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Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Oh, and something about your fanfic Noipoi...

I did it. I wrote a fanfic about this thread.

I have sinned.

It's a beautiful day outside. Birds are singing, flowers are blooming. On days like this, certain people like to go out and enjoy the weather. This story is not about those kinds of people.

Locked away in the depths of his bedroom, an odd lad of seventeen years kept his eyes way too close to his computer screen. Occasionally looking away to adjust his glasses or scratch his bright blue hair. This lad was Noipoi, a happy little weirdo with a hankering for friendship. After all, friendship is magic.
He had spent the entire day on the internet, instead of doing something cool. Despite wanting friends more than anything, he didn't have any. No one talked to him at all, really. Except for his voice of reason, of course.

"You should probably go outside, or something. Your mom's gonna eat you if you spend the whole day in your room. She'll really do it, i've seen her eat people." From the corner of his room came a voice belonging to no other than @ClaTheBae, a nipper plant pops up from underground to give advice during his vacations from his homeland of racist boot state. Strangely, this plant doesn't thrive on water and sunshine. Only lemons. "Silly, Cla." said Noipoi, chuckling. "Mom doesn't eat people!" As if on cue, Noipoi's adoptive eldritch horror mother Cutie Gwen Cutie Gwen destroyed his door with her psychic power. "Some more cultists are coming to worship me, so i'm gonna need you and Cla to leave for a few hours." Noipoi looked tentative. "I dunno, it's been a while since i've been...outside." the world outside of Noipoi's bedroom was a scary one, and he wasn't ready to journey into it. "I don't care, get out or I eat you." Said Gwen, absolutely not joking as she had just eaten a man before coming home. Noipoi and Cla swiftly evacuated the premises.

"It's not that bad, i'm sure we'll find something to do." said Cla. "Actually, why don't we get some food?" Noipoi liked the idea, but before he could respond someone else cut in. "Yoshi? (Did someone say FOOD?)" A Yoshi donning a T-Shirt with another Yoshi on it stepped out of some bushes. It was Zinith Zinith ! his name was actually Zinith but he insisted everyone call him God Emperor Yoshi. "Yoshi (Anything's food for me, but I know where you humans can get some lunch.)" He said. "I'm a ****ing plant, and how are you talking in brackets?." asked Cla. "Yoshi! (Don't ask questions you aren't ready to know the answers to. Now hop on! I know this sweet Ramen shop down the street!)" Deciding to trust the dinosaur Noipoi put Cla in a pot (with the words free 21 Savage on he side) and off they rode to the promised Ramen shop.

Rhythm Ramen was a relatively unknown little place located in a blocky landscape. Though not famous worldwide, all the locals proclaim it houses the best Ramen they've ever eaten. Outside the store was a remarkably anime looking man who was singing the gospel of Minecraft Steve, while imploring all who would listen to cast aside the false prophet Banjo Kazooie. It was @Arigarmy! "Aw **** no, I ain't gonna be in this stupid fanfic ****." He groaned, and then he left. Never to be seen again.

The plant, the Yoshi and the Noipoi walked into the shop. It was a small joint, with only a few patrons at the bar. staindgrey staindgrey tried to tell @faygoshill how rad Resident Evil was while tipsy, but Faygoshill just stared at his ***. "Can I help y'all?" a voice called from the kitchen. It was the owner of the place, @Smashing Ramen! "Oh no!" he started, noticing one of the guests. "Not again, Zinith! You still haven't payed your bill from last time!" The Yoshi shuffled awkwardly "Yoshi...(I was low on cash, and i'm sure it wasn't that bad)!" "You ate the literally everything, I had to close for days just to restock!" Once again, the Yoshi felt embarrassed. "Yoshi...(Okay, I promise to restrain myself. Besides, I brought new customers for you!)" Finally, Smashing Ramen noticed his new patrons.
"And who are you guys?" he asked. Noipoi felt a feeling he knew all to well swell up from within. The rush of joy he felt when meeting a new friend was the fourth. biggest joy in his life (The first, second and third being Pokemon, Toothless and animation.) "Howdy, folks call me Noipoi! And this is Cla!" he exclaimed, while pointing to himself in an exaggerated manner and suddenly donning a southern accent. "Welcome to rhythm ramen, the only ramen shop where wanting a Rhythm Heaven character is always on the menu! Because Sakurai will never put one in! What can I get you?" After getting their menus (Zinith recommended literally everything) the three decided to order the most famous dish in the place. The Smashing Ramen Special.

They took a seat near the back of the shop. Noipoi had started a conversation with a fellow squid enthusiast who called themselves @Mr. Wario but Cla noticed something from the back window. A shadowy figure dropped in from who knows where, and was making their way into the shop. 'aw ****, this place 'bout to get robbed' thought Cla. And he thought right! A huge ruckus was heard from the kitchen, and as everyone rushed to help Smashing Ramen the shadowy figure made themselves known. "They never saw me coming!" said DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon , who then rushed off into the night. Noipoi could have swore he heard someone say "Looking good, Joker!" as they left. "They took the Ramen" said Smashing Ramen in distress. "Why? Why would they steal noodles?" "I dunno, but I swear we will do everything we can to save your ramen!" declared Noipoi, the fire of justice blazing in his heart. Just then, a piercing screech was heard from above. A woman riding a chariot being pulled by two hulking purple dragons (one suspiciously goofier than the other) descended from the skies. It was @AndreaAC! "I saw where he went. if you want your ramen back, then hop in." she said. Noipoi looked back at everyone. Zinith, Smashing Ramen, Cla. Even staindgrey, faysgoshill and Mr. Wario stepped out. they all looked determined to right this horrible wrong.

"Alright then." said Noipoi, filled with determination as the first four notes of megolavania played. "Let's do this!"
"A N Y T H I N G ' S food for me"

Including the souls of the dead :yoshi:

Deleted member

For using a Kamen Rider Stronger pic you're ungrounded
Speaking of Kamen Rider I have not gotten a chance to watch it yet as I can't find a very good place to watch it or torrent it if you were curious but I'll still try to get around to it as soon as possible.

Deleted member

Yeah you usually need to find a sub group and directly go to them. Overtime's subs are good
I was researching online and stumbled upon the Kamen Rider subreddit saying that a place called TV-Nihon works what are your thoughts on the site would it suffice? I assume you'd know where to look since you're the expert around here which is why I'm asking btw
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Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
I was researching online and stumbled upon the Kamen Rider subreddit saying that a place called TV-Nihon works what are your thoughts on the site would it suffice? I assume you'd know where to look since you're the expert around here which is why I'm asking btw
It really depends because for the longest time, TV Nihon was basically this
language warning
They've gotten better from what I've heard but they still like throwing translation notes everywhere. Their Kyoryuger subs were the WORST because there's a character who constantly makes puns and they don't ****ing translate the puns and then go "Oh by the way the joke is that X and Y mean Z" in the translation notes and that ****ing kills the jokes

Deleted member

It really depends because for the longest time, TV Nihon was basically this
language warning
They've gotten better from what I've heard but they still like throwing translation notes everywhere. Their Kyoryuger subs were the WORST because there's a character who constantly makes puns and they don't ****ing translate the puns and then go "Oh by the way the joke is that X and Y mean Z" in the translation notes and that ****ing kills the jokes
That doesn't sound very good as It sounds sort of Distracting and unprofessional so what would you suggest instead?

Deleted member

Again, they've gotten better in recent years but I'd suggest Overtime and EXCITEsubs, the latter even did Blade which is ****ing great
I mean I'm sure they do a million times better than me I would be putting translation notes everywhere left and right so I don't blame them or look down upon them at all but like you stated there's better subs out there, Also thanks for the Help! I'll get on that tomorrow as it's almost 2:00AM on the East Coast.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
It really depends because for the longest time, TV Nihon was basically this
language warning
They've gotten better from what I've heard but they still like throwing translation notes everywhere. Their Kyoryuger subs were the WORST because there's a character who constantly makes puns and they don't ****ing translate the puns and then go "Oh by the way the joke is that X and Y mean Z" in the translation notes and that ****ing kills the jokes
Most of the time, Japanese wordplay and puns don't translate to other languages, so localizers have to make appropriate changes.

In Breath of the Wild, there's a set of dialogue options making puns about the sand seals ("Sand seal? Sealiously?" "Let's seal the deal!" "How do I set seal?" "Seal you later!"). Obviously, that's an English-exclusive set of puns, and in Japanese, it's mostly jokes about the name of the seals, sunazarashi. Suna = sand; azarashi = seal. Definitely not the same thing, and without the same applications.

Being a localizer must be a little harrowing, as you have to do more than just translate the literal words. Still, they messed up one critical line at the end of BotW, which I'm not happy about.
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Sep 26, 2013
Most of the time, Japanese wordplay and puns don't translate to other languages, so localizers have to make appropriate changes.

In Breath of the Wild, there's a set of dialogue options making puns about the sand seals ("Sand seal? Sealiously?" "Let's seal the deal!" "How do I set seal?" "Seal you later!"). Obviously, that's an English-exclusive set of puns, and in Japanese, it's mostly jokes about the name of the seals, sunazarashi. Suna = sand; azarashi = seal. Definitely not the same thing, and without the same applications.

Being a localizer must be a little harrowing, as you have to do more than just translate the literal words. Still, they messed up one critical line at the end of BotW, which I'm not happy about.
And then you get crap like inserting memes where they don't belong.

Oh, I'm still not forgiving them over putting doge in Triforce Heroes.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
Most of the time, Japanese wordplay and puns don't translate to other languages, so localizers have to make appropriate changes.

In Breath of the Wild, there's a set of dialogue options making puns about the sand seals ("Sand seal? Sealiously?" "Let's seal the deal!" "How do I set seal?" "Seal you later!"). Obviously, that's an English-exclusive set of puns, and in Japanese, it's mostly jokes about the name of the seals, sunazarashi. Suna = sand; azarashi = seal. Definitely not the same thing, and without the same applications.

Being a localizer must be a little harrowing, as you have to do more than just translate the literal words. Still, they messed up one critical line at the end of BotW, which I'm not happy about.
You're right but in this case, why do the people who upload their subs earlier actually localize the joke yet the one that takes longer to make just spams translator notes? I feel that translator notes should only be used for **** which quite literally cannot be translated into the English language


The guy who predicted Sora as Fighter 11
Jul 28, 2013
The Shadow World
Most of the time, Japanese wordplay and puns don't translate to other languages, so localizers have to make appropriate changes.

In Breath of the Wild, there's a set of dialogue options making puns about the sand seals ("Sand seal? Sealiously?" "Let's seal the deal!" "How do I set seal?" "Seal you later!"). Obviously, that's an English-exclusive set of puns, and in Japanese, it's mostly jokes about the name of the seals, sunazarashi. Suna = sand; azarashi = seal. Definitely not the same thing, and without the same applications.

Being a localizer must be a little harrowing, as you have to do more than just translate the literal words. Still, they messed up one critical line at the end of BotW, which I'm not happy about.
Care to elaborate on that last bit?

I'm genuinely curious.


Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
You're right but in this case, why do the people who upload their subs earlier actually localize the joke yet the one that takes longer to make just spams translator notes? I feel that translator notes should only be used for **** which quite literally cannot be translated into the English language
Perhaps they're just stroking their own ego by reminding the audience that there's a translator behind it as often as they feel they can get away with. I'm not exactly familiar with the world of fansubs, but I have heard about some really stuck-up group, Band of the Hawk(?), who translated the Berserk anime or manga and translated Guts's name as "Gatsu," despite that apparently being wrong, but they refused to back down.

Care to elaborate on that last bit?

I'm genuinely curious.
So at the end of the game, right before the final confrontation with Ganon, Zelda says "He has given up on reincarnation and assumed his pure, enraged form." This is a pretty fatalistic line, implying that Ganon will no longer reincarnate, and that this is his most powerful and unbound form. It gives the sense that, after defeating him, he's gone for good, since, well, he's "given up on reincarnation."

The original Japanese, however, says the complete opposite: "This form was born from his obsessive refusal to give up on revival…"

It's a really odd thing to get wrong, and a very crucial one, too. It completely changes the context of that fight. In English, it's posed as the ultimate, final fight with Ganon. But the Japanese makes it clear that this is just another day in the life of Link and Zelda, and Ganon will be back again, sometime.

Here's the source of this information.

I know when I beat BotW, I thought "Wow, all right, so that's probably the last we'll see of Ganon for several games, until they decide to bring him back as a surprise." But now there's little reason to suspect that Ganon won't return, since that was just a translation error.


Sep 13, 2014
Angel Island Zone
Perhaps they're just stroking their own ego by reminding the audience that there's a translator behind it as often as they feel they can get away with. I'm not exactly familiar with the world of fansubs, but I have heard about some really stuck-up group, Band of the Hawk(?), who translated the Berserk anime or manga and translated Guts's name as "Gatsu," despite that apparently being wrong, but they refused to back down.

So at the end of the game, right before the final confrontation with Ganon, Zelda says "He has given up on reincarnation and assumed his pure, enraged form." This is a pretty fatalistic line, implying that Ganon will no longer reincarnate, and that this is his most powerful and unbound form. It gives the sense that, after defeating him, he's gone for good, since, well, he's "given up on reincarnation."

The original Japanese, however, says the complete opposite: "This form was born from his obsessive refusal to give up on revival…"

It's a really odd thing to get wrong, and a very crucial one, too. It completely changes the context of that fight. In English, it's posed as the ultimate, final fight with Ganon. But the Japanese makes it clear that this is just another day in the life of Link and Zelda, and Ganon will be back again, sometime.

Here's the source of this information.

I know when I beat BotW, I thought "Wow, all right, so that's probably the last we'll see of Ganon for several games, until they decide to bring him back as a surprise." But now there's little reason to suspect that Ganon won't return, since that was just a translation error.
Moral of the story? Translation errors suck.


Smash Obsessed
Jul 30, 2015
Where the weather changes as much as my avatar
And then you get crap like inserting memes where they don't belong.

Oh, I'm still not forgiving them over putting doge in Triforce Heroes.
It was a throwaway line in a diary entry located in the Coliseum room, a place not many people went to. I don’t think it’s worth getting that worked up over.


Yoshi is Thicc in S P I R I T
May 13, 2018
All around you, awaiting to consume your soul
Switch FC
Perhaps they're just stroking their own ego by reminding the audience that there's a translator behind it as often as they feel they can get away with. I'm not exactly familiar with the world of fansubs, but I have heard about some really stuck-up group, Band of the Hawk(?), who translated the Berserk anime or manga and translated Guts's name as "Gatsu," despite that apparently being wrong, but they refused to back down.

So at the end of the game, right before the final confrontation with Ganon, Zelda says "He has given up on reincarnation and assumed his pure, enraged form." This is a pretty fatalistic line, implying that Ganon will no longer reincarnate, and that this is his most powerful and unbound form. It gives the sense that, after defeating him, he's gone for good, since, well, he's "given up on reincarnation."

The original Japanese, however, says the complete opposite: "This form was born from his obsessive refusal to give up on revival…"

It's a really odd thing to get wrong, and a very crucial one, too. It completely changes the context of that fight. In English, it's posed as the ultimate, final fight with Ganon. But the Japanese makes it clear that this is just another day in the life of Link and Zelda, and Ganon will be back again, sometime.

Here's the source of this information.

I know when I beat BotW, I thought "Wow, all right, so that's probably the last we'll see of Ganon for several games, until they decide to bring him back as a surprise." But now there's little reason to suspect that Ganon won't return, since that was just a translation error.
Man, I'd prefer the "no ****s given" approach to dubbing than that...

(Oops, language warning)
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Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
And then you have **** like Danganronpa
Dude, Danganronpa's localizations suuuuuuuuuuuuck. They get the broad strokes of the game right, I guess, but so many character traits and little quirks for each and every student get completely lost in translation. It's dumb.


Smash Legend
May 24, 2018
Waxing Moon Ritual
Miyamoto Iori
Switch FC
Dude, Danganronpa's localizations suuuuuuuuuuuuck. They get the broad strokes of the game right, I guess, but so many character traits and little quirks for each and every student get completely lost in translation. It's dumb.
Absolutely. Whoever translated this has a... rather alarming disposition toward making memes that will age the game horrendously. Imagine going back to play this game and reading about goddamn Fake News and Make Japan Great Again.

Still though, love this ****ing franchise, what a ride.

Deleted member

Ok but seriously, look at this
View attachment 199877
Self explanatoryView attachment 199878
You mean "stuck between a rock and a hard place"?
View attachment 199879You mean "Put your guts into it?"
Self explanatory
View attachment 199881
The subs and the show give a different ****ing time HOW DO YOU **** THIS UP
View attachment 199882
I dont understand the context of many, but holy **** how did you mess up the hour? (Something that I don't think needs translation unless watching live)


Smash Obsessed
Apr 25, 2018


Nov 2, 2014
Southern California
Switch FC
I know when I beat BotW, I thought "Wow, all right, so that's probably the last we'll see of Ganon for several games, until they decide to bring him back as a surprise." But now there's little reason to suspect that Ganon won't return, since that was just a translation error.
Remember that this is The Legend of Zelda we're talking about. They don't usually give a Bombchu's behind about actual continuity anyway, they just care about making a game first and then throw in nods to previous Zelda titles afterwards. Even if that was the same line in the Japanese version, they'd still probably bring back Ganon in the next big Zelda anyway. Or they'd just place it somewhere else on the timeline before BotW takes place.


Never forget, a believing heart is your magic.
Nov 10, 2013
Switch FC
Absolutely. Whoever translated this has a... rather alarming disposition toward making memes that will age the game horrendously. Imagine going back to play this game and reading about goddamn Fake News and Make Japan Great Again.

Still though, love this ****ing franchise, what a ride.
Oh yeah, I love the series to death, but god, whoever's in charge of localization needs to get their ****in' act together. They remove character quirks, change around words and names with no real rhyme or reason (prime example, Angie's religion focused around an unspecified god in the Japanese version, and said god was just called "Kami-sama", the catch-all term for gods in Japan, but in the English localization, it was changed to some god named "Atua"), and they just love shoehorning in unfunny jokes where there didn't need to be any.

EDIT: ALSO, the localizations just get rid of honorifics entirely, which is dumb, considering the game is set in Japan and has Japanese characters.
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Agent of Phaaze
Jun 16, 2018
Agon Wastes
Absolutely. Whoever translated this has a... rather alarming disposition toward making memes that will age the game horrendously. Imagine going back to play this game and reading about goddamn Fake News and Make Japan Great Again.

Still though, love this ****ing franchise, what a ride.
Speaking of which, anyone know how well that Deadpool game from 2013 aged? I never played it myself, but I have a sense that it probably aged... poorly.

Remember that this is The Legend of Zelda we're talking about. They don't usually give a Bombchu's behind about actual continuity anyway, they just care about making a game first and then throw in nods to previous Zelda titles afterwards. Even if that was the same line in the Japanese version, they'd still probably bring back Ganon in the next big Zelda anyway. Or they'd just place it somewhere else on the timeline before BotW takes place.
At the same time, BotW throws out so many series conventions already that my original impression from that mistranslation was only reaffirmed. Given how little they did with Ganon in that game as it is, I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to try new villains that they could take in directions that they couldn't take Ganon. One of the early concepts for BotW involved an alien invasion, after all.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
The thing with memey localization is that sometimes there are memes in the original script but we wouldn't have recognized it as such. A Kamen Rider Brave special had a character reference a memetic line but that was only a meme in Japan so we couldn't catch that. Other times it's more blatant like in Uchu Sentai Kyuranger where there's a PPAP and a Fist of the North Star reference. We DID catch that so the subbers didn't bother to localize it because we already know what it's referencing

Deleted member

Well... Finished South Park: The Fractured But Whole. I'll say this, it does the job of being a sequel to the Stick of Truth, but only for 2/3rds of the game, story-wise, at least. So, here's a quick review of my thoughts as someone who LOVED Stick of Truth and just finished this game.

I actually really like how you can interchange and have a class system and open up various attacks to go about which fight to accustom to. Especially with the ally system. Overall, the combat system is a huge improvement where it's like Stick of Truth + Fire Emblem. Music ain't nothing to write home about, but that also was for the same with Stick of Truth, except for the end, of course.

I think where a huge problem lies down with -- and why overall I'd recommend Stick of Truth over Fractured But Whole -- is with the endgame. The endgame and ultimate villain this time around is Mitch Conner, who is basically Cartman's left hand. The problem is that it's kind of a B-tier South Park joke, and how they executed it alongside the ending felt like a South Park episode, yet... Pretty underwhelming. The battle wasn't even much of a challenge either. Stuff that also sucks is that you can't even get to Canada this time around, blocked off entirely.

With Stick of Truth, the story really made it feel like an epic adventure featuring South Park characters, and the endgame was executed much better. Princess Kenny, honestly, is a much better joke to bounce off and made the whole final boss fight worth it. Not to mention, the New Kid doesn't even speak at all in Fractured But Whole, and the whole punchline was that the Kid finally spoke in the end of Stick of Truth.

There are things that FBW did great, though. The whole Yaoi collecting, Jared Fogle as a boss, overall the boss fights were great. Combat and class system is fantastic, but when you get to the latter third of the story, it ends up falling a bit. I really don't recommend buying this game for $59.99, but if it's on sale, I really do recommend it when it's on sale.

Just man... That endgame. This must be how DaybreakHorizon DaybreakHorizon felt with Kingdom Hearts III's endgame.
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