because to me it makes it seem like the Toy Story world was very, very important in retrospect.
Its funny how out of all the worlds, Toy Story had the most impact


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Seeing how Sora is in TWEWY Who buys, we cannsafy say Sora is stright up dead, right?
Never played TWEWY so I could be wrong, but isn't it more of a limbo state than a death?


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
Switch FC
SW 1248 1677 4696
In terms of combat, I was struggling to come up with something for Leon because of his weapon selection. While they could give him, for example, the grenade launcher I don’t really think it would fit him considering he doesn’t use it.

If Jill has access to those, i’m all for her over Leon. I haven’t played RE1, so I don’t know what she can specifically do. I would say though that she could combine her MvC moveset, but with a twist of ammunition management. So for the grenade launcher, she could have different rounds, but has a management system similar to Robin so she can’t spam it.

In addition, I think a stun move with a taser would be ideal, and that could set up a stronger weapon to combo with.

I’m with you on this one. Jill for Smash!

Really, my only question is the music to put in the pass. Sure, they could do a remix of the Tyrant theme, but beyond that...what music is there?
Oh there is SO much music. I'll requote this post when I'm at a PC so I can link you. ;)

But yes, resource management was going to be a theme of the move set I have in my head. It's a great idea we've discussed before here way back before the Grinch leak. It's fitting for the series. Good idea.

Deleted member

Would you support Doc Louis as a Little Mac echo?
if he also can't play half the game then no

jokes aside i think it would be weird to see someone of his, uh, stature using little macs animations but if they can make it work then sure

Professor Pumpkaboo

Lady Layton| Trap Queen♥
Sep 10, 2014
IDOLM@STER Side M Hell, Virginia Beach
Switch FC
SW: 5586-2837-4585
Never played TWEWY so I could be wrong, but isn't it more of a limbo state than a death?
From what I read in the wiki, The Reaper game is a game that people who have died play and is approched by the Reaper shortly after their death And to play you pay an entry fee and peeps are saying Soras entry fee is Riku
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