-For Grass, I don't think about this type much, so Decidueye was there as it reminds me of Pit, for obvious reasons.
-For Fire, Braixen is for the magic bias. For those who know a bit about me, I strongly favor magic over like other cliche weapons, and Braixen fits the bill while adding cuteness to it. Delphox actually is close since it partially reminds me of the FOmar class in PSO with that "robe-looking" fur actually. Bonus points for cool shiny colors.
-For Water, I couldn't think of much on this one, but I remember getting Sapphire for Kyogre due to its looks. If I had to pick a non-legendary, it had to be Blastoise for reminding me of Bowser... if he was a water type.
-For Normal, let's just say the Pokemon anime lead me to Meowth. Seriously, he can talk and use drive gadgets and machines, and I often feel bad for him while Pikachu got a lot of things going for it. Consider me not a fan of Pika, and I strongly preferred Meowth, and I still do to this day. Honorable mention to Pay Day, so yay money! It also has Technician and Pickup, two abilities that I like.
-For Electric, I did try to take a look, and then Luxray came to mind. It's like a lion, and I am a born Leo, so there's that. Shinx actually was gonna be up there due to its cuteness, but at this point, I like the whole Shinx line.
-Psychic was a tough choice because I had to check other Pokemon types to see if there was something I liked. Psychic did not stand out besides Metagross and Gardevoir, but due to reasons, I put Metagross in.
-For Fighting, it had to be Gallade. Another Pokemon that reminds me of Pit, featuring those pair of blade arms he has. The mega's amazing too.
-For Rock, I don't really have much interest in Rock types, but Midday Lycanroc was part of my Sun team and was pretty useful. It's also interesting that it's a fast Rock type, too.
-For Ground, I don't think I had any favorites besides Mamoswine, but because I didn't have any Ice favorites besides Mamoswine... I felt I had to put a filler for it, so here's Vibrava since it reminds me of a dragonfly, which well, reminds me of two of my all-time favorite Pokemon, which also are dragonflies.
-For Flying, sure I could've put a few like Togekiss for angelics despite how annoying it is, or Altaria, but there was Scyther. Another that reminds me of Pit with those pair of blades. Scyther in general is cool anyways.
-For Bug, it was pretty close between Yanmega and Volcarona, but I've always liked Yanma, and Yanma becomes Yanmega, so there's that. Cool dragonfly that I've had uses for from time to time.
-For Poison, Drapion quickly came to mind, before and after checking out the other Pokemon of that type. It has nice defenses, and a massive movepool which includes Earthquake, the elemental fangs, various Dark and Poison moves, can set up Toxic Spikes. Breeding can give it Agility, Confuse Ray, Iron Tail, Aqua Tail, and more. Battle Armor and Sniper are also good abilities. Imagine if it had an amazing speed, Fun scorpion. Honorable mention to only having one type weakness: Ground.
-For Dark, no Pokemon stood out honestly. Incineroar kinda grew on me, so yea...
-For Ghost, I don't really have much interest in the type, but Pumpkaboo is cute and unique with the whole "Size stats" thing.
-For Ice, when I talked about not having a Pokemon that stands out for Ground, the same applies to Ice, but I couldn't find anything for Ice. So while Vibrava was the Ground type's placeholder, I just put Mamoswine for Ice as it reminds me of Monster Hunter's Gammoth, which I really like.
-For Steel, I could've put Metagross if I didn't include legendaries and if I found another Psychic type, but Solgaleo because well... Lion bias... as a Leo that is.
-For Dragon, I don't have interest in Dragon at all, so Altaria was lucky it was part Dragon. Its fluffy self feels angelic, too.
-For Fairy... Gardevoir wins no contest for me, especially since Metagross occupies Psychic. Ribombee is nice too though.
So here we are, I did this outta boredom, and I hope there's others who have similar Pokemon likes that I have. *feels nervous*