Noipoi ran as fast a his feet would take him, but he was wearing flip-flops and was generally uncoordinated so he wasn't doing a very good job of escaping. With
@ClaTheBae's flower pot gripped firmly in his hands and
@GothFluttershy tucked under his arm, he bobbed and weaved through the trees, desperate to evade their pursuer. Sans was relentless, constantly throwing bones, firing his monstrous Gaster Blasters and all around being very very rude to our heroes. "So this is how I die" started Cla, huffing with adrenaline. "killed by a meme!" "Don't say that, we'll make it out. We always do!" said Noipoi, but even he was doubting his own words. "where ya going?
'Leafing' so soon?" joked Sans as he used a bone to chop down a tree, blocking Noipoi's current route. He fought to stifle a giggle as he ran towards another direction. "Really? You're laughing now?" asked Gothfluttershy, not amused. "i can't help it, i've got a
funny bone!" Responded Noipoi, dodging a bone that was headed straight for his neck. "aw come on, i just wanna hang out. i've been feeling
bonely." said Sans, punning again. Once again Noipoi was chuckling as he ran for his life, much to the chagrin of his diminutive companions. "There!" Gotherfluttershy pointed to a cove, hidden by trees. The three dove in, and silently watched as Sans walked by, still searching for them. "I think we're safe, but we won't be for long." said Cla, darkly. "Man" began Noipoi "I wonder where our friends are."
"So, who is this guy?" asked
@Mr. Wario "Hugh Neutron is a legend, man! He was a hero, known far and wide for his acts of good. Only he could bring balance, but when the world needed him most, he vanished..." answered
Ramen Tengoku
like a child talking about their idol.
@tehponycorn and
Mr. Wario shared a suspicious glance, but said nothing. "They're true, y'know. All the stories. I really did stop the Purple Flurp flood, and I really did ride into battle with my 10,00 duck army. " Smashing Ramen looked up at him in awe. "You did so many great things, you saved so many people, what happened?" "
happened, Jimbo. Cyndane happened. She traps all who oppose her here, and no one gets out." Tehponycorn really didn't like that. "Trapped? Forever? No way! there's gotta be some way out of here!" Hugh gave a jaded look. "There might be, if it wasn't for her guards. They stop anyone from escaping. It's just
@osby tonight, but even he is enough to defeat all of us." The friends didn't look satisfied with that response, and they silently followed him to his hidden safe haven. A shack of his own construction, which he deemed "The Taco Shack." The group entered, and took in their surroundings. the entire place was filled with ducks. Plastic ducks, plush ducks, duck mugs, duck pictures, duck pillows, duck curtains, duck carpet, duck toilet, duck condoms. Tons and tons of ducks. "Y'know, and correct me if i'm wrong, but I think he likes ducks." dryly quipped Mr. Wario. "Are you
sure there's no way to escape?" Pleaded Smashing Ramen. Hugh remained silent for a while, his back turned to group and his whole being draped in shadow. He seemed to be thinking hard, and then he spoke. "...There's no way
you can escape. me on the other hand..." The group suddenly paled as they realized what he meant. They were already running towards the door as he pulled out his katana. "They promised to set me free if I killed you. I could save people again." he tried to reason as he advanced on the group. "Save my ***!" responded tehponycorn. "Don't make this harder than it has to be..." said Hugh.
"You'd be stuck here forever. This is mercy..." He set his sights on Smashing Ramen, and suddenly he was right in front of him! He pushed him down to the ground, and readied his katana. "I looked up to you! You were my hero!" screamed Smashing Ramen, betrayed. Hugh gave a truly sad look. "Forgive me, little one." he said solemnly. As he lowered his katana, he was suddenly blasted away! He turned to see Mr. Wario, holding his waft-shot fart gun. Hugh picked up his katana and rushed towards Mr. Wario and Tehponycorn, ready to kill! Smashing Ramen tackled him to the ground, and repeatedly bashed his head against a rock. Hugh Neutron stopped moving. Smashing Ramen got up and looked at his handiwork in shame and disgust. "What have I done?"
He asked to no one in particular. Tehponycorn and Mr. wario didn't have the heart to give him an answer.
marveled at the huge underground cave
@TotsBS and
led them too. "This is awesome. baby!" she spoke with glee. TotsBs had a brief war-flashback, but then he snapped out of it. "Yeah, it's pretty cool" spoke a voice. Andrea turned around, and found a woman dressed in old warrior garb. "I'm
@Galaxy Queen Rosalina, the first warrior to try and oppose Cyndane. I've been here for years, waiting for a chance to escape. I think you are that chance. Well, you and your friends." Before Andrea could answer,
hurried in. "Galaxy Queen Rosalina, they're here!" as if on cue, in walked
@Moydow. Andrea immediately got defensive, "Aren't you with Cyndane?" she asked. Moydow blinked for a moment, and chuckled, "Oh no, i'm on your side! For centuries i've watched Cyndane preform acts of unspeakable evil. I've had enough! I'm going to help you all defeat Cyndane!" an Opossum stepped in next, but it wasn't any Opossum, it was
@Opossum. With
@ToasterBrains with him. "Rosalina, Moydow, it's time." Said Opossum. Rosalina and Moydow looked at each other and nodded, and off they went. "wait!" cried Andrea "I still don't understand!" "you will soon!" answered Rosalina. "Find the blue one, he is the key to your freedom." spoke Moydow cryptically. Andrea was at a loss for a moment, but then she realized exactly who the blue one is.
(aka Zinith) paced around the desert. He told the others to go ahead while he searched for food. Unfortunately this desert was completely barren. Not even a cactus in sight, and they're the quenchiest! As he searched, he saw six figures on the horizon. Two of which he recognized, four of which he didn't. The first two were
@staindgrey and
@faygoshill who have wandered the desert for days after Thomas the Tank Engine chased them through the forest. The rest were
@The Gentlepanda
@PsySmasher and
Professor Pumpkaboo
who tagged along, also running from Thomas' murderous rage. "Yoshi! (There you guys are! It's been a while!)" spoke Zinith. "Yeah dude, we've been here for days." heaved staindgrey. "Thomas doesn't **** around." moaned Faygoshill. Zinith looked apologetic. "Yoshi (aw geez, there was a guy who knows somewhere safe but you just missed him...)". The Gentlepanda knew ho he meant. "Oh don't worry, I got this.". He raised his head to the sky and howled
"ELMA GANG" Suddenly every Elma fan within a 100 mile radius started chanting and screaming "elma gang elma gang" including Faygoshill, right into staindgreys ear. "Follow the howls, and we'll get to safety.' said Psysmasher. "Yoshi (I wonder when i'll get to eat something)" thought Zinith as he followed the group.
Oh God, Oh ****. Sans found them. Sans found Noipoi and now he was running for his life. he had left Cla and Gothfluttershy behind to protect them, so now it was just him and Sans. Noipoi ran into the cliff side, a dead end. Sans summoned two Gaster Blasters on each of his sides, blocking his possible escape. Sans grinned even more. "well well, looks like your
boned." As Sans summoned enough bones to finish the job ten times over, Noipoi laughed. He laughed and laughed without restraining himself, for he knew he would never laugh again.