I've hit a massive roadblock with my improvement at Ultimate. At the point I'm at, there's still tons of room for me to grow in terms of technical skill, but it's mostly playing smart that I need to brush up on. I can't do it sometimes.
It's not that I don't understand neutral, or reading habits, or the flow of combat in general. I can do those things sometimes. But often times my brain just shuts off when I go into battle and just turns onto autopilot, and I don't know how to fix my focus. To force myself to actually engage in the battle rather then just go through the motions.
To tell the truth I had this exact same problem in school. I'd be able to read and write just fine in the classroom, but whenever I was at home it was nigh impossible for me to focus on any of my assignments, no matter how hard I tried, and it frustrated me just as much then to. There must be some psychological concept at play here that could explain why focusing at home is so much harder for me, but I don't know what.
Sigh. I guess me ranting about my frustrations with my own gameplay has become a bit of a common thing here, huh?