In a weird way, I can give credit to taunt parties for one thing, at least; the sheer abundance of them made me long to have actual battles with other actual people playing the game. That ended up being my primary motivation to join this website when I did. I wanted to have battles with other players, not just screw around with taunts, crouching and minor glitches every single time I went online.
With taunt parties completely overtaking Online With Anyone, and not being able to really go to tournaments, I originally signed up here to make friends to play Brawl with. I wasn't initially too comfortable with Brawl's section of the site after joining, though...and I soon found myself sticking around more for Smash 4 speculation instead. Still, I may not have joined when I did were it not for that motivation, and besides enjoying speculation for the most part, I also eventually really did find some friends who wanted to play Brawl with me anyway. At last I found myself being able to enjoy true battles in Brawl again, no CPUs, and no getting triple-teamed if you refused to partake in the neverending sea of taunt parties, and I got to play those battles with friends, too! I later made plenty of other friends as time went on, including several who played Smash 4 online with me after it came out.
So hey, thanks, all you taunt party folk from Brawl.

Wouldn't be here if it weren't for you, most likely.