Not gonna lie, I was surprised by how many swears were in it for a kids film.
I mean, Dreamworks was kinda made to be the the anti Disney, and do stuff that Disney would never have the guts to do in their films (in fact, it was actually partially founded by an ex-Disney employee), and a lot of their older films show
Their first movie, Antz, came out around the same time as A Bug's Life (Both being animated movies about ants. And no, the similar release dates was likely not a coincidence), and was drastically different from it. A Bug's Life was a very lighthearted, and pretty family friendly movie, while Antz was pretty dark, and very edgy in content. You thought Shrek was shocking with it's swearing? That was nothing
Prince Of Egypt tackled a biblical story, when Disney would have never done such a thing (Btw, it's actually really good. Go watch it)
Shrek mocked the fairy tale trope Disney was known for at the time, as well as the Disney company, itself...
They've defintley lightened up, nowadays, with films like Trolls and Boss Baby, but it's very interesting to look back at their older films, and seeing how very undisney they were