Jesus, the way you're reacting is as if Donkey Kong has gone without any games for a long *** time. You're counting Federation Force so that means we must count spin-offs for Donkey Kong. The longest hiatus Metroid took was 8 years without a single game from 1993 to 2001, Donkey Kong 's longest hiatus was 1983 to 1988, the DK Classics on the NES, then we got DKC 6 years later. The longest break it had since then was 1999 to 2003's DK spinoffs. After 2003 the longest breaks DK took were no games in 2008 and no new games in between 2011's DKCR and 2013's Mini's on the Move. Most recent game being 2015's Tipping Stars if you don't want to count Tropical Freeze
Federation Force at least that’s the same exact genre as the rest of Metroid. You can’t compare them. And it’s not like Metroid didn’t have Hunters and Pinball as spin off games earlier. It was really only absent on N64, and on the Wii U but made big comeback regardless.
DKC didn’t have its big come back since Donkey Kong Country Returns! And before that, the only games that really addressed its lore and established franchise elements was DK King of Swing, Jungle Climber and Barrel Blast. These sort of games don’t even get released anymore because PAON is gone from Nintendo.
It just doesn’t make sense DKC is neglected so badly. Mario VS DK also has way more Mario elements in its gameplay, and up until its latest 3DS game it didn’t even have any DKC character outside of DK, who’s not even playable and acted way more out of character than Samus did in a couple of scenes in Other M. Also, Other M was great. And Samus Returns 3DS was still mostly a new game to many.
So yes I have my reasons to be upset about Retro not making a new DKC game. There literally won’t be another studio that will make a new game, while there’s plenty of studios, and even Nintendo themselves who can handle Metroid.