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What are you most excited about for E3?

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Deleted member

All discussion is going to be for like the next few months will be complaining. It'll probably get even worse when Erdrick is announced.
Look, I get it. I know I come off as horrendously negative and cynical, but...I can't see the situation in any other way.
Yeah, cool, we're getting Joker in Smash! We're getting stage builder! Why should I care about that when in a couple of weeks no one else will?
I would be HAPPY to be wrong, trust me, but I know I won't be.
Its just the same old ****, a few people complain about the new pick while a lot enjoy the trailer and are willing to give it a go. I understand being a bit pessimistic, but thinking of the worst case scenario all the time is never a good idea.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
Okay buddy it's time for you to get off your street corner and stop preaching the end of the world. It's not going to happen.

Will people be mad? Probably. They have reason to be given how many times Persona 5 Switch has/hasn't been a thing at this point and the emotional toll that hyping yourself up only to get knocked down only to hype yourself up again (repeat ad nauseam) can take on a person.

But it won't be worse than the Grinch leak. So many people in the core fanbase had their hopes shot up only to get knocked down all at once, and by surprise to some as well. You say you know how Smash Bros. fans works, but I think I know them better, and it won't play out like you say. If anything we'll have three camps from this:
  • The people who don't care/are hyped to play as Joker,
  • The people disappointed that a P5 Switch port isn't happening given how many times it's been "leaked," and
  • The people who were going to be mad anyways (i.e. GameFAQs, see: REEEEEE NON-NINTENDO CHARACTER REEEE ANIMU SWORDMAN REEE)
Hey, don't get me wrong, I would be ECSTATIC if I was wrong. In fact the people replying to me mocking me are actually giving me hope that my conclusions might be wrong.
I'm just overly worried, okay?


I have a YouTube channel.
Writing Team
Jan 30, 2008
The 90's
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Yeah just because a leak says something doesn't mean I'll 100% believe it. At the end of the day it's a text leak, and while the guy is reliable it's only his word, no concrete proof. I'd say Atlus wanting to expand their franchises (polls asking if people were interested in PC, Switch, etc.) and the obvious Smash DLC cross-promotion with Joker outweighs some guy simply saying he hasn't seen anything yet. He says in the ResetEra post is that he's not 100% sure and that it doesn't necessarily rule out P5 for Switch separately, I won't give up just yet.
While that's good and all, it's worth keeping in mind that he's not just "some guy". He's a good reporter with a track record and connections who doesn't say anything publicly unless he is VERY confident in its authenticity.

He's not a leaker like Verge and the like who rely on jaw dropping information and jump the gun too often. He has reliable income from his normal job of writing for Kotaku. He doesn't say things just to grab attention or for the sake of leaking them.


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Hold up, DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon dead *** you said if Xenoblade 2 was 20 bucks you'd pick it up again.

Look at Target right now.

QUICK, SAY BANJO IS IN YOU ************.

Also @Mr. Wario yes yes yes, it is absolutely worth it. Torna is really good too, Nintendo's best expansion and DLC yet.
Oh **** l'm still not going to get it.

I've got to save money for my new 2DS XL.
Hey, don't get me wrong, I would be ECSTATIC if I was wrong. In fact the people replying to me mocking me are actually giving me hope that my conclusions might be wrong.
I'm just overly worried, okay?
Have you gotten checked out for an anxiety disorder?

If you acknowledge that you're overly worried yet still are overly worried it might be something to look into, especially if this applies to other areas of your life.
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I really doubt it will. People will be disappointed, but outrage? Fat chance.

People didn't react that strongly when the Grinch leak was fake either.
I mean there was that one asshole who ****ed off after he made an ass out of himself only to come back and scream how people here have a hivemind mentality despite how the dude screamed about how Ultimate deserved to flop because Grinch was fake


The Spook Factor
Feb 12, 2013
Southern California
I don't think you guys realize what's going to happen when P5 doesn't come to Switch.
This will cause a bigger ****storm than the Grinch leak being fake. The whole fanbase will be divided.
It'll be worse than it's ever been. You all call me irrationally pessimistic now, just you wait. I know how Smash Bros. fans work.
Of course people will reply to this with "who cares what the fans think" not realizing the fans are who we're all forced to interact with since we're all a part of this community.
Smashboards might not be horribly angry, but outside Smashboards? It'll be the ****ing apocalypse.
The Smash fanbase will be divided over a completely different game franchise not coming to the Switch?


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
The Smash fanbase will be divided over a completely different game franchise not coming to the Switch?
The Smash fanbase would be divided over what Sakurai had for breakfast.


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
All discussion is going to be for like the next few months will be complaining. It'll probably get even worse when Erdrick is announced.
Look, I get it. I know I come off as horrendously negative and cynical, but...I can't see the situation in any other way.
Yeah, cool, we're getting Joker in Smash! We're getting stage builder! Why should I care about that when in a couple of weeks no one else will?
I would be HAPPY to be wrong, trust me, but I know I won't be.
All discussion for the last month was complaining because Joker took too long to come.

Smash fandom complains about almost everything and I can see why it bothers some people (it definitely annoys me sometimes). But i you have a problem with the amount of negativity in the fanbase, you should start by having a more positive outlook yourself.

And done with exaggarated fear mongering.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Twenty bucks is low enough that I'd consider giving XC2 a shot despite my misgivings, but I really didn't care for the original XC's gameplay, so I think I'll still pass for now.
That reminds me, a friend of mine who's one of THOSE Xenoblade fans suddenly likes XB2 now and we've been arguing about it, he thinks I'm exaggerating when I say it'd need to be less than 15 euros for me to consider a purchase. This is the same friend who I get to ragequit and the same friend I neutered with a bike btw


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018
The Smash fanbase would be divided over what Sakurai had for breakfast.
Smash fandom probably would accuse Sakurai for having a bias against western because he makes Japanese breakfast.


Smash Ace
Sep 12, 2014
All discussion for the last month was complaining because Joker took too long to come.

Smash fandom complains about almost everything and I can see why it bothers some people (it definitely annoys me sometimes). But i you have a problem with the amount of negativity in the fanbase, you should start by having a more positive outlook yourself.

And done with exaggarated fear mongering.
I think you hit the nail on the head. Discussion last month was overly negative and it kinda got to me.
The problem is, this is probably the fiftieth time I've said something along the lines of "I was being too negative, you guys are all right and I need to calm down," so perhaps most people won't believe me.
The truth is, like I've said, I don't fully believe everything I say on here. It's more me yelling stupid **** that I don't WANT to believe in the hopes that someone will prove me wrong.

Deleted member

All discussion is going to be for like the next few months will be complaining. It'll probably get even worse when Erdrick is announced.
Look, I get it. I know I come off as horrendously negative and cynical, but...I can't see the situation in any other way.
Yeah, cool, we're getting Joker in Smash! We're getting stage builder! Why should I care about that when in a couple of weeks no one else will?
I would be HAPPY to be wrong, trust me, but I know I won't be.
The inverse applies too. Some people will be angry about Erdrick or no P5 Switch and then stop giving a ****, like with the Grinch leak. No lynch mob is gonna form because people are disappointed over a video game. You're overblowing negative reaction when they're actually quite common and harmless in this industry.


The fairest of them all
Aug 24, 2014
Alright. Follow up question.

Moydow Moydow what's Etrian Odyssey.
Like Persona Q, except not terrible

Basically they're a series of dungeon crawler RPGs for DS and 3DS, where you create your own party of explorers to explore a labyrinth. And you draw your own maps. And you die. A lot.

Some of the games have an easy mode. You'll still die. A lot.

Though they do a whole lot of stuff really well in terms of game design, and they're really fun. If you want, you can check out a demo of some of the games on the 3DS eShop.

I remember playing the demo for what I think was EO IV on the 3DS. Some weird deer thing killed me immediately and I decided it wasn't for me lol.
Rule 1 of playing Etrian Odyssey: Don't pet the deer.
Rule 2 of playing Etrian Odyssey: Seriously, do not pet the ****ing deer.

What you ran into is called an FOE. There's a reason why people joke about FOE standing for "****ing overpowered enemy". :p They're meant as obstacles, instead of actual things to fight, though when you get strong enough you can eventually take them on, and it feels great because being able to beat them is a really good sign you're making progress. So they might sound dumb, but I think they're actually a really good idea.


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
While that's good and all, it's worth keeping in mind that he's not just "some guy". He's a good reporter with a track record and connections who doesn't say anything publicly unless he is VERY confident in its authenticity.

He's not a leaker like Verge and the like who rely on jaw dropping information and jump the gun too often. He has reliable income from his normal job of writing for Kotaku. He doesn't say things just to grab attention or for the sake of leaking them.
Yeah, oh well, hopefully P5 can come of its own volition separate of Royale and S. On the bright side my wallet won't hurt as much and I'll have more time to do other things because the Switch lineup is already packed this year.

Deleted member

Hold up, DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon dead *** you said if Xenoblade 2 was 20 bucks you'd pick it up again.

Look at Target right now.

QUICK, SAY BANJO IS IN YOU ************.

Also @Mr. Wario yes yes yes, it is absolutely worth it. Torna is really good too, Nintendo's best expansion and DLC yet.
Tots who else is in on the Banjo bet? Right now it's just you and I, right?


Smash Champion
Mar 18, 2018
Are we allowed to post leaks (well, suspected leaks) because I just found one for Steve in Smash that isn't actually too blurry
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