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Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
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Just another day in the thread.

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super smash brothers ultimate is cool

ok so now that my post is on topic lets discuss the complexity and nuance behind lgbt representation in media and how to get it right
You do know the debate forum exists, right?

Deleted member

super smash brothers ultimate is cool

ok so now that my post is on topic lets discuss the complexity and nuance behind lgbt representation in media and how to get it right
Ok, here's how you do it:
Step 1: Write character
Step 2: Make them LGBTQ+
Step 3: Do not make them a joke
Step 4: Do not villainize them for being LGBT
Step 5: Don't have them be the only character who gets killed
Step 6: Repeat steps 1 through 5 until your entire cast is LGBT
. I'm not gonna have the main hero of my story just walk into the room, shout "I'm gay" and then leave. That's just silly.
What do you mean you're not gonna have SonicFox as the protagonist of your story?

Masked Marshmallow

Smash Lord
Jan 5, 2019
tfw You go to the social thread to see funny memes and smash bros discussion, but end up in the sexual orientation thread instead.

Deleted member

You can't force your own world view on a fictional character because that's someone else's creation. Sure, if you relate to them then that's great. But if you go up to the author and you ask them if the character is xyz and they say no, then you have to just except that. If the author did intend it, and included symbolism to indicate it to the audience, then great! But if they didn't then you have to get over it. We need more fictional diversity, if anything, to stop this kind of thing from happening. There doesn't necessarily have to be a reason for it in the story for it to be there, but if it's not important to the story then I'm probably not gonna bring it up. I'm not gonna have the main hero of my story just walk into the room, shout "I'm gay" and then leave. That's just silly.
the way i see author's intent is that once they publish their works, its like "public grounds" in a way

like the authors intent does matter, but its more a resource to help you gain a deeper understandind rather then a straight up "this is tru, deal with it"

like maybe for smaller canonicity issues like "did this event take place 5 or 6 years after this other event" author's intent is the only resource as you can't exactly interpret that any other way, but for deeper things like character's sexuality or the character's reasoning for doing something, then i feel like the author's intent shouldn't be the ONLY thing to judge from, and instead the reader should be allowed to make their own interpretations as long as they make SENSE. however it should definitely be taken into consideration

though sometimes author's intent is just so **** that i like to pretend that it doesn't exist, like how andrew hussie revealed that two siblings in his web comic were secretly attracted to each other the whole time like no **** that bs
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Joker is me but on the Persona dimension, more violent and with a good voice.

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isacop here to ask y'all if any of you are actually registered gun owners and if not please hand over your firearms
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Meme Maestro
Jul 5, 2014
Switch FC
seeing as our chances of getting vocal persona 5 tracks are about as high as anyone winning or conceding an online debate on representation of sexuality in media, here's an actual jam that we're probably getting


Deleted member

This is getting random and full of weapons and memes.

Am I trapped in Metal Gear Rising?


Smash Obsessed
Nov 6, 2018
Shadow Moses Island
the way i see author's intent is that once they publish their works, its like "public grounds" in a way

like the authors intent does matter, but its more a resource to help you gain a deeper understandind rather then a straight up "this is tru, deal with it"

like mayne for smaller canonicity issues like "did this event take place 5 or 6 years after this other event" author's intent is the only resource as you can't exactly interpret that any other way, but for deeper things like character's sexuality or the character's reasoning for doing something, then i feel like the author's intent shouldn't be the ONLY thing to judge from, and instead the reader should be allowed to make their own interpretations as long as they make SENSE
The problem with something like this is that (Unfortunatley) while the characters orientation is "lore" which should only be decided on by the author, its also something that has to be hinted at by symbolism because of hetero-normative culture, allowing it to be something that can be seen when it's not actually there. I'm all for people interpreting the meaning behind my works however they want. But I'm not gonna sit there and tell them their fanfic is real. Because that's not in the lore i created. So as lore, the author's word on a character's orientation should be the end all be all. The work's subjective meaning, that's up for grabs.

Cutie Gwen

Lovely warrior
Jul 1, 2014
Somewhere out there on this big blue marble
You can't force your own world view on a fictional character because that's someone else's creation. Sure, if you relate to them then that's great. But if you go up to the author and you ask them if the character is xyz and they say no, then you have to just except that. If the author did intend it, and included symbolism to indicate it to the audience, then great! But if they didn't then you have to get over it. We need more fictional diversity, if anything, to stop this kind of thing from happening. There doesn't necessarily have to be a reason for it in the story for it to be there, but if it's not important to the story then I'm probably not gonna bring it up. I'm not gonna have the main hero of my story just walk into the room, shout "I'm gay" and then leave. That's just silly.
I think your heart's somewhat in the right place but that there's problem here. By doing this you end up ironically enough, pushing it away. JK Rowling has said Dumbledore is gay, and while that does seem good, it's never gotten much, if any elaboration or any time to see it. Disney tried to make LGBT people want to go to Beauty and the Beast 2 years ago by going "Hey this character is gay!" Was it shown or ever outright said in the movie? No. LGBT people ended up giving the opposite reaction, as we realized this was an attempt to get our money without having to put any effort or risk money of homophobes. Hell, there are far too many times in fiction where there's stuff left up to your interpretation OUTSIDE of one's sexual orientation. See Bayonetta for example, one interpretation I've seen of her hyper-sexual personality is that it's an act, a coping mechanism for her as she known that if she doesn't kill angels all the time, she WILL get killed by her own contract demons. Is this canon? No. But the implications are there! An excellent example is Demise's curse in Skyward Sword, which basically says that all of Link and Zelda's ancestors while always have Demise's spirit haunt them in the form of Ganondorf, which people hated due to it not matching up Ganondorf's Wind Waker portrayal which shows us he genuinely wanted to improve the lives of his oppressed people but went mad with power. So people have interpreted Demise's Curse to simply be ALL evil instead of specifically Ganondorf!
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