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Okay I am not targeting this towards you Brelooming you're a very nice and cool person but this is one thing from a list of few that **** me off, And that's oversaturation of a word especially "Edgy" and the like.Metal Gear Rising is the good kind of edgy, for example
There's a difference between a piece of "Edgy" content and Dark Content, Metal Gear Rising as an example is Dark, Not Edgy.
The definition of Dark is "Relating to Dark or Depressing Circumstances" That's very loose so let's define it as "A Depressing Circumstance usually fulfilling some kind of purpose in Media." Some Stories and Games can be Dark without being "Edgy" MGR is Dark, Not Edgy. Another Example is Batman; The Killing Joke it's a very Dark Comic but it serves a purpose for telling a story within the Batman franchise so I wouldn't consider it "Edgy".
Edgy is defined as "Someone or Something trying too hard to be Cool, Usually ending up as Cringe Worthy" Again another Loose Definition so let's define it as "Something or some sort of Media trying to be Cool Or Interesting by handling Dark Subjects and Dark stuff for no reason usually ending us as Cringe Worthy" which those two previous examples are not, The Gamecube game "Shadow The Hedgehog" is the prime example of "Edgy".
Shadow the Hedgehog has no reason to be nearly as "Edgy" as it ended up being, It's a Sonic game for crying out loud and the game ended up completely butchering the Character of Shadow cause of that Edge. Shadow from Adventure 2 wasn't nearly as Edgy as he was in that game, Shadow was mysterious and interesting he was moody sure but he wasn't nearly as Edgy as he was in "Shadow The Hedgehog" they went from "Oh he's moody yet interesting and Mysterious" to a bland "Shooty Mc. Shooty with a lot of attitude" character. That game had no reason for being nearly as Dark as it ended up being, Which is how I would define "Edgy".
There's a difference between "Edgy" and "Dark" some may not realize it but it's there, You can even look at Characters from different Media and see that there's a difference between "Edgy" and "Dark.
Jotaro Kujo from JoJo isn't "Edgy" even though he puts on a dark and strong front, He does that for a reason, To Protect his loved ones and keep his head in the objective or at least that's how I perceive it.
Meanwhile Characters like Shadow Nowadays is Dark for the hell of it, Not cause he has a reason to be.
There is a difference between Dark Content and "Edgy" Content and Characters.
Sorry for Snapping at you by the way if it seems like I was targeting that towards you I was not I was just getting some feelings off my chest by writing about something that sort of annoys me. You're a good person.
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